
Wrath of the Idol Life ∞

{ Infinitzed }

10:30 a.m. In Japan, T-ara's Dorm


Jiyeon woke up from her bed and rubbed her eyes, while staring into blank space. Thinking and reorganizing her thoughts, she stood up from the bed, took her phone and scrolled through the notifications.

The notifications were all about her twitter account, in which she had not used for quite a long time, and her messages and fancafe notifications. She read through the notifications briefly and shut her phone. Stepping out of her room, she was greeted by a fresh, fragance from the kitchen. Her eyes glittered as she quickened her pace to the kitchen to reveal Eunjung at the kitchen counter, whipping up a delicious, huge feast.

"Wow, what's the occasion?" Jiyeon said.

"You gotta be kidding me.." Boram said, standing beside Eunjung, washing vegetables in the sink. "You really don't know today's date? It's really..." Boram added on but Jiyeon interrupted her.

"I know, it's our 4th anniversary right?" Jiyeon said, as Hyomin and Qri came out from their rooms to be shocked by the feast on the table. "Could I ever forget the date? This day is the day after years of training, where we can finally debut and make music." Jiyeon said as Boram and Qri nodded their heads in understanding.

Hyomin went to the table and walked around in, staring at the food in awe. It was quite of a feast, there were dukbokki, ramen, ramyun, kimbap, black bean noodles, fried pancakes, fried chicken and various side dishes all laid neatly on the table. Eunjung was currently grilling some chicken and meat on the portable grill, while Boram was attending to the vegetables and side dishes.

Hyomin then went to the kitchen and wandered about, helping out in the dishes while Qri and Soyeon went to grab tiny small bites on the food, in which the other members all jeered at them playfully. Jiyeon then ran to sit on the dining chairs, while Soyeon played some ballads on the music player, that blasted throughout the apartment. Qri and Soyeon started playing and fooling around, dancing gracefully along the living room, that was beside the kitchen. Jiyeon then looked at the sudden message she received on the phone.

She started grinning upon seeing that it was from Myungsoo. Giggling and blushing, she read the message, in which Hyomin came and sneaked behind her and read it secretly.

It read, "Hey, happy anniversary! It's been 4 years, 4 hard years babe. Enjoy the fruits of your labour! xoxo" Jiyeon blushed tremendously when suddenly Hyomin snatched the phone to get a closer look at the message.

"Wow, xoxo! Wow, you guys are so so so lovey dovey even though it's been 7 months already!" Hyomin exclaimed as the T-ara members are all jealous and envious of her relationship while Soyeon was an exception.

Soyeon was grinning widely while Qri started cracking up, causing much bewilderment from the other members. They all gave curious stares and glares at Soyeon, whom smacked Qri's arm forcefully while forcing some laughter to hide her secret.

Qri, betraying her, spilled the beans. "Guys,  Jiyeon isn't the only one. Soyeon unnie is also dating somebody. He's also a hottie like L-sshi!~" Qri shouted throughout the apartment.

Everyone was shocked for words. Jiyeon gasped upon hearing while Eunjung dropped her meet on the grill, causing a splash of oil and sizzling on the grill plate. Everyone, except for Eunjung, all crowded around Soyeon on the couch.

Jiyeon hopped on the top of the sofa, behind Soyeon while Hyomin stood beside Jiyeon, standing behind sofa, while Boram and Qri went to sit beside her, while tugging onto her shoulders. They all pleaded her to clarify this huge secret of hers. Soyeon looked at them and sighed. Taking in a huge breath, she then finally confided with them on the truth.

"I've been meeting this guy recently.." Soyeon said.

"An male idol?! Woah! Or an actor? Or maybe is he just a normal citizen?" Boram asked eagerly.

"Since Qri said he's a hottie, he's probably an... male idol or an actor." Hyomin added on.

"Guys, sheesh let me talk please." Soyeon said, and the rest of the members had their ears open for her. She then paused for awhile, took a huge breath and confessed, "It's Jonghyuk... the actor." 

"OH EM GEES, He's so smoking hot!" Qri squealed in excitement.

"OH DAMN LORD, God bless Soyeon. Soyeon, good catch." Hyomin said, giving a thumbs up to Soyeon, which Soyeon returned her with a death, serious glare.

"Wow, is this real? How did you guys met? I mean, we rarely meet him around the industry." Boram asked curiously.

"Waaaah, daebak!" Eunjung's voice could be heard in the background.

Soyeon then smiled sheepishly, while recalling all the moments spent with him together. They were all lovely, memorable and simply irresistable. Even though their first encounter was much of an awkward moment, they broke that awkward atmosphere and chatted along well, and they became friends. When they became friends, they confide to each other more. With news of him entering the army, Soyeon still kept in touch with him, chatting to him about her personal life, her struggles as he would call her every night during the phone period in the army everyday.

On the days where Jonghyuk would be discharged from army for the weekend, he would go out with dates with Soyeon. They went to gym together privately and they shared many things with each other. Within a month, Jonghyuk and Soyeon began so close, that they even know their life habits and favourites and dislikes. 

Jonghyuk finally confessed his attraction for her on a night when he's in the army base, catching Soyeon off guard as Soyeon began to realize her feelings for Jonghyuk. She had all along been obsessed and caring over his matters over the month. They started dating ever since they kissed at a bridge in a park. That kiss was the start of their love.

They went out on dates and many people wouldn't recognize them, so that was not a huge matter. The manager was known and aware of their dating ever since Soyeon confided this to the manager days after she accepted his confession. The manager did not whine with her, since Jonghyuk was trustable and since he's an actor, dating an actor would not be much of a hassle as compared to Jiyeon and Myungsoo's relationship since both of them are hallyu kpop idols.


Suddenly, the doorbell rang and Hyomin hurriedly rushed to the door and opened to see Myungsoo and Woohyun standing infront of the doorstep, grinning widely. They held onto two bouquets of flower as Woohyun handled one bouquet of a dozen of roses to Hyomin, whom eyes were huge as she stare at Woohyun in disbelief and shock.

"You two..." Hyomin said, pointing to them. Myungsoo bowed and greeted her and walked past her to go to Jiyeon, while Woohyun stood infront of her, grinning happily.

Hyomin was stunned by their sudden appearance. They are supposed to be in Korea right now, but the fact that they are in Japan right now, was really much of a surprise for her. 

"We're promoting Man In Love Japanese Version right now." Woohyun explained.

"Ah, you could have at least told us you were coming at least." Hyomin said, smirking at him while her cheeks was burning in embarrassment. Woohyun then winked at her, which caught Hyomin off guard as she stood there, stunned for words.

"Surprise!" Myungsoo said, creeping up from Jiyeon's back and covering her eyes suddenly with his palms.

Jiyeon, still unaware, she screamed in shock as she suddenly smelled a usual, manly scent from her back, she then felt at ease and smiled in sight. Accompanied with Myungsoo's voice, she then knew Myungsoo was behind her. Myungsoo removed his fingers and she saw a huge bouquet of two dozens of roses infront of her.

Her eyes widened and glittered in surprise. "Wow." She exclaimed, accepting the bouquet of roses and took a smell of it. She then opened her arms and hugged Myungsoo tightly, while burying her head in his chest, sniffing on his manly scent.

"Do you like it?" Myungsoo asked her.

Jiyeon nodded her head and replied, "Yeah, I love it a lot. It's so lovely!" Jiyeon then broke away from the hug and added on, "What brings you here anyway oppa?" 

"Infinite is currently promoting Man In love here in Japan, so I thought I might just drop by for awhile and celebrate your anniversary breakfast together with you, I brought Woohyun along too, since he's been whining about Hyomin recently." Myungsoo said, rolling his eyes at Hyomin, causing the entire apartment to burst into laughter and Hyomin blushing terribly upon his words.

They soon gathered at the dining table, with Eunjung laying the grilled chicken and meat on the table, accompanied with Boram's self-made side-dishes. They all took the cutleries, prepared the bowls of rice and handled to everyone on the dining table. They all received their bowls of rice, as they all raised up her glasses of water.

"To Infinite and T-ara!" Soyeon shouted, as everyone all cheered on, while sipping on their glasses of water. Jiyeon found herself stuffing with food and food, after waiting for the food enthusiastically over an hour. 

Myungsoo then grabbed some food for Jiyeon, while Jiyeon gave him some of her food as well. They did couple stuff on the dining table, which are feeding each other meat, vegetables and doing all sort of lovey-dovey stuff on the dining table.

Woohyun, on the other side, took the initiative by forcing some meat down Hyomin's throat, in which she stared at him fatally as he gave her chunkful of meat each time. She ended up having a hard time chewing and swallowing the food down, while giving death glares at Woohyun. Soyeon eyed them suspiciously and smirked in delight.

"Woohyun-sshi." Soyeon called out.

Woohyun raised his head at Soyeon and raised his brows, giving the most curious expression he ever had. Soyeon then smiled, "What do you think about our Hyomin?" Soyeon asked politely.

Hyomin placed her chopsticks down, while chewing on her food she raised her eyes at Soyeon, hinting her to stop but Soyeon ignored that signal. Hyomin then glared at Woohyun, whom started to speak.

"Well, she's pretty, hilarious and cheerful." Woohyun stated.

Soyeon then nodded her head. She then asked further, "Is she somewhat near your ideal type?" 

Woohyun smiled nervously while he scratched the back of his neck. Hesitating for awhile, and with Hyomin's stern glare, he then took a huge breath in, and confessed, "Well, yeah kinda." 

Soyeon was beaming with a huge smile, with Eunjung giggling along, as she clapped her hands. "That's great. I'd like to see some progress later on." Soyeon mumbled, causing Myungsoo to crack up in laughter while joking and teasing Woohyun along the way.

Woohyun and Hyomin has been placed in a laughing stock all over this matter since then, many would tease them of being girlfriends and boyfriends, while they would deny it over and over again. However, it just seems like Hyomin and Woohyun did not even mind it since they did not really do anything but just deny the fact.

"Oh, oppa." Jiyeon suddenly thought of something and whispered it to Myungsoo.

Myungsoo's eyes widened as he said, "Soyeon-sshi, I didn't know you're dating Jonghyuk sunbaenim." 

Soyeon widened her eyes and turned her eyes to Myungsoo, while catching the chuckling Jiyeon beside him. She then gave a furious glare as Woohyun started gasping in shock. How great, she wanted the members to be known of this matter but now it seems like this dating matter would be spread throughout the entire music industry.

She then facepalmed herself while shoving food down while Myungsoo and Woohyun kept talking about this issue.

It was after an hour of meal, where Myungsoo and Woohyun had to make their move. They were supposed to go for a photoshoot for their new jacket cover of their single "Man In love (Jap)" in a photo studio in Tokyo. Jiyeon and Myungsoo hugged each other, while holding their hands tightly, sharing an unforgettable farewell as they stepped away from each other and Myungsoo went into the van. Woohyun waved at Hyomin goodbye while giving her a mesmerising wink, sending chills down her spine as she threw a fist at him and stick her tongue out, slamming the door shut right infront of his face, while smiling and laughing behind the door.

They all went back to their respective places, as T-ara had to go for some promoting and recording later on.


2:30 p.m. In Na Young's Mansion


"Ommo-ni.." Junmi said, while patting on the mother's shoulders. The mother turned to look at her while Junmi passed her a cup of tea. The mother thanked her weakily while slowly sipped onto the tea.

"Ommo-ni, it's been a month since Na Young was charged guilty... It's time to move on and anticipate her return. I'm sure when she returns, she'll change into a mature, fine young woman." Junmi comforted her as the mother nodded her head slowly.

"It's been 1 month, there's still 8 more months she'll suffer in that horrible place. I wonder if she's coping well with life there." The mother said worriedly. She sighed and added on, "Anyway, she couldn't even complete high school, she have to suffer in that cell all day long, I wonder if life's treating her well now.."

Junmi patted on her shoulders while the mother nodded her head in understanding. 

"I'll go back upstairs to paint." The mother said, standing up and wrapping her body with her huge silky scarf and elegantly strolled upstairs. She then stopped her pace infront of a door and opened the door. 

There, revealed a young, fine girl, sitting on her desk, surfing the websites while her long, black hair was overflowing. The mother went inside and shut the door as the girl turned around and gave a faint smile to the mother. She then closed the website immediately and opened the study website while the mother approached her. 

"Do Yeon-ah, what are you doing?" The mother said curiously.

"Ah, just looking at some information and doing some research for University." Doyeon said, forcing a smile.

"Ah, work hard okay, we only have you by our side right now.." The mother said weakily, while sighing.

Doyeon then stood up from her seat and grabbed the mother's hands gently, "Omma, don't worry. I'll do proud for the Lee family." 

The mother smiled faintly and left the room after awhile. Doyeon then resumed her work. She stared at the pictures mesmerisingly, while snapping shots of the picture on her phone. She saved them all under a file and labelled it as, "Work". She then took her bag, placed her necessities and make-up, get dressed in a plain NEW YORK shirt, accompanied with denim shorts and wore socks and boots on, headed down to the kitchen to catch a glass of water.

Sipping on the glass of water, she then afterwards tied a bun on her hair, wore shades and was about to head out when the father suddenly called her into his study room.

"Appa, wae?" She asked softly, while removing her shades.

The father gestured her to sit down on the chair. She abided by his order, Doyeon was a quiet, shy and obedient girl on the surface. She doesn't talk much, she keeps living in her own world, but she is quite of a filial daughter as compared to Na Young. 

"I've recently accepted this offer from Woollim Entertainment." The father said.

Doyeon's eyes widened in shock as she leaned closer to the table to hear the father more.

"Yeah, so anyway, we've signed a contract to help them distribute and market Infinite's member L's photography book, Bravo Viewtiful. The contract is really a big step for the company. They've offered alot of cash and benefits to the company, so I accepted this offer and signed the contract with them." The father stated.

"The thing is?" Doyeon asked.

"Ah, yes. Doyeon-ah, I know you're a university student, you know all the trendy stuff, hippy and fashionable stuff. You're pretty well-educated on the current trends in Seoul, so can you send a report on the trends of Seoul currently to me, so I can hand over to the marketing department because those marketing department staff are old as hell and uneducated about trends for youngsters like you." The father said.

"I only trust you, Doyeon-ah. Though initially I wanted to train Na Young with this, but she had already ended up in such a state, so I guess it's best to have you to help me do it." The father said. He paused for awhile and asked, "So, can you help me do it?" 

Doyeon nodded her head and gave her words for the father. The father had all along loved her. What to expect from the apple of his eye?

Doyeon flashed a grin as she stepped out and slowly headed out to the streets of Myeongdong.


Doyeon stopped at an accessories store in Myeongdong and looked at the accessories laid neatly on the display table. She picked up a piece of bracelet with beads on. She used the phone and stared at one of the photographs on her phone. Matching the accessory with the one in the photograph, she flashed another smile.


Hey guys, I'm just confused. Is L's dating scandal with Doyeon true or false?
I've read some saying its false and there's a pic of her with the guy that is actually holding her hair and that's not L, but I'm not sure on the supermarket photo though... so confused! I'm more to thinking it's false, but there's some people saying they are obviously dating and stuff like that, saying the supermarket incident is the most valid proof...


IF ITS TRUE, break up please. lmao


okay, im out.


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I will try to update at least once per day for this week only! Next week school's starting, not sure if I can promise daily updates.


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Superstar98 #1
Chapter 20: Me too!!!!!
Chapter 8: yaaaaah!
best chapter so far!
i'm crying! damn it! ;A;
Chapter 23: happy ending!!!! Myungyeon is love.. no Myungyeon, no LOVE..
this should be real!!!!
okay, reading this again and the whole doyeon thing--
i just wish this was real cause omf. why can't this happen. OTL.
o_nofany #5
Chapter 12: this fanfic is awesome love it keep going
i love myungyeon they are so cute
Chapter 23: Finished it already! I want more! I just love MyungYeon so much. I want them for real. Ahehe. I'm still hoping for them to be real or at least to be a couple on WGM. ^__^V
Anyway, your story was good. I enjoyed reading it =)
Oh my gosh! I finally found a MyungYeon story. The foreword is interesting. Gonna start reading now =)
love_ya19 #8
Chapter 23: .".~." ♥ ^^.. T H E E N D..^~^..!!

I'm going to miss this.!!!
Great job author nim...
Myungyeon couple here is so perfect and real...
♥ ~ ♥
parkjiyeon_Lkim #9
Chapter 23: Waaaaahhhhh! I'm happy for MyungYeon, I swear! But! I really will miss your update, author-nim! I'll surely read your new story 'coz MyungYeon is the LOVE. Haha :D Love the quote.
Chapter 23: aww... it's ended already... i'm totally gonna miss this story.
thanks author-nim for spending your time making this amazing~ story. love you ^^ hohoho~ ^o^