Third Round Begins~ :D

~I Need You And Only You

                                                Hyemi's P.O.V.

      So…..I’ve been going over to cube ent. for about a week already, to practice to duet with HyunA~Unni and Junhyung~oppa… I’m actually pretty surprised that I survived the whole week with Junhyung. ._. But today is the day… The day where we actually perform, on stage in front of everyone. HyunA~unni wanted Junhyung, and I to meet her up at this salon place near cube, so that we can get ready there.

      I dropped Nana off at Youngmin’s dorm, and headed to the salon. Once I got there, I noticed that HyunA~unni was sitting down getting her hair done. She turned her head and said “Oh, Hyemi~ You’re here already?” I nodded and said “Yea, wasn’t sure when to come, so I came once I got finished with all of the house chores.” HyunA said “Oh….. Your aunt made you do all the work again? >< Well, come here. Let’s fix you up^^” she patted her hand on the seat next to her. I smiled and sat down. I looked around and realized that Junhyung wasn’t here. I looked at HyunA~unni and said “Okay..but umm… Unni.., where is Junhyung~oppa?” HyunA smiled and said “Oh, He’s already ready, he came here early to get ready, then he took off saying that he needed to go do something. I’m serious.. that guy is so mysterious sometimes.” I slowly nodded.

      A lady walked up to me and smiled, then she said "Hello, Hyemi^^ I'll be your hairstylist for today. I'm EunMi, You can call me EunMi~unni^^." I smiled and said "Annyeong EunMi~unni^^, How do you know my name?." EunMi chuckled and said "I'm a fan of yours. I absolutely love your voice^^ Good Luck On your peformance^^." I nodded and said "Thank You^^, Please continue to help support me."EunMi nodded and said "so...what style do you want for you hair??" I puffed out my cheek...I wanna try something new... I want a whole new style, that'll change how I look... I want to start on a new page with Junhyung~oppa. I smiled and said "I want to dye my hair blonde!~ Then you can choose the style..." HyunA looked at me and said "Blonde?! Hyemi~ah, why blonde?" I shrugged and said "I want to try something new^^ Plus, I want to surprise everyone."

      Two hours had passed and I had gotten My hair and make-up done. I think I actually look pretty good, being blonde^^. HyunA smiled and said "Wow, Hyemi~ah. You look really different. I could hardly recognize you." Suddenly this lady took me by the arm and dragged me to the back of the salon. My eyes widened, then I said “HYUNA UNNI! I’m being taken away! Help meeeee ;~; “ I reached out a hand towards her. HyunA chuckled and said “Hyemi~ah, calm down. She’s going to help you pick out your outfit for tonight.”

      Once we got to the back of the Salon, the lady smiled at me and said “Annyeong^^ I’m YunMin. You can call me Unni, if you want.” I nodded and bowed, then I said “Annyeonghasayo, Park Jung-hye~imnida. But everyone calls me Hyemi. Please take care of me, unni.” YunMin smiled and said “Yah~ No need to be respectful and such. Just act normal. Plus I know who you are. I’ve been watching all of your performances at the talent show. I’m a fan.^^” I smiled and said “Okay~ oh, Unni~ You’re a fan of mine? Wahh.. Thanks for supporting me^^.” YunMin nodded and said “Well then, let’s pick out your outfit^^.”

Here's how HyunA and I ended up looking like: (You can semi see our outfits keke.)



       I wonder how Junhyung~oppa looks like.. He probably looks cool like he always does..  HyunA and I got into her van type thing, and headed towards the school. HyunA told me to stay in the car until the performance. Since I wanted to surprise everyone. I nodded and stayed in the car. Plus since I’m last to perform, It’ll probably take a while. But I don’t mind^^ I plugged in my head phones and closed my eyes. Hmm I guess I’ll take a tiny nap.


HyunA’s P.O.V.


      I got out of the van and headed inside the school.  Once I got backstage, I saw the Beast members, and Hyemi’s friends and sister. I smiled and said “Hi guys^^.” DuJun and Kikwang both said at the same time “Sup….Anyways, where’s Hyemi?” I looked down and said “Oh~ She said she wasn’t feeling well, so she went to the nurses office.” Junhyung looked at me and yelled “BWOH! Is she okay?!” Then started to head towards the exit. I turned around and yelled “Yah~ Don’t go! Hyemi told me that she wanted to be alone for a while also and that she’ll be here as soon as she takes medicine.. So just leave her alone.” Junhyung punched the wall and said “fine~” I looked over and everyone looked worried. I smirked to myself and thought. You guys are true friends, but your all gonna be in for a big shock. Keke~

Junhyung's Outfit:


      The MC walked out on stage and said “Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen^^. You are all in a treat, cause we have a lot some idol guests helping out our participants. But Since HyunA is going to be performing, we have gotten a judge. I’m sure everyone knows her very well.  Let’s give a warm round of applause for our guest judge G.NA~ Wooo…. Now.. Before we start the talent show, let’s see a performance from G.NA.

G.NA's Performance^^ : 1

      After G.NA~unni’s performance. The whole crowd went wild. As expected from our awesome unni ^^. Once the crowd calmed down, the MC walked back on stage. He smiled and said “Wah~ That was absolutely perfect. Now I shall read out the order of which the participants will perform. Now~ First shall be Younghwa, then MiKyung, then JinHyuk, then Sun-Hi, and finally Jung-Hye.


      Now let’s welcome to the stage Younghwa, who will be dueting with Big Bang’s Amazing Leader G-Dragon~ He will be singing I need a girl. Originally sang by TaeYang. Let’s give a round of applause. Woo~~

YoungHwa's Performance: 1

    Wow! Wasn’t that a powerful performance~ Totally amazed right now. Now Let’s give another round of applause for MiKyung. She shall be Dueting with 2AM’s Seulong, they shall be performing Nagging. Originally sang by IU.

Mikyung's Performance: 1

      Now that performance by MiKyung was absolutely amazing. Her voice sounded just like IU. Alright let’s move on to our next performer. JinHyuk will be dueting with the lovely angel IU, they’ll be dueting to Love letter to you.

JinHyuk's Performance: 1

      Wow..Wahh~ JinHyuk's rap was amazing. That was such a cute performance. Now… The perfomance that’ll wow you. Sun-Hi will be dueting with The amazing vocals and visual maknae of beast~ Yang Yoseob. Honestly I want to hear Yoseob perform.. keke, But oh well. Let’s anticipate the performance By Sun-Hi and Yoseob, they’ll be dueting to What I would do If I had a Lover.

Sun-Hi's Performance: 1


      Aish! What is Hyemi doing?! We’re performing next and she’s still not here. >< I texted her, but she didn’t respond… Hopefully she can get here in under 3 minutes ><…


       Now…That performance…just now… to me personally was probably the best out of tonight.. But I shouldn’t be judging right now.. Because  next up will be by my favorite contestant, who has an amazing voice. Let’s a give a Loud round of Applause for Jung-Hye! She will be dueting with HyunA from 4minute, and Junhyung from Beast! They’ll be singing A Bitter Day originally by HyunA, Junhyung, and G.NA.


      The Judge announced us onto the stage.. Junhyung and I hesitated for a moment, but ended up walking up on stage.. Suddenly the music .. Aish! She sings first.. What should we do?!

                                                         Hyemi’s P.O.V.

       I woke up, and stretched. Wah~ That was an amazing nap~ Suddenly I looked at my phone and noticed that I had gotten a text from HyunA~unni.. I checked to see if my make-up and hair was messed up or not.. But luckily it wasn’t.. Then I checked the text. I jumped up and suddenly hit my head on the car roof. BWOH! I’m performing next.. I looked at the message and saw that she send that 2 minutes ago.. >< OmG! I jumped out of the car and ran towards the auditorium.  UgH! I’m so lucky that I’m wearing flats today instead of heels. I ran back stage, and heard the music just started. I caught my breath and started singing, and as I was singing, I slowly entered the stage. I looked at HyunA and did a small nod. HyunA started rapping, then I turned and looked at the crowd. Everyone looked slightly confused. Suddenly Junhyung almost missed his entrance. I looked at him and saw that he was staring back at me.. Once he finished his part, I looked at him and sang my part. I felt a tear roll down my cheek, so I quickly wiped it away and looked out at the crowd.

Hyemi's, Junhyung's, and HyunA's Performance: 1 (Don't think there's a live performance of this ._.)

      Suddenly after we finished the whole crowd went absolutely wild~ I sighed. Luckily I made it here in time.. Out of nowhere Junhyung pulled me over and hugged me tightly. Then he said “Hyemi~ah…Please…please don’t erase me out of your life.. Stop trying to forget me… I love you.. Please…. Come back to me… I don’t care about anything else but you….From now on I’ll protect you and nana. I want to call you mine again…I need you in my life…” I felt tears run down my face. I hugged Junhyung~oppa back and nodded. Then I said “Even if I tried to forget you, it wouldn’t be possible…because I love you too much.” Junhyung smiled and wiped my tears away. Suddenly I heard the cheers get louder, then someone from the crowd yelled “You two are so cute! JunHye 4EVER!” HyunA chuckled and said “Yah! Love Birds.. I hope your fine with announcing your relationship out loud. Since the microphones were on, we all heard Junhyung’s little confession. Junhyung and I looked at each other laughed.

     The MC walked up on stage with a tissue, and he was sniffling. Then he said “Now…that was the best performance of tonight. Plus… Junhyung’s little confession and their little moment was just so heartwarming. Anyways… Let’s have all the contestants and idols out on stage so that the judge can give them their reviews.

      Now SoHyun, what do you think about Younghwa’s  performance. SoHyun said “I thought that your performance was really good. Plus your dancing skills are pretty good too. I think I might’ve fallen for you charms.. keke.. You said you need a girl right? Haha I could be your girl ;), maybe.. kidding, I can’t date yet :p. But anyways, try auditioning for cube~ You just might make it.” Woah~ It seems like Younghwa has captured Sohyun’s heart. Now GaYoon, please give your review of MiKyung and JinHyuk. Gayoon smiled and said “First of all, I loved how kept making eye contact with Seulong when you sang with him. Your voice matches well with Seulongs’. You should try out for JYP^^ You could make it in.^^ And JinHyuk…Your rapping skills are absolutely amazing~ I was amazed by your voice. Try Out For YG, You’ll do great.” Now JiHyun, please give your review on Sun-Hi’s performance with Yoseob. Jihyun smiled and said “Wow~ Your vocals really improved. It went pretty well with Yoseob’s voice. Try out for an entertainment. I’m sure you can become a trainee easily.” Now G.NA give your review on Jung-Hye’s Performance with HyunA and Junhyung. G.NA stood up and applauded. Then she smiled and said “Your performance was DAEBAK. I love how you walked out from the sides when you began singing. Great way to start a performance. I was also amazed on how you hit the high notes really well. In the beginning when I found out that you’ll be singing this song, I was a little worried that you wouldn’t be able to hit the high notes.. You sure proved me wrong. I was kind of wondering why you and Junhyung kept making eye contact. And kind of excluding HyunA. Keke.. But now I know why. Congrats on the new couple formed. Try out for Cube~ I’m sure you’ll pass and become an awesome trainee^^ Hwaiting!”

      Everyone applauded. The MC took the mic and said “Honestly when Jung-hye walked on stage, I thought that it was a whole different person. Haha who else was surprised by Jung-Hye’s new appearance? If you were, please make some noise! The whole crowd went wild. The MC smiled and said “Now, Jung-hye were there any particular reason that you dyed your hair blonde?” I walked up and took the mic from the MC, then I said “Well.. I wanted to try a new look. Hopefully everyone likes it^^. But the main reason was….I wanted to start on a new page with Junhyung~oppa. Let’s just say we’ve been through a lot of hard times together.. and I just wanted to start over..” I bowed and walked back to stand with the other contestants. I hugged Junhyung and HyunA. When G.NA walked up to the stage holding 4 roses, she went towards the Microphone and said “We’ll be having four people go into the finals, I’ll call up the name of the contestant and they shall receive a rose. Please walk up here is your name is called. First up will be Younghwa~sshi.* I hugged him and congratulated him. Then G.NA said “Sun-Hi and JinHyuk, please step forward….” I hugged and congratulated JinHyuk, and just smirked at Sun-Hi. I was so nervous… It was down to either me or MiKyung… G.NA held up the last rose and smiled…then she said “And our last contestant that will be moving on shall be Jung-Hye.” I hugged MiKyung and walked up to get the rose. I bowed and received the rose. I’m so happy right now~ ^^ MiKyung was about to walk off stage, when suddenly Seulong grabbed the mic and said “Wait! MiKyung… Our CEO at JYP said he loved your voice and style, and he wants you to become a trainee…” We all applauded, I ran up and hugged MiKyung and congratulated her, and brought her up onto the stage. I gave her my rose and said “Good Luck, can’t wait for you to become an idol^^.” She nodded. Junhyung grabbed onto my hand and led me off stage, when Sun-Hi yelled “STOP! PARK JUNG-HYE! WHERE DO YOU THINK YOUR GOING WITH MY BOYFRIEND!. YOU BETTER LET GO OF HIM THIS INSTANCE OR I’LL!” Junhyung was going to say something when I stopped him. I walked up to Sun-Hi and said “Or what? You’ll hit me…. Just like you always do…You and your mom always abuses me..and Yet I say nothing about it… And did you just call Junhyung YOUR boyfriend? Umm.. Honey I don’t think so… You forced Junhyung to break up with me, and if he didn’t then you’d hurt me and nana? Haha..Everything about you disgusts me. I’m not going to get pushed around by you or your mom anymore~” I held on to Junhyung’s hand and walked away.  I almost reached the exit door, when I heard the whole crowd yelling “BWOH! YOU BULLIED OUR JUNG-HYE! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU! GET OFF THE STAGE! NO ONE WANTS YOU AROUND! JUNHYE FOREVER!!” I smirked and walked out with Junhyung.

        I stopped outside and sat on the bench. Junhyung laid down on the bench and laid his head on my lap. Then he said “Yah~ Where were you, when we were about to perform? HyunA said you were at the nurses’ office.” I chuckled and said “I was in the van. I wanted to surprise everyone with my new look, so I hid. But I ended falling asleep.. I woke up when it was almost time for us to perform. So I ran towards the stage.” Junhyung smiled and said “Aigoo, your so cute <3. Saranghae.” I smiled and said “Nado Saranghae.” I leaned in and pecked his lips. Suddenly I heard a bunch of coughing~ I looked back and Junhyung~oppa sat up. It was Nana, Min-Young, Boyfriend, Beast members, and KyungHee~unni. Nana, Min-Young, and KyungHee~unni ran up and hugged me. I laughed and said “Hey Guys.” Nana smiled and said “Unni, you’re so pretty^^ I love your new look.” Min-Young and KyungHee both said “Congrats on getting back together^^.” We all started talking and catching up on things. When DuJun~oppa said “Let’s go have a party at our dorm to congratulate Hyemi for making it to the finals^^.” Every one yelled “YES!.” Suddenly we heard people say “we’re joining too^^.” I found out that it was the 4minute members and G.NA~unni..

        We all started to party at Beast’s dorm. We drank a lot of Coke, danced a lot, and sang, and did a lot of things. The party didn’t end until maybe 4am. When everyone passed out on floor in beast’s living room. I felt someone carrying me, I looked up and saw that it was Junhyung. He laid me on his bed, and said “I'm so happy that your mine again, Hyemi~ah. I'm sorry for all of the things I've done or said to you...I'm glad you gave me another chance though.” I hugged him and said “Oppa...did you know that I was going to confess to you and ask if you could take me back, after our performance. But you ended up beating me to it~ <3 and it's fine~ Don't apologize^^." Junhyung smiled and said Oh really? I guess we are perfect for each other, since we think a like also.^^" I smiled and said "Yes really~ and we are perfect for each other." Junhyung pecked my lips and said "Good Night my little angel." I smiled and said "Good Night Oppa." I slowly fell asleep in Junhyung's arms.

Keke~ Yay, I finally updated in like forever xD Haha I'm sorry.. I lost I guess I had writers block. But now I'm back~ and ready to update^^ for real this time. Hope you guys like this chapter.. It's pretty long too.. I got carried away, when typing, the ideas kept coming up as I was typing.


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  Absolutely Love all my subscribers that were patient with me,

                                        ~xlilxsreyxrie <3




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ailisu #1
awww stupid sunhi!!!
wtfelicia #2
aww that was cute... hyemi pull junhyung out of it alrdy! he's so sad :(
wtfelicia #3
wah finally she finds out! that poor boy must be so tired alrdy >,<
Umm...4minute should be the judges hehe ><
wtfelicia #5
screw the sunhi !!! eeks!!!!
wtfelicia #6
oh yes he finally said something! aww seobie, you must comfort him ><
wtfelicia #7
ahhh Junhyung! don't ve afraid of a mere girl! if she hurts hyemi, I'm pretty sure you are capable of protecting her! not like this!! ahhhhh ><
AH.. its ok! school started for me last week. i was even more busy :( its ok!<br />
I feel ur pain! no need to update soon quickly!
sun-hi your a ! please Hyemi realize that Junhyung still louves you!
wtfelicia #10
oh what a .. that sun-hi.. i hope hyemi can sense something wrong! ><