Our First Christmas Together Part 1

~I Need You And Only You

                                                                                      No One's P.O.V.

      Four months had past, and it is two days before Christmas.

                                                                 Jung-hye's P.O.V.

      Omo! What should I get Junhyung?! I don't know what he wants...Everyone else too....I had to use all my money that I saved for emergencies to buy the gifts.

      That day, I turned off my phone and left with only my purse. I was on a mission to secretly shop for presents. ^-^.. I was gone for almost the whole day. Hopefully everyone like's their gifts..Especially Junhyung.. 

Gift list :

Mi-na Youngmin Yoseob Min-young Junhyung Doojoon Kikwang Dongwoon Hyunseung
Charm bracelet with family names and birthstones. Personalized Double dog tags necklace with "Jo Youngmin loves" on one and "Park Mi-Na" on the other. A White West 49 Watch Large white teddy bear with a best friend necklace. A rare music box recorded by Jung-hye with a necklace that has a star in a heart and on the back it says "I love you <3 Jung-hye and Junhyung." A Sterling cross with a silver chain necklace.  Cute purple nerdy glasses engraved with " <3's his B2UTIES." A Cannon Powershot A460. A gray beanie personalized with "Hyunseung Loves his b2uties."

When I got home, I hid all the presents and fell asleep.

      The next day, Beast was having a Christmas eve party (sleep-over); Which starts at six. So I guess I'll go get ready.

                                                                Junhyung's P.O.V.

      Ah! Beast is hosting a party tomorrow for Chirstmas, and I haven't bought anything yet. So I grabbed my jacket and went shopping. Heh.. This what I ended up with:

Mi-Na Youngmin Yoseob Min-young Jung-hye Kikwang Doojoon Dongwoon Hyunseung
White Knee High Converse All Stars. Supra raider Black washed canvas shoes. Osiris Nyc black & white striped shoes. Obey jetsream Black sherpa Jacket A black & gray haltered dress and a Ruby floating heart necklace. Volcom cork screw Black & Blue bifold wallet Supra muska sky top tuff grey gunny shoes. Neff daily striped grey beanie Coal Karolyn blue pom beanie.

      I didn't really care what I bought, but I really care about Jung-hye's gift..Will she like it?..I'm really nervous.,

      The next day, I had to clean up our dorm; Yoseob and Kikwang had to cook (I'm a little worried about Kikwang though); Hyunseung, Dongwoon, and Doojoon were in charge of decorating the dorm. After all that preparing, We only had two hours to get ready..

                                                                                    Jung-hye's P.O.V.

      I wore my retro mini tea dress (grayish) with my gray Whitney cuff boots. I curled my hair and smiled when I looked at my couple ring. (: Wow! It was already 5:30! I should probably get going. I put all the presents in my backpack and went into Nana's room. Only to find her crying, hair all messed up, and a busted lip. I went up to Nana and hugged her then I asked her what happened. She said "I was going to get a drink, when aunty told me to make her tea. I made it and gave it to her. Then she said that it tasted all wrong, and threw the cup at me. After that she started to hit me." Then she started to cry. ( I hate seeing my sister cry! My aunt is going to have to pay!) Nana...Don't cry...Here let unni fix you up... It took at least 40 minutes until I fixed her up. We were already late. I told Nana to go ahead, I'll meet her there later, because I forgot something (lied..) Nana nodded and left.

      I walked into the living room and setted my backpack down. Then I said "Imo! Why did you hit Mi-na for?! She did as you said." Then she walked up to me and said "Don't ever talk to me like that again! You here me?!" Then she slapped me, she was gonna slap me again, but I grabbed onto her arm in time. She tried to pull her arm away, but I only tightened my my grip even more. I stared at her coldly and said I've always did everything you told me to do! I even just sat there letting you abuse me! But if you go and hit Mi-na, then that's when I get pissed! I don't care if you're my aunt or not! But if you ever lay a finger on my little sister again...I'll make sure that you'll never live your life in peace.  After that I let go of her arm, picked up my backpack and left the house.

      I arrived at Beast's Dorm at 6:35. I knocked on the door, and Junhyung opened it. I said "Sorry I was late..Kind of got into a situation at home.." I tried hiding the red hand print on my face as I walked in and sat next to Nana and Min-young. That's when Nana gasped and yelled 'Hyemi-unni! What happened to your face? Why is it so red?" Everyone rushed over and they all looked worried, Especially Junhyung. Oh I just had a little talk with  our aunt.. I can tolerate it when she abuses me, but... if she hits my sister then of course I'm gonna get mad.. That's when all the Beast members except Junhyung yelled "What!? You were abused by your aunt?" I nodded and said "Yup, ever since I was 10, I always made sure that Nana stayed safe, but this was the first time she was ever hit." Youngmin went over and hugged Nana and then whispered something in her ear. All of a sudden I got hit in the head softly by Junhyung, after that he said "Pabo! Your suppose to be staying out of trouble." I smiled and said sorry.

      After all the seriousness, we started playing games. We paired up and played Hide and go seek. I was with Junhyung; Nana was with Youngmin; Min-young was with Yoseob; Kikwang was with Doojoon; and Donwoon was with Hyunseung. We all picked Dongwoon and Hyunseung to be it. They had to count to twenty. Meanwhile, Junhyung dragged me up stairs and we ended up hiding in a really small storage room. We were so close that I could hear Junhyungs' heartbeat. I laid my head on his chest and just listened to his heart beat..Then I heard his heartbeat thumping faster and faster. When I looked up, our eyes met, then Junhyung was leaning in. When the door flew open and Min-young and Yoseob was there. Apparently Junhyung and I had won. I smiled and hugged Junhyung, then I said "We won :)"

      We all went downstairs, Doojoon then announced that it was Dinner time. I sat down next to Junhyung and Kikwang. The food was really good. Yoseob claimed that he made the main course. Then Yoseob yelled "Hey! You guys....I have something to tell you..." We all looked at him seriously. Yoseob got up and said "When Min-young and I went to go get Junhyung and Jung-hye....They were about to kiss!!" Junhyung got up and said "Yah!! It's none of your business." Then he started to blush. I looked down and started to blush to...That's when everyone started calling us "The blushing couple." Weird right? Now it was time for dessert and Kikwang claimed that he made it. He wanted Nana, Min-young, and I to try the cake first. To tell you the truth....it was really salty instead of sweet. I looked at Nana and Min-young and they looked at me, I shook my head a little, so that only they saw it. That gave them a clue that meant have manners and say positive things. i smiled and said "Kikwang...It's actually pretty good." Nana said "Yea, it's very different." Min-young then added "Yea, it taste really original." Then all the beast members and Youngmin tried it. Right, when the cake entered their mouth, they all started gagging and choking. I gave Junhyung some water and said "Are you okay?" He just nodded. Then Yoseob stood up and yelled "Yah! Did you mistaken the salt for sugar again? Pabo! How do you expect us to eat this?!" Min-young said " Yoseob!  Stop, it's okay." Kikwang said "everyone...I'm really sorry." Then I added " Don't worry, everyone makes mistakes right? Min-young and I can come up with something." We ended up making Christmas cookies. *keke*

      After cleaning up, we decided to watch a scary movie. Yoseob putted in the disk to Paranormal Activity. I was sitting next to Kikwang, when Junhyung came and sat right in between us. It was really scary.. I was hugging Junhyung most of the time. Plus what made it funny was we could only hear Yoseob and Dongwoon screaming. When the movie was over, everyone was asleep except Junhyung and I. We went and got blankets for everyone. Then I laid my head on Junhyungs' chest and slowly fell asleep, while listening to his heart beat.

      "I can't stop my heart from beating faster and faster, every time I see her, think of her, and even when I'm near her." -Junhyung

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ailisu #1
awww stupid sunhi!!!
wtfelicia #2
aww that was cute... hyemi pull junhyung out of it alrdy! he's so sad :(
wtfelicia #3
wah finally she finds out! that poor boy must be so tired alrdy >,<
Umm...4minute should be the judges hehe ><
wtfelicia #5
screw the sunhi !!! eeks!!!!
wtfelicia #6
oh yes he finally said something! aww seobie, you must comfort him ><
wtfelicia #7
ahhh Junhyung! don't ve afraid of a mere girl! if she hurts hyemi, I'm pretty sure you are capable of protecting her! not like this!! ahhhhh ><
AH.. its ok! school started for me last week. i was even more busy :( its ok!<br />
I feel ur pain! no need to update soon quickly!
sun-hi your a ! please Hyemi realize that Junhyung still louves you!
wtfelicia #10
oh what a .. that sun-hi.. i hope hyemi can sense something wrong! ><