The voice

Mystery boys
When I have eat Kyuhyun pulled me up. He go away from me to get some distance. I thinked about the food and that I want to get out to get some more. I feel sleepy too.

"Be quick!" Kyuhyun yelled to me and I saw something coming right towards me. I dodged it and I looked Kyuhyun shocked. He was trying to hit me? Then something again was flying towards me. I dodged it, but suddenly I got a little cut in my left cheek. Blood dropped little. I put my hand on my cheek and looked. Yeah. Its blood not any prank. Then I felt something pressing me to the ground with a really huge power. I looked up and didn't saw anything. I felt like ground was shaking, but it wasn't. What the hell is happening? Kyuhyun walked little forward. Then he was next to me suddenly.

"You would die now." He said and the power disappeared.

"You try to kill me?"

"I could." He smirked. I stepped back quickly. Then I hear Chanyeols yelling.

"Don't hurt Baekhyun or I will kill you!" He was yelling and trying to get inside the room, but the door was locked and when he try to look for me from a little window Tao pushed his face towards it, but he dodged it.

"Lets not care about those. You can get out of here if you win me."

"So that means I can't go to bathroom?" I asked and he looked me surprised. Then he started to laugh.

"Lets see."

"No. I need the bathroom now." I said to him and he sigh. He let me go to bathroom, but then he stopped me.

"Try to escape and I will not give you any food." That's really cold hearted! I go to the bathroom and when I got out Chanyeol hugged me from the back. I got goosebumps. I don't like back hugs.

"If you need me let me know and I will come even if its dangerous. By the way you have a cut on your cheek!" Chanyeols face got pale and then he followed me to the room where I have to train.

"You hurt him!" Chanyeol said to Kyuhyun. I guess Kyuhyun pretend that he didn't hear, because he is looking only at his own book.

"You should go now." Kyuhyun said to Chanyeol and something pushed Chanyeol to the door and close it. Chanyeol was punching at the door and yelling to let him in.

"Lets start." Kyuhyun said throwing his book away. I looked the book that was flying away from us. When it touched the ground something pushed me to the ground. I looked Kyuhyun he was just sitting on the ground and looking at me. I couldn't move. I stayed down for 2 hours. Kyuhyun go somewhere and came with a knife in his hand. He squat in front of me.

"Now. What shall I do? Cut your head open or cut your throat." He said and the knife came closer to my forehead. He pulled my hair up and my head moved up too, of course. The knife came closer and closer to my forehead. He is going to kill me! No, I don't want to die! I closed my eyes and then I felt my body free to move. When I opened my eyes it turned red and I looked where Kyuhyun was. He was against the wall trying to get some air in his lungs. My body got up and walked towards him. When I was in front of him. I take the knife and my arm were the knife was ready to cut him. I grab my own hand and throw the knife away from us. My hand was shaking a little and then I heard the sound again.

'Don't try to resist. We are going to kill him because he tried to kill us.' I hold my head with my both arms. I felt that my heart was pounding really hardly at my chest. I swing from left to right. The voice made my head hurt and then everything was dark and I didn't hear anything. I walked on the darkness. Where am I? I looked around and then I myself at the other side. I squint my eyes and pinched myself. Nothing was happening. Then the other me was next to me. We were looking at each other. Then he smiled and his eyes started to glow little.

'I am you and you are me. No one can say anything about that.' He started to smirk. I stepped back.

"Stay away from me. Whoever you are." He started to laugh.

'I am you. Not just whoever. I know everything about you.'

"Everything?" He nodded. Then I heard familiar voice repeating my name. I listened carefully and it was Chanyeol. Then the other me grabbed my hand.

'You are coming back even if you didn't want that. I will make sure about it.' I looked him and then he disappeared. I opened my eyes. I saw Chanyeol and Tao looking at me. I was in someone's bed. I got up slowly and looked around. Kyuhyun was standing behind Chanyeol who was sitting next to me.

"Sorry. I maybe got too far, but now I know what are you. You aren't a human that's for sure." Kyuhyun said and others look at him.

"You are joking, right?" He shake his head. I sigh.

Sorry for any mistakes!! :3

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Chapter 28: I must admit.. This story is.... Kind of weird.. A
And confusing.. What is Tao?
Chapter 28: Finish ^^ will miss this story hehe
Chapter 27: Cute baek xD lol
BabyBangHimDae #4
Chapter 26: Daehyun<3ease update soon:))
Chapter 26: Wooo~kyaaaa!!!daehyun is here!!!!!><
NEvelyn #6
Chapter 24: Oh nooo run baek run!! Kill all those demons!! They all have a thing for baek it's making me happy xD
Chapter 23: This is confusing....
Chapter 22: Woah. The cat is a guy all slong. Who I wonder? Hmm
Chapter 22: The cat was a guy??!!wow!!!><
Chapter 21: Kris is jealous~~~~><i wonder what will baekhyun do..will he eat the cake or not??hurmm...