Practicing with HyunA and Hyemi ;D (Junhyung's P.O.V.)

~I Need You And Only You

                                                                         Junhyung's P.O.V.

    I met up with HyunA and we headed to Cube Ent. together. We both wore a hat and sunglasses to disguise ouselves and waited at the entrance of Cube.
    A few minutes after we arrived, I saw Hyemi running towards us. She looked like she was having a hard time breathing..... I wonder what's wrong..Hyemi smiled and said "Sorry, Did I make you guys wait long?" HyunA shook her head and said "Ani, we just arrived a few minutes before you came."I looked at me and said "Hyemi~ah..Are you okay?

 You seem really tired and out of breath.. Hyemi smiled and said "I'm fine, just had a little family problems...and I thought I was going to be late so I ran here." Did Sun-hi do something to Hyemi? Ugh~ why couldn't I protect her >< I frowned and said "Family problems? Did they do anything bad to you? Are you hurt anywhere?" She shook her head and said "I'm perfectly fine.No need to worry." HyunA coughed and said " you guys know each other? Are you two dating? You guys seem like a couple that's worrying for each other." I quickly replied "yes." Hyemi shook her head and said "No!" HyunA looked confused, then she said "So are you two dating or not" It hurted when Hyemi said no...but it was true...we weren't dating. I slowly said "I wish...." Hyemi looked away and said "no..we're not....." HyunA slowly said "Umm...okay then....shall we start practicing then?" Hyemi smiled and said "sure, let's start."
    We headed over to the studio and worked on our vocals.. We tried singing a run through to see how it goes... Hyemi sang first. I lcouldn't help but look at her...Hyemi looked up while she was singing and stared back at me, then HyunA took over and started rapping. I really love hearing Hyemi sing. Then it was my turn to rap. I stared at Hyemi through the whole time, because the lyrics I was rapping fitted our situation well...  Suddenly HyunA stopped us and said "Yah! Will you guys focus! I'll help you guys out. Now listen to me. You two hug it out now~ Once your done with that then you must  stop staring at each other, and put in all of your effort. Alright?" HyunA wants me to hug Hyemi...but once she's in my arms, then I don't want to ever let go..I want her to be mine.......I want her to be in my arms only.. Hyemi looked at HyunA and said "Unni ><.....I don't want to......" HyunA looked at me and said "Hug! Now~" Hyemi pouted and said "fine.."  She looks so cute when she pouts :3 Hyemi slowly walked over to while she was looking down... Forget it! I want to hold her now....I pulled her in and hugged her. Then I whispered "Hyemi~ah.....I'm sorry....I'm sorry for everything....please forgive me.."  I saw a tear roll down her cheek.. then she pulled away and wiped away her tear.. She looked down and said "umm....we can continue practice now..."

    We started singing for over an hour, when HyunA stopped us again and said "let's take a snack break, Junhyung can you go buy the snacks?" I nodded and said "sure, what do you two want?" HyunA smiled and said "I want a bottle of water and a chicken salad please and Thank you." Hyemi said "I want a bottle of coke....and a granola bar, thank you." I nodded and left.

    Once I arrived at the grocery store. I noticed that there was only one bottle of coke left...T~T...I guess Hyemi can have it...She's so lucky that I'm giving up my precious coke for her since she's more precious. I payed for everthing and headed by the the studio.
    I walked into the studio and said "I've brought back the snacks^^" I gave HyunA her things, then I walked over and gave Hyemi her snacks. then I walked over and sat on a chair across from Hyemi. Suddenly Hyemi said  "oppa, where is your snack?" I smiled and said "I was going to only drink a bottle of coke..but there was only one bottle left. which I gave to you." Hyemi walked over towards me and said "we can share my snacks then :3" Aww :3  Hyemi is so nice..that's once reason why I love her so much. She broke her granola bar in half and gave the other half to me. Hehe, maybe I should make Hyemi feed me :3 I smirked and said "My hands hurt from carrying all of the food here >< feed me :3 keke" Hyemi laughed and said "oppa, your such a dork >< anyways say ahh~" I smiled as she fed me the granola bar.  After we were done eating, we continued practicing for almost 4 hours.

    After practice HyunA said that she wanted to talk to me...Oh no what did I do wrong...

    I walked over to HyunA and said "Yea, what do you want to talk about?" HyunA sat down on the floor and said "Come over here, and sit." I slowly nodded and sat next to her. HyunA smiled at me and said "Now...Do you absolutely love Jung-hye?" I could feel my face turning red.. did HyunA know that I loved Jung-hye?.. I covered my face with my hand and nodded. HyunA chuckled and said "Aigoo~ No need to get embarrassed. We're basically family, Now tell me what's wrong.. Why did you break up with Jung-hye?" I frowned and said "I didn't want her to get hurt...I didn't want anything bad to happen to Jung-hye or to Nana. That's why, I had to give up on Jung-hye and go with Sun-hi.. It's the only way to keep Jung-hye from getting hurt." HyunA frowned and said "What happened to the strong and confident Yong Junhyung? The one that is absolutely beastly at everything? and Isn't scared of anything. You said You wanted to protect Jung-hye. You said you didn't want her to get hurt. But are you seriously thinking right? You decided to break up with Jung-hye, so that she wouldn't get hurt. But truthfully, your the one hurting her the most. and Most of all...your hurting yourself." I stood up and said "You don't understand anything! I don't care if I'm hurting long as Jung-hye is fine." HyunA stood up and slapped me. Then she yelled "You think that Jung-hye is fine?! She's about to go insane, because she misses you. Because she loves you too much.  If you wanted to protect her in the first place. You should of just stayed with her.. Stayed by her side and protect her from everything that could break you two apart or even hurt her.  You still could of protected her, even when you two were still together.. But I didn't want to stay with Jung-hye..." I stood there dumbfounded as HyunA walked away.. She was right. I could of protect Hyemi..without breaking up with her.. I still could of protected her.. I'm such an idiot! I walked over and punched the wall, leaving a hole in the wall. I need to straighten things out, I need to get Hyemi back. I'll protect her, even if it means hurting anyone that comes in between us..

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ailisu #1
awww stupid sunhi!!!
wtfelicia #2
aww that was cute... hyemi pull junhyung out of it alrdy! he's so sad :(
wtfelicia #3
wah finally she finds out! that poor boy must be so tired alrdy >,<
Umm...4minute should be the judges hehe ><
wtfelicia #5
screw the sunhi !!! eeks!!!!
wtfelicia #6
oh yes he finally said something! aww seobie, you must comfort him ><
wtfelicia #7
ahhh Junhyung! don't ve afraid of a mere girl! if she hurts hyemi, I'm pretty sure you are capable of protecting her! not like this!! ahhhhh ><
AH.. its ok! school started for me last week. i was even more busy :( its ok!<br />
I feel ur pain! no need to update soon quickly!
sun-hi your a ! please Hyemi realize that Junhyung still louves you!
wtfelicia #10
oh what a .. that sun-hi.. i hope hyemi can sense something wrong! ><