
Give me 100 days

It had been two weeks since that kiss. 14 days of feeling like I was on cloud nine. Jiyong really put a lot of effort into our relationship. When I told Minji that we were officially a couple she couldn't stop screaming or bouncing around the office. I had to keep her calm as we didn't want anyone else knowing about it.

I had also made sure that Jiyong didn't send any more flowers to my office. If Hyunsoo was jealous I didn't need to add any more fuel to the fire. 

Jiyong still wanted to show me the best that Seoul had to offer so we visited the zoo, Myeongdong and Bukchon Hanok Village. We went for bike rides along the Han river, drank hot chocolate in small independent cafes and visited nearby palaces and temples during sunset. 

I felt like it was time to give something to the relationship so instead of going out to eat, I told him to come over so could cook for him. 

"Friday I have a concert here in Seoul and would really like for you to come" He said as I cleared our plates

"Of course I will Jiyongie, I've waited for too long to see you perform!" 

"Great!" He said getting up and hugging me from behind "There's also a party afterwards that I want you to come to. Everyone's been dying to meet you"

"So you talk about me?" I laughed washing the dishes

"Yeah, you're all I think about so sometimes I let slip something about you" He said speaking into my shoulder

"Like what?" I asked 

"If we're talking about food, I think about your favorite meal. If we're talking about fashion, I think about the color blue and how good it looks on you. If we're talking about animals, I think about your favorite breed of dog or how much you love elephants. If we're talking about television, it's your love of reality shows. You know, things like that."

I spun round to face him

"You're very sweet." I kissed him gently "And if that was part of your plan for me to come along and meet your friends than it worked" I laughed

He smiled and returned the kiss

"You can even bring a friend"


I didn't see Jiyong much for the rest of the week as he had a packed schedule but we made sure to talk regularly on the phone and Skype every evening. 

"I don't know what to wear, do I take a change of clothes? Should I just go in what I would wear to the club. But that would look too over the top. Oh my god, I need help!" Minji cried collapsing on the chair in my office.

"You need to calm down!" I laughed "Wear what you would wear to any concert and when it's finished we can go back to mine and get changed for the club. My apartment is in between the stadium and the club" 

Minji nodded, telling me that she understood and her little breakdown was over. 

A knock at the door interrupted our discussion on what to wear.

"Lola, can I talk to you quickly?" It was Hyunsoo

Minji excused herself and left my office

"It's just to tell you that our monthly Hwae-shik is tonight. It's basically a company dinner but more fun. We go out for food and then drinks" 

Why have I only just heard about it and why has no one mentioned it. I had to think of an excuse and quick. If Hyunsoo found out I was meeting Jiyong, or any male for that matter my job may come into jeopardy. 

"I'm really sorry but I'm not going to be able to come Mr. Park" I said bowing my head

"Why is that?" He asked, his voice was telling me he was slightly pissed. 

"I have a Korean language test tonight and it's very important. I had to rearrange the last one so I can't cancel again" I said looking remorseful. As much as I would love to go out to dinner with my co-workers. Jiyong came first. 

"Ok, that is fair enough. I'm sorry you can't make it" And with that he left. I breathed a sigh of relief as the door closed. 

I looked at the screen on my phone, it was a message from Minji asking what Hyunsoo wanted. 

'I had heard about that but didn't think you would be invited. It was for the directors and the heads of department. No offense but you're a PA'

Minji replied after I had told her about the Hwae-shik. It made me worry what Hyunsoo was trying to do. My thoughts were interrupted by a text from Jiyong, telling me how excited he was for tonight. I wished him luck and got ready to leave the office. 


I wore skinny jeans and flats with a black tank and red button up. It might be November but previous experience told me it would be hot once the concert started.

Minji had decided on a similar outfit to mine and we made our way towards the stadium. 

We had VIP entry tickets and could see the stage very well from where we sitting. Jiyong had sent over two light sticks for us to use once the lights had gone down. 

"Could you ask him to sign it for me?" Minji asked

I rolled my eyes in response. 


I couldn't have felt more proud seeing my boyfriend on the stage. We made eye contact several times and I couldn't help but smile every time. It felt great to know I was with someone I truly cared about and who I knew felt the same way. 

Me and Minji made it back to mine to change into something more club appropriate. I wore black shorts and a black and white striped blouse, leaving a few of the buttons undone. Minji opted for a black fitted dress.

"I'm glad we don't clash!" I laughed at our monochrome theme. 

We showed the bouncer our cards and climbed some stairs to the VIP area. I saw Jiyong immediately, his blonde hair standing out from the darker hues of his friends. I stopped to look at his expression, he kept glancing at his watch and looking around the area. I hoped he was anticipating my arrival. 

I walked over to him when his gaze met mine. He got up from his seat and came to meet me, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my cheek

"I'm so glad you're here, I didn't think you were coming" He said repeatedly kissing my face

I pushed him off gently, conscious of the glances we might be getting.

"Jiyong this is Minji, Minji this is Jiyong" I said introducing my friend and boyfriend

They bowed to each other and returned greetings.

"Let's get you two a drink." He said walking us over to some long white sofas that sat his friends.

Jiyong handed Minji and I a glass of champagne each.

"Everyone this is my girlfriend Lola, be nice to her!" He laughed

Jiyong found a space on one of the sofas and patted to a space next to him. I didn't have to worry about Minji needing babysitting all night as she was sitting elsewhere talking to other people.

"Hi Lola, I'm Youngbae" Said a guy with two braids and sunglasses.

"Hi Youngbae" I smiled "So you like wearing sunglasses in clubs like Jiyongie"

"Sorry, its a habit" He said taking them off to reveal a cute eyesmile.

I was gradually introduced to more of Jiyong's friends and acquaintances.

"What did you think of the concert?" Jiyong asked me

"It was really good Jiyong. I was very proud to see you up there. You work so hard and it's something that your fans recognize you for" I said smiling

"Thanks baby. It meant a lot that you were there" He said kissing my temple

"I was wondering if you wanted to stay at mine tonight?" I whispered in his ear, i didn't want anyone to get the wrong impression.  Jiyong had only stayed over a couple of nights since Busan and each night we both agreed that we slept better when we were together. However, Jiyong had been having schedule until the early morning and he didn't want to wake me up by coming over late. Nothing had happened between Jiyong and I when we slept together. We wanted to take things slow, but it wasn't as if I hadn't thought about it or wanted to continue when our make out sessions got a little further. We had known each other for 3 weeks. It was too soon to be having , especially when I was a . 

"Isn't Minji staying?" He asked

I shook my head "She has to be up early tomorrow to help her mother with an auction of some sort"

"In that case, I would love to stay" He said smiling at me.


I had said goodbye to Minji at around 1am, she was reluctant to leave but had to be up early. Some of Jiyong's friends left at 2am so the VIP area was gradually emptying. I excused myself to use the bathroom. Whilst inside I saw that I had a missed call and a voicemail from Hyunsoo.

I found a quiet area outside and listened to the message he had left.

"Lola, it's Hyunsoo. Just to let you know I'm sorry if I came across as angry when we spoke earlier. I was just excited at the prospect of you getting to know the more senior members of the company that you have yet to meet. It was also a way of letting you see the Korean side to work, we do like to let loose sometimes. I swear. Anyway, good luck on your test and I will see you on Monday. Enjoy your weekend."

Part of me felt guilty for lying to my boss about where I really was and who I was with but another part made me think that maybe he wanted me to feel guilty. I had let him down in some way. I was shaken from my thoughts when I felt a presence beside me.

"Lola isn't it?" Asked The woman next to me

"Yeah" I replied turning to face her

"I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to introduce myself earlier. There was a long line of people waiting to meet the lady who has Jiyong acting like a teenager again" She laughed sticking her hand out for me to shake

"I'm Kiko, nice to meet you"



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mikkydragon #1
Chapter 25: beautiful story
musicisbigbang #2
Chapter 22: i cannot with these revelations .. it breaks my heart
TwistedIceQueen #3
Chapter 25: me likey! didnt feel an ounce of sympathy for kiko...i mean you lay with dogs expect to get fleas. lola was a perfect example of a heroine for me. one who didnt wallow in despair but made things happen. jiyong? he was also perfect. thank you for not portraying him as an here.
michelle1 #4
Chapter 21: I can't wait to hear what he has to say for himself!
Chapter 19: I feel like there's some black-mail involved....I'm so curious about what's really going on!
lovis89 #6
Chapter 19: damn what reason is that jiyong?
man up!
Chapter 19: omg!!!!!!! I have no idea what to say right now. I don't know if I should be pissed,sad, or angry. but I have feeling that I know the reasons why he's doing it. I just hope I'm right on that reason :/

please update soon.....please
parkbommie_ #8
Chapter 17: Omg cliffhanger!!!! Update soon pls!
lovis89 #9
Chapter 17: wtf engagement????
i just finished reading all 14 chapters and I FELL IN LOVE with it SO FAST that its not even funny!!!! lol

Please update soon :D