
Wrath of the Idol Life ∞

{ Two months, A long time }

9:05 a.m. In Infinite's Van


Myungsoo sighed as he stared at the scenery outside the van. It was a peaceful, calm day out there. There was nothing much happening in the music industry, apart from T-ara's latest comeback a week ago, with their single, "y Love" a repackaged album for their day by day mini album. Myungsoo was actually listening to the song in his ipod. He thought of those memories in Apgujeong again that was like two months ago.

Those two months was quiet. They did not text each other, neither did Myungsoo saw her a glimpse ever since that outing. Thoughts of her avoiding him had came up to his mind. He feared it, but dared not to think about it any further, otherwise he would be troubled by it in his whole life. Myungsoo heaved another sigh as the some of the members strangely stared at him in disgust.

Myungsoo started playing with his phone, surfing the web, watching videos on youtube and stuff like that. He was curious of himself on youtube, as he searched himself on the search engine. After watching several videos and cracking some laughter, he began to search him and Jiyeon in the search engine, showing results of some of their moments in the Idol Athletics and some videos made by the fans.

He was beaming with smiles as watching their videos. *They did not record our small conversation though.* Myungsoo thought as he bit his lips nervously. He then watched those fanvideos posted and his eyes were widened in awe, seeing the creativity and the surprising flow of the whole fan-made video. He was caught aback as he watched more and more, yearning more and more creativity from these fans.

He smiled at the end of watching all the videos to be disrupted by the loud, dull voice of his manager, instructing them that they are reaching the venue soon, and to get our shades ready to avoid unnecessary fangirl screams and pulls. Myungsoo pressed all the videos he have watched to watch-later mode as he shut his phone and handled the phone to his manager, alongside with the other members.

Rocky mountains, windy, cooling temperature the venue is. It is located at a park in the outskirts of Seoul. They could see a crowd of people around the venue, and as the van pulled over infront of the backstage, a stream of fangirls are running towards the van, but blocked by huge, muscular, big-built security guards that kept them from the bay. 

The manager came out first and pulled the door open, the sound of squealing fangirls pierced through their ears as they wore their shades and came down from their van and orderly went into the backstage. The fangirls' hands were preaching for their touch, or their body, as they struggled to get a touch or a glimpse of their Infinite in this stream of hell.

"Wow, what a crowd today." Woohyun commented.

"Probably our fangirls." Sunggyu confidently said.

"I think you forgotten that Girl's Generation sunbaenim is performing at this event too." Woohyun retorted back, causing Sunggyu to look down in shame and guilt.

Sungyeol was on cloud nine upon seeing Taeyeon coming out from their dressing room, heading out towards the ladies while Sungjong and Dongwoo was nudging him playfully, teasing him continuously by calling out Taeyeon's name into his ears.

"Looks like someone is in fanboy heaven today." Myungsoo , earning smacks on his by Sungyeol. "Aish, this guy." Myungsoo cursed under his breath, running away from him. 

"Infinite, rehearsals start in 5 minutes." The stage crew came into their dressing room as all of them acknowledged it enthusiastically.

Myungsoo was doing some stretches, along with Dongwoo, Hoya and Sungjong. Woohyun and Sunggyu was singing their hearts out at corners of the room, while Sungyeol was sitting comfortably on one of the chairs. 

"Woah, pro Sungyeol is pro." Dongwoo as Sungyeol rolled his eyes and kicked Dongwoo's legs.

"Yah, you are so violent!" Dongwoo commented, while laughing uncontrollably.

"Yah stop with the teasing." Sunggyu said, with an annoyed tone. "Yah you Nam Woohyun, stop singing, my ears are bleeding from all these." Sunggyu added on, as Woohyun gave him death glares as both of them were growling at each other literally.

Myungsoo was staring at the clock. He was uneasy today, he kept making glances at the clock. He had this sensation that time is running, and he would really want to end the schedules today. Maybe he yearned for free-time, but maybe his heart calls for something else. He sighed as soon, they were up on the stage for rehearsals and then up on stage for the real performance.


2:00 p.m. In KBS Music Bank Backstage


Jiyeon and T-ara members have all reached at the backstage of the KBS Music Bank in the KBS Entertainment Building. They were all snuggled up in their backstage dressing room, where they were all scattered around the room. Jiyeon, Soyeon, Qri and Boram were lying on the sofa, motionlessly, staring and using their mobile phones, while Hyomin was reading a book diligently at the stylist chair, while the stylists were attending to her hair. 

Eunjung was changing her clothes in the changing rooms, while Ahreum was listening to some music on her music player. All of them were minding their own business until one of their stylists came into their room with more of their stage outfits, as all of them orderly took their dresses and outfits from the stylists and went together to the changing rooms outside to get changed.

The backstage used to be their frequent place, but now, the backstage area was a total hell cell for them. Some of the rookie groups would stare at them in a disbelief face, some of them would shook their heads or avoid them at all costs. Some of them pretended to be preoccupied with their work, while some just refused to acknowledge their existence.

T-ara still kept their heads up, bowing slightly at the rookies in respect, to be earned with mere nods on their face, while some were really humble, bowing deep down at them, which made them caught back by their humbleness. 

There were some amazing rookies with talented vocals and skills, lacking in humility, some great rookies with humility, some not-so-good ones, but with a sense of humility in them. T-ara could see their true selves through the backstage, the fits and happiness in them, all could be seen through their eyes. 

Only their generation idols were much of a relief to them. Arists such as Secret, Miss A were exceptionally friendly towards them as well, they chatted, played and laughed at each other. They did not believe any of the rumours and the scandals of T-ara, they refuse to accept them but to accept what they see of us, since T-ara and them have been promoting together before.

Jiyeon was out of the changing room, in her beautiful sparkling dress as she slowly made her way back to the backstage but to be stumbled by some gossips between girls of a rookie group. 

She wanted to turn her head around to glare at them, but on a second thought, she slowly walked away, but her ears were sharp. She listened and registered their conversation, even though she's moving away from them, inch by inch. 

Their conversation was truly insulting and disrespectful, but Jiyeon could not do anything about it. She was already in a weak situation and had weak support from the general netizens currently. If she were to confront them, it would bring even more gossips and more people will see her in the bad light.

"Ah, thats the bully from T-ara?" One girl said.

"Yeah, she is. And her other bullies in that dressing room." Another girl whispered.

"Wah, daebak. Bullies unite. I wouldn't want to get my feet there, it's so infested." The girl whispered back, while chuckling at each other.


"Jiyeon-ah~" The stylist, Doo ra, called out as both of them went into the dressing room.

"Did you listen to their gossip again?" Doo Ra asked curiously.

"Ah ani, stylist unnie." Jiyeon said, sulking.

"Ah, gwenchana. It'd be alright. All of the crews and staffs in broadcast stations knows the truth anyway. It's only all those shallow rookie groups that doesn't know. They're so ignorant." Doo Ra said, in attempt to comfort her.

"Stylist noona? Wae? Did something bad happen?" Hyomin asked curiously, placing her storybook on the desk.

"Oh, yeah. Those girls in some rookie groups are badmouthing Jiyeon and you all just now. I managed to bump into her and them coincidentally when I came back from the washroom.

"Ah? Jinja? Aish, those girls. Shallow much." Hyomin cursed under her breath.

"Watch your tongue, Hyomin-ah~" Soyeon said, shutting the door tight as the rest of T-ara took their seat on the couch.

"But seriously, how could those girls do that? They don't even know the real story, and they start gossiping and badmouthing us as if they know the truth. Dumb much." Hyomin cursed again as Eunjung nudged her.

"Yah, watch your mouth. You don't want to experience another scandal do you?" Eunjung warned her as Hyomin remained silent obediently.

"I also heard it when I was changing anyway. Some other girls were chatting outside the changing room. Fearless, those creatures are." Boram commented as all of T-ara shook their head in disbelief.

"Anyway, you girls take care. I go check the make-up and stuff." Doo Ra said, patting Jiyeon's shoulders as she went to prepare the make-up. 


"Our promotions this time wrong isn't good." Eunjung said, sighing. "Our rank in charts are at the top 50, especially when our song just came out a week ago. Some aren't even charting in some of the charts." Eunjung added on as all of the members remained solemnly silent.

"What to do." Soyeon said. "Actually I didn't really expect this single to do any where well as opposed to Day by Day, Lovey Dovey or Roly Poly. This scandal is just... way too much." Soyeon added on.

Hyomin pouted as she took a seat at the stylist table, where she was getting her make-up done by Doo Ra, Qri too, went to get her make-up done by another make-up artist while the rest sat at the sofa, waiting for their turns.

"With this scandal, my acting opportunity is just vanished magically." Eunjung said, a tear escaped from her eyes. Jiyeon bit her lips and patted her shoulders comfortably.

"Aish, we shouldn't have done that drama in twitter. Now it ended up like this." Soyeon said, feeling a sense of guilt.

Jiyeon lowered her head as all of them were in low spirits. They did not have the mood to play around, or talk about anything. It was really quiet that day in the dressing room, no one bothered or dared to talk about anything. They all weren't even in the mood to talk or play. They all could only sulk, and watch the day pass by. 

Their performance go well. There were a little fans there, fanchants could be heard, but it was barely audible in such a crowd. There were some frowns in the crowd as they perform. They could not help but to carry a heavy heart as they performed the rest of the song. Though the crowd cheered after their performance, seeing some unhappy and angry faces in the crowd was truly upsetting.

They did not see this day coming. They thought their idol life would get better day by day, but ever since this scandal, their idol life became worser each day. There would be haters, sending them hate messages anonymously while there would be people outside the house, cursing them in public when they reached their home. 

Their fancafe numbers decreased tremendously, almost by half. Some of their fansites have been closed down. Only half of their fansites remained active. Even so, some of the fansites alive was in the risk of having lesser and lesser members each day. 

They finished the performance and hurriedly went back to the dressing room. A week of promotions and their comeback remained stale. They were nominated sometimes, only in M! Countdown, but was never selected as the top 1 in the charts. All the T-ara members were sighing and feeling uneasy about their performance.

"One girl was sulking throughout the performance. There's also some at the back that didn't bothered at all." Soyeon pointed out.

"Almost one quarter of the crowd couldn't bother and were using their phones and sulking throughout." Boram pointed out.

Jiyeon pouted while Qri placed her hand infront of all of them. "Let's cheer so that we'll forever stick together and no one gets all the hate alone. We'll walk down this path together. For we might meet until success." Qri said.

"Yeah!" Ahreum cheered on as all of them placed their hands and did a 'fighting' cheer.


T-ara finished the schedule for the day and was heading back to their home. After an hour of sending them home, Jiyeon was the only one left in the van after they dropped Hyomin off. As Jiyeon's apartment is just a few blocks away from Hyomin, she decided to walk back to the apartment from Hyomin's apartment.

Getting down the van, she bid farewell to the manager and driver while thanking them simultaneously as she hugged Hyomin goodbye. Waving at her as she skipped her way back to her apartment. It was late at night. Passerbys were not unaware of her presence, and just simply zoomed pass her, most of them did not bothered much of her, and continued their travel while some younger teens were eyeing on her, gossiping and pointing, while frowning at her as she walked past them.

There were some people who were squealing in excitement upon seeing her and took some snapshots, but those were few, countable by the fingers. 

"Ah, isn't that Park Jiyeon from T-ara?" One teenager said, smirking to her other girl.

The girl stare at her angrily and with much despise, she then cursed at her, "Well, she bullied someone. I thought she was sent to hell. Fear not." 

Jiyeon looked at her, gasping as she hurriedly buried her head in her long wavy hair as she pretended to ignore them, and hurried her pace.

The teenager looked at the girl and whispered, "Watch this." 

The teenager slowly crept behind Jiyeon, and went Jiyeon was unknowingly hurriedly walking across, she bent and hit her knee, causing Jiyeon to fall onto the ground, crashing her face onto the ground as the teenager laughed evily at her.

"Unnie, if I were you I'll bury myself in a rabbit hole and never come out of it. Hide yourself and spare us the hate! It's tiring to hate you forever~" The teenager said, smirking as she laughed along with her friend beside her.

"Yah unnie. You are such weakling. I wonder how did you muster the courage to bully Hwayoung? Ah, I forgot bullies are such weird freaks. I wonder why isn't there like a death sentence to bullies. What a ." The friend said, kicking Jiyeon's legs. 

"Scram lost, get out of our face ~" The teenager said, sticking her tongue out while making shoo actions at her.

Jiyeon wiped the tears off her, standing up with her tall heels, she slowly picked herself up, tidied her dress as she slowly limped her way back. The teenager and her friend continued laughing while making 'boo' sounds at Jiyeon.


*This is too much.* Myungsoo thought, as his van was stopped at the traffic junction as he could clearly saw those teenagers bullying them. He had the urge to go out of the van and stop both of the girls, but he was trapped in between Sungjong and Sungyeol in the van. 

*Mianhae, Jiyeon-sshi. I couldn't help you when you needed help. Guess I'm a hopeless friend.* Myungsoo thought as he lowered his head. Staring onto the ground, he then remembered moments spent with her.

*Being an idol means you have to make sacrifices, and you can't always let things go in your way. Alls well ends well.* Myungsoo thought as he stared at the limping figure walking away from those two teenagers.

"Woah, what the heck are these girls doing to her." Sunggyu commented, his eyes were pinned on the scene outside.

"What a scene." Hoya commented, looking in disgust.

"Wai..W--Wait a minute, isn't that... P...Park Jiyeon?" Woohyun pointed out.

"What the hell, assaulting someone like that?" Hoya commented, shaking his head in disappointment.

Dongwoo and Sungyeol was sleeping soundly, while Sungjong was looking at the scene in a pitiful face. "Such a poor thing. I always wonder why do people hate on them without seeing and clarifying the whole thing." Sungjong said.

"Yeah, but why didn't they want to confess and speak about this incident?" Sunggyu asked.

"They already did. Soyeon and Hyomin did talk about it in their interviews, Woohyun you were there too right, the Thousandth Man Press Conference." Myungsoo said. "But I guess they apologized too late. People were jumping onto the bandwagon of hate." Myungsoo added on, clearing his throat.

"They're so pitiful. Their hate is unreasonable." Woohyun said, nodding his head.

"Yeah, I feel helpless." Myungsoo muttered.

"Go and help her then, since you like her so much~" Hoya .

"Yah!" Myungsoo yelled at him.

"Aish these kids, keep quiet!" The manager yelled back at them.

"Yes, please keep quiet Mr Kim." Hoya said, sticking his tongue out.

"Yah Mr Lee Howon." Myungsoo sternly said at Hoya.

They soon reached back to their dorm, and they were all sitting at the living room, watching a movie together. They somtimes watch movie before going to sleep so as to make them sleep much more easier. However, Myungsoo was not paying attention or engrossed in this action film. Though being an avid fan of action movies, he was busy looking at his phone.

Hoya was eyeing Myungsoo all along as he smacked his arm, "Thinking about Jiyeon-sshi?" He guessed.

"How do you know?" Myungsoo muttered to him.

"Aish, if you want to make her feel better, we can help too~ So that you guys won't feel awkward and she won't feel as if you are crushing on her. I know you aren't fully understood on your feelings for her." Sungjong said.

"Yeah, lets make her happy then~ After all, she was in T-ara, and T-ara is in our partner team in the Idol Championships. Our performance could not be without their presence." Sungyeol added on. 

"Gomawo, guys. I really appreciate yall." Myungsoo said as they did the 'fighting' cheer again. :)


I want to go back to their OGS again. -.-

I miss OGS and I want to go to more concertsssss -.- I could see them quite clearly, but I wasn't in standing, I was seating, but the seats were close to one side of the stage. So, they all went past and could see them. But nothing much, as long as they amaze me with their dance & their heavenly songs and vocals. ~~~

Anyway, I'll update tomorrow! :)




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I will try to update at least once per day for this week only! Next week school's starting, not sure if I can promise daily updates.


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Superstar98 #1
Chapter 20: Me too!!!!!
Chapter 8: yaaaaah!
best chapter so far!
i'm crying! damn it! ;A;
Chapter 23: happy ending!!!! Myungyeon is love.. no Myungyeon, no LOVE..
this should be real!!!!
okay, reading this again and the whole doyeon thing--
i just wish this was real cause omf. why can't this happen. OTL.
o_nofany #5
Chapter 12: this fanfic is awesome love it keep going
i love myungyeon they are so cute
Chapter 23: Finished it already! I want more! I just love MyungYeon so much. I want them for real. Ahehe. I'm still hoping for them to be real or at least to be a couple on WGM. ^__^V
Anyway, your story was good. I enjoyed reading it =)
Oh my gosh! I finally found a MyungYeon story. The foreword is interesting. Gonna start reading now =)
love_ya19 #8
Chapter 23: .".~." ♥ ^^.. T H E E N D..^~^..!!

I'm going to miss this.!!!
Great job author nim...
Myungyeon couple here is so perfect and real...
♥ ~ ♥
parkjiyeon_Lkim #9
Chapter 23: Waaaaahhhhh! I'm happy for MyungYeon, I swear! But! I really will miss your update, author-nim! I'll surely read your new story 'coz MyungYeon is the LOVE. Haha :D Love the quote.
Chapter 23: aww... it's ended already... i'm totally gonna miss this story.
thanks author-nim for spending your time making this amazing~ story. love you ^^ hohoho~ ^o^