#11 - Ft. Xiumin | by Dyoppa

Exotic Imagines | Imagines Compilations

You failed your Maths exam last week. Your parents got very mad about it.

"We're getting you a tutor." your parents said.
"Wait, I don't need a tutor. I promise I'll stop fangirling about EXO and start studying, okay?" you opposed.
"You obviously need a tutor. You won't start studying until someone told you so. Your mom wouldn't want to waste her time reminding you." your father said.
You had to admit that your father is right. You'll just have to prove to them that you don't need a tutor to make your grades shoot up high.
"Fine. Bring it on."

Maybe having a tutor isn't bad at all.

"Hi. I'm your tutor, Kim Minseok and I'm 6 years older than you." Minseok introduced himself.

6 years...older? That doesn't make sense at all! Look at him! His skin is so smooth, and he barely had any wrinkles! 

"Are you sure you're 24?" you asked.
"Yeah. Would you like to see my teaching license and ID card?" Minseok replied and rummaged through his backpack.
"Okay, okay. I believe you. Um, how good is your math?" you asked again.
"Never got lower than A for my maths." he answered.
"Not even A-?" 
"Maybe once. Or twice. That was when I got a fever." 

You jawdropped at Minseok's maths ability. 'Oh yeah, I'm going to get an A+ if he's tutoring me. Plus he's cute. And fits my style.', you thought. 

"Seonsaengnim, if I finally passed Maths, what will I get?" you asked.
"Um, your parents will let you fangirl about EXO?" he replied and cocked his head to the side cutely.
"No, from you! Will you give me something special?" 
Minseok shrugged at first, but he then thought of something.
"Ah, can I ask you something?" he said.
"Go on. Don't ask me algebraic equation though. I hate algebra." 
"Who's your bias in EXO?" he asked.
"It's the keun-hyung, Xiumin! He's just so cute okay he's like a perfectly cooked baozi who just got transformed into a human I love his--"
"How about the two of us go to the SM Pop-up store and I'll buy you all Xiumin-related merchandises?"
Your eyes widened, but still not as wide as D.O.'s.
"Really?" you questioned him.
"Of course. But you're going to work hard for it." Minseok said and patted your head.
"We're going to go out together? Me? And you? That's a date, right?" you asked while staring him right into his eyes.
Minseok blushed, and his lips started to form a smile.

"Yes. It's going to be a date then." he said.
You smiled and started to do the math worksheets that Minseok prepared.
"I'm going to get an A+ for maths! So that Minseok-seonsaengnim will date me!" you squealed.
Minseok chuckled and patted your cheeks before doing his work.



written by me a.k.a Dyoppa of Exotic Imagines. 


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Chapter 13: Baekhyun ♥ saranghae yo! I love this chapter :)
Chapter 16: Awww, <3 <3 .. ^^ I just love this chapter so much~~
Chapter 25: This chapter is just adorable!!! Alpaca magic!!!!
Chapter 13: Wah! Baekhyun's story plus Chanyeol~
Its just so sweet, after many years they still found each other and got married..
Gosh, my second bias Baekhyun.. He's even more lovable in person~
Jessie_exotic07 #5
Chapter 3: Omigaedddddddd Channie oppa kiss me!!T^T
Chapter 12: Oh.. I love this one.. Chanyeol my bias~
So cute!
Jung_Eun #7
Chapter 2: update more please im spazzing while read this