Final Break Down D:

~I Need You And Only You

                                                               Junhyung's P.O.V.
    I looked at Sunhi with disgust. After Hyemi left, Sunhi said "Oppa...Thank you for saving me :( I don't know what Jung-hye~unni would've done to me if you hadn't shown up.." She ran up and grabbed my arm.. I smirked and pulled my arm away. Then I said "You broke your promise! You said that if I dated you then you would hurt hyemi any more.. But what did you go and do? You slap Hyemi until you left a mark on her face. WTF is wrong with you?! I don't want to see your face anymore.." Sunhi grabbed on to my arm and said "Junhyung~oppa..Please don't leave me.. I love you..." Tears started to form in her eyes. I pulled my arm out again and said "Save the tears for someone else. Because I don't want to see them.." I walked towards the door and was going to leave, when Sunhi said "If you leave..then Jung-hye's safety wouldn't be the only one at risk..So would Nana's safety..." I stopped and stood there speechless. I can't believe that Sunhi would bring Nana in to this. I have to protect Hyemi at all cost. Nana means everything to Hyemi, so I have to make sure Nana stays safe too.. I stood by the door and said "Sunhi~ah lets go to school." She smiled and grabbed my arm..Then she started to skip out of the house.... Aish! I hate my life!
    School passed by fast,  I didn't see Hyemi during my morning classes.. But I saw her at lunch...with everyone else.. She looked a little sad, BECAUSE OF ME T~T....
     I went to the dorms and walked into Yoseob's room. I saw Yoseob sitting in a chair eating Ramen and watching T.V... I went infront of the T.V. and said "Yoseob~ah...Can I tell you something?" Yoseob gave me a dirty look and said "Why don't you go tell your little girlfriend about it! Now move out of the way! I'm watching Pokemon!" I frowned and said "I know that you guys hate me right now.." Yoseob interrupted by saying "YEA! YOU TREATED HYEMI LIKE TRASH! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I yelled "Everything is wrong with me.. Everything is going wrong for me also...Now can you please keep a secret, and not tell anyone....." Yoseob looked at me and said "What is it about?" I leaned against the wall and said "First of all.. I still love Hyemi...I never liked Sunhi.. I know that Hyemi is the one,  I want to spend my life with....I want to protect her and make sure she's not in danger. The main point is I want to protect Hyemi..and that's the problem.. After Christmas....Sunhi came up to me and told me to break up with Hyemi..If I don't break up with her, then hyemi will end up getting hurt badly.. So badly that Hyemi would end up in the hospital....I was worried about her. Sunhi said the only way that she won't hurt hyemi anymore is for me to date her instead of hyemi.. I had no choice and I agreed... That's why I've been acting weird..I didn't want to let Sunhi to get suspicious, so I acted like a jerk to Hyemi.. But today...Sunhi slapped Hyemi in the face and left a hand print.. She broke the promise... I was going to break up with her.. But the she came up with a new scheme.. She told me that If I leave her then she can't gurantee the safety of Hyemi's life and Nana's life. So now I have protect Nana and Hyemi..." Yoseob looked at me and said "I can't believe Sunhi would do something so horrible like this...We have to tell the others!" I quickly yelled "No! We can't..If Sunhi finds out..then Hyemi and Nana's life might be in danger..I'll find the right time to deal with this.. But I know that now is not the right time..So please...Seobi~ah...Don't tell anyone.." Yoseob nodded and said "Alright, I got you back. If you need anything, I'm here for you." I nodded and said "Your the best.."


~I feel kind of relieved knowing that Yoseob understood my problem.. Now I have someone to talk to..about everything..No more lying....for now... :)

Authors Note : Hehe, sorry for the short chapter.. But oh well :) No one cares right? Anyways, it's only Junhyung's P.O.V. Because I'm really tired. I'll update more later alright? :) Oh and Don't forget to Comment and Subscribe :) ~xlilxsreyxrie ;)

~Yay! Junhyung finally told someone about his problems! and It was Yoseob :) hehe

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ailisu #1
awww stupid sunhi!!!
wtfelicia #2
aww that was cute... hyemi pull junhyung out of it alrdy! he's so sad :(
wtfelicia #3
wah finally she finds out! that poor boy must be so tired alrdy >,<
Umm...4minute should be the judges hehe ><
wtfelicia #5
screw the sunhi !!! eeks!!!!
wtfelicia #6
oh yes he finally said something! aww seobie, you must comfort him ><
wtfelicia #7
ahhh Junhyung! don't ve afraid of a mere girl! if she hurts hyemi, I'm pretty sure you are capable of protecting her! not like this!! ahhhhh ><
AH.. its ok! school started for me last week. i was even more busy :( its ok!<br />
I feel ur pain! no need to update soon quickly!
sun-hi your a ! please Hyemi realize that Junhyung still louves you!
wtfelicia #10
oh what a .. that sun-hi.. i hope hyemi can sense something wrong! ><