
Gangs Of Seoul

Seungyeon , Go Eun Ah, and the boys waited outside the doctor's room for results.

"Ms Seungeon." The doctor called her in.

Everyone walked in with her.

"Are you her family?" The doctor asked, surprised at the amount of people in the room.
"Yes." Key answered.
"Okay then." The doctor pulled up an ultrasound. "Here is the baby. You can hardly see it, but it's there. Congratulations you are almost two months pregnant."


After the doctor's everyone went home and gathered in the living room.

"What are we going to do?" Minho asked.
"Abort it." Key said
"What about Jonghyun? He should know and have a say. We should tell him." Taemin looked at Key.
"He's right." Onew, who was sitting down silently, stood up. "We should tell him. When I found out Jessica was pregnant with Yuri I had a lot of feelings. We should tell him. It might stop him from doing something stupid as he's going to get Se7en."
"Fine, but I say abort it. It's for the better." Key walked out of the room.

Seungyeon stared at her stomach.

"Seungyeon, you tell him when he get's here. We'll all be here for you." Taemin smiled.
"Okay." Seungyeon faked a smile on her worried face.


"Jonghyun there's an emergency!! You need to come back now!! There's-" Minho left a message on Jonghyun's phone.
" now what." Jonghun sped off home leaving his men to look for Se7en.


Seungyeon sat in her room waiting for Jonghyun to come. She touched her stomach that had gotten slightly bigger.

I can't believe there is a baby inside me.

She had already gotten feelings for the baby.

I wonder what Jonghyun will think about this...


"What is it?" Jonghyun yelled as he got back to the house. "We were just about to find where Se7en was hiding. What is it?" He asked annoyed as he walked to the living room where Minho and Onew were sitting.

"You should go to Seungyeon." Minho said.
Jonghyun frowned. "Is she okay? Did something happen to her?"
"You should just go to her." Onew said.


"Seungyeon are you there?" Jonghyun knocked on her door.
"Yeah." Seungyeon got up slowly, her heart was beating fast as she was so nervous.
"What is it? Minho and Onew said that I should come to you." Jonghyun asked staring at Seungyeon.

She nodded slightly and stared at the floor then lifted her head up to look at Jonghyun.

"Jonghyun." she started then stopped and played with her fingers for a while.
"Jonghyun... I.... i'm pregnant. The baby is not Se7en's but yours. I'm already two months pregnant." Seungyeon said it all and waited for Jonghyun to say something nervously.

Jonghyun stared at Seungyeon. Flashbacks of Yuri being born and Yuri being killed by Se7en flashed in in mind.


"Look honey our baby." Jessica smiled as Onew smiled brightly sitting next to Jessica.
Onew took Yuri in his arms and rocked her back and forth. "Appa's so happy that you were born. I'm going to take care of you forever."

Jonghyun never had seen Jessica and Onew smile ever so brightly in his life until Yuri was born.


"Today was so tiring. I can't wait until I get home to eat Jessica's cooking." Onew smiled as he drove home.
"I can't wait until I get to play with Yuri. You and Jessica leave me alone so much Yuri is my only companion." Jonghyun joked.
"So that's why Yuri's in love with you and wants to marry you." Onew joked back.

The car pulled up into their driveway. The house was unusually dark.

"I'm home." Onew said taking off his jacket. "Jessica? Yuri?" Onew called sensing something was wrong.

Jonghyun flipped on the lights. The house was covered in blood.

Blood trailed up the stairs. Onew and Jonghyun followed it to Yuri's room.

"YURI!!!" Onew yelled seeing her body on the floor.

Onew hugged her body. "Yuri wake up!! Yuri please!! Appa's here. Wake up!!"

Yuri didn't respond. Onew put her body on her bed and ran out the room looking for Jessica. Jonghyun put the blanket of her body and ran out to caught up with Onew.

Onew and Jonghyun ran into Onew's bedroom.

"Jessica!!" Onew ran up to the half alive Jessica who was on their bed. "Baby I'm sorry."
"Onew." Jessica said weakly causing tears to run down everyone's eyes.
"They killed Yuri and..." Jessica cried. "I'm sorry. I feel dirty. I tried to stop them but they wouldn't-"
Onew hugged Jessica. "It's okay. I'm here now everything will be fine. Let's go to a hospital."
"No." Jessica stopped Onew. "I'm not going to make it. I feel it."
"No. Please don't. I can't lose you too. I love you." Onew whispered and hugged her more.
"Jonghyun. Se7en. He's back." Jessica looked at Jonghyun with pain in her eyes. "Onew. Sarang... he-" Jessica closed her eyes for eternity.

Since that day Onew never smiled brightly again.

End Flashback

"Jonghyun?" Seungyeon noticed Jonghun tearing and broke him out of this thoughts. "Jonghyun?"
"If you keep it. We may never smile again." Jonghyun started. "Se7en. He'll- He'll kill it and you like he killed Jessica and Yuri." Jonghyun walked to Seungyeon and hugged her. "I don't want that to happen to us... to you. But if you want to keep it then keep it. I'll do whatever it takes to protect you and our kid."

Even if it kills me to kill Se7en.

"Jonghyun." Seungyeon hugged him tighter. "Can I keep it? I want to keep it."
"Sure." Jonghyun smiled. I'll kill Se7en before he finds out about anything.


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Lightbluesapphire #1
Chapter 26: Oh my gosh! This story is great, thrilling, sad, but beautiful at the same time. I loved it. I'll wait for your next update on the prequel :)
Chapter 26: this was very cuute! I finished it all in one sitting~ loved it:)
Aww, the last chappie?
Hehe Minho's going to be a daddy (:
I'm looking foreword to the other story, it seems really interesting and I'm sure it'll answer my million of question about Shinee's past and all.
Ah... Why did Onew die? It's such a waste... :((
Omo, onew died?????
You have no idea how much i cried, i knew it was too good to be true that they left with the baby with a happy endding. Aish, but onew? Sigh* i guess one more chapter left huh?
Lemmi tell you how much i enjoyed your story, no wait i can't words cannot describe.
Unnie, hwighting~
update..... yeah... few chapter to go....
blissfulspark #7
they cut her finger a child that is so wrong in so many ways.
KpopSupaLova12 #8
this is awesome!!! i just hope jonghyun lives!!!! please update soon!!!
the love of a mother above all thing... hopefully Jonghyun can remember his family
blissfulspark #10
Hopefully he remembers oh so sad