Bringing Home the Enemy

Gangs Of Seoul

A/N - We have four different roleplayers writing so if the POV suddenly changes we apologize.


"I don't know if she will last long.. her injuries are pretty bad, she needs to go to the hospital" Go Eun Ah said as she was sitting beside Seungyeon who Jonghyun had placed on the bed.

Key and Go Eun Ah had given her first aid, but her condition was bad.

"No, we can't take her to the hospital, we will get caught. She whether survives or she doesn't." Jonghyun said.


After a few hours Seungyeon started whining as she woke up. "It hurts.. ahh it hurts!!!"

She opened her eyes and saw Go Eun Ah sitting there. "Where am I? G.O..where is G.O.. who are you? Is this the hospital? or am I dead? what happened? ahhh.. please do something it hurts!!" she yelled in pain.

Go Eun Ah touched her hand gently, not knowing what to do. "It will be alright. You are still alive but this is not the hospital."
"What happened to G.O.. the car.. we were in the same car.. G.O where is he?" Seungyeon asked concerned trying to get up but soon lied back down because of the pain.

Jonghyun came into the room his arms wrapped in bandages from the burns.

"You!!" Seungyeon pointed at Jonghyun.
"Relax. We just called a doctor." Jonghyun told her as he walked up to Go Eun Ah. "How is she?"
"She's in pain and has been freaking out about where she is." Go Eun Ah replied.
"All right. Why don't you take a rest. I'll deal with her." Jonghyun told Go Eun Ah.
"Thank you." Go Eun Ah turned to leave but stopped. "Jonghyun-sshi, you're not so bad after all." Go Eun Ah left.

"What did you do to me?" Seungyeon yelled.
"Relax. I'm not going to hurt you. Your partner hit the gas truck. Everything exploded. Your partner died on the spot. If I had left you for the paramedics you would have died." Jonghyun told her straight up.
"He... What? GO died? No... He can't... I..." Seungyeon cried.

The doctor walked in the room. Jonghyun left the doctor and Seungyeon alone in the room and waited outside for the doctor to finish.


The doctor finished and went outside.
"I stabilized her. She's sleeping now." The doctor turned to leave but noticed Jonghyun's bandaged arm. "Let me check you too."

The doctor checked Jonghyun. "You'll be fine. Try not to sweat for a while, until the burns heal."

The doctor left.


Jonghyun watched over Seungyeon. Key walked into the room.

"You never bring home the enemy. Why did you bring her?" Key sat down next to Jonghyun.
"I don't know. I guess I didn't want her to die." Jonghyun looked at Seungyeon's face.
"We gotta figure out what to do with her. If we let her go we'll go jail." Key tapped Jonghyun's shoulder then turned to leave.

Jonghyun stood up and left with Key.


In few hours Seungyeon woke up again, now feeling sligthly better. She searched for her gun but couldn't find it.

Aish, they took it from me.

She looked around and saw no one.

I need to get out of this place.

She sat up and almost yelled in pain again but kept it inside. She slowly got up and tried to sneak to the door.

I know how to defense myself, I should be able to get out here. Oh wait how many of them are here?

She walked closer to the door holding her side, just then Taemin walked to the room. "Where are you trying to go? Go back to the bed!" Taemin ordered.

Seungyeon lifted her head up thinking how to attack him but suddenly everything became blurry and she had to lay down on the floor.

I can't do anything yet, I'm too weak.


Seungyeon slowly opened her eyes. She saw Jonghyun wringing the towel and putting it on her forehead.

"How is she?" Minho walked into the room.

Seungyeon closed her eyes and pretended to be sleeping.

"She's fine." Jonghyun answered.
"I heard she tried to run away." Minho said taking the bucket and dumping out the water.
"She did. I don't know what to do with her. I can't let her leave in her state. Plus she's a cop, we could go to jail." Jonghyun told Minho.
Minho thought for a moment. "Take care of her until she get's better. Then figure out what to do. She's like Go Eun Ah and Mir. Take care of them until things settle down. Plus still gotta find the ."
"I guess we could do that. I hope she doesn't run away though." Jonghyun added then left with Minho as Go Eun Ah and Mir entered the room.

Seungyeon right away opened her eyes when Jonghyun and Minho left the room.

She frowned as she looked at Go Eun Ah and Mir. "You guys, you look familiar? Where did I see you before?"
"Well you might have seen us, you are a cop right? I think that a couple of days ago we were informed missing. We are.." Go Eun Ah said.
"You are Go Eun Ah and Mir!!! You are here, I found you! Please just wait until I gain my strength back again then I will take you guys out of here!" Seungyeon said.
"Please rest for now! Besides there's five of those guys here and just three of us." Mir said.

"Are they treating you guys okay?" Seungyeon asked. They both nodded.
"I actually like staying here." Go Eun Ah said.
"What?" Mir said in shock.
"Minho has been really nice to me. They haven't done anything to us." Go Eun AH pointed out.
"How could you say that?" Mir yelled in fury.
"They could have put us to work in a club or something. I could have been or worse, but instead they gave us a nice room and treat us nicely. They let us roam around freely. All we have to do is simple chores like washing dishes and cleaning. They're not bad." Go Eun Ah defended.
"Go Eun Ah!!" Mir yelled.

"What's going on in here?" Jonghyun and Minho came back.
"Nothing." Mir covered.

Minho walked toward Mir. "If you want to leave so badly leave, but just to let you know your father killed your mother and is on the run."

Mir's eyes widened.

"Our sources found that out for us. We are currently looking for him. If you go back we can not guarantee your safety." Minho added.
Go Eun Ah was about to collapse onto the floor but Minho caught her. "I'll take her back to the room." Minho left with Go Eun Ah in his arms.

Mir continued to stare blankly.

Jonghyun walked up to him led him to a chair. "You want to know something? You're not the only person who has to suffer with that kind of pain. Let us help you. We've been through similar experiences so let us help you through it. If you want to leave then leave, but it's dangerous out there right now. If you go back there is no family waiting with open arms. You'll be on your own. Your father sold you to us instead of paying for his debt. He's not going to be looking for you. If he loved you then he wouldn't have sold you."

Jonghyun stood up. "Go back to your room and think about it. If you decide to leave then you can, but leave your sister here. She'll leave a better life here then she would out there on your own."

Jonghyun led Mir to the door where Onew was passing by. "Hyung take him to his room. Minho should be there." Onew nodded and left with Mir.

"Don't give the kids any idea. You don't know what it's like to be left alone in this world." Jonghyun glared at Seungyeon.
"I'm doing my job." Seungyeon glared at Jonghyun. "I'm a police officer. I'm supposed to help them."
"Help them do what? They are fine here. If we were the bad guys Go Eun Ah would be working as a pleasure slave for us or a e, Mir would be a salve, and you'd be dead. Don't forget who saved you." Jonghyun walked toward Seungyeon.

He pushed her on to the bed and hovered over her. "Rest, don't stress yourself out."

Jonghyun got off and walked out of the room and locked the door. Seungyeon's heart was pounding heavily.

Why am I like this?

Seungyeon held her chest and tried to shook the image of Jonghyun away from her head. She got up slowly and walked to the window and looked down.

This is way too high to get out of here, I would just die.

She heard the police sirens in the distance. "G.O.." she whispered and wiped the tear that was falling down her cheek.

It is true.. I would be dead too right now without that guys help.

She walked back to the bed and lied down.

I should try to get some sleep.


The whole night she slept restlessly seeing nightmares about burning cars and G.O.

"NO G.O!!!" She yelled in her sleep.

It was already morning, Key, Jonghyun and Taemin ran to look at her.

"Oh she is just talking in her sleep.." Key said walking away.

Jonghyun sat on the bed next to Seungyeon and adjusted the covers for her. Seungyeon moved her hand onto Jonghyun's waist and snuggled into him as tears rolled down her cheek.

"What the?" Jonghyun looked down. Poor thing. What am I going to do with you?


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Lightbluesapphire #1
Chapter 26: Oh my gosh! This story is great, thrilling, sad, but beautiful at the same time. I loved it. I'll wait for your next update on the prequel :)
Chapter 26: this was very cuute! I finished it all in one sitting~ loved it:)
Aww, the last chappie?
Hehe Minho's going to be a daddy (:
I'm looking foreword to the other story, it seems really interesting and I'm sure it'll answer my million of question about Shinee's past and all.
Ah... Why did Onew die? It's such a waste... :((
Omo, onew died?????
You have no idea how much i cried, i knew it was too good to be true that they left with the baby with a happy endding. Aish, but onew? Sigh* i guess one more chapter left huh?
Lemmi tell you how much i enjoyed your story, no wait i can't words cannot describe.
Unnie, hwighting~
update..... yeah... few chapter to go....
blissfulspark #7
they cut her finger a child that is so wrong in so many ways.
KpopSupaLova12 #8
this is awesome!!! i just hope jonghyun lives!!!! please update soon!!!
the love of a mother above all thing... hopefully Jonghyun can remember his family
blissfulspark #10
Hopefully he remembers oh so sad