The Warning..

~I Need You And Only You

                                                    Jung-hye's P.O.V.

      After the party ended, Junhyung~oppa and Youngmin took Nana and I home. On our way there, I told Nana that she had to walk calmly to her room and stay there. Youngmin said "Why does she always have to go through this process everyday? I worry about her too." I smiled and said "I hate for Nana to be in this situation too..But I guess our lives were set that way from the start, and I'm working really hard to get enough money to buy my own place. But I also need enough money to raise Nana and her school expenses." Junhyung said "Enough with this conversation. We're here." I said "Thank you oppa." I was going to go inside, when Junhyung said "Aren't you forgetting something?" I turned around confused, then I saw him pointing to his cheek. I started laughing. I ran up to him and gave him a kiss.

      When I got inside, I only saw the t. v. on. Then I saw my aunt sitting there, giving me an evil stare. But I guess that's all she can do. :) After what had happened two days ago. But to add on to my luck, Sun-hi wasn't home. Now I can actually sleep with out waking up to do crap for them. :) Anyways Night Night....

                                                    Junhyung's P.O.V.

      After dropping Nana and Hyemi off at home, I took Youngmin home. Aish! I'm so tired, and my sister told me that she's going to move in a place next to our dorms. So she could keep an eye on Hyemi and Nana, to see if anyone is messing with them. This is the first time, Kyunghee had ever approved of my girlfriend. Unlike..the other girl...Hana....Anyways, I shouldn't be thinking about her.

      I wanted to walk by Hyemi's house again, but when I got there all the lights were off. I guess she must've fell asleep. I was going to head back to the dorm, when I saw Sun-hi walking towards me. I don't really want to see her face as of right now... I turned and was going to walk the other direction, when I heard Sun-hi call my name. I stopped and said "I don't have anything to say to a person like you."" I was going to walk away, then Sun-hi said "But I have something to say to you.. BREAK UP WITH HYEMI!" I turned around and said "Are you crazy? Why would I break up with Hyemi?" Sun-hi smirked and said "Break up with Hyemi, if you care about her safety. Because if you don't then I won't be responsible for anything that happens to her in the future. You migh tnever know if she'll end up in the hospital the next day..." I grabbed her hand and said "I won't let you do anything to her. I have my own ways to protect my girl. So don't you dare lay a finger on her." She pulled her hand away and yelled 'Yah! Yong Junhyung! You don't know what I'm capable of doing. I'll give you until next Friday, and also...Don't tell anyone!" then she walked into the house...

      I stood out there for almost 25 minutes, just thinking, then I saw Hyemi's light turn on. Don't tell me Sun-hi woke her up. I don't know what to do now. I slowly made my way back to the dorms and locked myself inside.

                                                                Beast's P.O.V

      "Hey...Don't you guy's think that Junhyung is acting a little weird?" asked Yoseob. "Yea, Your right, he's acting as if Hyemi broke up with him.." said Dongwoon. "Yoseob call Minyoung and ask if anything happened. Hyunseung and Kikwang, you guys go and try to talk to Junhyung. Dongwoon you go call Youngmin and ask if anything happened on the way home. I'll call Hyemi and ask her." said Doojoon. Everyone nodded and left.

                                                               10 minutes later....

      "Minyoung said that Hyemi hasn't contacted her." reported Yoseob. "Youngmin said nothing happened on the way home." said Dongwoon. "I called Hyemi, she said that everything is fine and that they didn't break up." said Doojoon. Then Kikwang and Hyunseung came and said "Junhyung won't talk to us at all.." "I wonder what's wrong with him....." whispered Yoseob.

                                                                Jung-hye's P.O.V.

      I got a call from Doojoon last night asking if anything happened between Junhyung and I. Weird right?

      Anyways, I get the feeling that Junhyung is avoiding me for some reason. He doesn't talk to me as much. I wonder if I did anything wrong. I ignored it for a while, but Junhyung has been ignoring me for almost a week now.. Then on Thursday Junhyung came up to me and hugged me. He said "Hyemi~ah.. You need to remember that I love you.. No matter what.. You mean the world to me.." I said "Oppa, I love you too.. :]" He's been acting really weird lately, but guess what? It's my birthday Friday. Yay.. I know that I'll have fun because Junhyungs' going to be there. Beast, Youngmin, Nana, Min-young, and Kyunghee~unni is throwing a party at Beast's dorm after school. I'll finally turn 19 years old. *keke*

                                                                Junhyung's P.O.V.

      I got my answer. I called Sun-hi and said "Fine. I'll break up with Hyemi, but you can't hurt her or Nana anymore." She said "Fine, but after you break up with her, you have to say you fell in love with someone else. That someone will be me, I'll be your girlfriend." "Yah! You didn't say that the other night!" I yelled. "well, then I guess there is no deal. Oh and The next time you will see Hyemi is in the hospital.. unconscious." yelled Sun-hi. I finally gave up and said "Alright, fine..I'll do what ever you want.!" then I hung up.

        * I'm sorry Hyemi....I love you too much to let you get hurt.. I'll always will be thinking about you..Hopefully you can forget about me soon.........*                                                

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ailisu #1
awww stupid sunhi!!!
wtfelicia #2
aww that was cute... hyemi pull junhyung out of it alrdy! he's so sad :(
wtfelicia #3
wah finally she finds out! that poor boy must be so tired alrdy >,<
Umm...4minute should be the judges hehe ><
wtfelicia #5
screw the sunhi !!! eeks!!!!
wtfelicia #6
oh yes he finally said something! aww seobie, you must comfort him ><
wtfelicia #7
ahhh Junhyung! don't ve afraid of a mere girl! if she hurts hyemi, I'm pretty sure you are capable of protecting her! not like this!! ahhhhh ><
AH.. its ok! school started for me last week. i was even more busy :( its ok!<br />
I feel ur pain! no need to update soon quickly!
sun-hi your a ! please Hyemi realize that Junhyung still louves you!
wtfelicia #10
oh what a .. that sun-hi.. i hope hyemi can sense something wrong! ><