Bonus Chapter | Scenarios by Admin Lex and Dyoppa

Exotic Imagines | Imagines Compilations

Scenario : EXO when they got arrested

Baekhyun: What do you mean I was arrested because my eyeliner was too thick?!
Tao: I-I only use wushu for entertainment purposes! I swear to Lord Krisus!!!
Chanyeol: What? A baby died when he saw my smile? WHY?!!!! AND WHY AM ARRESTED OH MR POLICEMAN IT WAS JUST AN INNOCENT SMILE
Luhan: I didn't do anything to Sehun officer I mean he's not underage anymore HELP
Chen: You can't arrest me! I have three months to live please let me go I want to enjoy every second in my life with my loved ones I--
You: You're arrested for fraud how am I going to believe you
Suho: Here's some cash for you chachacha now let me go
Xiumin: I was in the middle of devouring fresh baozis and you're here saying I'm arrested for having a face that doesnt fit my age?!
Sehun: Oh great. Oh Sehun was arrested because he has too many colors on his hair. That would make a great headline. I mean WHAT IS LAW
Kris: Ok you can take me but please let me make a phone call to my son Ace...
Lay: Wait wait---we're acting for the new mv?! Yay! This is so cool
Kai: I guess I was arrested because I was too se-!
Dyoppa: Shut it Kai. Everyone knows why.




EXO When Dorm's On Fire.

Suho : Everyone calm down. Everything's under control.
Baekhyun : Calm down?! Hyung! Can you hear yourself?! MY EYELINERS ARE BURNING!
Chanyeol: *Does some hand gestures and poses.* Fire is my power. *derp.*
Sehun : Luhan Hyung! Luhan Hyung! I'M SCARED! *Cries.*
Luhan : Sehun, be manly like me. WE ARE MANLY, MANLY! , M-Man---- FORGET IT. KRIIIIIIIIIS! *Runs to Kris and hides.*
Kris : Get off of me Luhan. I'm going to save Ace!
Tao : *Wushus the fire* Die fire Die!
Lay : Why is the dorm on fire? Oh.... Are we filming an MV? Look at that,The fire looks so real.
D.O : O________________O My kitchen wares.
Chen : This Dorm is on Fireeeeeee! *Sings.*
Xiumin : *Runs outside with a bag full of foods.*
Kai : Huh, am i that hot to burn our dorm? *Smirk.*






EXO when they're sick

Suho : I-It's okay I'm a pharmacy r-remember...
D.O : I'll go cook some porridge for my self T.T
Kai : My body feels hot *strips off his clothes*
Sehun : Bubble tea can heal me :')
Chanyeol : Laughing is the best medicine so...HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA
Baekhyun : This is the moment when my eyeliner is useless.
Kris : *snuggles in the bed with his plushies*
Lay : I'm a unicorn I can heal myself
Xiumin : Waaa I don't feel like eating TT.TT halp
Luhan : I'm going to the K dorm they have pharmacy there bye
You : No you're going to see Sehun aren't you
Luhan : HA
Chen : I'm going to diieeeeeee
Tao : *sobs* I'm sick omg omg somebody please send to me to the ICU pronto please.






EXO as your neighbor

Lay: Whoops sorry. I entered the wrong house. I forgot ><
Tao: *practices his wushu moves and ends up breaking the flower pots at your lawn* Sorry! Btw did you just bought a new Gucci bag? BD
Baekhyun: *gossips with you* Lol IKR that guy is no better than me!!!
Sehun: Don't tell anyone that I'm having a guy coming over at my house tonight! I'll water your plants for a week!
You: =_= 
Xiumin: I thought I smelled something delicious from your house so I came here 
Kris: Welcome to my house, new neighbor. Those masterpieces hanging on the wall, are my artworks. I know, I deserved to be called as Kris van Gogh.
D.O: I'm here to exchange recipes 
Kai: *washes his car with shirtless* Enjoying your sight, are we?
Luhan: I'm having a sleepover at my friend's house, take care of my house for me! Don't tell anyone I'm going to a guy's place!
You: =_=
Chanyeol: My dog peed at your door mat again? I'm so proud of him :')
Suho: I-I broke your vase! Here's some money to help you buy a new one...
You: Who?!!
Chen: No I lost Xiumin-hyung's phone number.






EXO as your son

D.O: Umma, I'll cook dinner today, okay? Get some rest and I'll make you some good food 
Lay: Mom I forgot that I live here not at the house next door I'm sorry ㅠㅠ
Baekhyun: Umma, I ran out of eyeliners. Can I use yours?
Xiumin: No I only want baozi for dinner!!! *cries*
Suho: It's okay,mom. I have money..I'll be okay.
Tao: Mommy, Taotao wants a hug juseyo! 
Kai: I want another pooch for birthday!!!!
Sehun: I said I want to play with Lulu-hyungggg MOMMM PLEATHE!!!!!!
Kris: My alpaca needs new diapers...umma? Which brand is the best?
Luhan: *blushes* mom I'm a boy please don't dress me in this frilly gown!
Chanyeol: ........
You: Channie, dear? Are you having a fever?
Chanyeol: No, mom, why?
You: You're so quiet today...
Chen: Moommm!!!!! I got a girlfriend!!!!!
You: Omg really? Is she pretty?
Chen: She has orange hair, blue eyes and--
You: Never mind you're just talking about your cat.





EXO as teachers

Kai: so when the equation is solved, you should--holy crap IT'S RECESS. Kyungsoo-hyung brought his lunchbox today GOTTA GO FOLKS.
Kris: This question will come out on next week's exam: What is so attractive about the English teacher Kris Wu that IT MAKES ALL GIRLS LOSE THEIR ATTENTION?!
Xiumin: When is recess
Chanyeol: HAHAHAHA OMG SINCE WHEN KRIS BECAME A TSAR LOL. You got F for this time!
Suho: I'm going to give a present for those who passed, so make sure you study hard!
Lay: The law states that no one can...wait, I thought I was a Biology teacher?
Chen: Everyone scored full marks this time!
Class: Really?
Chen: No.
D.O: *tiptoed because he can't reach the top of blackboard* O///A///O this is embarrassing...
Luhan: Good morning, class!
Class: Good morning, madam!
Luhan: HA
Sehun: The topic that I want to teach you today is the similarity between Luhan-seonsaengnim and a deer.
Tao: Anyone who entered Wushu Club will receive a 10% discount cafeteria voucher.
Baekhyun: Don't tell anyone but I think Mrs. Principal wears the eyeliner wrongly...





EXO as your stalker

D.O: O___O she noticed me *bites his finger and hides behind a tree*
Kai: She's wearing that strawberry-printed sold for 1850 won each that she bought during the mega sale at the store next to the cellphone store for the ninth time.
Xiumin: I think if I hide in the baozi stall she won't notice me..
Sehun: She dyed her hair blonde today! *goes to the same saloon and asked the same stylist that dyed your hair to dye his hair blonde too*
Luhan: She smiled at that guy?! And that guy smiled back *psycho look on* I'll rip that smile off your face because she can only smile at me.
Tao: *practically wushus everyone who are blocking his sight when he stalks you*
Baekhyun: If I keep a safe distance I might be able to record her voice when she says hello to that guy and use it as my ringtone...
Suho: *hires a lot of spies to spy on her and watches her on multiple screens* this is how a high-class stalker work *sips wine*
Chen: *tiptoes*
You: ???
You: o____o
Lay: Why am I following this lady again?
Kris: *cosplay as a ninja and stalks you*
Chanyeol: *creeps out from one place to one place* Hee hee hee




EXO's Reaction When You Saw Them Fresh From Bath.

Suho : Uhhhm. *Lipbite.* Sorry.
Kai : Happy that you saw my Body? *Drags you from the bed.* I feel dirty again Let's shower together!
Luhan : *Covered his chest.* I'm still not ready about this. SEHUN! 
Baekhyun : Oh hi. Did you saw my Eyeliner? 
Tao : I'm y and i know it.
Xiumin : Do you have baozis there? 
You: *Speechless.*
Kyungsoo : D_____O
You : O_____O
Kris : Errrr. What are you doing here? 
Chanyeol : Asdfghj. *Shocked.* Flips like Crazy.
Sehun : *Still poker face*
Lay : Why am i here?  Who are you?
Chen : *Singing high notes, then he saw you.* Come here.
You : *Walks into chen's way.* 
Chen : *Pushed you and locked you in the Bathroom.* Trolled ya. XD




EXO as your dongsaeng (five y/o)

D.O: Noona, my classmate said I'm cute! I don't like it! I'm not cute >3<
Luhan: The teacher asked us to draw a self portrait. I drew a deer 
Sehun: Ah, noona, I don't want to eat this! It tastes weird and I'll die ㅠㅠ
Xiumin: Noona, let's play soccer!
Baekhyun: Noona, let me borrow your eyeliner juseyo.
Kai: The guy in my class with big eyes is cuter than any girls. Noona, I wanna marry him.
You: Boy can't marry a boy, honey. 
Lay: Teacher said unicorns are real! I'm so happy!
Chen: Noona, I don't want to leave you! Let me stay here~~
Suho: All the girls want to marry me when I said appa is rich. I don't understand it, noona @,@
Kris: Can I bring Ace to school? I need him!
Chanyeol: A kid beside me cried when I laughed I don't know why.
Tao: *hugs you* Energy charge, complete! Huang Zitao is ready to go to school. Bye!\



ok there was supposed to be one scenario where EXO as your boss, as your twin and as your husband but it's not there in the page. pmsl




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Chapter 13: Baekhyun ♥ saranghae yo! I love this chapter :)
Chapter 16: Awww, <3 <3 .. ^^ I just love this chapter so much~~
Chapter 25: This chapter is just adorable!!! Alpaca magic!!!!
Chapter 13: Wah! Baekhyun's story plus Chanyeol~
Its just so sweet, after many years they still found each other and got married..
Gosh, my second bias Baekhyun.. He's even more lovable in person~
Jessie_exotic07 #5
Chapter 3: Omigaedddddddd Channie oppa kiss me!!T^T
Chapter 12: Oh.. I love this one.. Chanyeol my bias~
So cute!
Jung_Eun #7
Chapter 2: update more please im spazzing while read this