#21 - Ft. D.O | by Dyoppa

Exotic Imagines | Imagines Compilations

"You'll be doing this project with Do Kyungsoo." the lecturer said to both you and the petite boy Kyungsoo.
"Alright! Thank you so much sir for pairing me up with him! Come on Kyungsoo-ya *grabs his hands* let's start this right over!" you said and dragged the dazed Kyungsoo with you.

Kyungsoo is your high school crush. You studied hard for the entrance exams to get into the same college with him, and you barely made it.

"Where should we start...hm...." you said while browsing through the website using your laptop.
" is always energetic since high school..." Kyungsoo mumbled as he stared at you intently with his huge eyes.You blushed right away and pretended to type something on the laptop.
"You noticed me?" you asked.
"Of course. Your hardwork stands out among all of our classmates. I wonder why the school didn't pick you as the student of the year." Kyungsoo said while jotting down something on his Pororo notebook. 
You smiled shyly and continued your work.

*Several hours later*

Your stomach grumbled so loud that Kyungsoo heard it and chuckles.
"You're hungry? We should stop for now." Kyungsoo asked and closed his book.
"Uh, I'm perfectly fine!" you replied but your stomach kept grumbling.
Kyungsoo laughed and stuffed all his belongings into his backpack.
"W-would you like to come over at my house?" he asked
Of course, this question made you go asdfghjkl and o.o at the same time.
"W-what for?" you replied.
"I learned a new recipe at my cooking class. Luhan-hyung and Sehunnie(they rented the house along with Soo) said it was delicious but I don't know about other people..."he said.
"Sure! I'm looking forward for it!" you said and packed all of your things as fast as Zelo from B.A.P could rap.


"Luhan-hyung! Look! Kyungsoo-hyung brought a girl home!" the rainbow fairy Sehun squealed as soon as he saw you and Kyungsoo coming into the decent place.
"Ah, Kyungsoo is a step further than us. Come in! You must be C. Kyungsoo always talk a lot about you." Luhan the deer wangja said.
Kyungsoo seemed flustered and wailed a bit by your side. He must've been embarrassed! 
"Nice to meet you..." you said and bowed to Luhan and Sehun. Sehun got over excited and suddenly hugged you.
"I'm your dongsaeng, mind you!" he exclaimed.
"Oi! Don't hug someone's girl just like that!" Kyungsoo yelled and made everyone including you surprise.
"Y-Your girl?" you murmured.
Kyungsoo's face got all red and he began to get sweaty all over his body.
"I-I didn't...I mean...Huaaaa!" he cried and ran into his room.
Sehun released his hug from you and laughed hard.
"I did it, hyung! You'll be doing the laundry for the whole week!" Sehun said.
"Fine! I didn't know Kyungsoo would get jealous that easily!" Luhan said.
"Ha? What about Kyungsoo that I didn't know?" you asked.
"Kyungsoo-hyung likes you, you see. We knew that although he never show it so we decided to trick him." Sehun replied. "Don't you know?"
"O___________________O."<--your exact expression as of right now.
"Her eyes are like Kyungsoo's whenever he's surprised. I can see why Kyungsoo liked her." Luhan said.



written by iKenot/Dyoppa

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Chapter 13: Baekhyun ♥ saranghae yo! I love this chapter :)
Chapter 16: Awww, <3 <3 .. ^^ I just love this chapter so much~~
Chapter 25: This chapter is just adorable!!! Alpaca magic!!!!
Chapter 13: Wah! Baekhyun's story plus Chanyeol~
Its just so sweet, after many years they still found each other and got married..
Gosh, my second bias Baekhyun.. He's even more lovable in person~
Jessie_exotic07 #5
Chapter 3: Omigaedddddddd Channie oppa kiss me!!T^T
Chapter 12: Oh.. I love this one.. Chanyeol my bias~
So cute!
Jung_Eun #7
Chapter 2: update more please im spazzing while read this