First Round :D

~I Need You And Only You

                                                      Jung-hye's P.O.V

     For the last four days, I've been going over to cube's dance studio and practicing. I'm so tired, I only had five hours of sleep each day. Maybe I shouldn't have joined... Is it to late for me to back out? Oh well, it's kind of fun in a way. I made sure that I finished my homework first, then I would go and practice my dance, plus warm up my vocals for 10 or more hours each day. So all together, I've been dance for at least more than 40 hours. But I'm proud of myself, I didn't think that I could work this hard.

    But the thing is I haven't spent anytime with Kyunghee~unni, Min-young, Yoseob, Dongwoon, DuJun, Gikwang, Hyunseung, Youngmin, Or Nana...I Miss Them T~T

                                                      Kyunghee's P.O.V.

        I haven't talked to Hyemi in a while... She's been working hard for the contest. I'm proud of her, I think she's finally taking her mind off of my idiotic brother. I miss hanging out with her.. Everyone in the group looks lifeless without Hyemi around. Anyways Hyemi~ah...HWAITING!

                                                Min-Young's P.O.V.

      Hyemi is working really hard for the contest. I never seen her work so hard. Hehe :) Hopefully she's not overworking herself >< I haven't talked to her in a while. But I think she's starting to forget Junhyung. Hyemi~ah, Hwaiting!

                                       Yoseob and Dongwoon's P.O.V.

         "I miss Hyemi, I wonder what she's doing..." said Dongwoon. Yoseob nodded and said "Yeah, I miss her too...She's probably practicing for the contest. Were we ever this busy, when we prepared for concerts?" Dongwoon frowned and said "I think so..But I think Hyemi~ah is working harder." Yoseob looked down and said "Hopefully she's not overworking herself....Did we force her in to this?" Dongwoon said "We kind of did...But I think that Hyemi could handle it. Plus it's helping Hyemi~ah forget about Junhyung~Pabo." Yoseob mumured to himself "No, Hyemi can not forget about Junhyung! NO! I won't let her T~T" Dongwoon slowly said "What.. did you just say?" Yoseob looked up and said "Oh nothing :) Hyemi~ah Hwaiting!" Dongwoon smiled and said "Hyemi, Hwaiting!"

                               Gikwang, DuJun, and Hyunseung's P.O.V.

             Hyunseung walked up to Gikwang and DuJun, then he said "Have you guys talked to Hyemi yet?" DuJun shook his head and said Nope, she's probably practicing at Cube right now..." Gikwang smiled and said "Let's go visit her! :)" DuJun frowned and said "No, we shouldn't bother her..she's trying her best right now." Hyunseung said "Yea, your right." Gikwang frowned and said "Hopefully she's not over working herself..She' still recovering from a cold.." Hyunseung, Gikwand, and DuJun said "Hyemi~ah, Hwaiting!"

                                          Nana and Youngmin's P.O.V.

      Nana walked over and hugged Youngmin. Youngmin was surprised, but then he said "Mimi~ah, what's wrong?" Nana frowned and said "Hyemi~unni is never home.. Plus when she comes home, it's late at night...I'm really worried... What if she's overworking herself?! She just recovered too... I want to go support Unni, can you come with me tomorrow?" Youngmin smiled and said "Hyemi~noona is going to be fine, have faith in her :) She's your sister after all :D Let's go cheer her on from the sidelines okay? I'll ask my brother and the rest of the members to come too." Nana smiled and nodded, then Youngmin leaned over and kissed her on the forehead <3"

                                      ~~THE NEXT DAY!~~


                                                   Jung-hye's P.O.V.

     OMG!!! I'm so nervous! What if I trip on stage?! Or what if I choke on stage?! I should be fine right? I mean..I did perform infront of thousands of B2UTIES with Junhyung~oppa.... I got only an hour and a half left. I think I'm going to spend 30 minutes warming up, then I'll get my hair and make up done.. After that I'll get dressed.

     When I finished practicing, Kyunghee~unni said "What took you so long?! Geez! I still have to do your make-up!" I turned to Kyunghee and said "Mianhae ~unni." While Kyunghee~unni did my make up. Min-young started on my hair.

 My Hair ended up like this :D (But My hair color is Light Brown, not red...XD)


      Suddenly I saw Gikwang, Hyunseung, Yoseob, and Dongwoon walk over with some bags in there hand. Gikwang smiled and said "Your make up looks cool :)" I smiled and said "Thank you :)" Hyunseung and Dongwoon said at the same time "Hyemi~ah, I like your hairstyle, it's cute :)" I giggled and said "Thanks." Yoseob walked over and handed me the bags, then he said "Go try these on :)" I took the bags and nodded. When I got the outfit on...It looked kind of awkward..It feels like it isn't my style.. I slowly walked out and said "Umm..Do you guys think this is too much?" Kyunghee~unni shook her head and said "No, you look fine. Plus the half cute half y look makes you hot :)" I smiled and said "really?" Dongwoon said "Yup ;)" I looked at Kikwang.....He looked like he spaced off O.O Suddenly DuJun~oppa walked in and said "Hyemi~ah, I got a head set microphone for you, so you won't have to hold a big microphone..Is that okay?" Then I looked at him and said "Yea, that's fine oppa :) Anyways, how do I look?" DuJun looked at me, then he looked away.. Gikwang and DuJun~oppa are acting weird...

Anyways Here's My outfit, and my eye make-up :D



    After a while, DuJun came up to me and helped me put on the microphone.. His face was really red. I frowned and said "Oppa...Are you okay? You look sick.." DuJun shook his head and said "it's just hot in here, anyways good luck :) We'll be cheering for you up front." I nodded and said "okay, Thanks for everything :)" He nodded and disappeared.

      Before the Contest started, our Principle walked up to the Microphone and said "Hello Everyone. Wow, seems like a full house :) That's good that your supporting your friends or family :) Anyways I'm proud to say that we have a lot of talented people. Also everyone's a winner.. But we are honored to say that our special Judges are 4Minute from Cube Entertainment!:) Please give them a round of applause." OMG! 4Minute is the Judges?! WAH! I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!! I ENVY HYUNAH TOO!! I'M EVEN MORE NERVOUS NOW! WHAT SHOULD I DO?! 4Minute said a few words, then they walked down and sat at the judges area.. Then the contest started..

 OH! Here's how the Auditorium looks like :D 

There's 10 people performing, I'm suppose to perform 10th. It's seems like a long time seemed to past by quick. 30 minutes had passed, 8 people had just got done performing.. Plus they were really really good! I can't compare to any of them...What SHOULD I DO! I think I'm going to quit.... Suddenly I heard the Student Council President annouce "The next contestant will be no other then Ahn Sunhi." Then there were applauds! WTF! I DIDN'T KNOW SHE ENTERED! Haha, Now there's no way I'm going to quit, I have to make sure I beat that snotty little bish >< She walked passed me and smirked. She looks like a ...No offense, haha I seriously thinks she needs a wardrobe change..*tsk tsk*

This is what she is wearing O.O    

Here's Her Hairstyle....


      I watched Sunhi perform from backstage. She stood in the middle acting all seductively. Talk about awkward right?.. Suddenly the music started to play. To be honest...Sunhi is actually pretty good, I never knew that she could sing and dance like that...

This was how her dance was, also how she sang...

Sunhi's Performance (Kind of..XD): 

   When Sunhi finshied, she was out of breath. Everyone was clapping wildly for her.. Gayoon and JiYoon was standing up and clapping while HyunA, Sohyun, and Jihyun were sitting down and clapping. Gayoon smiled and said "Wah, That was awesome.. I felt like After School Red were performing infront of me. Great Job :)" JiYoon nodded and said "I agree with Gayoon~unni. Great job :) Keep up with the good work." HyunA said "You lacked energy in the dance...I've seen better..Anyways work harder next time." Sohyun looked at Sunhi and said "I agree with HyunA~unni, you did lack a lot of energy from the dance. Please try to work on your energy and dance next time.." Jihyun smirked and said "You were weak in vocals too. I have one question..Were you even trying?" Sunhi slowly nodded and ran off stage. When she ran passed me, she looked like she was about to cry.. Wow, I didn't know 4minute would be this harsh...Now I'm even more nervous. The student council president smiled and said "Here's the last, but not least contestant Park Jung-hye :) She will be performing Sistar- Shady Girl." Everyone started clapping really loud.

      I slowly walked out and went to the center of the Auditorium. Then I bowed and said "Annyeong, My name is Park Jung-hye, nice to meet you.." After the judges nodded, I went into position and signaled for the music to start.

Hyemi's Performance (Yay XD):

   I started of performing, it was going fine. Suddenly my eyes met with Junhyung's eyes...I could feel Junhyung's eyes on me too..Why does he look hurt? While I was spacing off,  I messed up on the dance. CRAP! I WORKED SO HARD, I CAN'T FAIL LIKE THIS! I ignored the accident, smiled and kept going on with the performance. I think I did good on the vocal part, but I'm not sure about the rapping part..Oh well... Anyways, when the song ended, I stood there smiling. I looked around and found DuJun, Dongwoon, Gikwang, Hyunseung, Yoseob, MinYoung, Kyunghee~unni, Nana, Youngmin, Kwangmin, Hyunseong, Donghyun, Jeongmin, and Minwoo clapping and shouting like crazy. I smiled and did a small nod at them.

  I looked over at the judges, they were all on there feet clapping and smiling.. Was this a good thing? Jihyun smiled and said "You did great :) Your vocals were all evened out :) Nice Job :)" Gayoon smiled and said "When you sang the chorus, it gave me goosebumps ;) Impressive." JiYoon smiled and said "I agree with Jihyun and Gayoon~unni, you have great singing skills and also dancing skills :)" I got nervous when it was HyunA's turn to speak...Since HyunA seems like the harsh one.... HyunA smiled but soon it disappered. She looked straight into my eyes and said "Your Rapping skills are Impressive..But back then I noticed that you messed up in the steps..." There was a long pause....Oh No! I just failed it T~T. Suddenly HyunA smiled and said "But...You ignored the fact that you made a mistake, and kept on going. You were also smiling the whole time. Good Job, I bet no one else noticed that you had made a mistake. Keep yo the good work." I felt relieved by then. Sohyun smiled and said "Wah! I didn't even notice that you had made a mistake, good job :) Your rapping skills were really cool, I like your style also :)" I nodded and said "Thank you." Then I walked off stage..

   You would not believe me, but I had just mastered the easy part. Now the hardest part is coming up..Announcing the people who had passed onto the next round.. I went to get a drink, when I suddenly felt like a lot of people were staring at me.. I slowly turned around and saw B2ST (except Junhyung); Boyfriend; MinYoung, Kyunghee~unni, and Nana standing behind me. I smiled and said "OMG, you guys actually all came :)" Youngmin and Kwangmin said "Of course, who would miss the chance to see Noona perform again? You were awesome on stage :)" Then Nana hugged me and said "Unni, you were so awesome <3 You looked so cute and y on stage, like no joke. I'm proud to have a sister like you :)" Kyunghee hugged me and said "As expected from you :) You were great :)" MinYoung hugged me and said "YOU LOOKED SO COOL UNNI <3" I smiled and said "Thanks you guys, but I still have to see if I make it to the next round or not..." Yoseob, Hyunseung, and Dongwoon eached hugged me and said "Don't worry :) We're pretty sure you'll make it to the next round.. Plus who knew the Judges were going to be 4minute haha." DuJun and Gikwang hugged me and said "Hyemi~ah, you did great :) We're proud of you :)" I smiled and said "Thank you :) Anyways I have to go, I think it's time for the announcements.."

    4Minute stood in the middle of the stage, while the other contestants and I stood behind them. Suddenly Sohyun took the Microphone and said "These two were amazing singers, I also loved their ballad songs too. Give it up for Lee Mikyung and Kim Minho. Give a round of applause for these two :)" I smiled and said "good job, to those two." Then JiYoon took the microphone and smiled, then she said "The next two were has good vocals, but these two also had trouble with the dance. I have faith in them, so we'll give them another chance.. Please give it up for Choi Jinhyuk and Ahn Sunhi." Suddenly Sunhi screamed and started jumping up and down... I smiled and said "Congrats Sunhi~ah, you too Jinhyuk~sshi." Sunhi smirked and walked back in to her place. GaYoon took the microphone and said "I was stunned by this girl's vocals, it was pretty amazing :) Give a round of applause for Hwang Yuri." I smiled and congratulate her.. Wow...I don't think I made it....Jihyun took the microphone and said "I'm really impressed on these two's vocal and dancing. Please give them a round of applause for Shin Mirae and Hyo Younghwa." I smiled and congratulated those two also. I really think that I've failed...I guess I don't have talent after all. I started spacing off... HyunA took the Microphone and said "I'm proud to announce this girl, her rapping skills are impressive, and so are her dancing skills. Also her singing skills. But the thing I'm most impressed about is how she has the strength to keep going even when she made a mistake. That's truly amazing and very hard to go and do that. I'm proud to announce that the final girl who made it to the next round is Park Jung-hye..." I smiled and was going to congratulate the last girl, when I noticed that the girl who made it to the next round was me. I smiled and started jumping. I'm so happy right now, plus I could hear our group cheering really loudly. HyunA walked over and hugged me, then she said "Congradulations :) I can't wait to see your next performance :)" I nodded and said "Gomawo :)" Suddenly our group jumped on stage and made a circle around me, then they started jumping around. I was so happy, I literally bursted into tears. Kyunghee~unni hugged me and said "You did great :) Don't cry at a time like this, your suppose to be happy. :)" I nodded and said "Alright :)" Before 4minute left, they all said "Good Luck to all the contestants, and we'll see you in two weeks :)." We all shouted "Okay :)" Yoseob screamed "Let's go get ICE CREAM! DUJUN'S TREAT! :)" DuJun frowned and yelled "Yah!...Oh well...I'll treat this time because we'll celebrate Hyemi's victory. :)" I smiled and said "Can I go change into normal clothes first?" They all nodded.

     I skipped down the hall humming Shady girl, when someone pulled me into a dark room.. I screamed but the person said "shh! Hyemi~ah, be quiet! We'll be found out." The lights flicked on and I saw Junhyung standing infront of me, really close to my face. I looked down and softly said "What do you want.." Junhyung put his hands on my cheek and said "Congrats on going on to the next round :) You were really good :)" I pulled his hands of my face and said "Shouldn't you be saying that to your girlfriend?!" Junhyung shook his head and said "No, she's not my girl..You are.. and You will always be my girl. Hyemi~ah please trust me on this.. I will make things back to normal soon." He leaned over and kissed my forehead, then he walked out of the room.. I felt so confused. I rushed over and changed into my street clothing.

    I met up with the rest of the group and we went out to get ice cream. Lol What's funny was, we filled the whole Ice Cream shop, with just only our group of friends. Plus all the female workers were all over B2ST and Boyfriend...Weird right..But we all messed around and had a good time at the shop. But it got late, and I was tired.. I haven't had a lot of rest because I was preparing for the first round. So Nana and I left first. When we arrived home, I walked inside and there was a huge party. Suddenly I heard Auntie bragging to people saying "I just knew it :) My daughter is the only one who has great talent in this stupid family :) I'm just so proud." Nana yelled "Unni, has talent to you know! It's not only your daughter!" Our Aunt looked at us and said "Well then! Let's have a sing off, right here right now!" Then everyone started chanting. The awkward thing was I saw Junhyung leaning on a wall looking at me. Sunhi said "FINE! I'll go first!" Sunhi stood infront of everyone in the middle and her mom started the music.

Sunhi's Song:

When she finished, eveyone started clapping and cheering. But we mostly could hear only aunty screaming and cheering O.O.

Now it was my turn, I walked up to the front, then I signaled Nana to start the song. I was ready to perform, when I realized that Nana played the wrong song! How am I suppose to perform this song when I need a male rapper to rap to this song.. Oh, well... I guess I'll try to rap it.. The song was I'll back of so you can live better by G.Na feat DuJun :p

Hyemi's Performance song :

 I did the dance perfectly and I also sang the parts well. I was surprised that I could hit those high notes. But I'm worried now...It's almost to the rapping part.. What should I do....I opened my mouth to attempt the rapping, when suddenly I heard a familiar voice rapping the part. I turned to my left only to see Junhyung walking up to me and rapping. He was also showing his sweet smile that he use to show me. I smiled back, and started to sing. When I finished, the whole crowd went wild. They were even louder than how they were for Sunhi. I walked up to Junhyung and smiled. Then I said "Oppa, Gomawo ;)" He smiled and said "Anything for you <3" Then he walked away, Nana ran up to me and said "Mianhae~unni, I didn't mean to play the wrong song." I shook my head and said "It's fine :) I did good didn't I?" After everyone came over and commented on how good I did, I walked over to the bathroom and washed my face. Then I changed into my pajamas, and fell asleep.

    I woke up to two people argueing. It sounded like Sunhi and Junhyung.. I walked over to the door to hear what they were yelling about. Suddenly I heard Sunhi yell "Why did you help her for?!" Junhyung yelled back "Because I love her!" Then I heard a slap and Sunhi's voice yelling "I thought I told you to forget about her! Your suppose to be dating me! Unless you forgot about your promise! I mean I could just walk over there right now and hurt those two." Junhyung softly yelled "No..You can't hurt those two..Alright..I'm sorry.." What....what promise? Why did Junhyung back down from the arguement.....Is he only dating Sunhi to protect me and Nana? That couldn't be true...Right?....

Authors Note: Sorry for the long wait. But alright here's the update, it's also a long one too.. Sorry :) But hey the first round started :) Hopefully this didn't bore you to death :( Anyways hope you like it and COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE PLEASE XD


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ailisu #1
awww stupid sunhi!!!
wtfelicia #2
aww that was cute... hyemi pull junhyung out of it alrdy! he's so sad :(
wtfelicia #3
wah finally she finds out! that poor boy must be so tired alrdy >,<
Umm...4minute should be the judges hehe ><
wtfelicia #5
screw the sunhi !!! eeks!!!!
wtfelicia #6
oh yes he finally said something! aww seobie, you must comfort him ><
wtfelicia #7
ahhh Junhyung! don't ve afraid of a mere girl! if she hurts hyemi, I'm pretty sure you are capable of protecting her! not like this!! ahhhhh ><
AH.. its ok! school started for me last week. i was even more busy :( its ok!<br />
I feel ur pain! no need to update soon quickly!
sun-hi your a ! please Hyemi realize that Junhyung still louves you!
wtfelicia #10
oh what a .. that sun-hi.. i hope hyemi can sense something wrong! ><