There's a Kid in the Notorious SHINee's Base!!!!

Gangs Of Seoul

Jonghyun walked into the building. The SHINee boys, Mir, and Go Eun Ah were in the room.

"Who's kid is that?" Onew asked.
"Seungyeon's partner's. GO, the guy who died's. Seungyeon has to take care of him now." Jonghyun answered.
"Aww. Poor thing. Don't worry SHINee Appas will help take care of you." Minho carried Ji Suk.
"What's his name?" Taemin asked caressing Ji Suk's cheek.
"Ji Suk." Jonghyun replied.

Mir and Go Eun Ah watched the SHINee gang go weak and caring in front of the kid.

"I told you they are good." Go Eun Ah said.
"I guess you're right." Mir smiled.

Mir walked towards Key and tapped his shoulder.

"Yes?" Key turned around.
"Can I join your gang?" Mir asked. Key stared at Mir in shock. "I heard from Onew, Jonghyun, and Minho an in site into your lives. Please. I want to be like you guys. If Go Eun Ah says you're good I want to be like you. Please."

The rest of the boys had turned around and heard the whole thing.

"Why not." Onew said. "He's experienced what Taemin had to go through."

Mir looked at Taemin.

"I was sold too. I hate my appa. Jonghyun-hyung and Minho-hyung saved me. I wanted to be just like them, so here I am." Taemin smiled. Taemin walked over to Mir. "I think he'll do good here."
"I guess we have a new member." Minho smiled. "Welcome to SHINee."
"Taemin will teach you what you need to know." Jonghyun looked at Taemin. "I'm going to take Ji Suk to Seungyeon now."
"I'll help you." Go Eun Ah carried Ji Suk, while Jonghyun grabbed the bags.

Key glared at Mir.

"Don't worry about Key. He's always like that. He'll get used to you." Taemin smiled and led Mir away.


"Ji Suk!!" Seungyeon ran toward Ji Suk as soon as the door opened.
Jonghyun placed the bags down. "I'll leave you two alone."

As soon as Jonghyun left Go Eun Ah looked excitedly at Seungyeon. "You'll never believe what happened."
"What?" Seungyeon asked.

Go Eun Ah explained to Seungyeon about SHINee, Mir, and what had just happened.

Seungyeon stared at Go Eun Ah who was excited, she felt disappointed.

Now that those kids want to live with them, how am I ever going to get out of here, I'm all alone now.

"Seungyeon, you still don't trust them?" Go Eun Ah asked.
Seungyeon shook her head. "I'm sorry but I don't."
"They are good guys, I can see it.. they treated Ji Suk really well too, and they never did anything bad to us. You should trust them too." Go Eun Ah continued.

Seungyeon looked at Ji Suk who was sitting on her lap. "Ji Suk, I will take care of you from now on. Your appa, he can't come back for you."
Ji Suk looked at Seungyeon to her eyes. "Where is appa?"

Seungyeon felt her eyes watery and soon tears started falling from her eyes. She hugged Ji Suk tightly.

"Appa.. your appa.. he..." Seungyeon couldn't continue as she burst into tears.
"Let me take him." Go Eun Ah said gently and took Ji Suk from Seungyeon.

Seungyeon walked to the bags that had G.O's things. She took out a photo album and opened it. On the very first page was a photo where G.O was posing with Seungyeon and two other friends on the day they had graduated from high school. Seungyeon touched the photo gently with her finger as her tears fell on the pages of the album.

G.O I promise, I will take good care of Ji Suk.


Everyone was at the roof garden except Seungyeon and Ji Suk.

"Watch that kick. Its too weak." Taemin scolded Mir. "Try again." Mir kicked again. "It's getting better. Again!"

"It's a nice day outside. We should bring Seungyeon and Ji Suk." Go Eun Ah said to Minho.
"I guess we should." Minho said then went to get Ji Suk and Seungyeon.


"Swings!!" Ji Suk ran toward the swings which Key was sitting on.
"I'll swing with you." Key smiled as he noticed Ji Suk trying to get on a swing.

Key pulled Ji Suk on to his lap and began swinging.

"Weeee!!" Ji Suk smiled.

Seungyeon watched Ji Suk and Key.

"I told you they are good." Go Eun Ah said as she passed Seungyeon. "Minho tag your it." Go Eun Ah squealed.

Minho began to chase Go Eun Ah.

"I bet they'll become a couple." Onew sat next to Seungyeon.

Seungyeon lightly smiled at Onew then looked around. She noticed everyone was there except for Jongyun.

"Where's Jonghyun?" She asked herself.
"He'll be here shortly." Onew replied hearing Seungyeon.


"95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100." Jonghyun finished lifting weights.

Jonghyun cleaned up the room and went into the kitchen. He saw a cake that the chef had made. He put it into a basket and got plates, forks, and napkins.


"Anyone one want cake?" Jonghyun walked into the garden.
"ME~!!!" Taemin squealed and ran towards Jonghyun forgetting about Mir's training.
"Slow down." Jonghyun said and put the cake on a picnic table.

Jonghyun passed out one to everyone. He took two slices and walked toward Seungyeon, who was sitting by herself.

"Here." Jonghyun handed her a slice.
"No thanks." Seungyeon refused.
"I don't take no for an answer." Jonghyun gave it to Seungyeon and sat down next to Seungyeon and ate his slice.

"Master Jongyun." One of their men came into the garden. "We have a problem at your club."
"Now what?" Jonghyun stood up and left for his club.


Onew got a call from Jonghyun.

"Some fools are messing around at the club. They don't seem so dangerous so maybe you could bring Mir along for some practice."
"Araso." Onew said hanging up the phone then walked to Mir.

"Mir, time for some real practice for you. Your coming along with us to the club." Onew said.
"Really? I get to kick someones butts!" Mir exclaimed excited.
"Remember the kicks I taught you." Taemin said as he wiped his mouth from the cake.

Go Eun Ah grabbed Mir's hand. "Do you really have to go there? What if they do something to you?"
"Don't worry, we will make sure nothing happens to him. He just needs some practice." Minho said.
Mir smiled at Go Eun Ah. "I will be back, don't worry."

SHINee brought Seungyeon, Go Eun Ah and Ji Suk inside as all the guys headed to the club.


SHINee watched as Mir took down 5 of the 25 men.

One man tried to hit Mir from behind but Jonghyun blocked it. "Watch your back. It's a blind spot."

Mir nodded and continued to fight.

After 10 minutes Mir was staring to get tired.

"Our turn." Key said punching a man.

Onew and Taemin fought off men trying to attack Mir. Key, Minho and Jonghyun fought off the other men. In 5 minutes all 25 men were thrown out of the club.

"Good job." Taemin high-fived Mir.
"Thanks." Mir panted.


The boys stayed after to run the club.

"Hey there ladies. Care for a drink." Minho said as he ran the bar.

Ladies fawned over him. Minho taught Mir how to create certain drinks.

"Dance time!!" Onew said into the mic and put some music on from his DJ booth.
People gathered around the dance floor and stage. Key and Taemin danced on the stage. Jonghyun walked around making sure things were in order.

"Hey there y." A lady ran her hands down Key's back.

Key smirked and danced with her. Another lady joined behind Key.

Taemin saw a lady at the bar alone. "Care to dance?"
"Sure." She got up and danced with Taemin.


Go Eun Ah walked around the room restlessly while Seungyeon was playing with Ji Suk on the floor.

"What if something happens to Mir? If he gets killed, what do I do then.." she said as she walked.
Seungyeon glanced at her. "They said they would take care of him, didn't they." she said trying to calm Go Eun Ah down.
"You do trust them, don't you?" Go Eun Ah said kneeling down beside Seungyeon.
Seungyeon looked away. "I didn't say anything like that."

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Lightbluesapphire #1
Chapter 26: Oh my gosh! This story is great, thrilling, sad, but beautiful at the same time. I loved it. I'll wait for your next update on the prequel :)
Chapter 26: this was very cuute! I finished it all in one sitting~ loved it:)
Aww, the last chappie?
Hehe Minho's going to be a daddy (:
I'm looking foreword to the other story, it seems really interesting and I'm sure it'll answer my million of question about Shinee's past and all.
Ah... Why did Onew die? It's such a waste... :((
Omo, onew died?????
You have no idea how much i cried, i knew it was too good to be true that they left with the baby with a happy endding. Aish, but onew? Sigh* i guess one more chapter left huh?
Lemmi tell you how much i enjoyed your story, no wait i can't words cannot describe.
Unnie, hwighting~
update..... yeah... few chapter to go....
blissfulspark #7
they cut her finger a child that is so wrong in so many ways.
KpopSupaLova12 #8
this is awesome!!! i just hope jonghyun lives!!!! please update soon!!!
the love of a mother above all thing... hopefully Jonghyun can remember his family
blissfulspark #10
Hopefully he remembers oh so sad