Waking Up to a Surprise

Gangs Of Seoul

Special Double Update because we totally forgot about Jonghyun's Birthday.


Happy Belated Birthday Jonghyunnie~!!


Less then 10 Chapters left until this story finishes and we showcase another one.

Also if you're interested in writing stories/roleplaying with us (Jonghyun & Seungyeon b/c IDK where everyone else went TT.TT ) please stop by our site (link below) and sign up to be a Kpop Star/Character.  We look foreword to writing stories/roleplaying with you.




Months kept on passing by while visiting Jonghyun, who still remained unconscious, training Mir and fighting with smaller gangs all around. Nothing seemed to change except Seungyeon's stomach that was getting bigger day by day. The baby was going to come to the world soon.

One morning Seungyeon woke up to a very uncomfortable feeling.

Why does it hurt so much? I need to go to the bathroom!

She took a deep breath and went to the bathroom. She held her stomach and bit her lip she was in great pain.

"What is wrong?" Key asked as she walked pass him.
"I.. I don't know.. it hurts.. a lot.." she said and sat down on the couch putting her head down.
Key's eyes widened and he sat beside her. "What? Where?"

Seungyeon touched her stomach.

"GO EUN AH!" Key called her.
Eun Ah walked to them, still sleepy. "Why?"
"Seungyeon said her stomach hurts a lot... you check on her." Key said and looked at Seungyeon concerned.
"Ow.... it hasn't been like this through the whole time I've been pregnant but now.. it hurts so so much.." Seungyeon whined almost crying in pain.

Go Eun Ah kneeled down and looked at Seungyeon.

"Seungyeon.. I think the baby might be coming now. It's almost the time for it to be born. We need to go to the hospital now!" she ordered.
"Wh.. what the baby is coming now?" Key stared at the girls wide eyed.
"But.. Go Eun Ah.. I don't think I can walk to the car.. it hurts even to get up. Do we have to get to the hospital, couldn't you call the doctor to come here?" Seungyeon pleaded and breathed in and out deeply.
"I will call the doctor." Key said getting up.

"What is wrong?" Minho, Onew, Taemin and Mir also walked to the living room.
"Seungyeon is having the baby now." Go Eun Ah said. "So you guys please go prepare her room good for the labor.. you can put some towels over the bed and prepare some warm water too.. is that clear? Seungyeon is too weak to travel all the way to the hospital so we need to stay here."

The guys listened to Eun Ah's words shocked.

"She.. is having the baby now?" Taemin asked.
"Yeah.. So just go and prepare the room now!" Go Eun Ah ordered them.

The guys then did as they were told.

"Ahhh.. Go Eun Ah.. ahh.. it hurts!!!" Seungyeon whined and kicked the floor.
Go Eun Ah her hair gently and hugged her. "I know, please hold on a moment.. the doctor is on his way.. let's go to your room."

Seungyeon nodded faintly and got up helped by Go Eun Ah. She helped her to lay down on the bed.

Soon the doctor arrived and rushed to Seungyeon.

"You guys wait outside." Eun Ah said to Onew, Minho, Taemin, Key and Mir and closed the door.

The guys listened to the sounds coming from Seungyeon's room concerned. "That doesn't sound so good does it, she is screaming like that." Mir said with a pale face.

"I will call to the hospital.. maybe Jonghyun might be awake. I doubt that though, but maybe.. at least the nurses should let him know that their baby will be here soon." Minho said taking his phone then calling to the hospital.


Jonghyun blinked his eyes awake and slowly sat up.
"Mr. Kim." A nurse attended to him. "Call a doctor!!"

After the doctor checked him Jonghyun stared out the window. Something felt wrong. Jonghyun stood up and changed into some clothes that Seungyeon had left for him. Jonghyun left the hospital although the doctor had told him he had to stay for a few days.

Jonghyun aimlessly walked around the streets of Seoul.

Something's not right.

"Jonghyun, is that you?" A female asked as he passed by a flower shop.
"Jia?" Jonghyun turned around.
"Jonghyun, it is you." Jia hugged him. "It's been what, 5 years since I last saw you. How's SHINee? 2PM, 2AM, and Miss A have been fine."
"5 years? Did I just see you last month?" Jonghyun asked.
"No, 5 years ago when we all went together to kick MBLAQ's butts." Jia looked at Jonghyun weirdly.
"I need to go." Jonghyun sprinted off towards their base.


Jonghyun arrive at their base at the mountain side.

"Hey you!!" Jonghyun called one of his men that was working inside the building.
"Sir, what are you going here? You should be at the hospital. We heard you were injured." The man said.
"I was. Where's Key them?" Jongyun asked.
"They should be at base Lucifer. If they are not there try the temporary base." The man said.
"Thank you." Jonghyun left.


Jonghyun arrived at the temporary base.

"Jonghyun?" Key asked as he saw him. "What are you doing here? Never mind. Seungyeon is giving birth now!!"
"Who's Seungyeon?" Jonghyun asked.

Everyone looked at Jonghyun shocked.

"Your girlfriend. The ex-cop." Taemin said.
"No idea. Who is he? Why's he here?" Jonghyun pointed to Mir.
"Jonghyun here." Onew handed Jonghyun a picture of Ji Suk and Seungyeon. "Do you remember her?"
"I... " As Jonghyun tried to remember Seungyeon his head began to hurt. "Ahh. I can't it hurts." Jonghyun held his head and crouched down.
"You okay Jonghyun hyung? Come here and rest on the couch." Minho said and helped him up.

Jonghyun followed him and laid down still holding his head.

"He must be still confused about everything. He just woke up right?" Taemin whispered to Key and Onew.

Key frowned as he looked at Jonghyun.

He didn't lose his memory did he?

"Why is she screaming so much? Whose baby is she having anyway?" Jonghyun asked.

All the boys stared at Jonghyun.

"Yours. We just told you she is your girlfriend." Minho answered.


A/N - Don't forget to check out our roleplay forum:

If you want to joing our roleplay come to http://krpfanfics.b1.jcink.com/index.php?

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Lightbluesapphire #1
Chapter 26: Oh my gosh! This story is great, thrilling, sad, but beautiful at the same time. I loved it. I'll wait for your next update on the prequel :)
Chapter 26: this was very cuute! I finished it all in one sitting~ loved it:)
Aww, the last chappie?
Hehe Minho's going to be a daddy (:
I'm looking foreword to the other story, it seems really interesting and I'm sure it'll answer my million of question about Shinee's past and all.
Ah... Why did Onew die? It's such a waste... :((
Omo, onew died?????
You have no idea how much i cried, i knew it was too good to be true that they left with the baby with a happy endding. Aish, but onew? Sigh* i guess one more chapter left huh?
Lemmi tell you how much i enjoyed your story, no wait i can't words cannot describe.
Unnie, hwighting~
update..... yeah... few chapter to go....
blissfulspark #7
they cut her finger a child that is so wrong in so many ways.
KpopSupaLova12 #8
this is awesome!!! i just hope jonghyun lives!!!! please update soon!!!
the love of a mother above all thing... hopefully Jonghyun can remember his family
blissfulspark #10
Hopefully he remembers oh so sad