
Wrath of the Idol Life ∞

{ Faith and Belief }

9:30 p.m. In the Hospital


Both Jiyeon and Myungsoo was standing outside of the Emergency ward, outside where the young fangirl was currently being attended by the doctors and nurses. Myungsoo and Jiyeon remained silent ever since the incident. Jiyeon tried to talk to Myungsoo, but Myungsoo replied back coldly. They looked at each other secretly occasionally, while not making any noise.

Jiyeon looked at Myungsoo, he was really worried. His eyebrows were frowning while his lips were motionlessly frowning. Jiyeon sighed, trembling in fear as she gripped onto the end of her shorts. She slowly inched towards Myungsoo. Myungsoo could sense her coming towards him as he turned his eyes and their eyes met with each other.

They glazed into each other's eyes for awhile before Myungsoo turned back, looking at the situation. The curtain was still covering the checkup room. Myungsoo sighed as Jiyeon slowly grabbed his hand.

"Oppa.. It wasn't me. I didn't do that to her." Jiyeon said. She paused for awhile as Myungsoo did not utter any reply to her. A tear escaped from her eyes, "Do you not believe me, oppa?" Jiyeon asked him weakily.

Jiyeon started crying softly while Myungsoo sighed and pulled her into a hug. "Let's wait for the result.. I believe you.." Myungsoo said.

However, his heart says otherwise. It is not that he do not believe her, he did not know who to believe. One side of him believes in her, Jiyeon could not possibly so mean-spirited to that small young fangirl of his. Another side of him does not believe in her, maybe he might not know her truly well. However, after 2 months of dating, how could he not know? He was those type that can really know someone in their true nature, no matter what type of mask or acting they have been putting on.

He is good in spotting and judging people. He once went for blind dates set up by his friends and those girls were all acting polite and kind, but behind the scenes, they were mean and evil-spirited. Seen through his own eyes, they stepped on cats when he was not around, they yelled at people, smoked in toilet cubicles when they claim they do not smoke at all.

Liars, hypocrites, evil, cunning and gold-diggers could be identified easily for Myungsoo. However, his heart was lying more towards Jiyeon's side now, knowing truly that she's indeed a kind person as what he saw. He remembered sneaking behind Jiyeon when she went to the toilet, and saw Jiyeon helping a old woman  whom seem weak, out of the toilet, back to the seat before going to the toilet. That was right before the incident happened.

Why would she still continue act if she was really not a kind person? If she isn't, she would not care about the old woman since Myungsoo is not even around. That strucked Myungsoo as he sighed and hugged her tighter.

Maybe that fangirl was really lying. The more he thought about it, the more it seems so. Myungsoo then whispered to her ears again, "I believe you... I believe you... hush hush.." Myungsoo patted on her back, trying to stop her from crying.

"No more crying for my babe." Myungsoo said softly into her ears as Jiyeon slowly abided by him, and sniffed softly.

Myungsoo's manager hyung soon rushed towards them and broke them apart from the hug and pinned Myungsoo on the wall. "Yah, what trouble have you got yourself into this time? I told you to mind your own business when you go on dates and don't cause any trouble or talk to anyone else right? Have you fallen into death ears, Mr Kim Myungsoo?!" The manager hissed at him softly with his angry tone.

Myungsoo wiped the sweat off his face as he shook his head. "I don't even know her.." Myungsoo explained to him.

"Aish, this is clearly why I do not encourage you guys to date. You all will have so many troubles and I'll have to tie the loose ends for you all. The company will also suffer so many losses because of you and I have to be held responsible for it." The manager said, sighing as he looked at the check up room. "Is she inside?" The manager asked.

Myungsoo nodded his head as the manager sighed. He then started praying for her well-being while Jiyeon stood there, lowering her head down, staring onto the ground in embarrassment as Myungsoo walked towards her and hugged her tightly again.

"Don't worry about me.." Myungsoo said softly.

"I've caused so much trouble." Jiyeon blamed herself as Myungsoo patted her back, while telling her otherwise.


While inside the check up room, the doctor was currently attending to her wounds. "Park Na Young-sshi, your wounds aren't really that deep. Just some minor scratches, so you'll be fine in no time." The doctor stated as he brought some oilments and cream and carefully applied it on her wounds on her leg.

Na Young gasped in shock, knowing that Myungsoo would be aware of her condition after this. She wanted to exaggerate her wound, as she was groaning in pain so desperately earlier on in the bathroom. She bit her lips as she grabbed onto the Doctor's arm. She put on her worried look and her puppy eyes and pleaded the doctor.

"Doctor, you must not tell anybody of my condition. If anybody ask, say that its a pretty deep scar." Na young said, the doctor got caught aback as he wore a curious expression on his face.

"Na Young-sshi, we can't do this. This is a hospital, if I'm caught, I'd not be able to practice medicine and I'll lose my job for sure." The doctor said nervously.

Na Young sighed as she took her pink leather bag and took out her PRADA wallet. Being a rich tycoon businessman's daughter, money was not an issue for Na Young. Na Young swiftly took out a 1 million won cash note and place it right infront of the doctor's face. She then eyed the notes while staring at the doctor evily. 

"Doctor, anyway you are working so hard in this hospital just to earn money, why don't I give you money. I've only got 1 million won to spare for now. I'll give you more through your bank if you help me cover it up. Please." Na Young said, eyeing him angrily as she took some plasters on the side work bench and applied onto the wounds.

"Help me cover it up." Na Young said as the doctor was already sweating nervously.

The doctor bit his lips while sweat was trickling down his cheeks. He sighed as he applied some medicine and placed some huge band aids onto her leg. 

"You will not regret helping me, doctor." Na Young said, smiling. "Your wish will be my command if you obey me well, Doctor." Na Young added on, smirking at the doctor evily.

The doctor sighed as he came out of the check up room and three people came rushing towards him. One was a middle-aged man in his late 20s or early 30s, while another one was together with a young girl, both of them in their early 20s as they had their hands interlaced with each other, probably a couple.

Stuttering while tapping his feet nervously as he held his clipboard of health records, he pushed up his spectacles as the three of them asked for Na Young's condition. His heart started thumping in fear as he took his clipboard and stared at it. The middle-aged man started tugging onto his arm, asking for his condition repeatedly.

"Uh... she had s...some deep scratches and wounds. Her scar might be permanent, but it will fade and become smaller and not so noticeable as time passes by." The doctor explained and took his leave hurriedly.

The manager bit his lips. "Yah, Kim Myungsoo, you better hope that the girl won't charge you or whatever." The manager sternly pointed his fingers at Myungsoo.

Myungsoo took another look at Jiyeon. Jiyeon was bitting her lips in fear. He then tighted the hug while he patted onto her shoulders as Jiyeon nodded her head assuringly. 

The girl soon came out with bandages over her leg. She then eyed Jiyeon as she looked at Myungsoo. "Oppa, I'm your fan... " Na Young said with a weak and soft tone.

"I know it." Myungsoo said coldly.

"Oppa, mianhae... for causing all these trouble. It's really alright. I'm fine, Jiyeonnie didn't meant to harm me, I guess." Na Young said.

"Are you wounds okay?" The manager hyung asked her.

"Ah, it's a little pain, though I'm sad that there'd be a scar on my leg. But for Myungsoo oppa, I'm willing to sacrifice anything." Na Young said while staring at Myungsoo mesmerisingly.

The manager hyung took a look at Jiyeon, who was staring at her motionlessly while Myungsoo's arms remained wrapped around her waist. The manager then nodded his head. "You better go home, your parents must be worried about you." The manager hyung said, while patting onto her shoulders.

Na young then flashed a worried look on her face as she glanced at the clock. "Ottokae, it's pass midnight. There isn't a bus for me to take. I don't have enough cash right now to hail a taxi either.." She mumbled.

Myungsoo sighed, "Then hyung, drive her back." Myungsoo said.

Na Young looked up, and gasped in shock. "Ah, won't this be troubling you all?" She asked but in her heart said otherwise. This was what she wanted all along, to get close to L. 

"Nevermind, just treat this as we're repaying you for your injuries." The manager said as he brought them all inside the van.

They remained silent as Myungsoo and Jiyeon sat on the backseats, while Na Young sat on the front seat, beside the Manager hyung whom was driving the car cautiously.

Na Young eyed the couple behind her through the rear window. Seeing Jiyeon resting on Myungsoo's shoulders while Myungsoo silently glanced at the scenery outside the van made her upset. It made her boiling in anger and jealousy. 

"Jiyeon unnie." Na young called out.

Jiyeon suddenly looked up and stared at Na Young curiously as she turned her head to them, wearing a beautiful smile. "Can I have your number unnie? We can be friends right, or maybe I can be your dongsaeng." Na Young asked. Jiyeon paused for awhile, Myungsoo was not bothered about the conversation as she then slowly nodded her head. "Sure... I.. I guess." She replied back.

Na Young smiled in satisfaction as Jiyeon typed her number onto her mobile phone. Na Young thanked her as they remained silent again. No one spoke a word, Na Young remained looking at her phone like a phone buggie, while Myungsoo was looking outside, he was apparently troubled and was in deep thoughts throughout.

Jiyeon then sighed as she found herself stupid for giving Na Young her number. Na Young was just another fangirl of Myungsoo, and she gave her number to her just like that? Jiyeon sighed at her own foolishness as she suddenly received a message from Na Young. Looking at the phone, she gasped as she read the message.

From Na Young:

Unnie... if I were you, I would avoid Myungsoo from now on. The game starts now, he's mine and forever mine. If you don't want any trouble in your life, you should politely make your way out of this. ㅋㅋㅋ

Jiyeon looked at Na Young whom was evily grinning at her phone screen as she shut the phone and hide it in her bag. With her head still leaning on Myungsoo's head, she stared at Na Young worriedly. Na Young was grinning again at her phone. Their eyes soon met at the rear, in which Na Young smirked evily at her.

Jiyeon bit her lips. She gulped and her fingers became tense. Her heart beat was throbbing nervously as she rolled her eyes elsewhere immediately, escaping from the wrath of Myungsoo's fangirl. 


They soon reached Na Young's house. It was not much of a house, it was more of a mansion. Embroided carpet at the entrance, steel gate and brick walls, huge lawn and garden, a porch in the entrance and a glassdoor entrance. It was simply splendid. Myungsoo and Jiyeon remained in the van while Na Young bid her farewell.

The manager hyung, out of politeness, went out and sent her to the door step where she bowed at him politely before both of them departed. Na Young went into her mansion while Manager hyung drove the van away, sending Jiyeon back to her apartment before sending Myungsoo back to the dormitory.

Na Young threw her pink leather, branded bag onto the sofa, where his father was staring at her furiously, while the mother came out of the kitchen with a glass of wine on her hand. 

"What took you so long, Na Young-ah, appa is mad at you." The mother said, while sitting down onto the couch, crossing her legs and sitting in an elegant, posh manner as she took another slow sip on her wine. 

Na Young rolled her eyes at her father as she slammed her body against the couch, lying on the couch in an inappropriate manner as the father slammed the glass coffee table forcefully, causing the glass to shatter into pieces as Na Young sat up and jumped in shock. The mother gasped upon the father's rage as she placed the glass of wine onto the side table and hurriedly patted on the father's shoulders.

"Yeobo, gwenchana..." The mother persuaded him as the father pushed her hands off gently as he pointed his fingers at Na Young. 

"You.. this brat. Where did you go? It's already 2 midnight and you're only back? Huh? Are you outside on the streets being a chicken?!" The father raised his voice.

Na Young widened her eyes in disbelief. Did her father just called her a e just by coming home at 2? It was not a norm for him, she have been coming back at midnight or before midnight for her life and her father did nothing but just roll his eyes and stare at her suspiciously while making no sound at all.

"APPA!" Na Young yelled back. "Wae? What's wrong? I am back at 2 is because I have some matters to handle! I'm not what you say as a or a chick out on the streets!" Na Young added on.

The father widened his eyes as he approached her and slapped her across the cheeks. "You are so disappointing. Ever since you started fangirling over boy groups, you became a hopeless, spoilt brat!" The father said.

"WHAT THE HECK APPA?! Fangirling isn't all that, it's fun and at least you should be glad I ain't outside doing strips and drinking alochols like some good-for-nothing teenager!" Na Young retorted back, while standing up from the couch. "Well, unless you want me to be a !" Na Young added back, earning a slap from her mother.

"NA YOUNG!" The mother shouted. "That's not right to speak to your appa like that! Get back to your room, you're grounded for tomorrow!" The mother said, pointing her fingers up to her room as Na Young snatched her bag away, and stormed back into her room.

Na Young threw her bag onto the ground while throwing her leather boots onto the floor, tossing her leather, leopard-print pink jacket on the bed, she laid herself on the bed while crossing her arms. She glanced at her room motionlessly. The numerous amounts of posters of Infinite, Big Bang, Super Junior and SHINee were all over her room, on the ceiling, on the walls, on her table. She sighed as she sat up on the bed, and grabbed a photo frame of Myungsoo's face. 

"L Oppa... saranghae." Na Young said, smiling sheepishly at his picture. She then turned to see the other photo frames of other male idols. There were Jonghyun (SHINee), Siwon (Super Junior), TOP (Big Bang) and Luhan (EXO). She then sighed. "I love you guys too." She said, smiling sheepishly again as she placed the photoframes on the bed as she took out her phone.

Smirking as she stopped onto Jiyeon's contact, she then messaged her.

From: Na Young,

Unnie~~~ Just to say, do you understand what I just said? I'm oppa's girl, don't ever do or touch anything from him anymore. I didn't flare myself up just now so that I won't want to give L oppa a bad impression on me. Unnie, you get it right? 

I'm also pretty certain you saw my home. How luxurious is my home. What brands do I wear, my awesome fabulous clothes and leather products in my walk-in wardrobe. Unnie, even thought you're an idol, you're no match for me. My appa can crush you into pieces easily, so you better run run run. Unnie, if you ever decide on telling L oppa about this, you're just dead like that. No warnings given at all, prepare to suffer for the rest of your life as I won't let you go so easily. 

Delete this message after you read it.

Happy day and enjoy your 'life' ... ~~ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


Back in the van, Jiyeon bit her lips and widened her eyes in shock after reading the message. She hurriedly deleted the message as Myungsoo soon turned his head at her. 

"We've reached babe." Myungsoo said, forcing a smile.

"Ne.." Jiyeon replied back, pecking his cheeks as she bid farewell to him and hurriedly went into her apartment. It was a freezing night and Myungsoo sighed as the van soon started hitting onto the roads again.

The manager hyung looked at Myungsoo worriedly through the rear window as he then spoke up, "Myungsoo-ah, this relationship is a little bit risky now. A fangirl knows about it, It'd be bad if she tells this to the public or on the net. You all better be more careful when you go out, if possible, try to go to less crowded places for your dates. If better, do not meet outside for now." The manager hyung instructed.

Myungsoo nodded his head while he continue to glance at the window outside.

"Myungsoo-ah, gwenchana? You seemed to be troubled after going to the hospital." The manager hyung asked curiously. Myungsoo sighed and shook his head while the manager hyung added on, "Myungsoo-ah, don't hide anything from me." 

"I'm just troubled by her. I'm afraid she isn't that simple." Myungsoo said.

"Who? Jiyeon?" Manager hyung replied back.

"Ah, ani. I know Jiyeon's a good girl. I just know it and saw it through my eyes. She's genuine and I love her and she loves me. Nothing's wrong with us and her." Myungsoo said. "It's that fangirl." Myungsoo confessed.

The manager hyung then nodded his head in reply. Pausing for a moment of silence, Myungsoo then continued, "Something tells me that she isn't all that innocent and genuine. Jiyeon isn't that shy person. She looks cold, but she's approachable and friendly unlike me, I'm more to a cold person." Myungsoo said.

"That girl... she just give me the creeps. She doesn't seem like a good person to me." Myungsoo said.

"That fangirl is Na Young. She is a rich girl isn't she? Living in such a posh huge mansion, her parents are probably some wealthy business people." The manager hyung said, his eyes pinned onto the road.

"Anyway, don't think too much. You have comeback stages this weekend, mind you. No more dates for now." The manager instructed him as Myungsoo nodded his head, abiding by his rules.

Here's your long, anticipated update! I'm sorry, busy with college.

I'll update soon later.



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I will try to update at least once per day for this week only! Next week school's starting, not sure if I can promise daily updates.


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Superstar98 #1
Chapter 20: Me too!!!!!
Chapter 8: yaaaaah!
best chapter so far!
i'm crying! damn it! ;A;
Chapter 23: happy ending!!!! Myungyeon is love.. no Myungyeon, no LOVE..
this should be real!!!!
okay, reading this again and the whole doyeon thing--
i just wish this was real cause omf. why can't this happen. OTL.
o_nofany #5
Chapter 12: this fanfic is awesome love it keep going
i love myungyeon they are so cute
Chapter 23: Finished it already! I want more! I just love MyungYeon so much. I want them for real. Ahehe. I'm still hoping for them to be real or at least to be a couple on WGM. ^__^V
Anyway, your story was good. I enjoyed reading it =)
Oh my gosh! I finally found a MyungYeon story. The foreword is interesting. Gonna start reading now =)
love_ya19 #8
Chapter 23: .".~." ♥ ^^.. T H E E N D..^~^..!!

I'm going to miss this.!!!
Great job author nim...
Myungyeon couple here is so perfect and real...
♥ ~ ♥
parkjiyeon_Lkim #9
Chapter 23: Waaaaahhhhh! I'm happy for MyungYeon, I swear! But! I really will miss your update, author-nim! I'll surely read your new story 'coz MyungYeon is the LOVE. Haha :D Love the quote.
Chapter 23: aww... it's ended already... i'm totally gonna miss this story.
thanks author-nim for spending your time making this amazing~ story. love you ^^ hohoho~ ^o^