
Wrath of the Idol Life ∞

{ Beautiful Night }

6:00 p.m. In the Streets of Apgujeong 

Jiyeon and Myungsoo was back strolling along the streets of Apgujeong. There was a much larger crowd in the streets as compared to earlier afternoon, given some girls were actually following behind them in suspicion. 

Jiyeon took a glance behind at the crowd of girls behind her. It was surprising that none of the girls recognized her, maybe her hardwork of wearing a cap and her pure makeup-free face had been paid off such that she could perfectly disguise herself in the crowd. Myungsoo, however, was attracting an army of fangirls and crowd behind him, which most of them vaguely recognizes him. 

Jiyeon took another glance worriedly as Myungsoo turned his head around and nudged her shoulders. "Ignore them." He instructed as Jiyeon bit her lips and nodded her head.

"Life of an idol sure is hard." Jiyeon said, hiding her hands in the pockets.

Myungsoo nodded his head. He then took a sneak peek at Jiyeon and could see her feeling uncomfortable about the fangirls behind him. They were indeed much of a nuisance, squealing in excitement, while taking snapshots of him and Jiyeon. He turned around and that caused the fangirls scream their hearts out and shoved their cameras infront of him, snapping shots and shots of him. 

Myungsoo smiled as he turned back infront, seeing Jiyeon's hands hiding into her pockets and herself bitting her lips nervously, she had her head facing down onto the ground, as Myungsoo grabbed her hand tightly.

"Let's ditch them." Myungsoo said as Jiyeon gasped in shock.

Still unable to accept it, Myungsoo pulled Jiyeon together with him, as both of them used all their might and strength to run away from the crowd of fangirls, in an attempt to lose them once and for all.

They ran through buildings and buildings, through streets and streets and through those narrow and wide alleyways in between buildings. It was torturous as the fangirls were constantly preying upon them, chasing after them die-heartedly. Jiyeon was panting and sweating heavily as her legs were sore and heavy after all that tiresome running. 

Myungsoo took a look behind as both of them stopped at a corner. Myungsoo turned his head on his left and right, seeing there is not much of a crowd. He sighed. However, it is not the end as one fangirl suddenly ran to their alleyway, and screamed on the top of her lungs upon spotting Myungsoo from far.

Myungsoo gasped, holding tightly onto Jiyeon's arms, he bent himself down as Jiyeon curiously stared at him. "Hop on." Myungsoo said.

"Ah..." Jiyeon hesitated but Myungsoo yelled, "Hurry up!" 

Jiyeon bit his lips and climbed onto him, as Myungsoo carried her on his back, running away from those horrifying fangirls. It took them another whole 5 minutes of run until they ran into a isolated neighbourhood housing estate, which was quite a distance away from the main streets of Apgujeong. 

Jiyeon came down from Myungsoo's back and could see Myungsoo sweating tremendously. The sight was fearful to her as she dug out a packet of tissue paper for him as he gently wiped his sweat off his body. Jiyeon stared at him in guilt, while clenching onto the packet of tissue tightly as she was eyeing the sweat on his head. 

Myungsoo was too focused on clearing the sweat on his chest and his back, that he forgotten about his face. Jiyeon bit her lips, as her hands were trembling as it went and cleaned his sweat on his face.

Causing Myungsoo to freeze on the spot as Jiyeon slowly cleaned the sweat off his face. Once done, she hurriedly hid her hands behind her, while clenching onto the wet tissue. She bit her lips as she preoccupied herself by placing the pack of tissue into the her bag and keeping her head low, staring onto the ground.

Myungsoo glared at Jiyeon in awe as Jiyeon turned and their eyes met. Jiyeon immediately turned around as she looked at the main street from afar. "It should be clear now.." Jiyeon stated as Myungsoo tidied his jacket and nodded his head. 

"L..Lets go and something then." Myungsoo said.

"Oh..Oh ye..yeah." Jiyeon replied back, stuttering. 


Both of them sat themselves in an korean restaurant as they ordered some meat and rice. The waitress laid the plates and plates of side-dishes onto the table as she then proceeded to place a plate of beef and pork.

Myungsoo took the initiative to grill the beef, while cutting them into smaller chunks and pieces, while Jiyeon started munching on some of the kimchi. Both of them remained silent to each other. Jiyeon made some secret glances at him, while Myungsoo occasionally glanced at Jiyeon while grilling the meat.

"Here have some meat." Myungsoo said, picking up some meat and handling it over to Jiyeon's bowl. Jiyeon nodded her head and thanked him as she hungrily munched onto the meat, causing Myungsoo to chuckle at her.

"Did I eat so embarrassingly?" Jiyeon asked, while covering .

"Ah ani, you're just... cute." Myungsoo said, grinning sheepishly.

"Ah, thanks." Jiyeon said, blushing.

Both of them shared short conversations after that, and they soon finished their meal and headed back to their home.

Both of them reached infront of Jiyeon's apartment as Jiyeon turned around and faced Myungsoo. "Myungsoo-sshi, it's been a fun day today with you. You better get going, otherwise reporters might take pictures and write up rumours and scandals about us." Jiyeon said as Myungsoo nodded his head in understanding.

Jiyeon waved at him goodbye and he returned with another wave. He paused at there for a moment, in which Jiyeon curiously stared at him. "Wae?" She asked curiously.

"Uh, handphone?" Myungsoo asked as he raised his samsung galaxy phone infront of her as Jiyeon bit her lips.

"Num...ber?" Jiyeon asked as Myungsoo nodded his head shyly. "Ah, you're my friend, of course." Jiyeon said, forcing a smile and she typed her number on his phone. She then said, "There you go, It's late, I better get going back home. See you, Myungsoo-sshi." 

"See you, Jiyeon-sshi." Myungsoo bid farewell too as both of them went into separate ways.


10:00 p.m. In Infinite's Dorm


Myungsoo sighed as he reached the doorstep of the dorm. He typed in the passcode before opening the door as he took off his shoes and dragged his feet into the living room. He was greeted by Woohyun, Sunggyu and Dongwoo whom was sitting on the couch, snuggling up with a packet of chips and soda on their hands.

"Manager hyung would certainly won't accept this." Myungsoo commented, while wearing an exhausted expression as he took a seat on the ground, and laid flat onto the wooden floors.

"Whatever, this is our break anyway~" Sunggyu said confidently.

"Yah, Myungsoo-ah, where did you go anyway today? You were out the entire day. That's so unlike you, you rarely have much friends." Dongwoo asked him curiously.

Myungsoo sighed. "Just went out with someone." Myungsoo replied back.

"Who's that someone?" Dongwoo asked curiously.

"Are you really that curious?" Myungsoo asked, giving a frustrated face.

"No harm done telling us about who's that special someone." Woohyun said, chuckling.

Myungsoo ruffled his hair and then replied, "Well, that someone is Jiyeon-sshi." 

"What? JIYEON-SSHI?" Woohyun exclaimed.

"Daebak..." Dongwoo commented.

"Wow, dang Myungsoo, you're so lucky to date such a pretty idol." Woohyun said. "But I thought your ideal type is Suzy?" Woohyun asked.

"Ah, she's my ideal type, forever is, but I don't have feelings for her, it's just like a set requirement for my ideal girl." Myungsoo said.

"So you're trying to say you have feelings for Jiyeon-sshi? Not bad, she looks pretty good, like Suzy, long wavy hair~" Sunggyu as Myungsoo got up from the ground and smack his arms forcefully.

"YAH, rude!" Sunggyu hissed at him as Myungsoo started cracking up.

"Yah, I don't have feelings for her yet." Myungsoo stated.

"Okay sure.. Guys, note that, Myungsoo does not have feelings for Jiyeon-sshi YET." Dongwoo said, causing the other two members to laugh to their heart's content.

"Yah, you guys... Ahhh.." Myungsoo grumbled as he stormed back into his room.


Myungsoo took a seat on his bed as he curled his body up and start looking at his phone. He was surprised by the new message on his phone. He clicked onto it and it was from Jiyeon. His heart started racing, his cheeks were heating up and a smile was formed in between his lips. He clicked onto the message, and his heart was fluttering as he read the message.

From: Jiyeon

Annyeong Myungsoo-sshi! Thank you for today! I enjoyed it a lot and hope we could meet again soon! I'd be pretty busy after today, so I don't believe we would have time for each other... Anyway, thanks a lot!

Myungsoo sighed after reading the message. He felt his heart feeling heavy knowing Jiyeon would be busy for the upcoming days, and that would mean less time for each other.

He then remembered the moments they had together today, the time spent in the cafe was memorable, as he remembered of the snapshot of Jiyeon in his camera. He hurriedly dug out his camera from his case, and search through the stream of photos, to then be stopped by a picture of her in the cafe, her face was facing to the right, while her overflowing, long hair was brushed across by the wind. Myungsoo smiled as his fingers were gently caressing the camera screen, while he was feeling himself heating up.

He then remembered the scene running and trying to lose the fangirls away. The sight of her helping to wipe his sweat off his face was memorable. She was nervous, of course, as he could see her hands trembling and shaking in fear as she slowly wiped the sweat off his face. Myungsoo giggled to himself upon reminiscing that moment.

He could feel his heart racing as fast as it was when she wiped the sweat off. He touched his heart as he mumbled to himself, "I think... i'm in love... in love."


10:15 p.m. In Jiyeon's Apartment


Jiyeon sat on her bed. She bathed, and was dressed in her nightgown as she was cuddling herself up on the bed. She opened the windows in her room, letting the cold autumn wind blow against her, her long wavy hair was flowing like the wind.

"Ah, so embarrassing!" Jiyeon exclaimed to herself as she remembered the scenes earlier on in the alleyway in Apgujeong. She bit her lips.

"Ah... how can I even meet him now? He'd probably looks at me in a disgusted manner now. Why am I even doing? I can't love him." Jiyeon mumbled as she immediately sent a text to him.

"I think... this is the only way out." Jiyeon mumbled to herself.

Jiyeon sighed as she laid herself on the bed, and had her great night sleep.


The next few days were busy for T-ara and Jiyeon. They had training practices, vocal training, song recording practices everyday, in a whole whopping of 18 hours. The remaining 6 hours were used for travelling time, and resting and sleep time. Jiyeon and T-ara kept themselves in this schedule for the next week, in preparations for their "y Love" new single promotions that would take place in a month's time. They have been practicing and preparing this single since 3 months ago, and now they were making final preparations for it before promotions and recording the final edition of the song, all because of Hwayoung's departure.

Hwayoung's departure had made significant changes in the song, mainly her solo rap part, which was converted and exchanged with Ahreum's rap lines instead. The lyrics have been changed, only the rap part at the third, final verse of the song. 

T-ara and Jiyeon's phones were kept safely during practices, trainings and recording sessions. The only moments they could use the phone were only during the traveling time, and when they are back at their respective homes. 

Jiyeon was on her way to recording studios in Gangnam, after departing from the Core Contents Training Building. Jiyeon was using her phone, rummaging through her messages and pictures, after a tiresome day in the trainings. Jiyeon suddenly stumbled across Myungsoo's message log, where she only saw her message.

Jiyeon bit her lips and thought, *Why didn't he reply? Maybe it was all because of that day? Maybe he was disgusted by me? Ah, why did I even do that? Maybe he felt that I love him and is trying to avoid me? Ahhh... I'm so digging my own grave.* Jiyeon sighed as her phone was suddenly snatched away from the members.

Eunjung gasped in shock as she loudly read out the message to the members, causing much of a dispute and commotion amongst the members. All of the members were squealing excitement as Qri and Boram were clapping their hands in support, and also to add salt to the wound by cheering at Jiyeon. Jiyeon ruffled her hair in distress.

Panicking, she hurriedly snatched the phone away and shut it tight, stuffing it into her pocket of her jacket.

"Aigooo, looks like our dino is in love with Infinite L~" Soyeon as the manager turned around and gasped in shock, widening his eyes in disbelief.

"Jinja? Jiyeon-ah?" The manager asked.

"Ah... ani. We're just friends." Jiyeon explained.

"Ah, that's a relief. You should not be dating now, since you all are in this scandal. This scandal is still pretty big and blown. So... you guys got to watch your behaviour." The manager instructed them as they all nodded their heads obediently.


"Yah Kim Myungsoo!" The manager's voice echoed throughout the dorm, causing all the members to be woken up by the loud commotion.

Sunggyu and Woohyun came out of their dorm rooms, rubbing their eyes dreamily while yawning profusely and patted on the manager's back. "Wae hyung?" He asked curiously.

The manager shouted his name again, while knocking onto his door angrily, while twisting and turning the door knob repeatedly. "Hyung, wae?" Those two bugged him again, as Sungyeol and Sungjong soon came out, with their tiny bed eyes, and bed hair. 

"Wae? Hyung..." Myungsoo said, unlocking the door and opening the door. 

"Yah, tell me honestly, are you and Park Jiyeon dating?" The manager asked curiously.

"Bwo? What's this nonsense? We're just friends only." Myungsoo explained to him, his heart was racing on the other hand.

"Jinja? If so, I really hope so, because yesterday I was following you in Apgujeong, and stumbled across your fangirls. I managed to delete their photos by force and instructed them to not talk about this. I also agreed to give them autographs and selca shots of you in return... So, you better help me get it done." The manager said.

"Okay, you all can be friends, but try not to get yourself into trouble, since after all Jiyeon-sshi is experiencing a scandal right now. It won't do you anything good, you get me?" The manager instructed him.

"Ah, the scandal itself is a false alarm!" Myungsoo whined.

The members widened their eyes and stared at Myungsoo in shocked and curious expressions while the manager shook his head in disappointment while crossing his arms. 

"Anyway, its not good for you to have a relationship at this peak of your career. arraso? Rest well, today's the last day of your holiday 1-week break." The manager said, patting onto Myungsoo's shoulders and left the dorm in awhile.

Myungsoo sighed as Sungyeol and Sungjong continued staying in his room, while the rest of the members went back to get more sleep. 

"Myungsoo-ah, let's be honest. Since we're the most closest members to you in Infinite, tell me what do you feel about Jiyeon-sshi." Sungjong spoke up, causing Myungsoo to scratch the back of his head.

Myungsoo hesitated to reply as he duck his head in his chest, while curling himself up on the bed. Sungjong and Sungyeol looked at each other and signalled each other, as they tickled Myungsoo on his waist, causing Myungsoo to jerk up in surprise.

"AIIIIRRRGGGH!" Myungsoo yelledas he kicked and smacked both of them, whom were chuckling and giggling at each other. 

"I have nothing for her." Myungsoo lied.

Sungyeol saw through him and smacked his chest. "Yah, be honest for god's sake." Sungyeol warned him.

"Okay okay fine. I admit she's very beautiful, just like my ideal type. My type of girls. Gentle, feminine, innocent, long wavy hair. Graceful girl. She's very pretty and I admit I do enjoy being with her." Myungsoo admitted.

"Wah, daebak." Sungjong exclaimed, clapping his fingers.

"But I'm still unsure of what I really want right now. I am not sure of my feelings with her. I think I'm gonna continue discovering and finding out, while confirming my feelings for her." Myungsoo explained, letting off a sigh. 

"So did you all do anything?" Sungyeol said, raising his brows in a erted manner.

"What the heck, Lee Sungyeol!" Myungsoo cursed. "Ah, we did nothing, we did not even hug or kiss or whatever, we just go out like friends!" Myungsoo said, but a moment suddenly came up on his mind. 

"I don't think that's all." Sungjong . 

"Okay fine, we ran together, in attempt to lose the fangirls okay, and she wiped the sweat off my face, 'cos I was sweating buckets at that point of time." Myungsoo confessed, earning gasps from both of them.

"But anyway Kim Myungsoo, go for her if you like her. We're fine with it, and I'm sure our awesome inspirits internationally will accept this. Anyway, all the best, Mr Kim." Sungyeol said, smirking as he patted his shoulders.

"Thanks both of you, brothers." Myungsoo said, a smile crept upon his lips.



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I will try to update at least once per day for this week only! Next week school's starting, not sure if I can promise daily updates.


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Superstar98 #1
Chapter 20: Me too!!!!!
Chapter 8: yaaaaah!
best chapter so far!
i'm crying! damn it! ;A;
Chapter 23: happy ending!!!! Myungyeon is love.. no Myungyeon, no LOVE..
this should be real!!!!
okay, reading this again and the whole doyeon thing--
i just wish this was real cause omf. why can't this happen. OTL.
o_nofany #5
Chapter 12: this fanfic is awesome love it keep going
i love myungyeon they are so cute
Chapter 23: Finished it already! I want more! I just love MyungYeon so much. I want them for real. Ahehe. I'm still hoping for them to be real or at least to be a couple on WGM. ^__^V
Anyway, your story was good. I enjoyed reading it =)
Oh my gosh! I finally found a MyungYeon story. The foreword is interesting. Gonna start reading now =)
love_ya19 #8
Chapter 23: .".~." ♥ ^^.. T H E E N D..^~^..!!

I'm going to miss this.!!!
Great job author nim...
Myungyeon couple here is so perfect and real...
♥ ~ ♥
parkjiyeon_Lkim #9
Chapter 23: Waaaaahhhhh! I'm happy for MyungYeon, I swear! But! I really will miss your update, author-nim! I'll surely read your new story 'coz MyungYeon is the LOVE. Haha :D Love the quote.
Chapter 23: aww... it's ended already... i'm totally gonna miss this story.
thanks author-nim for spending your time making this amazing~ story. love you ^^ hohoho~ ^o^