Being a Cop is Dangerous

Gangs Of Seoul

A/N - We have four different roleplayers writing so if the POV suddenly changes we apologize.


"Honey we need to tell about this to the police.. Mir and Go Eun Ah they didn't come home for two days.. and none of their friends know where they are?" Mir's and Go Eun Ah's mother said to her husband.
"Let's wait a bit longer, i'm sure they will come back soon." Her husband said pretending like he didn't know anything.

He felt a sting in his heart as he thought about his children he had sold. If I didn't sell them, I will be dead now. I can't tell my wife about this.

"I'm going to the police right now, no matter what you say!" His wife ran out of the house to inform Mir and Go Eun Ah missing.


"Good afternoon.." Seungyeon greeted a woman who ran to the station.
"My two children are missing... YOU HAVE TO FIND THEM!" She shouted through tears.
"Please calm down and come sit with me here and give me the details about them." Seungyeon said calmly and lead the lady to another room.

"How long have they been missing?" Seungyeon asked when they had settled down.
"A few days.. I thought it was strange they didn't come home on Thursday... I have tried calling all their friends, but no one saw them... I went to their school, there is no sign of them.. please help me!" the lady begged.
"Do you have a picture of them? Do you remember what they were wearing that day?" Seungyeon asked.
"Here." She gave photos of both her children.
"Mir and Go Eun Ah.. if something happened to them, I don't know how I can live, you have to help me!" She cried out holding Seungyeon's hand.
"We will do our best." Seungyeon nodded.

When the lady returned home to her husband, as she closed the door of their house and sat on the sofa. Her husband suddenly appeared in front of her pointing a gun at her.

"Honey, I'm sorry." He weeped and pulled the trigger.

The lady died right away. Quickly the husband cleaned up the place and made it look like a suicide then ran out of the house.

I can't let anyone know what I did to my children.


"Minzy!" Bom yelled as she walked into the headquarters.

Everyone was there discussing and planning.

"How did it go?" Bom asked.
Minzy smiled and told her everything. "That's good."
"Now now Bommie get a little bit serious we just heard this news over the police scanner." CL said frustratedly.

'Police call situation 752; two kids and apparently when we went to go investigate the house wife suicide; husband under suspicion. All vehicles are to keep an eye out for 'Mir' and 'Go Eun Ah'. Their profiles will be messaged to you...'

"Whoa-Who would do that?" Minzy asked.

CL looked suspicious at this case. Bom and Dara looked worried.

"Isn't that weird?" Dara started.
"What!?" Minzy asked. Bom and CL looked at each other.
"One moment the lady reports her missing kids and ends up dead how do you explain that?" Dara said frowning in irritation.

CL shook her head and in anger punched the wall. Dara and Minzy froze.

"CL what's wrong?" Dara asked.

Bom looked towards her.

"There was a case like this a couple of years back." She looked down. "Her father was killed and her brother taken." CL stood there posed with her fist on the wall. "Dara!" CL started. "Find out what area that the house is located in." She snarled.

Dara didn't hesitated and started searching.

"I found it! The household that was reported is in the Geonggi district right outside of here." Dara said.

CL nodded. Bom looked worried.

"That area is under SHINee control, isn't it?" Bom said quietly.
"Let's go party ladies." CL grinned.


"What the heck? Now we'll have more cops in our district!!" Key yelled in fury after hearing the police scanner.
"Joyful isn't it." Taemin added sarcastically.

"Excuse me?" Go Eun Ah asked quietly with a broom in her hand. "Did I hear correctly? Was our names.-" Mir put his had over .
"Yes that was your names. Police our looking for you, and you're mother committed suici- wait." Minho started. "Where's the ? He's under suspicion by police." Minho went by Jonghyun.
"We have a run away." Jonghyun smirked. "I think I'll go looking for him before anything bad happens to him or us."

Jonghyun left the headquarters.


Jonghyun walked into the ’s house.

"Fancy meeting you here." Dara said as the 2NE1 girls revealed themselves from the shadows.
"Nice to see you too." Jonghyun smirked.
"What did you do with the family?" CL pointed her gun at Jonghyun.
"Relax, the kids are fine with us. We're not doing anything to them. Their jerk face father sold them to us in exchange for his money issues. We'll let the kids go soon after the police cool down." Jonghyun replied.
"What about the father?" Bom asked. "What did you do to him?"
"I don't know crap about the wife or father. I came back to go look for him. He's making a scene on our territory. As for the wife. We never met her." Jonghyun replied honestly.
"You're,-" CL started.

Police sirens rang.

" let's get out. We're not through Jonghyun." CL threatened before leaving the house.
"Freeze Police!!" Seungyeon and GO burst into the house.
"Crap." Jonghyun ran out the back to his car.


Seungyeon and GO were on a high speed chase after Jonghyun on the freeway. Seungyeon's car was the only police car at the moment as backup was on the way. Jonghyun maneuvered through traffic perfectly as he dodged cars and bullets that GO shot.

There was a gasoline truck up ahead.

" this is too risky." Jonghyun said as he neared the truck. "I hope your aim is good other wise we'll all die."

Jonghyun thought for a moment before deciding to over take the gasoline truck.

Don't hit the gas truck.

Jonghyun was almost clear of the truck. GO was shooting as Seungyeon neared the body of the truck with nice aim until one car swerved. Seungyeon had to swerve the car. GO accidentally pulled the trigger. The bullet pierced the tank.


The gasoline truck blew up. All the cars near the truck were thrown into the air or engulfed in flames.

Jonghyun hit the breaks. Through the mirror he could see all car in flames except the police car which was upside down ready to explode. There was no movement from any car except the police car.

No don't go back. Go back and help. Jonghyun's conscience was fighting in his head. Jonghyun hit the steering wheel and exited his car. He checked all cars for survivors before checking the police car.

Jonghyun checked GO for a pulse. There was none. He checked Seungyeon. She was unconscious with a light pulse and was bleeding severely from the head.

Jonghyun was starting to pull Seungyeon out of the police car when the police car burst into flames.

"Aish!" Jonghyun shouted his arms burned as pulled Seungyeon out of the police car.

Jonghyun carried Seungyeon to his car.

He called the police. "On freeway 50 there is a major accident. I don't know how many cars but there are no survivors."

Jonghyun cut the phone and drove to SHINee head quarters. "Sorry girl. I can't risk taking you to a hospital, I'll get caught. I can't leave you there or you'll die."


AN - Don't forget to check out our other roleplay/fanfics:

You and I, Together

Love Like This

Only That Person -


If you want to joing our roleplay come to

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Lightbluesapphire #1
Chapter 26: Oh my gosh! This story is great, thrilling, sad, but beautiful at the same time. I loved it. I'll wait for your next update on the prequel :)
Chapter 26: this was very cuute! I finished it all in one sitting~ loved it:)
Aww, the last chappie?
Hehe Minho's going to be a daddy (:
I'm looking foreword to the other story, it seems really interesting and I'm sure it'll answer my million of question about Shinee's past and all.
Ah... Why did Onew die? It's such a waste... :((
Omo, onew died?????
You have no idea how much i cried, i knew it was too good to be true that they left with the baby with a happy endding. Aish, but onew? Sigh* i guess one more chapter left huh?
Lemmi tell you how much i enjoyed your story, no wait i can't words cannot describe.
Unnie, hwighting~
update..... yeah... few chapter to go....
blissfulspark #7
they cut her finger a child that is so wrong in so many ways.
KpopSupaLova12 #8
this is awesome!!! i just hope jonghyun lives!!!! please update soon!!!
the love of a mother above all thing... hopefully Jonghyun can remember his family
blissfulspark #10
Hopefully he remembers oh so sad