
Wrath of the Idol Life ∞

{ Worrying for Each Other }

9:00 a.m. In Infinite's Dorm


Myungsoo woke up from his sleep, experiencing a huge pain on his forehead. His forehead was burning hot and was in a sudden sharp pang of pain as he hurriedly gripped onto his forehead, while groaning in pain. He pulled himself up from the bed as he looked around to see himself in his nightwear, and his clothes were tossed all over the ground.

"I didn't know I was that drunk..." Myungsoo mumbled to himself as he picked the clothes up and tossed it into the laundry basket. He brightened himself up as he took a bath and brushed his teeth. Staring at the calender in his room, he sighed. Third day out of the seventh day and I'm already bored. 

Myungsoo sighed as he went out of his room to see no one in the dorm. Sungyeol, Sungjong and Hoya are living with their family for quite a while, and will only be back in 2 more days. Myungsoo looked at the calender again and planned his days. On saturday and sundays he'd be hanging out with the Infinite members. It is already wednesday and he had nothing planned today, and same goes for Thursday and Friday. 

Myungsoo sat on the couch in the living room and watched the television. Surfing through the channels one by one, he yawned dreamily while stretching his arms in the air as he turned the television off.

There was no program that was enticing and interesting for Myungsoo. Myungsoo sighed heavily as he stood up and get dressed in a plain shirt with small pocket and skinny black jeans as he went out of the dorm to catch a fresh air, and maybe stroll along the streets nearby the dorm. 

He did not wear any disguise, he was strolling on the streets in his normal self, make-up free and wearing some casual clothes. It was surprising that most people along the streets could not recognize or acknowledge him. Though there was quite a number who stopped on the stop and made some suspicious glances at him, and some even blushed upon seeing him.

Myungsoo stopped at the snack stall as he took a glance at the dukbokki the stall owner was cooking. 

"Buying some more? Not enough of yesterday?" The stall owner asked, smirking.

Myungsoo widened his eyes as he opened his mouth in an O shape, as he looked at the stall owner curiously. The stall owner is a middle-aged women, probably in her fourties, as she was pretty skilled in handling food and cooking. She was casually stirring the dukbokki gravy as she took a plate out and placed some dukbokki infront of Myungsoo.

"Free of charge." The stall owner said, smiling widely.

Myungsoo looked up with shocked expression as he nodded his head and bowed at her graciously, while thanking her repeatedly. The stall owner chuckled upon his actions and nodded her head as she added more gravy to the dukbokki. 

Myungsoo grinned even more as he took a bite on the dukbokki, he gave the stall owner a thumbs up as he hungrily munched onto the dukbokki. The stall owner was smiling at his cuteness as she placed a bag of dukbokki beside him. Myungsoo's eyes turned to see the bag of food and looked up at the stall owner curiously.

"This is for your colleague." The stall owner said.

"What? Colleague? My hyungs were here?" Myungsoo asked curiously.

"Not your Infinite hyungs." The stall owner said.

"Woah, you know I'm from Infinite?" Myungsoo asked, shocked for words.

"Of course I do, you're everywhere on the magazines. Those young girls keep talking about you, and you're on news and stuff. I also see you very often in television!" The stall owner chuckled.

"Oh jinja? Daebak..." Myungsoo commented.

"You're handsome in person. Woah, care to write something for my daughter. My daughter is a fan of you and Infinite." The stall owner said, blushing as she handled out a piece of new notebook.

"Was planning to give her a notebook as a sort of gift. Will you do the honour of writing something for her in the cover?" The stall owner asked as Myungsoo nodded his head and wrote some encouragement on the plain cover page and end off with hearts and an autograph. Myungsoo handled it back to her as the stall owner was grinning sheepishly as she hid it beneath the stove. 

Myungsoo then snapped his fingers, "Oh by any chance, you know who's the colleague?" He asked curiously.

"Ah, she's really pretty. A very pretty fine young lady. If I'm not wrong, I've seen her quite a lot of times on the television and magazines too, just that recently she didn't appear much on television or magazines. She's really pretty. I think she's an idol if I'm not wrong. I also heard of their songs, pretty good. But I don't know her well though." The stall owner stated.

Myungsoo scratched the back of his neck as he was trying to figure the girl. Young, fine and pretty? Nothing came up in his mind. "It can't be right?" Myungsoo suddenly thought of it. 


Myungsoo bit his lips. He took a glance at bag of dukbokki and heaved a sigh. "This is for her. I am not sure who to give to. Maybe hyungs? But... its for her." Myungsoo muttered to herself.

"Is it really her?" Myungsoo mumbled to himself again. "Ahhhhh, what if it isn't? This is so embarrassing... Ahhh..." Myungsoo commented, sighing as he was pacing around back and forth until he stumbled upon a black van which stopped just infront of him.

He widened his eyes as he saw Jiyeon coming out of the van together with Hyomin as both of them held their hands tightly together and slowly strolled away. Myungsoo took another glance at the bag of dukbokki in his hands as he bit his lips. His heart started racing in nervousness as he could feel his heart becoming more heavy.

Myungsoo ran towards her and finally get to catch up with her. Patting on her back, Jiyeon turned around and was caught aback by his sudden appearance. 

"Oh, L-sshi." Jiyeon gasped in shock.

Hyomin widened her eyes as she looked at him in suspicion as she patted Jiyeon and waved goodbye at her as she bowed at Myungsoo to bid farewell as she hurriedly went back to her home. 

"Um.." Myungsoo stuttered, passing her a bag of takeaway food.

Jiyeon looked at it curiously and accepted it. She took a peek at the food inside as her eyes were beaming in surprise. She saw dukbokki and could smell the aromatic spicyness and pipping smell of the dukbokki and the sauce. She smiled and asked, "Is this for me?" 

"Yeah, um the stall owner asked me to pass it to you. You were at there yesterday?" Myungsoo asked.

"Stall owner? Which stall?" Jiyeon replied back, she scratched her back of her head as she tried to remember. She then snapped her fingers after a split second and pointed, "Oh, the one down the streets there?" Jiyeon guessed.

Myungsoo smiled and nodded her head. "Oh, I was there with Hyomin unnie. We're taking some food away back to my home, so we can eat dinner together." Jiyeon explained as she paused for a second. "I also saw you there yesterday, you're pretty sad. Is everything okay?" Jiyeon added on, while clearing .

"Ah it's fine. Everything's fine, just visited my parents yesterday. So a little upset and missed them a lot." Myungsoo explained as Jiyeon nodded her head in understanding. 

"Talking about family, it's been quite a long time I've visited them also... I miss appa." Jiyeon said, sighing. She then continued on, "Hm, I guess it's been 4 months?" 

"It's 6 months for me." Myungsoo said, sighing.

"Jinja? Woah." Jiyeon said in disbelief. After a moment of silence, Jiyeon said, "Ah, I guess I better get going." 

"Um" Myungsoo uttered as Jiyeon furrowed her eyebrows, while staring at him.

"Do you have any schedules today?" Myungsoo asked curiously.

Jiyeon widened her eyes in shock. She started trembling in fear as she was caught aback by his sudden strange question. She shook her head and replied, "Ani. I'm having a break after this.. this scandal." Jiyeon said, sighing.

"Oh..." Myungsoo commented. He began tapping his feet and staring onto the ground while Jiyeon did the exact same thing, staring onto the ground, while slotting her hands into the pockets of her jacket.

Myungsoo bit his lips and broke the awkward silence and said, "Mind going out for awhile later with me? I... I am bored." 

Jiyeon gasped as she started stammering her feet on the ground. "Uhh... sure... at 1?" Jiyeon said. Pausing for a second, she continued on, "So.. where are we going exactly?" 

"Hmm, maybe go for some walk and shopping in... um... Apgujeong?" Myungsoo suggested.

"Sure. See you..." Jiyeon said, forcing another smile as she hurriedly went into the apartment building after waving Myungsoo goodbye.

"Aaaaah....." Myungsoo said, ruffling his hair in distress. "Oh god, why did I say that? Now it sounds so awkward." Myungsoo mumbled to himself.

Jiyeon slammed the door shut and leaned her body against the door while clenching onto her heart. Her heart was beating abnormally fast as Jiyeon's legs were jelly and trembling in fear. "Ah... we're going out..." Jiyeon mumbled, but she could not help but to remember his beautiful, handsome features on his face. "But he's really.. handsome." Jiyeon commented, as she could not help but to blush.


1:15p.m. In Metro Station


Myungsoo was waiting in the station as he leaned his body against the marble-tiled walls as he was wearing a cap with shades, while wearing a plaid shirt inside accompanied with some jeans, and boots. He wore a black jacket over his plaid shirt as he was busy looking at his phone, while making glances at the exit, waiting for her to arrive.

Jiyeon soon came to the metro, as she wore a trench coat over her blouse and her skin-tight jeans, accompanied with black boot heels. Myungsoo saw her climbing down the stairs and immediately tidied his hair and stood up from the wall, as he carried his back pack up and waved at Jiyeon.

Jiyeon wore her shades and smiled at Myungsoo as she slowly went over and bowed at him.

"Ah... you're too formal." Myungsoo commented, blushing and grinning widely.

"Ah, I should. You're older than me, anyway L-sshi." Jiyeon said.

"L? Call me Myungsoo will do. Since we're friends right?" Myungsoo said, forcing a smile.

Jiyeon nodded her head as she took a glance at the metro station that was packed with rushing crowd, rushing working people were almost everywhere. "Are you sure we're gonna get the subway? It seems crowded and you're in a top group Infinite." Jiyeon asked curiously.

"You too isn't it?" Myungsoo denied.

"What? Me? T-ara is having a scandal. We lost many fans..." Jiyeon said, sighing as she forced a smile upon her lips.

Myungsoo bit his lips and stare at her in guilt. "Sorry for bringing it up." Myungsoo said apologetically.

"It's fine. Let's get a cab instead." Jiyeon said as both of them climbed back up the stairs back to the main street, where they got a taxi that brought them to Apgujeong.


The taxi ride was only 15 minutes long and they arrived at Apgujeong. It was only 1:40p.m. in Seoul, and it was certainly quiet and peaceful in this day of autumn in Apgujeong. Both of them were greeted by huge building of different boutiques of well-known brands like UNI QLO, H&M, Massimo Dutti, CONVERSE and more. Their eyes were beaming in excitement as they slowly strolled through the street.

The window displays of the boutiques and shops were enticing, grabbing attentions to both of them as they walked down the streets. Both did not exchange much glances, they were pulled by the amazing display of clothes and fall outfits in the shop display. It was also awkward for them when they pointed at the same outfits.

"Wah, that looks nice!" Both of them said in unison as Jiyeon turned around to see Myungsoo staring at her deeply. She turned her head around immediately, hiding her grin as both of them continue walking down, still quiet to each other.

Jiyeon stopped her pace as she landed right infront of an American Apparel shop. She stared at the clothes in the glass display as Myungsoo walked beside her and stare at the display along with her.

"This looks so cool." Jiyeon commented as she took a step into the shop to be greeted by salesgirls. The salesgirls were minding their own business after that, packing and arranging the products on the racks and racks of clothes.

Jiyeon ventured into the shops, browsing through displays and the various racks of clothes. Myungsoo followed behind her as he browsed through the clothes rack as well. 

They earned glares and suspicious glances from the salesgirls as they were closer and closer to them. Both of them did not realize they actually removed their shades from their faces, bearing their make-up-free face as the salesgirl approached Myungsoo.

"Annyeonghaseyo sir, may I help you? eo.." One salesgirl said as Jiyeon turned around but could not help to smirk.

"Omo, you're Infinite... L!" the salesgirl said, squealing excitement as she ran to get an empty piece of paper and asked for his autograph.

Myungsoo smiled brightly and gave her an autograph, ending off with hearts as the salesgirl could not help but to jump in joy, causing more salesgirl to rush up to him and ask for autographs. Some of the shoppers also took secret glances at Myungsoo as they could be seen hiding behind the clothes rack, in between the clothes.

Myungsoo bowed at them politely before joining back with Jiyeon as Jiyeon left the store soon after, earning much gossips and squeals from the salesgirls in the store.


"Infinite is so popular. We're envious." Jiyeon said, smirking while Myungsoo curiously looked at her.

"Ah, I didn't see that coming. I'm sorry for ruining your shopping experience." Myungsoo apologised.

Jiyeon smirked and smack his arm, "I didn't even want to buy anything anyway, I did not have the intention also. Just window-shopping." Jiyeon explained to him, causing Myungsoo to heave a sigh in relief.

"Jiyeon-sshi, you and T-ara should not give up. This is after all a scandal, I believe you all can still turn over a new leaf in this industry. You all can do it~" Myungsoo encouraged her as Jiyeon smiled and blushed in reply.

"You think so, we'll try thanks anyway." Jiyeon said, smiling.

"Your smile is nice. Smile more, though I know its hard to, especially in your situation." Myungsoo said as Jiyeon smirked in reply.


"You want to grab some coffee in the cafe?" Myungsoo asked as Jiyeon looked up at the cafe with much interest and nodded her head in approval. Both of them went up to the cafe, grabbed themselves some hot chocolate before proceeding themselves to a table in the balcony, where the cold autumn wind was blowing against. 

Their hair were loose and freely flowing in the wind direction. Jiyeon's long, flowing wavy hair was fluttering and brushed across like the wind, as she let her cap off her head. She took a sip on the hot chocolate as she stretched her arms in the air, while yawning dreamily. Myungsoo smiled as he saw her yawning.

Her current self was a exact duplicate of his ideal type. Long, wavy hair, flowing in the direction of the wind, huge sparkly eyes, small tender lips and slim body with a graceful manner.

Myungsoo smirked as he took some shots of the scenery outside. Jiyeon stared at him in awe. Seeing his perfect, handsome face, and his determined, engrossed face as he took shots of the scenery with his huge- DSLR camera. Jiyeon smirked as she turned her head and took a glance at the scenery Myungsoo was taking pictures of.

Indeed it was quite a beautiful scene. A guy was on his knees to a girl, who had her hands crossed in tapping her feet. She was wearing much of an annoyed face as the man was pleading for forgiveness in his knees.

She could barely hear their conversation, it was much of an arguement between them. She also smiled upon sight to see the man giving her a bouquet of roses which made the girl blushed in happiness and slowly letting him win over her. 

Jiyeon was beaming with bright smiles as Myungsoo took the chance to take a secret snap of her. Her gentle face and overflowing hair as she was busy focussing on the scene below, while her hands were holding onto the cup of cappucino.

Myungsoo glanced at the shot he had taken but could not help but to smile in satisfaction.

"You take randoms shots... L-sshi." Jiyeon commented, turning her head back again to see Myungsoo smiling sheepishly at his camera.

"L-sshi?" She waked him up as Myungsoo immediately raised his head with a zoned-out expression as he hurriedly scratched the back of his head. 

"Ah... this is embarrassing." Myungsoo mumbled to himself in which Jiyeon could not help but to laugh at him.

"I was saying when you're clearly in your own world, that you take random shots of anything. Literally anything." Jiyeon commented as Myungsoo chuckled.

"Yeah, I'm pretty much of a random person." Myungsoo said.

"Even if you are a random person, but when it comes to the thing you have passion for, you really look engrossed and determined in doing it. Like just now taking the snapshots of the couple downstairs." Jiyeon said, as Myungsoo blushed in reply.

"Ah, really? Thank you." Myungsoo said. Pausing for a second, he then added on, "Oh and Jiyeon-sshi, call me Myungsoo-sshi will do. L is my stage name and Myungsoo is my real name." 

"Is it okay?" Jiyeon asked, still insecure.

"yeah, sure, go on. Call my name please." Myungsoo requested.

"Okay okay, Myungsoo-sshi. Ah, I called you this before if I'm not wrong, I don't know why but I think L is more suitable in this case." Jiyeon said.

"Ah, just continue calling me Myungsoo-sshi like you always do. All my friends does the same, so I don't know why you shouldn't." Myungsoo said, giving her a bright wide smile that was enhanced with his oh-so-adorable dimples. 


T-ara number 9 is rocking , I can't stop repeating omg omg omg omg omg

And IU's song is greaaaaaaat. :x Infinite's request is also in my current music jam too. 



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I will try to update at least once per day for this week only! Next week school's starting, not sure if I can promise daily updates.


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Superstar98 #1
Chapter 20: Me too!!!!!
Chapter 8: yaaaaah!
best chapter so far!
i'm crying! damn it! ;A;
Chapter 23: happy ending!!!! Myungyeon is love.. no Myungyeon, no LOVE..
this should be real!!!!
okay, reading this again and the whole doyeon thing--
i just wish this was real cause omf. why can't this happen. OTL.
o_nofany #5
Chapter 12: this fanfic is awesome love it keep going
i love myungyeon they are so cute
Chapter 23: Finished it already! I want more! I just love MyungYeon so much. I want them for real. Ahehe. I'm still hoping for them to be real or at least to be a couple on WGM. ^__^V
Anyway, your story was good. I enjoyed reading it =)
Oh my gosh! I finally found a MyungYeon story. The foreword is interesting. Gonna start reading now =)
love_ya19 #8
Chapter 23: .".~." ♥ ^^.. T H E E N D..^~^..!!

I'm going to miss this.!!!
Great job author nim...
Myungyeon couple here is so perfect and real...
♥ ~ ♥
parkjiyeon_Lkim #9
Chapter 23: Waaaaahhhhh! I'm happy for MyungYeon, I swear! But! I really will miss your update, author-nim! I'll surely read your new story 'coz MyungYeon is the LOVE. Haha :D Love the quote.
Chapter 23: aww... it's ended already... i'm totally gonna miss this story.
thanks author-nim for spending your time making this amazing~ story. love you ^^ hohoho~ ^o^