
Mystery boys

I saw when Chen go out of the class and came back with a drink. He gave me the drink. I hadn't seen the drink before. I was suspicious about Chen, but I still take it. I open it and taste it. It was really sour and everyone saw that from my face expression. Chen started to laugh. I saw Chanyeol and Tao glaring at him. Kai give me his cookies and patted my head gently like a child.

"What did you do that for Chen?!" Tao and Chanyeol said to him at the same time.

"I thought he would smile a bit or started to laugh at himself." Chen said panicking a little. He left us alone, but I guess he tried to make us laugh. But I will never buy this drink and that's for sure. When I eat the cookies Kai poked at my cheek.

"Your cheek is so soft~" Kai said smiling to me. Then he hugged me, but I just continued eating. When Chanyeol saw Kai hugging me he was angry. Then he grabbed Kai's shirt and pulled him closer to himself. Luckily Kai let me go before Chanyeol pulled him.

"Don't bee too close to Baekhyun." Chanyeol said lowering his voice much more what it was originally. Kai just smiled to him.

"If I can't hug him, then you can't do that too." Kai said to Chanyeol.

"Okay guys stop it or you will be in trouble with teacher." I said to those too. Tao had sneaked somewhere without others knowing. Mysteries. Chanyeol's eyes glow from happiness.

"You care about me so much that I am so happy~" He said to me smiling brightly.

"He cares about me too." Kai said smiling coolly. Chanyeol dropped him down. He looked really angry towards Kai. I just sigh. I started to eat Chanyeol's lunch box. I eat it slowly and enjoyed it.

"Hey, you got rice on your cheek." Kai said. I wiped quickly my cheek.

"No. Its on the other cheek." Kai said. He leaned really close to me and picked away the rice. We had 3 cm distance from each others face. Then Chanyeol pulled him away from me.

"You shouldn't have take it. I can do it by myself." I said to Kai. He just smiled. Then I just started to eat again. Chanyeol was watching all the time I eat.

"You got rice on you cheek!" Chanyeol said. I wiped my cheek again. Then Chanyeol moved closer to me, but I blocked him with my hand and wiped my other cheek with my other hand. This is so good. I then started to eat faster than before and in a few minutes it was all gone. Tao came to class and at the same time teacher came too. Tao gave me strawberry milk drink. I gladly excepted it.

"Now kids its time for your other lessons soon." Teacher said and leaved again.

"And the next class is PE." I sigh when I heard PE.

15 minutes have passed and we were in the swimming pool. I can't swim and I hate swimming! The teacher tell us just to swim and he sit and watched his newspaper, but then he got up and walked out of here. These teachers are so calm and relaxed sometimes. Then I saw Kris and his gang again. Chanyeol was at the pool. Kai was too at the pool and Tao was somewhere again. I guess he is in the pool too. Kris was in front of me.

"You have to swim too." He said to me.

"I better not."

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing~" I said looking somewhere else.

"You look like a good swimmer so swim." When Kris had said that his friends throw me to the pool. Oh ! I splashed against the water. Then I immediately struggled to be on the surface. I swing my arms and legs quickly, but then I was getting tired. My arms and legs go slower and slower. Then I was in the water. I saw a figure coming towards me. Then I closed my eyes.

I heard someone yelling my name over and over. I opened my eyes.

"Are you okay?" Chanyeol asked me really worried.

"Are you hurt?" Tao asked me. I looked around the place. I was at the nursery office. I slowly got up.

"Take it easy." Kai said to me. Those tree were worried about me? Well I could see from their faces they were.

"Who did this to you?" Kai asked me.

"Its not a big deal." I said to them.

"It is a really big deal! You almost died there!" Chanyeol said to me.

"I am fine now. So please let it go." I said to them. Then the doctor came and give me headache medicine. He knew that I would have headache now. I took it and water.

"Your classes are starting so go!" The doctor said to Chanyeol, Kai and Tao. Chanyeol didn't want to go, but others dragged him by force away.

"Just rest mister Byun." The doctor said and I nodded to him. I fall asleep when the doctor was somewhere else. In my dreams I saw my mother holding my brother V when he was still a baby and my father came towards us and put me on to his shoulders. Then we saw fireworks. It was beautiful, but then that disappeared and I saw a two cars that had an accident. I looked inside the white car and my mother and father in it. I shook my head from horror and then I opened my eyes. I looked around the place. Then I saw next to me it was Chanyeol. He had fall asleep when he sit on the chair and waited for me to open my eyes I guess. I smiled a little to him. I try to get some sleep, but it came when I rolled around in my bed for many minutes, but I don't want to see that dream again because my parents have really died in a car accident.

Sorry for any mistakes!! :3

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Chapter 28: I must admit.. This story is.... Kind of weird.. A
And confusing.. What is Tao?
Chapter 28: Finish ^^ will miss this story hehe
Chapter 27: Cute baek xD lol
BabyBangHimDae #4
Chapter 26: Daehyun<3ease update soon:))
Chapter 26: Wooo~kyaaaa!!!daehyun is here!!!!!><
NEvelyn #6
Chapter 24: Oh nooo run baek run!! Kill all those demons!! They all have a thing for baek it's making me happy xD
Chapter 23: This is confusing....
Chapter 22: Woah. The cat is a guy all slong. Who I wonder? Hmm
Chapter 22: The cat was a guy??!!wow!!!><
Chapter 21: Kris is jealous~~~~><i wonder what will baekhyun do..will he eat the cake or not??hurmm...