Big Bang's Back

Gangs Of Seoul

As the days past Eun Ae got bigger and cried more. Minho and Go Eun Ah kept going on dates. Taemin, Key, Onew, and Mir did the gang business, while Jonghyun played with Eun Ae and Seungyeon.

"Wahhhh~~~!!!!" Eun Ae cried.
"Milk time." Jonghyun carried Eun Ae to Seungyeon.
"Here you go." Seungyeon fed Eun Ae.
"Seungyeon I'm going to the store do you need-" Taemin opened the door.

Taemin stared at Seungyeon feeding Eun Ae.

"Taemin out!!!" Seungyeon yelled.

Taemin ran out the door. Jonghyun went to close the door.

"You want me out too?" Jonghyun asked.
"Up to you. You saw everything before." Seungyeon replied.

Jonghyun closed the door and walked to Seungyeon.

"What's wrong? You've been quiet all day." Seungyeon looked at Jonghyun.
"Remember the nightmare I had when I slept in here with you?" Jonghyun asked.

Seungyeon winced at the thought of her , but nodded.

"I still get that dream every night. I still can't see her face, but it hurts me so much. I feel like I need to know who she is. According to Key I killed Se7en for her. It bothers me to know that I can't remember someone who's really important to my life." Jonghyun said. "Do you know who it is? Can you give me a hint if you know?"


“Taemin, what did they need?” Key asked Taemin when he came out from Seungyeon’s room.
“I….I haven’t asked it.” Taemin shrugged.
“Well, we should just buy daily things they need then.” Onew replied.
“How do we know what they need, especially for babies.” Taemin frowned.
“Hey, I’ve had baby too you know.” Onew remembered when he and Jessica have little Yuri.

In the end, it was Onew, Key, and Taemin who went to the store. It’s because Onew knew exactly what they needed, Key needed to buy food, and Taemin…….just wanted to tag along. They finished with buying for their needs and Eun Ae’s needs too. But just when they went back to the parking lot, they saw Big Bang boys with some of their men there. Onew, Key, and Taemin were hiding quickly but they were sure Big Bang had seen them.

“Hyung, what to do?”asked Taemin.

Key was pulling out his handgun, ready to shoot them.

“No. It’s a public place. Many people will get hurt or see us.”Onew stopped Key. “Run back to the car. We can’t go home either or they will attack the base again.”

Key and Taemin nodded at the same time. They headed straight to Onew’s car. Onew drove the car while Taemin was calling the home.


Seungyeon looked at Jonghyun seriously. "I do know that girl from your dream."
"You do? Then please tell me who that is, I really need to know." Jonghyun pleaded.

Should I just tell him?

Seungyeon looked at Eun Ae in her arms. Jonghyun stared at Seungyeon waiting for an answer.

Seungyeon took a deep breath. "I know that girl.. but.." Seungyeon stopped.
"But what?"

Just then Jonghyun's phone rang.

"Jonghyun-hyung, we saw Big Bang outside the store. It think they saw us too. I don't think it's clever that we come back there, they might attack there." Taemin said.
"What? Where are you guys now?" Jonghyun asked.
"Inside the car... omo.. I think Big Bang just started following us." Taemin said shocked.
"What do you want me to do?" Jonghyun asked.
"I... a.... shoot. Stay and guard the house. We'll try to shake them off." Taemin said then cut the phone.

Jonghyun quickly ran to his room and grabbed his guns. He stuffed everywhere with everything thing just in case there was an attack.

"Jonghyun what's going on?" Seungyeon asked holding Eun Ae in her arms.
"Big Bang. Minho!! Mir!! Go Eun Ah!!" Jonghyun called them.
"What!" Minho walked into Jonghyun's room with Mir and Go Eun Ah.
"Big Bang spotted them. Taemin said stay back just in case they attacked here." Jonghyun threw a gun to Minho.
"Got it. Ladies stay in Seungyeon's room. Mir stay with them just in case. We'll go check the area and trackers." Minho ordered.
"Man. I always baby sit." Mir whined walking into the room.
"Be careful." Go Eun Ah kissed Minho's cheek then went to Seungyeon's room.
"You too." Seungyeon kissed Jonghyun's cheek then followed Go Eun Ah to the room.

Minho went to check the area. Jonghyun stood frozen for a moment. Seungyeon's kiss sent him a familiar feeling. It also sent a spark down his body.


Minho and Jonghyun walked into Seungyeon's room with a few contraptions after checking the area.

"What's that?" Mir pointed to one of the contraptions.
"Security videos, tracers, a whole bunch of things." Minho answered as he typed on a laptop.
Jonghyun sat on the floor bored. "I wonder what going on with them and Big Bang."

After some time Jonghyun received another phone call from Taemin.

"Hyung, I think they are gone now." Taemin spoke to the phone.
"Good then.. maybe you could just come back here." Jonghyun said and hung up.

All the guys then walked to the kitchen leaving Seungyeon and Go Eun Ah with Eun Ae to Seungyeon's room. Seungyeon went to have a nap as she was so tired from staying up all night because of Eun Ae. Go Eun Ah was holding Eun Ae and playing with her.

"Oh.. Jae Hwa.. why are you here?" Eun Ah asked one of SHINee's men who suddenly walked in the room.
"I just wanted to come and see Jonghyun's little baby again.. may I hold her?" The man asked.
Go Eun Ah smiled. "Sure. Oh.. can you hold her for a while, I need to go to the toilet for a moment and Seungyeon is sleeping there."
"Of course." Jae Hwa said taking Eun Ae and Go Eun Ah went to the toilet.

Jae Hwa was someone everyone trusted very much so Eun Ah thought it would be safe to leave the baby to him.

After a moment Seungyeon woke up and looked around the empty room. She got up and walked out the room.

"Go Eun Ah! Where is Eun Ae?" Seungyeon yelled.

Go Eun Ah rushed out the toilet. "What? Isn't Jae Hwa there with her in your room?"
"Jae Hwa? No, there is no one." Seungyeon said.
"Really?" Go Eun Ah said shocked and ran to Seungyeon's room. "Omo, where is Eun Ae... Seungyeon.. I think Jae Hwa took her.."
"What? Are you telling me that... Eun Ae is gone. He kidnapped her?!" Seungyeon's face became pale from worry.

The girls ran to the living room where Jonghyun was with Minho and Mir.

"Eun Ae is gone! Jae Hwa took her somewhere!" Seungyeon cried out.
"What?" They all stared at her shocked. "Jae Hwa did what??"

Suddenly Jonghyun received a text message.

We got something that might be important to you.
You should be more careful with your own men, it was really easy to
bribe one of them.
Don't worry too much we like children.
The girl is really cute.
I believe we will see soon.
-Big Bang

The text message made Jonghyun really upset, but the fact that Eun Ae was gone made him even more upset. Jonghyun quickly grabbed his coat and headed for the door.

"Jonghyun wait-" Minho called after him but Jonghyun didn't hear a word.
"Go with him he's going to get hurt!!" Go Eun Ah told Mir and Minho.
Mir started heading for the door, but Minho held him back. "Let him go by himself."
"Are you crazy? By himself? He'll get killed." Mir yelled.
"He's running on adrenaline and instinct he won't get killed easily." Minho told them. "Eun Ae's his baby girl, so his fatherly side is kicking in. Think about it. He said he doesn't remember Seungyeon, so why would he go after her so fast without a plan or with out us? He'll be fine. Let him go first, we'll go when the others come back."

Seungyeon looked at the door that Jonghyun left through. She put her hands together and prayed.

Please have Jonghyun and Eun Ae come home safely.


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Lightbluesapphire #1
Chapter 26: Oh my gosh! This story is great, thrilling, sad, but beautiful at the same time. I loved it. I'll wait for your next update on the prequel :)
Chapter 26: this was very cuute! I finished it all in one sitting~ loved it:)
Aww, the last chappie?
Hehe Minho's going to be a daddy (:
I'm looking foreword to the other story, it seems really interesting and I'm sure it'll answer my million of question about Shinee's past and all.
Ah... Why did Onew die? It's such a waste... :((
Omo, onew died?????
You have no idea how much i cried, i knew it was too good to be true that they left with the baby with a happy endding. Aish, but onew? Sigh* i guess one more chapter left huh?
Lemmi tell you how much i enjoyed your story, no wait i can't words cannot describe.
Unnie, hwighting~
update..... yeah... few chapter to go....
blissfulspark #7
they cut her finger a child that is so wrong in so many ways.
KpopSupaLova12 #8
this is awesome!!! i just hope jonghyun lives!!!! please update soon!!!
the love of a mother above all thing... hopefully Jonghyun can remember his family
blissfulspark #10
Hopefully he remembers oh so sad