Mixed Emotions

Gangs Of Seoul

"Your gonna abort it right?" Key suddenly rushed into the room.
"No." Jonghyun said as he turned to see Key.
"What? You know that's not clever at all.. don't you remember what happened to all the children that ever came to this house. They were all murdered." Key frowned.
"I'm going to make sure that doesn't happen anymore. I'm going to do my everything to protect Seungyeon and the child." Jonghyun said firmly.
"Aish!!" Key kicked the floor and stomped out the room.

Seungyeon looked down. "I know it would be better for everyone if I aborted it.. but I don't want to."
Jonghyun held her hand. "You don't have to. We will keep the child."
Seungyeon touched her stomach gently. This baby will give me a reason to live.

Jonghyun looked at her and smiled slightly then walked to the living room where the others were waiting.

"So you are keeping the baby?" Minho asked.

Jonghyun nodded. Onew looked down sadly as he remembered Jessica and Yuri. No one knew what to say.

Go Eun Ah looked at all of them. "Couldn't we try to be happy for them?" she got up and hugged Seungyeon. "Congratulations."

Everyone else congratulated them except Key.


After a while they all sat back down.

"So there's no news about Se7en?" Minho asked.
"No not yet. But I met these guys that said they are a part of a gang called Big Bang. They want Se7en dead as well and they offered their help. I don't know if I can trust them yet though." Jonghyun explained.
"Big Bang? I have never heard of them." Onew frowned.
"They said they have kept themselves hidden well. And one of the guys said that his old friend is one of our men, so he knew about us.." Jonghyun continued.
"Oh.. any idea who of our men that friend is?" Taemin asked.
"We should ask them all." Minho said.

All of SHINee's men were gathered in a room.

"Anyone know who Big Bang is?" Jonghyun asked.
Everyone looked at each other confused. "Sorry sir. We don't."
"!" Jonghyun ran out of the room. "I left my men with them."


"Jonghyun wait!! Where are you going?" Seungyeon ran after Jonghyun. "Jonghyun- Ah!!"

Jonghyun turned around to see Seungyeon holding her stomach. Jonghyun ran up to her and carried her to his bed in his room.

"Don't run around with our kid in your stomach. You'll hurt yourself and the baby." Jonghyun moved a strand of hair from her face behind her ear.
"Where are you going? Are you leaving again?" Seungyeon put her hand on Jonghyun's cheek.
"I need to take care of some business, but I'll be back." Jonghyun put his hand on hers. "Until then take care of yourself. I also want you to use my room. It's safer then yours. Trust me."
"Okay." Seungyeon smiled.

"Oh before I forget. If this place is attacked." Jonghyun moved closer and whispered into Seungyeon's ear. "Remove the picture of Jessica from the bookshelf. A passage will appear. When you walk into it the door will lock behind you. Follow the passage it will take you to a safe place. The rest of them have a secret passage that takes them there too. But don't use it until you need to because once the passage locks behind you it can not be opened unless I put the password in. All right." Seungyeon nodded. "Good. I'll be back soon." Jonghyun kissed her then ran out of the building.


"Hey!" CL shouted at Jonghyun as he walked toward his car. "I'm talking to you!!"
"What? I'm busy right now. I'll deal with you later." Jonghyun shouted back.
"You can never be too busy for 2NE1." Minzy said.
"I can. Se7en is attacking us." Jonghyun continued to walk.
"Se-Se-Se7en." Sandara stuttered.
"Yeah you know him?" Jonghyun asked.
"Yeah. We used to work for him." Bom said.
"We'll never work for him again." CL spat. "He can die."
"Do you know a Big Bang?" Jonghyun asked.
"Yeah. They work for him. Why?" CL asked.
"!!" Jonghyun ran up to CL. "Where is his base?"
"I won't tell you!!" CL crossed her arms.
"Please. My family and friends are in danger. I'm begging you. Please." Jonghyun grabbed CL.

CL's eyes widened. SHINee never begged for anything. They always did things them selves.

"Fine, I'll tell you. But only if you let us come with you. We have a bone to pick with Se7en." CL said. Jonghyun nodded.

As Jonghyun and 2NE1 were on their way to Se7en, Jonghyun called his men who were with Big Bang.

"Stay away from Big Bang, come out there right away! They work for Se7en!! I'm coming to you with 2NE1.. so just get away from them and don't tell them anything!!" Jonghyun yelled on the phone.
"Oh, those es are still alive. It's going to be a nice reunion." T.O.P said to Jonghyun as he held the phone and glanced at the bodies of Jonghyun's men on the floor.
"What? Who is this? What have you done to my men?!" Jonghyun yelled but T.O.P had already hung up.


"How are you feeling?" Go Eun Ah asked as she walked in Jonghyun's room where Seungyeon was staying.
Seungyeon smiled slightly. "I'm doing okay."
Go Eun Ah nodded and sat beside her on the bed. "You know when you have the baby.. can I become the godmother?"
"Of course you can." Seungyeon exclaimed.
"Have you thought about what name you want to give it?" Go Eun Ah asked.
Seungyeon shook her head. "I want Jonghyun to name it."
Seungyeon glanced at the picture of Jessica. "I hope everything goes okay and nothing bad happens."


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Lightbluesapphire #1
Chapter 26: Oh my gosh! This story is great, thrilling, sad, but beautiful at the same time. I loved it. I'll wait for your next update on the prequel :)
Chapter 26: this was very cuute! I finished it all in one sitting~ loved it:)
Aww, the last chappie?
Hehe Minho's going to be a daddy (:
I'm looking foreword to the other story, it seems really interesting and I'm sure it'll answer my million of question about Shinee's past and all.
Ah... Why did Onew die? It's such a waste... :((
Omo, onew died?????
You have no idea how much i cried, i knew it was too good to be true that they left with the baby with a happy endding. Aish, but onew? Sigh* i guess one more chapter left huh?
Lemmi tell you how much i enjoyed your story, no wait i can't words cannot describe.
Unnie, hwighting~
update..... yeah... few chapter to go....
blissfulspark #7
they cut her finger a child that is so wrong in so many ways.
KpopSupaLova12 #8
this is awesome!!! i just hope jonghyun lives!!!! please update soon!!!
the love of a mother above all thing... hopefully Jonghyun can remember his family
blissfulspark #10
Hopefully he remembers oh so sad