Baby Eun Ae

Gangs Of Seoul

Go Eun Ah held Seungyeon's hand tightly, her hand was all sweaty.

"Seungyeon.. you are doing great, the baby is almost out. Just hang in there a little bit longer." The doctor encouraged her.
"How much longer? I don't think I can do this.. I just want to die! Ahhhhhh...." Seungyeon screamed and squeezed Go Eun Ah's hand tighter.
"Please make it stop.. make it stop! Kyaahhhh!!!"
"You can do it Seungyeon! Just a little bit more and we can see your baby!" Go Eun Ah smiled.
"Okay one more push then it's out! 1.. 2.. 3.. push!" the doctor said. Seungyeon gathered all the strenght she still had left and pushed really hard.

Seungyeon screamed one last time and soon they could hear a baby crying.


The doctor brought Seungyeon to another room with the baby. He also let everyone inside, but warned them not to stress Seungyeon.

"Aww, what's her name?" Key asked as he stared at the baby girl in Seungyeon's arms.
"I'll let Jonghyun name her when he wakes up." Seungyeon said.
"Come inside!!" Minho pushed Jonghyun inside the room.
"Jonghyun!!" Seungyeon teared. "You're awake. Look our baby girl. Carry her and name her."
"Who's she? Why is she saying our kid? I'm not the dad." Jonghyun looked at Minho.
Seungyeon stared at Jonghyun. "He doesn't remember?"
Minho shook his head no. "Memory loss."

The room was silent for a while until the baby stared crying.

"It's okay. Shhh mommy's here." Seungyeon tried to make her quiet down.
"Here. Let me. I know how to quiet her down." Onew carried her and tried to quiet her but failed.

She was soon passed to everyone but Jonghyun. Everyone couldn't make her quiet. They all became worried

"You try since she's your daughter." Key held her out.
"She's not my daughter." Jonghyun said but carried her anyway.

As soon as Jonghyun carried her she became quiet and looked into Jonghyun's eyes. The boys awed at the sight of Jonghyun carrying her. Jonghyun looked back at the baby girl in his arms and felt a connection, something in his mind was telling him that she was his kid. "You're my appa." She seemed to be telling him.

"Jonghyun," Seungyeon called him. Jonghyun looked at Seungyeon. "Name her."
"Eun Ae." He replied to everyone's amazement.

Jonghyun unconsciously went and sat on the bed next to Seungyeon.

"That's a beautiful name." Seungyeon said leaning on Jonghyun
"Grace with love." Jonghyun replied not minding Seungyeon leaning on him.

Seungyeon looked at Jonghyun and Eun Ae silently. At that moment she didn't care about the fact Jonghyun didn't remember her, she just felt happier than ever as she watched the two. It had been a long and difficult labor for her and she felt really exhausted but at the same time really happy.

"Jonghyun... I'm so happy to see you here with me.. with us." Seungyeon said smiling.

Jonghyun glanced at her.

Why can't I remember her?

"Maybe we should all let Seungyeon rest now. It was a long day for her." Go Eun Ah said to all the guys in the room.
The doctor nodded also. "She needs a lot of rest, remember to call me right away if she starts to feel sick.. it was a really difficult labor for her so we still need to keep an eye on her."
"Okay.. we will." Key nodded and looked at Jonghyun. "You need to rest too, you just came out from the hospital and all."
"But we need some place for the baby to sleep at don't we?" Mir said looking around the room.
Onew looked at the baby. "You can use the one bed.. Yuri had."

Everyone went silent and stared at him.

"Are you sure that's okay?" Minho asked.
Onew nodded. "I'll go get it."

Onew and Mir brought the crib into Seungyeon's room. "Where do you want it?"
"Here," Seungyeon pointed to the spot right next to her bed. "So it's not to far away for me."
"Sure." Onew and Mir moved the crib right next to the bed.
"Eun Ae, time to sleep by mommy." Jonghyun said to Eun Ae, who was falling asleep in his arms.

Jonghyun walked towards the crib. Before he put Eun Ae inside had had the sudden urge to kiss Eun Ae. Jonghyun hesitated for a moment then slyly kissed her cheek. Seungyeon saw this and giggled.

"What's so funny?" Taemin asked noticing Seungyeon.
"Nothing." Seungyeon smiled and glanced at Jonghyun.
"Shhh." Jonghyun whispered and put his finger to his lip causing Seungyeon to giggle some more.
Taemin looked at Seungyeon, then Jonghyun, then back to Seungyeon. "There's something fishy going on here. I thought you don't remember her."
"I don't." Jonghyun honestly replied.
"I think you need a nap because you're hallucinating." Onew cut Taemin off. "So I'll put you to bed while Jonghyun puts Eun Ae in her crib, so she and Seungyeon can rest."
Onew dragged Taemin out of the room as Taemin whined. "I want to stay up. I'm not a baby anymore."

Everyone giggled watching Taemin and Onew. Jonghyun put Eun Ae in her crib. Eun Ae stirred when Jonghyun put her down, but stopped and fell asleep when Jonghyun sang a short song and rubbed her tummy.

Jonghyun put a blanket over Eun Ae and turned to Seungyeon. "Mommy needs to sleep too."

Jonghyun and everyone headed out the door when Seungyeon spoke. "Jonghyun?" Everyone turned to Seungyeon. "I don't know if you remember but you used to sing for me before I went to sleep when I had a troubled day. Could you do that again?"
Key and Minho nudged Jongyun towards Seungyeon. "Go for it. Even if you don't remember she really did have your baby. Eun Ae really is your daughter."
"Well call us or me if you need anything." Go Eun Ah said and pulled the boys except Jonghyun out of the door and closed it.

Jonghyun took a step towards Seungyeon when the door opened.

Key poked his head inside the room. "Jonghyun you'd better come out after and rest because you did just get out of the hospital too. Ow!! Go Eun Ah I'm coming so stop pulling me. Minho get your girl off me!" Key closed the door.

Jonghyun and Seungyeon giggled at the silliness of Key and Go Eun Ah. Jonghyun walked towards Seungyeon. For some reason he didn't mind singing for Seungyeon although he usually never sang to anyone but his friends.

Jonghyun sat on the stool next to Seungyeon and fixed the blanket on her. "I'm sorry, I really don't remember who you are. I don't even remember why I was at the hospital. But they keep saying your my girlfriend and that Eun Ae's my daughter. Even if I don't remember something inside is telling me I should believe them, so I'll tell you straight. I don't think I'm ready to accept you as my girlfriend and Eun Ae as my daughter at the moment. Give me sometime to adjust to things and maybe I'll remember or if I don't those feeling of why I fell in love with you in the first place may return to me. Please don't expect me too much from me. I'm not that good of a guy. Is that okay?"
"Sure, I'm not going to force you to remember me, but please treat Eun Ae nicely like you were earlier." Seungyeon said. "Also, you are a good guy. You saved me so many times I can't say you are a bad guy." Seungyeon said as she remembered when Jonghyun saved her in the crash, took in Ji Suk, and saved her from Se7en and his men.

Jonghyun looked at Seungyeon confused but shook the feeling off. "Rest now. You had a hard day."

Jonghyun tucked Seungyeon in bed then her hair as he sang Nothing Better.

After Seungyeon fell asleep he stood up to leave but immediately felt dizzy. He sat back down and leaned his head on Seungyeon's bed. Jonghyun fell asleep. As he slept he unconsciously intertwined his hand with Seungyeon's.


As Jonghyun slept he had a nightmare

Jonghyun pulled his car next to an abandoned shack. He and Minho kicked open the door of the shack and pointed their guns around the room.

Minho untied a girl as Jonghyun into a hallway. There he found a locked door. He kicked it several times then it opened.

"Please, no more!! Get away!! Stop!! Don't come closer!!" A girl screamed shifting farther away from him.

It hurt his heart to see the girl on the bed. She was entirely exposed, her clothes torn into pieces on the floor. Her hair was a mess. There was blood all over the bed sheets.

"~~~~~. It's alright it's me." He came closer to the girl.
She opened her eyes. "You're late."
"Sorry, but I'm here now. I won't let his happen to you ever again." He said as he freed her hands.

She hugged him and cried. "It hurts. It hurt so much."
He looked at her and covered her with his jacket. "It won't happen again."

"Jonghyun! Jonghyun!!" Seungyeon shook Jonghyun awake. "Are you okay? You were shaking and sweating."
"Yeah, sorry. Nightmare." Jonghyun replied.
"What was it about?" Seungyeon asked.
"I went to an aboandonded shack and saw a girl tied to a bed. She looked like she's been and there was blood all over. It hurt me to see her like that. I tried to look at her face but it was blurry and when I called her name nothing came out." Jonghyun told his nightmare.
"Ohhh." Seungyeon said as she thought about if she should tell him that the girl in his nightmare was her or not. "Well try to remember the girl's name or face, but do that later. You still look tired, so you should go to sleep." Seungyeon said as she decided to let Jonghyun figure out his past for himself.

If we were meant to be then he will remember.


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Lightbluesapphire #1
Chapter 26: Oh my gosh! This story is great, thrilling, sad, but beautiful at the same time. I loved it. I'll wait for your next update on the prequel :)
Chapter 26: this was very cuute! I finished it all in one sitting~ loved it:)
Aww, the last chappie?
Hehe Minho's going to be a daddy (:
I'm looking foreword to the other story, it seems really interesting and I'm sure it'll answer my million of question about Shinee's past and all.
Ah... Why did Onew die? It's such a waste... :((
Omo, onew died?????
You have no idea how much i cried, i knew it was too good to be true that they left with the baby with a happy endding. Aish, but onew? Sigh* i guess one more chapter left huh?
Lemmi tell you how much i enjoyed your story, no wait i can't words cannot describe.
Unnie, hwighting~
update..... yeah... few chapter to go....
blissfulspark #7
they cut her finger a child that is so wrong in so many ways.
KpopSupaLova12 #8
this is awesome!!! i just hope jonghyun lives!!!! please update soon!!!
the love of a mother above all thing... hopefully Jonghyun can remember his family
blissfulspark #10
Hopefully he remembers oh so sad