At Kais house

Mystery boys

I was awake, but I didn't get up. Then I heard Chanyeol getting up.

"Tao. We have to get Baekhyun somewhere safety before he knows everything." Chanyeol said quietly to Tao. They did something as quietly as they could. Then I get up and looked those two.

"What the hell are you guys doing?" Chanyeol was startled, but Tao just keep packing.

"We just have to go away from this school." Chanyeol said to me and he showed that he had done mine too. I got up and grabbed my bag.

"I have to go to this school or I will be dead." I said to Chanyeol. He just looked stressed.

"I mean we are going to Kais house and school is promising us free time for many days." Tao said and he take my bag from me.

"Oh yeah I forgot the party too. Then lets go." I said to them. They sighed.

We were at Kais house. I ringed the door bell. Luhan opened the door and Kai was behind him.

"My Baekhyun!!" Kai hugged me. Tao pulled him away from me and Chanyeol protect me from another hug attack. Then we get inside the house. There were many peoples there. I saw the sweets table. I run straight to it. There were many sweets. I pick and tasted everything.

"Is it good?" Chanyeol asked me. I nodded. Then he started to eat with me. Tao did same. When I was going to taste little cake someone suddenly take my hand and pulled me away from busy Tao and Chanyeol. When we were far away from them I saw that it was Kai. I hadn't finished the eating yet.

"You are so cute~ Definitely my type." I didn't care what he said, I was in heaven because of the sweet taste. Then I snapped out of it. Kai looked straight to my eyes. He touched my chin. Why is he touching my chin? I felt like he's face was getting closer to mine. Someone luckily put his arm between us.

"Don't try to freak the kid." The guy said. Kai was smiling to me and then he looked the guy.

"Sehun~ You came!" Kai said to him. Sehun raised his eyebrow.

"Where you trying to kiss the kid?" Sehun said. I was drinking juice and when I heard what Sehun said I spit out my drink.

"Hahaha~" Kai said sticking his tongue out. Near me was a buffet. I run to there and took some food.

"I'm in heaven~" Sehun looked me while Kai was talking with him. I felt uncomfortable when he stared at me. I put the plate down and get next to him.

"Have a problem then talk." Sehun looked me even deeply. Kai looked us.

"You are really innocent and too relaxed. That is really careless and stupid." Sehun and I glared at each other. Kai try to calm us down. When I looked away from Sehun I saw the black cat.

'How have you been little boy.' I squat and looked the cat.

"Why are you here?" I whispered to the cat.

'I am here because you need a trainer. He has brown hair and his name is Kyuhyun. So good luck with searching him and make him train you.' The cat disappeared suddenly.

"That was a cute cat. I guess you know cat language, right Baek?" Kai said. I just nodded. That Sehun looked at me weirdly. What did I do now? I get up and walked to him.

"Stop looking at me!" I yelled to Sehun. Kai looked me and then Sehun. I turned my back to them and go away from them. Then I bumped into someone.

"Are you okay?" He asked me. He had brown hair.

"I am and sorry."

"You should look where you go first." He said patting my head, but then he looked me closely. Then the name came to my head.

"Cho Kyuhyun?" I said automatically. Them I put my hand in front of my mouth. He started to glare at me.

Sorry for any mistakes!! :3

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Chapter 28: I must admit.. This story is.... Kind of weird.. A
And confusing.. What is Tao?
Chapter 28: Finish ^^ will miss this story hehe
Chapter 27: Cute baek xD lol
BabyBangHimDae #4
Chapter 26: Daehyun<3ease update soon:))
Chapter 26: Wooo~kyaaaa!!!daehyun is here!!!!!><
NEvelyn #6
Chapter 24: Oh nooo run baek run!! Kill all those demons!! They all have a thing for baek it's making me happy xD
Chapter 23: This is confusing....
Chapter 22: Woah. The cat is a guy all slong. Who I wonder? Hmm
Chapter 22: The cat was a guy??!!wow!!!><
Chapter 21: Kris is jealous~~~~><i wonder what will baekhyun do..will he eat the cake or not??hurmm...