Our First Christmas Together Part 2

~I Need You And Only You

Jung-hye's P.O.V

      When I woke up, I looked around and found out that everyone was still sleeping. I smiled and went to the bathroom. I washed my face and brushed my teeth, then went to make breakfast for everyone. I ended up making pancakes with strawberries and for the side dish a fruit tart. So it ended up looking something like this.

         Hotcakes-480x360.jpg         16837.jpg          

       Then I felt someone's arms go around my waist. I turned around and saw Min-young, with Nana behind her. They both started laughing, then they said in between laughs "Haha, You thought that it was Junhyung..." I should of known that it wasn't Junhyung, since he always sleeps in late >.<

      We set the table, and then I told them to go wake everyone up. Everyone woke up and washed up already, except for Junhyung..Who was still sleeping. We all decided to play a trick on him. Yoseob wanted to play the roll of me..While everyone just watched and waited to see Junhyung's expression.

                                                        *Yoseob Imitating My Voice*

      "Junhyung~oppa...Time to wake up..It's Christmas day.." Junhyung responded "Hyemi~ah..Not yet! Give me ten more minutes..Wait! an hour! An hour..Wake me up then.." Yoseob then replied "Oppa! If you don't wake up, then I'm going to go home!" Junhyung still half asleep sat up, grabbed Yoseob and layed back down and then said "Oh..No You won't... You can't leve me now can you?" Yoseob started laughing, but continued acting, and softly smacked Junhyung. Junhyung smiled and said "Hyemi~ah, don't be mad,," then he kissed Yoseob on the cheek. We all started laughing. But then everything got even more funnier, when Junhyung said "Yah! Hyemi~ah! Why do you smell like Yoseob?! Are you cheating on me? You can't do this to me!" then he was going for Yoseob's lips. That's when Yoseob broke character and yelled "Yah! Junhyung Pabo! Do I really look or sound like your girlfriend?! Eww! I can't believe that you almost kissed me!" That's when Junhyung opened his eyes and looked at Yoseob then at me..I was standing across the room laughing.

                                                          Junhyung's P.O.V.

      I heard someone calling my name and they were telling me to wake up. It was a girls' voice too, it must be my little Hyemi~ah. I told her to wake me up in an hour. Just because it was Christmas, doesn't really give me a reason to wake up early. Then Hyemi threatened me by saying that she's going to go home. I got up, grabbed her, and cuddled next to her. After that I gave her a Kiss on the cheek. For some reason she was a lot more chubbier, alot more heavier, and she smelled like Yoseob! Was she cheating on me?! No way, she wouldn't do that to me..would she? I was going to kiss her on the lips when her voiced changed. I opened my eyes and saw that I was hugging Yoseob...WTF! O.o Then I looked across the room and saw hyemi laughing at me.

      I just gave everyone an evil stare, then Hyemi said "Alright oppa. Don't give everyone that stare. It was all my idea anyways. Now go clean up, so we can all eat breakfast together." I got up and walked to the bathroom, while mumbling "Park Jung-hye, it's revenge time..." I got out and we all ate. Hyemi's cooking was really good. :)

      No one knows that I have a sister, that was one year younger than me. not even the Beast members knows about her. Her name is Yong Kyunghee. I asked her for a favor..For her to act as my girlfriend..I think this prank is going to work out well, since she's aiming to be an actress.

                                                                                       Yong Kyunghee


                                                               Age: 19

                                Birth Date: June 29, 1992

                                Characteristics: Caring, Protective, Shy, and Outgoing

                                Hobbies: Acting, Protective over Hyemi (Just like an older sister :] )

      I heard a knock on the door. Showtime ;] I slowly opened the door, and then I heard an immediate scream "Oppa! I missed you so much! How have you been? I haven't seen you since you debuted." I replied " I've been doing fine and how have you been my little Kyungie?"

                                                         Jung-hye's P.O.V.

      I was putting away dishes, when I heard screaming from the front door...I wonder who it is. I walked over and saw a girl hugging Junhyung. She looked really cute..... She was calling him oppa and everything.. "Junhyung~oppa... Who is she?" Before Junhyung could answer, she reached out her hand and said "My name is Kyunghee, and I'm Junhyung~oppa's fiancé ." WTF! Junhyung had a fiancé  already?! Then..What about me?! I looked at Junhyung, who was acting really normal for some reason. I ran and told everyone about what just happened. The Beast members seemed really shocked about everything too. Min-young told me to calm down. We all sat down in the living room. I sat in between Kikwang and Min-young; Minyoung sat next to Yoseob; Yoseob sat next to Dongwoon; Dongwoon sat next to Doojoon; Doojoon sat next to Hyunseung; Hyunseung sat next to Nana; Nana sat next to Youngmin; and Youngmin sat next to Kikwang. (That was a breath-taker Lol!)) While sitting across from us was Junhyung and Kyunghee. Kikwang said "Soo....How long have you two known each other?" Kyunghee replied "Ever since I was born. Junhyung always protected me, when we were little." Junhyung just sat there smiling. Kyunghee just kept on talking and talking about Junhyung, then she kissed him on the cheek. I couldn't watch or listen to this anymore. So I ran to the bathroom and secretly cried. How could Junhyung go out with me, when he already has a fiancé ?! Plus she looked way better than me. Did he just treat our relationship as a game?! I thought that I could trust him..

       I pulled my knees closer to me and just buried my face in my knee. What a horrible Christmas!

                             Beast's, Nana's, Min-young's, and Youngmin's P.O.V.

        "How could Junhyung do that to Hyemi?!" said Dongwoon. "There's something fishy about Kyunghee and Junhyung" whispered Kikwang. "Exactly, very suspicious.." answered Doojoon. "Anyways, we need to find a way to get Jung-hye out of the bathroom." Said Yoseob. "Yea we can't just leave her crying like that" said Hyunseung. Then Youngmin added "Maybe we should let the girls go and try to talk to her first. If that doesn't work then We'll go and help."

       "Hyemi-unni, come on..open the door for us.." begged Nana. "Yea, Hyemi, don't cry alone. Let us help you." I can't believe Junhyung~oppa would do this to unni" whispered Nana "Exactly...How can some girl just walk into our lives and claim to be engaged with Junhyung?!" whispered Min-young.

                                                                    Jung-hye's P.O.V.

      I didn't want Nana or Min-Young to see me like this...it would only make things worse. Then I heard Doojoon, Hyunseung, Kikwang, Dongwoon, Yoseob, and Youngmin's voice. I know that I shouldn't leave them worrying about me. I got up and washed my face. Then I covered up my feeling with a fake smile. Finally, I slowly opened the door. Nana said "Unni...Kwaenchan-nah?" I smiled and said "Aniyo, Kwenchanayo. As long as Junhyung~oppa is happy, then I guess I'll be happy too." Then Kikwang was going to say something but Doojoon cut him off by saying "Can I talk to Hyemi for a minute?...Alone.." Everyone nodded and left.

      I smiled and said "So, what do you want to talk about?" Out of no where Doojoon hugged me and said "Hyemi~ah..I know your still hurt. You can fool everyone else but not me. Just let it all out. I'll be here for you, until you feel better." After hearing Doojoon's words, I layed my head onto his shoulders and cried. Why is my life full of misery? Life is not fair! Especially towards me! At least Nana has someone she actually can trust.

                                                                      Doojoon's P.O.V.

      Hyemi finally came out of the bathroom, she was smiling and acting happy. But I could see through that fake smile of hers. Even though she said that she's fine, she is still suffering and hurting in the inside. I asked everyone if I could talk to her alone. Yet she's still acting as if everything is fine.. *Hyemi..it hurts me to see you like this.....*  I hugged her and said " Hyemi~ah... I know that your still suffering. You might've fooled the others, but not me.  Just let it all out. I'm here for you." After I finished talking, she buried her face into my should and started crying..

     *Junhyung! I gave up on her, because I thought that you would treat her well and that you wouldn't hurt her. But I guess that I was wrong.. Since you hurted her, then I'll find my way for her to forget you. Then I'll take care of her..better then you did..*

                                                                                              Kikwang's P.O.V.

      Hyemi came out of the bathroom smiling. I know that she's not actually fine about everything. I just wanted to comfort her. Then Doojoon wanted to talk to Hyemi alone.. I secretly tried to listen in to there conversation..I knew that this isn't right..But I can't help the fact that I'm a curious person *kekeke* Then I saw Doojoon hug Hyemi, he said something to her, but I wasn't close enough to hear it. All of a sudden after Doojoon stopped talking, Hyemi started crying..

     Is it possible that Doojoon likes Hyemi too?..No way.. I wanted to be the one to her her and let her cry on my shoulder...

                                                                       Jung-hye's P.O.V.

      I feel a lot better after letting out all of my feelings. At least the day is almost over.. Anyways. It's time to open up presents. yay!

      Everyone opened up their presents that I got them. Nana even cried when she saw the bracelet. I knew that she would like it. I din;t give Junhyung his present yet, and Junhyung didn't give me one either.. Maybe he didn't get me a present at all... OMG! I feel like such an idiot.. I opened my present from everyone else. I got clothes from Yoseob and Min-young; A watch from Youngmin; a bracelet from Nana; A Ipod nano from Dongwoon; A beanie from Hyungseung; A anklet bracelet from Kikwang; and a bracelet from Doojoon. I loved my presents, then I saw one more unopened box. From junhyung....I opened it and saw a black and white haltered dress, with a Ruby floating heart necklace. then I saw a card... it said

                         Dear Jung-hye,

                                              Merry Christmas my little Hyemi~ah <3 I just wanted to tell you that once you entered my life, everything around me had changed. You even changed me. No matter how much I think about it.. I Don't know the answer... What is it that makes me so attracted to you? Is it that everytime I see you getting hurt that I want to protect you, or that you look so innocent that it makes me want to make sure you always stay that way. Anyways I love you :]


       It was so sweet, I just wanted to hug him. My eyes started watering.... Was our relationship real or fake to him? I gave Junhyung his present and ran out to the balcony for fresh air. I sat down and brought my knees closer to me. Then I layed my head down and cried... After a few minutes past, someone sat next to me and hugged me. I looked up and saw that it was Kyunghee. I quickly wiped my tears away and got up.. Then I said "Oh..Kyunghee....Umm..Do you need something from me?" Kyunghee smiled and said "You love Junhyung a lot huh? Do you really love my Oppa?" I slowly nodded my head. Then she said "Really?! This is my first time ever seeing oppa so serious about a girl.." I was so confused...Kyunghee stuck out her hand and said "Hello, My name is Kyunghee. Yong Kyunghee :) I'm Junhyung oppa's younger sister. But he's only one year older then me. So that makes me your Unni. :) I can see why my brother is so serious about you. I approve of my brother dating you. If someone is causing you trouble then you can give unni a call, I'll take care of everything." I was so confused and then I said "Kyunghee-unni, but I thought you were Junhyung~oppa's fiancé .." Kyunghee then said "Oh. My brother was taking revenge on you. He said you made him kiss Yoseob?" I started laughing and said "Oh no. It's because he wouldn't wake up so we played a trick on him" Kyunghee~unni and I started to talk. It seemed like we had a lot of things in common :)

                                                                 Junhyung's P.O.V.

                                    Everyone opened all their gifts.. Except for Jung-hye and I.. I gave my present to her. After she opened it, it looked like she was going to cry. Jung-hye got up, gave me the present she got me and walked out to the balcony.. I opened up the present and found a cute music box. When I opened it a cute little song started to play.

                                                                                "Junhyung is a Pabo,

                                                                                  Junhyung is so cute,

                                                                                  Junhyung is the one and

                                                                                  only oppa that I think of."

                                                                                          ~Saranghae-yo Oppa.

      Then there was a necklace that had a star in a heart and on the back it said "I love you <3 Jung-hye and Junhyung." It was so cute. Hyemi is just so sweet and inncocent, how can I be mad at her. No more revenging. I'll apologize when she comes in. But I think everyone is mad at me.....

      "Yah! Junhyung ~oppa! Why are you doing this to my sister? Do you know how hurt she is?" That's when Doojoon and Kikwang came up to me and said "Junhyung! How could you? Did you know that Hyemi has been crying this whole day, just because some girl decided to show up and claimed to be engaged to you WTF!" That's when I said "That girl is my little sister! So don't you dare talk about her in that tone again!"  Everyone except Doojoon and Kikwang yelled "What?! Your little sister?! WTF! Why are you trying to lie?! Geesh Just say the truth that you don't like Hyemi at all, and that your whole relationship with her is all fake!" That got me mad, so I yelled "YAH! Who told you that I don't like Hyemi at all.. Because whoever told you that was correct. I don't just like Hyemi. I love her to death! And No! I'm not lying! I actually do have a sister. I never told anyone because it wasn't important!. I was just getting revenge on her for tricking me this morning!" Nana came up and slapped me, then she said "Go apologize to my sister! Even if it was revenge..You didn't have to take it that far." That's when Hyemi walked in..with my SISTER! Oh gosh.. Does she know already?"

                                                       Jung-hye's P.O.V.

      My turn for revenge, I slowly walked towards Junhyung, then fainted before I could reach him. Before I fell to the ground, Junhyung ran up and caught me in time. I slowly said "Junhyung....~oppa. Please don't leave me...." Then I heard Junhyung yell "Hyemi~ah. What's wrong? Do you feel sick? I'm sorry.. I won't leave you. I promise. Kyunghee isn't really engaged to me. It was my plan for revenge. I didn't think to well about it..I'm sorry. Kyunghee is actually my sister. After that I saw a tear fall from his eyes. I got up and ran behind Kikwang and Doojoon and stuck my tongue out at Junhyung. I yelled "Junhyung is a Pabo! I can't believe you would try to plot that kind of revenge!" Junhyung wiped his tears away and said "Yah! Hyemi~ah! Is this how your suppose to treat your oppa? Watch when I get my hands on you." He started chasing after me. I got so tired after running around the house, that I took a short break by the bathroom. Then I felt someone hug me from behind, I turned around and saw that it was Junhyung~oppa. He smiled and he said " Your the reason why I'm here. You must always remember that your the only one I want and need." then he kissed me. *oh how I love oppa's kisses*

        My Christmas turned out to be a happy ending after all.

      Mianhae, I haven't been updating much...Kind of went into Writer's block mode for awhile. Lol....Sorry if this chapter was a little long and boring. I promise that the next chapter will get more interesting >.<




                            Or else....... >_<  I'll each chu! I'm not lying either. *keke*

                                                      Thank you for your support,

                                                                              ~anonymous writer... :)


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ailisu #1
awww stupid sunhi!!!
wtfelicia #2
aww that was cute... hyemi pull junhyung out of it alrdy! he's so sad :(
wtfelicia #3
wah finally she finds out! that poor boy must be so tired alrdy >,<
Umm...4minute should be the judges hehe ><
wtfelicia #5
screw the sunhi !!! eeks!!!!
wtfelicia #6
oh yes he finally said something! aww seobie, you must comfort him ><
wtfelicia #7
ahhh Junhyung! don't ve afraid of a mere girl! if she hurts hyemi, I'm pretty sure you are capable of protecting her! not like this!! ahhhhh ><
AH.. its ok! school started for me last week. i was even more busy :( its ok!<br />
I feel ur pain! no need to update soon quickly!
sun-hi your a ! please Hyemi realize that Junhyung still louves you!
wtfelicia #10
oh what a .. that sun-hi.. i hope hyemi can sense something wrong! ><