
Wrath of the Idol Life ∞

{ Don't Ever Think of It }

1:00 p.m. In Infinite's concert for Man In Love


Na Young was standing outside the building. She had her backpack on, and she was holding onto a huge poster of Infinite, the lightstick, fan towel and a CD of their latest single. The latest single was not yet out, but with her sources, she managed to get a copy of it. She was in the crowd who was queuing to enter the concert arena.

Na Young had no friends there, she was all alone. Queuing in the middle of the long queue, she continue remaining silent in the crowd, making no conversation with the other inspirits out in the queue.

Na Young's mother dressed herself in disguise, in black clothes, black shades, while Junmi, the helper, was also dressed in black, both of them were hiding behind the shrub, while constantly spying at Na Young from far.

"Ommo-ni, Na Young-sshi, she doesn't seem like she'll do anything crazy. She's just waiting and doing things like what ordinary fans will do." Junmi softly whispered to Na Young's mother.

"It might be for now. I just know my daughter is a sasaeng fan." The mother said worriedly, while her eyes are constantly on Na Young.

"Ommo-ni.." Junmi replied back hesitatedly.

"Just shut up." The mother said in an annoyed manner.

The doors were opened and the fans all went inside to the standing mosh pit orderly, while squealing in excitement, laughing and cheering along their way. Na Young's mother and Junmi got the cue and went up to the seating block, where they bought a ticket just infront of the mosh pit Na Young was allocated to.

Na Young's mother had seen her ticket previously in secret as Na Young went to shower. She managed to catch a glimpse of it and bought the tickets that could give her a full, clear view of her daughter. 


Meanwhile, in the backstage. The concert was about to start in 30 minutes. Infinite members were all gathered in their backstage dressing room. It was huge, spacious and empty. There were desks of make-up tables, a couch with TV set, and a table and chairs. Myungsoo was already dressed in his first piece of stage outfit. His hair was neatly styled, casually and in a flower boy manner. He had his make-up done, just a light eye-liner around his eyes and some toner and moisturizer applied on his face. 

He was sitting on the couch, while Hoya and Sungyeol accompanied him, as they watched the Television series broadcasting on the television. Myungsoo was staring at his phone, as he was busy texting to Jiyeon, as a form of stress reliever.

Sunggyu was quietly sitting on the chairs, while staring into blank space nervously. His whole facial expression was tense, and he was surely in deep thoughts. Woohyun was practicing his vocals, checking on his voice as he started humming some melody, and singing songs loudly in the dressing room.

Sungjong was using his mobile phone, while Dongwoo was the last one having his make-up at the make-up desks.

Suddenly, the door opened as Jiyeon rushed into the dressing room, accompanied with her other members Eunjung and Hyomin. Jiyeon rushed and plunged her body onto Myungsoo, as she was on top of her while Myungsoo wrapped his arms around her waist while groaning in pain.

Jiyeon then greeted the rest of Infinite members while on top of Myungsoo's body, while Eunjung and Hyomin politely bowed at them and greeted them orderly. 

Jiyeon and Myungsoo started ruffling each other's hair, staring intensely at each other, peck on each other and cuddle together, earning groans and much disgusted expressions from the rest in the dressing room.

"Gee, I really expected this when we came here." Hyomin said, crossing her arms. She then eyed Woohyun, whom was still practicing his vocals. "Yah, that Nam Woohyun is not being greasy, but actually is singing his heart out?" Hyomin teased from far as Woohyun turned his head to Hyomin, staring at her in a bewildered expression.

Hyomin smirked while running towards him and smacking his arm while chatting off with him. Eunjung seemed lost as she looked around the room, as the Infinite members were back to doing their own stuff, while Eunjung took a seat beside Hoya and started a conversation with him, as Eunjung was only close to Hoya and Dongwoo in Infinite.

"Myung oppa." Jiyeon said, while her finger was travelling around his chest. "I just watched Infinite Come Back Again MV, oh my god oppa, you have abs?" Jiyeon suddenly said.

"Well, that's out of the blue.." Myungsoo said as he started blushing. 

Jiyeon then gasped, "Oppa, you have? Let me see it in real!" Jiyeon said, clapping her hands while sitting on his lap.

"Ah, no way." Myungsoo said, covering his chest and his abs with his hands. Jiyeon tried to push the hands and pry open his fingers and trying to grip onto his shirt but Myungsoo's strength prevented her from doing so.

"Oppa..." Jiyeon whined while pouting sadly.

"Ah, no way. It isn't perfect yet. When it's perfect I'll show it to you." Myungsoo said, still covering his chest and abs.

Jiyeon sighed and smacked his arm as she frowned deeply while leaving his lap and sitting beside him as Sungyeol left the couch for the table, disgusted by their lovey-dovey moments. 

"Are you angry with me?" Myungsoo said, worriedly.

"Whatever. Shut up." Jiyeon said, crossing her arms as she had her eyes pinned onto the telvision, throwing a really childish fit at him.

"Okay fine." Myungsoo said in defeat, lifting his shirt up to reveal his abs to Jiyeon. 

Jiyeon's eyes glittered in amazement as she went and touch them. It was hard, but his abs were not that extreme as those of the bodybuilders and those masculine, muscular men in the gym, but it was a beautiful set of abs for a man like Myungsoo. Jiyeon then started laughing and giggling while Myungsoo hurriedly smacked her hands away and placed his shirt down, while Jiyeon continued laughing.

Myungsoo then hissed at her, "Shouldn't have shown you it." 

Jiyeon covered , as she continued laughing for the next minute, while pausing and commenting, "To be honest oppa, I didn't expect you to have abs... You just have that pretty, handsome flower boy face." 

Myungsoo growled at her as Jiyeon grabbed his hand, while trying to control her laughter as she comforted him this time. She stopped laughing after awhile as both of them went back to their lovey-dovey moments before Infinite's performance begins.

The last 10 minutes, they were summoned to the backstage as Jiyeon, Hyomin and Eunjung wished well for their concert and sent them off to the backstage as they all went to an empty dressing room in the backstage.


"Ah I wanna sneak into their dressing room~~" Jiyeon said, whining while wiggling her toes in the air as she was lying on the couch while watching the drama played on the television.

Hyomin smirked and replied, "Yah, they're guys, we're girls, we gotta respect their privacy." 

"Whatever.." Jiyeon said, getting up from the couch and said, "This is so boring... ah, I'm gonna go out and walk around to pass time." Eunjung and Hyomin allowed her as she walked outside and walked along the corridors of the backstage.

Jiyeon was whistling to a melody, while her ears are pierced with the loud booming backdrop music of their concert. Jiyeon walked along the corridors, passing by toilets, empty storerooms, maintainence rooms, waiting rooms and some technician's room. She then wandered around again, until she saw Na Young walking. She gasped in shock and took a step backwards, earning Na Young's attention, in which she was also shocked to see her there too. Her shocked expression turned stern as she smirked at her.

"Why are you here.." Jiyeon muttered to her nervously.


Na Young's mother and Junmi was busily looking for Na Young. The crowd had gathered in the mosh pit and the mosh pit area was already shut, preventing any access out or anywhere else. The guards all took charge of the mosh pit crowd, looking after their safety. Na Young's mother and Junmi went through lots of difficulty in search for her, but their efforts were fruitless.

They simply could not find Na Young. Junmi then slowly patted onto the mother's shoulders and asked her about Junmi's disappearance. The mother frowned as she searched again from her seat, but again to no avail. 

"Where did she go?" The mother said worriedly, panicking.

"Ommo-ni, could it be.. she didn't even enter the concert arena?" Junmi suggested. The mother widened her eyes but the lights went off and a clip of the introduction was being played, stopping them from exiting.


"Why are you here? This is what I should be asking you in the first place. WHY are you here in Infinite's backstage? Why? Why didn't you listen to me, Park Jiyeon!" Na Young yelled at her.

Jiyeon bit her lips nervously. She remained silent while Na Young came towards her. "You ." Na Young hissed at her.

Jiyeon widened her eyes at her, with a shocked expression, she stood there motionlessly while Na Young gave a tight slap across her cheek. Jiyeon's cheeks was burning red as she cupped her face gently, while looking at Na Young helplessly.

Eunjung soon came out of the waiting room and saw the whole conversation. She started boiling in fury as she rushed towards them and pushed Na Young to a corner gently while covering, protecting Jiyeon from Na Young.

"Nugu? Who are you?" Eunjung asked curiously, in a polite yet angry manner.

"Just a fan." Na Young said, rolling her eyes while crossing her arms.

"Sasaeng?" Eunjung asked further.

"Sasaeng? Ahhhh, aish jinja. I'm not a sasaeng!" Na Young denied while stammering her feet.

"Then.. why are you here? Don't you know no fans aren't allowed access to the backstage, provided you have backstage pass or is someone close to Infinite?" Eunjung retorted back.

"I'm close to L oppa." Na Young said.

"Ah, jinja? You're so immature. It's clearly obvious you're just one of those obnoxious fans of Infinite. " Eunjung said, smirking.

"Ah, Eunjung, T-ara... I didn't know T-ara would be like this." Na Young said back, smirking. "Hmm bullying seems true now." Na Young added on.

Eunjung sighed. "Not this again." She said. She paused for awhile before continuing on, saying, "I don't know how to explain but continue believing in what you see, it's not gonna make you be any better. You're just delusional." Eunjung hissed at her while pulling Jiyeon back into the waiting room where Hyomin was laughing along with the comedy show on the television.

"Hyomin-ah~" Eunjung said, while pulling Jiyeon to Hyomin.

"Wae?" Hyomin said, looking at Jiyeon. "What's with that solemn, moody face?" Hyomin asked curiously.

"Ah, some obnoxious fan said some mean words and spiteful language to Jiyeonnie." Eunjung explained while frowing as Hyomin stood up and cupped her cheeks.

"Ah, she slapped you too? Your cheeks are red." Hyomin said worriedly. "That girl needs some life values lessons." Hyomin added on while caressing Jiyeon's cheeks.

"Jiyeonnie, why didn't you defend yourself anyway?" Eunjung said. She then added on, "Do you know her?" 

Jiyeon bit her lips and slowly nodded her head. "She is an avid fan of L oppa. She even wants me to break up with him." Jiyeon said, while letting off a sigh.

Eunjung and Hyomin gasped in shock while Eunjung tugged onto her arms. "What? She did that?! What the heck, who do she think she is, doing all these to get L? She isn't even relevant in L's mind probably!" Hyomin said, forcing a laughter.

"Ah, that's really immature." Eunjung said, shooking his head in disgust.

"Ah, I'm really confused right now. I'll go home first. I'll let manager oppa." Jiyeon said and bid her farewell before leaving hurriedly.

Jiyeon went into the van and told the manager oppa. The manager was considerate and followed her order, driving her back to the training studio where the rest of T-ara memebers were resting at, as they have some practice and training later on. During the ride, Jiyeon did not utter any noise, she just solemnly stared at the scenery outside, while listening to some peaceful ballads on her music player.

She then took a look at the phone to receive a message from Hyomin. It read: Jiyeon-ah, gwenchana? What do I say if L looks for you later on after his concert? Jiyeon smiled and replied back the message, which stated: Tell him I'm just going back to training. Don't tell him about the fangirl incident, please.. please.

Jiyeon sighed. Yes, sigh is the only thing she could do. She was troubled by all the trouble caused by Na Young, a crazily-obsessed fan of L. She knew this was bound to happen, but she did not know that it was pressurising her so much. She looked at the phone as she plugged out her earpiece while saying to the manager oppa to change her phone card.

The manager oppa did not demanded any explanation from her, it seemed like he had telepathy and could read her mind, he nodded his head in understanding while accepting her current phone card and agreeing to change her number.

The manager soon asked her about Myungsoo. Jiyeon sighed and said good things about him.

"Is he giving any trouble? You guys are pretty good in hiding this. I'm glad it's been like 3 months and it's going smoothly." The manager said, giving a thumbs up.

"I'm afraid we'll get exposed." Jiyeon said worriedly.

"Don't worry, me and Jongryul are in alliance over this." The manager assured her. He then added on, "Jiyeon-ah, actually I wouldn't allow you to date, you know you're an idol and he's an idol too, you both dating will affect our economic situation, there might be lost of fans for you and mostly for L. But after much consideration, you are lucky that the company allows you to date him." 

Jiyeon smiled and thanked him. "Don't worry Jiyeon-ah, you're just like my daughter. I treat you as if you're mine. I'll shower love and protect you and Myungsoo at all costs. As long as it won't affect the company much." The manager said, smiling as Jiyeon smiled back.

This made her day, at least.


9:30 p.m. After Concert


The Infinite members all rushed into their dressing room, got their make-up removed, changed into their normal clothes and packed their stuff hurriedly. It was Myungsoo whom was the fastest of all, as he rushed to the waiting room but to be disappointed. He looked around, but no sight of Jiyeon.

"Jiyeon?" Myungsoo asked curiously.

"She went back for training." Eunjung said but Hyomin pulled Myungsoo out suddenly.

"Wae?" Myungsoo asked curiously.

"Myungsoo-sshi.." Hyomin said in a low tone but someone came into the conversation.

"Yo Hyomin~" Woohyun said, walking to stand beside her.

"AHHH GET OUT WOOHYUN." Hyomin said, smacking his chest while Woohyun grabbed her hand and placed at his chest again. 

"You like my chest, don't you?" Woohyun said, earning laughters from Myungsoo. Hyomin stared at him deadly and pulled her hands off him while asking him to leave.

"Naw, gonna listen." Woohyun said.

"Aish, you.. this brat." Hyomin hissed at him, while diverting her attention back to Myungsoo. "Myungsoo-sshi, I need to tell you this although Jiyeon doesn't want me to, but you need to know this. It's important." Hyomin said.

"What is it? Tell me." Myungsoo said impatiently.

"Jiyeon's been harrassed by a fan of yours." Hyomin said. "She even have her number. God knows how she got it, Jiyeon didn't tell me at all." Hyomin added on.

Myungsoo widened his eyes. One person came up to his mind from that.


And that person, is still in the backstage area, lurking around.

ohhhh the suspense.


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I will try to update at least once per day for this week only! Next week school's starting, not sure if I can promise daily updates.


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Superstar98 #1
Chapter 20: Me too!!!!!
Chapter 8: yaaaaah!
best chapter so far!
i'm crying! damn it! ;A;
Chapter 23: happy ending!!!! Myungyeon is love.. no Myungyeon, no LOVE..
this should be real!!!!
okay, reading this again and the whole doyeon thing--
i just wish this was real cause omf. why can't this happen. OTL.
o_nofany #5
Chapter 12: this fanfic is awesome love it keep going
i love myungyeon they are so cute
Chapter 23: Finished it already! I want more! I just love MyungYeon so much. I want them for real. Ahehe. I'm still hoping for them to be real or at least to be a couple on WGM. ^__^V
Anyway, your story was good. I enjoyed reading it =)
Oh my gosh! I finally found a MyungYeon story. The foreword is interesting. Gonna start reading now =)
love_ya19 #8
Chapter 23: .".~." ♥ ^^.. T H E E N D..^~^..!!

I'm going to miss this.!!!
Great job author nim...
Myungyeon couple here is so perfect and real...
♥ ~ ♥
parkjiyeon_Lkim #9
Chapter 23: Waaaaahhhhh! I'm happy for MyungYeon, I swear! But! I really will miss your update, author-nim! I'll surely read your new story 'coz MyungYeon is the LOVE. Haha :D Love the quote.
Chapter 23: aww... it's ended already... i'm totally gonna miss this story.
thanks author-nim for spending your time making this amazing~ story. love you ^^ hohoho~ ^o^