
Wrath of the Idol Life ∞

{ Man In Love }

9:00 a.m. In Infinite's Van

Sunggyu sighed as he groaned sleepily, "Wah this is so tiring. Ahhh, hate it so much." 

"Yah, be happy later on. You all have your comeback stage in M! Countdown later, better wear a happy face for your stage. This song is supposedly dedicated to your fans the most." The manager hyung warned and instructed them.

They all nodded their heads tiredly, Sungjong and Sungyeol were napping on the back of the car, Woohyun was watching movies on his phone, while Dongwoo and Hoya was sharing earpiece together, blasting some R&B music in their music player. Myungsoo, was pre-occupied by his love of his life, Park Jiyeon, whom was still in Japan promoting after 1 month. He was smiling sheepishly at his phone, reading the text messages from Jiyeon and sending her some mushy, romantic quotes to her via text messages.

The sight of Myungsoo being all lovesick, romantic in his messages, and his forever grinning smiling face was a disgust for the Infinite members. The leader Sunggyu could not help but to peak at the messages and jeered at Myungsoo's messages secretly. Myungsoo did not mind the Infinite members whining about his romantic relationship with Jiyeon. He did not even bother them in the first place.

He was certain that this relationship with Jiyeon would be eternity. He set his eyes on her since the first day, and he would only love and look at her for the rest of his life, until they part by death. Sounds cliche, but this is Myungsoo's nature. He is loyal, devoted man, which was widely known amongst idols and his Infinite members. 

They then reached the M! Countdown backstage. They got dressed, got make-up done, they wore their flower, patterned, bright, neon-coloured suits and went up for rehearsal. Their rehearsal went smooth, and their stage was no exception. With the loud fanchants, the numerous amounts of fans at the stage, cheering with their fan towels and light sticks, the fans were all screaming their hearts out, while reaching their hands out, in hope for any skinship with the Infinite members.

It was already 8:00 p.m., and Infinite returned to their dressing room and got changed  back into their regular outfits. Having a crazy obsession over black clothes, it was no surprise for Myungsoo to be dressed in a black shirt, black jeans and a plain denim jacket. He wore nerdy glasses as a new obsession of his, and the rest of Infinite wore their usual outfits, Hoya with his purple clothes obsession, Sunggyu with his mature fashion sense. Woohyun with his chic clothes, Sunggyu, with his suave, manly outfits, Sungjong with his colourful outfit and Dongwoo with his unique, fashionista clothes.

"Guys, get on in, gotta go for more practice for Music Bank comeback stage tomorrow. You all got to practice until your master it." The manager hyung said as all of the Infinite members groaned tiredly.

They all went to sleep mode within minutes, Myungsoo had his head leaning on the window, dozing off soundly while Sunggyu was snoring loudly in the van, giving creeps to the manager hyung, whom simply shook his head in disgust.

The habits of Infinite were pretty strange and a surprise. Myungsoo is the one that sleep-talks, and sleep peacefully, while Sunggyu was the exact opposite, he sleeps roughly, alongside with Woohyun. They were all sleeping soundly and the manager hyung had his eyes focused on the roads, bringing them to the training centre that was a distance away from the M! Countdown building. 

They all reached the training centre after a 30-minute ride. They gained some energy from their deep sleep in the van, and they all got up to their training room. They all yawned and groaned tiredly as the manager started getting them into the shape by making them do some warm-up exercises, stretching exercises.

They all stretched their bones and muscles and did some basic warm-up exercises like push-ups and pull-ups, sit-ups, crunches and jumping jacks. Positioned on their respective spots, the manager left to a corner of the training room, monitoring them while looking at his phone, engrossed by his phone, as he left the Infinite members to do the training on their own.

Being idols means socially responsible people. Hoya was the leader for the dance performance training practices. He the stereo and played their latest single, Man In Love, and lead them with the practice. They all danced and dance simultaneously, while singing along to their lines and chorus, in attempt to master their performance and prepare for tomorrow's comeback stage.

They all nailed it to perfection after hours of practice. It was already near midnight and they all finally took a long break after that tiring and exhausting 3 hour dance practice. 

They all seated down restlessly in the training room. Myungsoo was fooling around with Sungyeol, possibly his best and closest friend in Infinite apart from Dongwoo and Sungjong. 

Just then, Myungsoo suddenly thought of Jiyeon when Sungyeol was suddenly bringing up the topic on female idols. He then remembered those moments, romantic moments in Japan on the beach with her. He smiled to himself sheepishly when Sungyeol was continuing talking about idols, especially his favourite, Kim Taeyeon of Girl's Generation.

Myungsoo then forked out his mobile phone and looked at the messages. No new messages or missed calls from anyone. Myungsoo sighed, staring at his phone in disappointment while Sungyeol smirked and chuckled at Myungsoo. Able to read his mind literally, Sungyeol teased Myungsoo about Jiyeon, which left him smacking Sungyeol in retribution.

"Waiting for her, huh? She's probably in Japan still." Sungyeol stated as Myungsoo nodded his head and sighed, while sulking.

Sunggyu joined them as he sat in a circle along with them. "Thinking about Jiyeon-sshi?" Sunggyu . 

"Yah, enough already." Myungsoo raised his voice at them as they all laughed at him.

"Yah, you guys were so close to doing that when we saw you all dating. You both are literally having eye s**" Sunggyu said in a dirty manner which caused Sungyeol to laugh terribly.

"Jinja? Why wasn't I there?" Sungyeol said.

"That's because you are just a lazy ." Sunggyu said, leaving the training room in laughters, including the manager.

"Looks like somebody is worrying over someone." Sungjong joked about as Myungsoo rolled his eyes at him in reply.

Suddenly, Myungsoo's phone rang as he hurriedly looked at the caller and started grinning widely. The infinite members all made their guesses, there was only one guess in fact, and they guessed it, it was Jiyeon. Myungsoo answered the call with a cute, mushy voice which left the Infinite members looking at him in disgust.

Myungsoo never did any aegyo to the members. He did not show his cute and fluffy side to them at all. Seeing Myungsoo talking in such an adorable, cutesy manner made the Infinite members shocked for words, and also disgusted by his aegyo. He was surely not the one to do aegyo well and naturally. They all mentally face-palmed themselves while hearing Myungsoo serenading Jiyeon through the phone.

"Oppa, you are in the training room, right?" Jiyeon said, she could hear their latest single Man In love being played on the stereo. 

"Ne, wae? You miss me? Come back to Korea and find me~" Myungsoo said cutely. 

"I wish I could... Oppa, I miss you so so much. It's been like 1 month since we've actually seen each other. I'm wrapped up promotions in Japan anyway." Jiyeon said, sighing.

Myungsoo smiled and replied through the phone, "I miss you too babe. You would not know how crazy I've been thinking about you all these while. I seen my fans and other female idols, but I have nothing to talk or look at them, since my mind is all about you." 

"Liar~" Jiyeon said in disbelief. "Oppa, take a look outside, in Japan here there are so many stars." Jiyeon added on. "Do Seoul have the same thing as well? Are there a lot of stars?" Jiyeon asked.

"Wait - I'll go take a look." Myungsoo said, standing up and walking towards the only window. He then looked at the night sky. There was a large crowd of stars today in the sky, which made Myungsoo blinking in surprise. "Wow, daebak.. There's really loads of stars in the night sky tonight." Myungsoo commented.

"It's so pretty." Jiyeon commented.

"The stars reminds me of you. Shining so bright like diamonds in the sky." Myungsoo flirted as Jiyeon chuckled in reply.

"Look down oppa." Jiyeon said.

"Why?" Myungsoo asked.

"Just look down oppa." Jiyeon insisted.

Myungsoo sighed as he looked down to see Jiyeon smiling widely and waving to him from outside. A wide grin was formed in between his lips as he could not help but to blush and have his heart fluttering upon the sight of Jiyeon.

"Babe.." He said, his eyes blinking in surprise.

"I'll get up. My T-ara unnies are here too~" Jiyeon said, as Myungsoo hung up the call afterwards.

He then cheered in victory as he opened the door and ran towards the lift, waiting for their arrival and give a warm welcome to her girlfriend. He missed her a lot, and he could not wait to give a hug and kiss on her. He missed her touch, her skin, her body, her lips, her smile, her eyes, everything about her in fact.

The Infinite members, whom are still unaware, got curious by his sudden actions as they all followed Myungsoo, standing outside the lift.

"Myungsoo, what is happening?" Sungjong asked curiously, looking at the lift as they saw the lift is going up to, maybe their level.

"Is there someone you are expecting?" Sungyeol asked further.

Myungsoo did not reply them at all, but stood there, quietly and having his hands widely opened, waiting to hug the love of his life. The Infinite members made some curious, disgusted looks at him while the lift soon made up to their level. The lift opened and left the Infinite members gasping in shock.

The whole T-ara was there. Jiyeon, Soyeon and the rest was standing right infront of their faces. Jiyeon ran towards Myungsoo, whom was standing right infront of her as they hugged each other tightly, Jiyeon rest her head on his shoulders while Myungsoo pressed his face on her hair, smelling her fresh rose scented hair, and giving pecks all over her hair and ear. 

They all exchanged greetings with one another before Infinite brought them into their training room.


12:30 a.m. In Infinite's Training Room


Myungsoo and Jiyeon were cuddling with each other as the rest of Infinite and T-ara members got seated in a circle along with the couple. T-ara brought alone some pizza and fried chicken, accompanied with three huge bottles of Pepsi. They all laid the food neatly in the circle of members as they all ate their food deliciously and hungrily.

Myungsoo and Jiyeon fed each other food, while kissing each other simultaneously, earning much disgusted glares by their members. Woohyun and Hyomin, being pranksters of this group, started renacting the scene in an exaggerated manner, leaving both of them blushing embarrasingly at the scene.

"Yah, you two look like you all are going to die without each other." Sunggyu commented.

"Precisely!" Qri added on.

Jiyeon and Myungsoo looked at each other and smiled widely, while cupping each other's faces and pecked on each other' slips, earning some boos from the Infinite and T-ara members.

"Get a room yall. Maybe film a video too." Woohyun said in a dirty manner.

"Oh my god, so true. You know, you all can earn money from that too. Maybe our fans are also interested in this." Qri said, raising her brows in a erted manner.

"Yah, Qri-ah! Stop being so dirty-minded." Soyeon hissed at her while Qri continued laughing uncontrollably.

The talk soon went dirty, with the help of Woohyun, Hyomin, Qri, Hoya and Eunjung. They all started talking and joking about Myungsoo and Jiyeon, being in the bed together.

"Wow, can't imagine what will happen." Qri said, suggesting something.

"The bed will be rocking for the first time!" Hoya joked as everyone laughed, while except Sungjong and Soyeon, whom seemed to be in hell when listening to their conversation.

"I pity the bed, you know what I mean. It'd get broken by the violence, and dirty and wet." Eunjung said, laughing like a hyena.

"Stop it guys, it's so gross and especially when those two are in their 20 and 21s." Soyeon said. "Far too early to be engaged in all these." Soyeon added on as they all hushed and changed the topic immediately.

*Looks like my authoritarian leadership came in handy.* Soyeon thought, grinning widely.

"Oppa..." Jiyeon whined. 

"I'm sorry for not celebrating your birthday with you.." Jiyeon said, sighing heavily.

"It's alright. Though I wished you celebrated it with me..." Myungsoo said, pouting while Jiyeon sulked in guilt. 

"I was celebrating with my Infinite members anyway. No girlfriend to make me happy." Myungsoo said, forcing sighs and sulking to the maximum. Jiyeon felt remorseful for not celebrating as she started panicking, in her heart.

*Myungsoo is so sad..* Jiyeon thought. "Oppa, mianhae.." Jiyeon apologized, striked by guilt. 

Myungsoo continued frowning as he turned his back at her, while burying his head in between his arms, pretending to cry infront of her. Jiyeon bit her lips. Trembling nervously, she then hugged Myungsoo from the back, while whispering into his ears sorry for countless of times. Myungsoo was not convinced and continued sniffing.

Jiyeon grew impatient as she tighten the hug, "Then tell me what you want me to do." She said coldly.

"Punishment. A date." Myungsoo said, wiping the crocodile tears off him.

"Well, you could have told me earlier, and I would not be panicking to make you happy and apologizing to you for countless of times." Jiyeon said, crossing her arms as she immediately released from the hug.

"Just love it when you're all petty and angry." Myungsoo said, pinching her cheeks while Jiyeon sulked and pinched his cheeks in retribution. "Punishment too." Jiyeon hissed at him, causing Myungsoo to grin sheepishly in reply.

"Spare us the lovey-dovey." Sungyeol said, while coughly forcefully sarcastically.

"Tomorrow?" Myungsoo muttered to her.

"Sure. Tell me the time, I'll see you there." Jiyeon said.

"After my music bank performance? It'd be around 8 though for the date." Myungsoo whispered to her.

"Anything you wish oppa~" Jiyeon replied back melodiously as they continued participating in the string of games the members were playing with each other.


8:00 p.m. Next day, In Garosugil


Jiyeon wore herself shades and a cap in disgust, while being dressed in a youthful manner. Baseball jacket with black cropped top, navy blue skinny jeans and a black high heel boot. She stared at the phone, preoccupying herself with the webpage on her phone, while waiting for Myungsoo to arrive.

They agreed to meet each other at the starbucks cafe building outside. It was already 10 minutes passed 8 and Myungsoo was nowhere to be seen. Jiyeon looked around at the streets. There was not much of a crowd today at night surprisingly. There was several people along the streets, browsing through displays, shopping while some were rushing their way through the crowd of shoppers. 

Jiyeon looked around again, aimlessly in search for Myungsoo, but he was nowhere to be found. Sighing and worrying for him, she stepped further up nearer to the road, while looking for the Infinite van in vain. She suddenly felt a warmth around her waist as she looked down to see someone's hand on her waist.

Smelling a familiar manly scent, she turned around and pecked his lips. "Oppa~" She greeted, leaving Myungsoo widened in shock, he clearly did not expect a peck from her as a greeting.

Myungsoo then smiled as he snapped his fingers and the manager hyung came out from the alleyway and gave Jiyeon the flowers. It was a simple small bouquet of roses, with baby's breath flowers and small leaves as flower decor. Jiyeon blinked in surprise, while grinning as she accepted the flowers and hugged Myungsoo tightly.

The manager hyung left them alone as they all, interlocked their arms and strolled down the streets.

"Missed these times, dating." Jiyeon commented as Myungsoo nodded his head in agreement.

"I remember being here taking photos on my 1 week holiday last year. That time, I still remembered my feelings for you. Wanting to know you better, awe-inspired by your looks, and having a love at first sight at you. I didn't actually really felt that I'm in love with you that time, maybe I was just curious about my feelings at that time." Myungsoo stated.

"I took so many photos here, but those photos could not mean as much as the selfie I took of you on that day." Myungsoo said.

Jiyeon widened her eyes. "Selfie? We never took any selfie of me, we only took selcas together. What do you mean?" Jiyeon asked as she raised her brows curiously.

"You wouldn't know. I took a picture of you secretly." Myungsoo said, taking his camera out and showing her the photo.

It was the photo of her staring at the other direction, while her long, overflowing hair was brushing in the direction of the wind. Jiyeon looked graceful and gorgeous in the picture. Her white milky skin illuminated her beauty as Myungsoo could not help but to grin at looking at this picture. 

Jiyeon smirked as she passed the camera back. "You took a photo when I wasn't aware of it. How could you. So you actually left me looking at that couple downstairs and secretly took the opportunity to take picture of me?" Jiyeon asked while Myungsoo nodded his head, hiding his laughters away from her.

Jiyeon smirked. "You looked at it everyday right? I know I'm mesmerising." Jiyeon boasted.

"OH MY GOD BABE, You are boasting! What a new sight of you, I love you like that too. In fact, I like everything you do. It just make me squeal in excitement. You make my heart go boom!" Myungsoo said, tugging her waist with his huge hand, pulling her closer to him.

"Of course, I'll do anything for you oppa~" Jiyeon said, leaving Myungsoo's heart fluttering continously.


They found themselves a spot in the cafe as Jiyeon and Myungsoo ordered coffee for each other. Jiyeon then excused herself to the toilet, where she went to touch up her make-up.

She was at the sink, staring at her reflection on the mirror, while applying some foundation on her face. Finishing and touching up her face with the lipstick, a girl went out of the cubicle and stared at Jiyeon in disgust while she was already on her shades.

"Park Jiyeon, what a ." The girl said. 

Jiyeon turned around. Has her disguise failed? She looked at her curiously while the girl continued smirking at her while mumbling her name to herself. She was young, probably still studying in high school. Jiyeon raised her brows, while waiting for her to continue on but the girl looked at her in disgust.

"Why do you do this to Myungsoo oppa? He doesn't love you. You are just trying to ruin her career." The girl said, smirking.

"What do you mean by that? Why am I even ruining his career?" Jiyeon asked curiously.

"You are obviously dating him. Why date him when you are so close to other men, like Seungho oppa, Joon oppa?" The girl said, she then leaned towards Jiyeon.

"I know you two are dating. Stop it before someone else finds out. It'd be much of a hassle if someone really founds out. I'm just giving you the leeway, since I see you suffering from that scandal. It's pretty sad though." The girl said evily.

"Anyway, do whatever you think would be the best for you and him. I'm sure you know it well." The girl said.

"Stop there. Why should I break up with him? I love him and he loves me." Jiyeon said, in disbelief.

"You are ing dumb Park Jiyeon. You should know well you are an idol, he's an idol with loads of fangirls like me. Fangirls doesn't like their oppa to date a female idol. Especially given the fact that you're a bully." The girl said. "So, if I were you, I would back off immediately you ing bully." The girl added on. 

"Yah, stop there." Jiyeon said, tugging onto her arm.

"Jiyeon-ah, you done?" Myungsoo said, knocking onto the door.

"AAAAAH, what are you doing to me, Jiyeon-sshi, it hurts!" The girl faked a groan and cry as she started crying in tears of pain and let her hand off Jiyeon and fell onto the ground with a thud.

Jiyeon widened her eyes as Myungsoo opened the door to see a young girl lying onto the ground with bruises while Jiyeon stood there in shock, looking at Myungsoo worriedly.

"What happened..." Myungsoo mumbled.



Myungyeon forever and everrrrr. Please have some interactions. I'm dying of desperation here....

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I will try to update at least once per day for this week only! Next week school's starting, not sure if I can promise daily updates.


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Superstar98 #1
Chapter 20: Me too!!!!!
Chapter 8: yaaaaah!
best chapter so far!
i'm crying! damn it! ;A;
Chapter 23: happy ending!!!! Myungyeon is love.. no Myungyeon, no LOVE..
this should be real!!!!
okay, reading this again and the whole doyeon thing--
i just wish this was real cause omf. why can't this happen. OTL.
o_nofany #5
Chapter 12: this fanfic is awesome love it keep going
i love myungyeon they are so cute
Chapter 23: Finished it already! I want more! I just love MyungYeon so much. I want them for real. Ahehe. I'm still hoping for them to be real or at least to be a couple on WGM. ^__^V
Anyway, your story was good. I enjoyed reading it =)
Oh my gosh! I finally found a MyungYeon story. The foreword is interesting. Gonna start reading now =)
love_ya19 #8
Chapter 23: .".~." ♥ ^^.. T H E E N D..^~^..!!

I'm going to miss this.!!!
Great job author nim...
Myungyeon couple here is so perfect and real...
♥ ~ ♥
parkjiyeon_Lkim #9
Chapter 23: Waaaaahhhhh! I'm happy for MyungYeon, I swear! But! I really will miss your update, author-nim! I'll surely read your new story 'coz MyungYeon is the LOVE. Haha :D Love the quote.
Chapter 23: aww... it's ended already... i'm totally gonna miss this story.
thanks author-nim for spending your time making this amazing~ story. love you ^^ hohoho~ ^o^