#15 - Ft. Kai | by Dyoppa

Exotic Imagines | Imagines Compilations

Every time you walked home after finishing your work, there's a guy will board on the same train with you and would walk together until you arrived to your home. You never talked to him, yet you don't know what does he looked like. He always wore the same clothing whenever he followed you. Although he presenced scared you most of the time, he never did something that can harm you so you're fine with him.

One day, you had to go home late because the part-timer arrived late. You're worried that there might be hoodlums lounging around the short-cut you always use so you walked extra fast today.

Uh oh.

You can sense it. That dark vibe that translates to 'eyy girl wanna go out with us' coming form your back. You gripped your bag closer to you and walked faster.

Uh oh.

They're so fast that they're in front of you now.

"Eyy girl wanna go out with us?" the buffed guy asked.
"No and I would never do that." you said and tried to escape but the other two guys blocked your escape.
"Gehehe don't be shy, we'll you treat you real good." the other guy said.
Your legs turned jelly and shouting for help would be the last straw of idea for you but no one can hear it because you're at a really quiet area.
The bad guys approached you closer and you could only step backwards slowly, hoping your knight in shining armor would arrive in any moment.

Well, guess what? He did.

"Stay away from her, you smelly punks. You're in for a trouble if you mess with her. Yunamsaeng(you know what am I saying?)?" the stranger said.
The bad guys left right away, leaving you and the stranger alone.

"Uh, thank you!" you thanked him.
He turned around, and you're surprised because it was that guy who always followed you. 
"I'm glad that you're safe." he said.
"Yeah..." you murmured. 
"I'll be going now." he said and was about to leave.
"Hey, can you...at least show your face and tell me your name? You have always followed my all the time but you never talked to me before.." you asked.
The guy seemed hesitated. He then lifted his hoodie and took off his cap to reveal his face.

"I'm..." he mumbled.
"KAI?!" you shouted.

Your legs felt weak and you fell to the ground. Kai! It was him! Kai was your boyfriend, and you lost contact with him after he went overseas for studying. You guessed he'd forget about you since it has been a long time.

"Yeah, I'm Kai." he said. "Glad to meet you again."
"What are you doing here? Why did you stalk me?" you asked.
"I didn't exactly stalking you, I was looking out for you. You always go home late and I recently heard news about people who teenage girls and killed them afterwards. I got worried so..."
"I'm fine! Oh my god, and you look so sloppy...let's go to my home and get you some clean clothes." you said and dragged Kai to your house.

Kai told you that he didn't get to graduate because his family was under bankruptcy. His parents told him to find himself a shelter but he can't because he only had the money to eat, so he stayed at the nearby church. He then remembered about you, and the memories of the two of you back when you two were lovers gushed into his mind and he wanted to find you. He then found out that you're walking at the bar, and wanted to talk to you. But he was afraid that you might hate him for leaving you without anything, so he just followed you everytime you went home.

"You could have just drop by at the bar and ask if I was around...I was never mad at you." you said as you washed his hair.
"Yeah, I should.." he murmured.
You smiled and happy because the person you've always loved was here by your side.
"You can live with me from now on. I'll help you get a job." you said and handed Kai a toothbrush.
"And the two of us can get married." Kai added.





pmsl it turns out that i managed to track back my old works (this was written in June and is one of my popular works with 25 likes lol)


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Chapter 13: Baekhyun ♥ saranghae yo! I love this chapter :)
Chapter 16: Awww, <3 <3 .. ^^ I just love this chapter so much~~
Chapter 25: This chapter is just adorable!!! Alpaca magic!!!!
Chapter 13: Wah! Baekhyun's story plus Chanyeol~
Its just so sweet, after many years they still found each other and got married..
Gosh, my second bias Baekhyun.. He's even more lovable in person~
Jessie_exotic07 #5
Chapter 3: Omigaedddddddd Channie oppa kiss me!!T^T
Chapter 12: Oh.. I love this one.. Chanyeol my bias~
So cute!
Jung_Eun #7
Chapter 2: update more please im spazzing while read this