#14 - Ft. Chanyeol | by Dyoppa

Exotic Imagines | Imagines Compilations

Attempt 1- Please notice me.

It's recess time. As usual you head to the cafeteria. 

You : Man, it's crowded! *tries to push yourself into the crowd*

Chanyeol arrives to the cafeteria and realises that you are having a trouble trying to buy the food.

Chanyeol : *tugs your uniform* , do you need some help?
You : Oh, hi Chanyeol. 
Chanyeol : You look like you're in trouble.
You : Oh no, no, no!!!! Chanyeol-ah! The cream puff is sold out!
Chanyeol : Oh, I bought two of them earlier just in case...
You : *ignores him * Never mind, I'll buy the red bean bun instead...
Chanyeol : *plays with his hands and pats your shoulder* Jackeline-ssi...
You : Yes?
Chanyeol : I bought this cream puff for you *blushes*
You : Thank you! Why don't you tell me earlier? You life saver!
Chanyeol : I-I did...but...uh...never mind. You're welcome *blushes again*
You : Let's eat together, shall we?
Chanyeol : Sure!





exclaimer : its my first imagine when i got to work at the page. It was supposed to be a four-part imagine but I only managed to track back one of it TT.TT it was a great imagine lol narcissist but really

I already posted all imagines written by the current admins of Exotic Imagines. From now on, updates will be slow, unless one of us posted an imagine (I'm going to post a HunHan rivalry and Taoris rivalry in the evening btw)





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Chapter 13: Baekhyun ♥ saranghae yo! I love this chapter :)
Chapter 16: Awww, <3 <3 .. ^^ I just love this chapter so much~~
Chapter 25: This chapter is just adorable!!! Alpaca magic!!!!
Chapter 13: Wah! Baekhyun's story plus Chanyeol~
Its just so sweet, after many years they still found each other and got married..
Gosh, my second bias Baekhyun.. He's even more lovable in person~
Jessie_exotic07 #5
Chapter 3: Omigaedddddddd Channie oppa kiss me!!T^T
Chapter 12: Oh.. I love this one.. Chanyeol my bias~
So cute!
Jung_Eun #7
Chapter 2: update more please im spazzing while read this