Chapter Eighteen



Jonghyun was in a funk the rest of the day. There was nothing he could do about it, because he wasn't sure exactly what had happened at lunch. He had never seen Taemin react like that to anything, and he knew all of the really ed up things Jonghyun had done in the past. 


Although he didn't want to, Jonghyun couldn't help but question whether Taemin liked him in the first place. Maybe all those times that he was sympathetic and helpful hadn't meant anything to him, aside from maybe from getting in better with Minho. There was nothing remotely friendly about how Taemin acted that afternoon. 


He really didn't want to think about the other possible reasons for Taemin's actions. He didn't want to think that maybe Taemin, and Minho for that matter, didn't think he was good enough for Key. Or that they liked Danny better than him. Or maybe that they knew something about Key and Danny's relationship that Jonghyun was obviously not privy to. 


All these thoughts were invading his mind and driving him mad. Key technically hadn't agreed to meet his mother yet, Taemin and Minho clearly didn't like the idea of Jonghyun liking him, and he still had to deal with his grueling work schedule. Instead of being and adult and dealing with things head on, Jonghyun wanted to crawl into his bed and stay there for the next couple of weeks. He could let Taemin cool off, avoid his hectic work schedule, and maybe forget about Key. Though that sounded great, he secretly knew that none of that would be possible. 


When Jonghyun awoke Friday morning, he felt groggy and had a hard time getting out of bed. It could have been due to his inability to sleep or his dreading the day ahead. Either way, he headed to work in a daze. 


In order to avoid distractions, and his mother, Jonghyun left his cell phone in his backpack and tried to concentrate on perfecting the vocals for Fly High. There was little they could do to improve, but he worked with them regardless. They were concentrating on breathing and singing through their dance performance when Chanyeol demanded a break so that he could pee. Jonghyun took the opportunity to check his phone after several hours of leaving it alone. He wasn't too surprised at the seven text messages he had, automatically assuming that they were all from his mother. As he opened them, he realized that only only five of them were from her. 


From: Mom

What time are you coming over with your boyfriend?


From: Mom

Is your boyfriend allergic to anything?


From: Mom

What does your boyfriend do for a living?


From: Mom

You are coming over today, right?


From: Mom

Kim Jonghyun, you better be dead because ignoring your mother is rude and I did not raise you to be rude. I'm just really excited, okay? Can you blame me? ANSWER ME YOU UNGRATEFUL CREATURE. 


From: Minho

Hey man, Taemin is sorry for going off. Its kind of a long story. Can you come to brunch Sunday?


From: Key

Ugh, I can't believe I am saying this but I will meet your mom. What time should we meet up? Don't we need a backstory? I feel like a for lying to your mom. I hate you. But I'll do it. 


Jonghyun didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He was really glad that Key agreed to meet his mom, but he hadn't really thought about what that entailed. They did need a backstory, he was glad Key had thought of that, one that his mother would believe. Also, even though Minho had been the one who text him, he was glad that the three of them were going to talk things out. He would have been stuck agonizing over how to fix the situation until his head exploded. With a smile on his face, Jonghyun was able to actually go back to work without being only partially present. 


Key and Jonghyun were due at his childhood home at eight, so they decided to meet up at six in order to get their story together. It felt kind of weird to Jonghyun to meet up at a cafe instead of picking up Key at his apartment, but he tried not to think about that. This wasn't a date, they were simply trying to fool Jonghyun's mother into thinking they were in love and therefore Jonghyun could clearly not meet up with any blind dates that his mother tried to set up. That was all. No pressure. 


Jonghyun was running a little late, having gone home to get his car after work since he normally took a cab. His parent's house was a little outside of the city, so instead of taking a pricy cab, they could simply drive. As he pulled up to the cafe, he saw Key was sitting outside with a coffee and book already in hand. Key almost looked like he was ready for a casual photo shoot. The sun was setting around him, giving the brick wall behind him a kind of glow, and he looked so casually beautiful. 


Walking up to the cafe, he was able to more fully appreciate Key's look. He was wearing a white button down with the sleeves rolled up, a skinny tie, jeans and black boots. The outfit should have looked simple, but on Key it was stunning. Jonghyun smiled at Key who seemed oblivious to his arrival until he sat down at his table. 


"Hey," Key said, putting down his book. 


"You look beautiful," Jonghyun replied, before his brain could filter what his mouth was saying. "I mean, hello."


Key smiled brightly, "Thanks."


"I'm sorry I'm late, I had to go get my car." Jonghyun explained, nodding towards his car. "Did you wait long?"


"Its okay, I actually had a book on me so it wasn't bad." 


"Oh, that's good. I'm gonna get a coffee, do you need a refill?" Jonghyun asked, getting up from his seat. Instead of replying, Key shook his head. 


Jonghyun made his way inside and ordered his coffee, pulling out his phone to look at a list of things that a couple should know about each other and stories they could share (which he conveniently found on the internet). There were one hundred things on the list that he copied to his phone, but he doubted that they could get through all of them in two hours or so. He tried to narrow it down to the ones his mother would probably ask about and the ones that he was genuinely curious about. There were some pretty strange ones, like 'Do you think animals have souls?' that he didn't really deem important enough to discuss. 


He looked up to see Key reading once again. There were a million things he wanted to know about him, but he wasn't sure where to start. He hoped that the list could give him direction. 


Once he sat down again, Jonghyun began to feel nervous. He didn't exactly enjoy lying to his mother but since he was going to, he wanted to do so throughly. 


"Okay, so I looked up some stuff that we should probably know about each other online, and I have a list of stuff that we can talk about." Jonghyun said, pulling out his phone. 


"Shouldn't we make up a backstory though? Like about how we met and how we got together? I think that's more important than questions about our past," Key countered. That made a lot of sense to Jonghyun, though he was still curious about Key's past. 


"Fine. We can't really use the real way that we met," Jonghyun thought, cringing inwardly. 


"Definitely not," Key laughed. "I don't think your mom would like to know about you trying to pick me up while on your walk of shame."


"Are you ever going to let that go? It happened so long ago!"


"Seriously? That was like four weeks ago."


Jonghyun thought back and was surprised to realize that Key was right. They had only met four weeks ago, but to Jonghyun it seemed much longer. Today was only the sixth time that they were meeting. 


"Wow-" Jonghyun responded. "Well, we could just say that we met in a grocery store. We can leave out all the stuff about you completely shutting me down and calling out all my flaws."


Key chuckled before agreeing. "How long should we say that we've been dating? She's definitely going to ask about that."


They had to think about this carefully, Jonghyun thought. If he told his mom that they had been together for a long time, she would be upset because he was hiding his relationship. "Lets just say four weeks, that way its new enough that I didn't want to tell my mom about, but there are feelings there, you know?"


"That sounds reasonable." Key chimed in. 


After discussing their backstory, which actually contained very few lies, they went on to discuss some things about their past. The few questions that Key answered had Jonghyun thirsting to know more about the man. In the car, on the way to his parents house, Jonghyun decided that he would eventually get through the 100 questions with him. 


As they pulled up to the massive house, Jonghyun looked at the clock and realized they were fifteen minutes early. He had expected more traffic, but now they were just sitting in the car in an awkward silence. 


"Lets make out." he said only half-jokingly. Key turned around to face him and turned bright pink. 


"Are you kidding me? Just right here in front of your parent's house? Heck no. What if they come out here?" Key asked, rather flustered. 


"My mom would totally get a kick out of it," Jonghyun reasoned, "Besides, you look super wound up right, she's gonna know something is up."


"Shut up, you just wanna make out with me," Key answered quietly. "It would be reasonable to be nervous, regardless of this being a huge lie, meeting the in-laws is kind of a huge deal Jonghyun."


Jonghyun ignored the shiver he got at the way his name sounded coming out of Key's mouth, but nodded. "I still wanna make out." He took of his seatbelt, and scooted towards Key.


"Are you a fourteen year old boy? We are NOT making out." Key said, unbuckling his own belt. "If we make out, you're not going to want to stop."


"Well you're right about that," Jonghyun concluded, bringing his hand to the nape of Key's neck and pulling him forward.


"Jonghy-" Key managed to get out before Jonghyun brought their lips together. He was met with no resistance, and Jonghyun smiled into the kiss. They moved their lips against each others, and Key's hands made their way to his hair.


Instead of simply resting his hand in Jonghyun's hair, Key literally pulled his face away. "Stop it. I'm about to meet your parents, I really don't want to do that while I'm all hot and bothered." Jonghyun smirked and nodded, he really liked the idea of making Key hot and bothered, but he was probably right. 


As a compromise, Jonghyun pressed his lips again's Key's for several quick pecks, before getting out of the car. He walked around the car to open Key's door, and made sure that they interlocked hands before making their way to the front door. 


After Jonghyun had rung the doorbell, Key turned to him and whispered, "Oh, I forgot to mention, I am the heir to the Kim Enterprises conglomerate."


Jonghyun's mouth hung open in surprise as his mother opened the door. He had definitely not been expecting that. 


His mother ushered them into the living room, asking if there was anything she could offer to drink. Key politely asked for water. After she left the room, Jonghyun couldn't do much aside from stare at Key. He didn't keep up with much of anything, but he knew that Kim Enterprises had their finger in everything. It was one of the biggest conglomerates in Korea, and it just so happened that Key was the heir.


"Stop staring at me like that," Key whispered.


"You kinda just dropped a bomb on me. Why didn't you tell me before?"


"When has it come up in conversation? I wanted to fill you in just in case your mother recognized my name, but you haven't even bothered introducing us."


Oh , Jonghyun thought. He really hadn't made any introductions, but he thought he was slightly excused by the fact that he was still in a daze. As his mother walked back into the room, she brought his father along with her. She set down the water bottle in front of Key, and looked back to her husband smiling widely. 


"Mom, Dad, this is Kim Kibum-"


"Your boyfriend!" his mom blurted out. She looked only slightly embarrassed by her eagerness, but she powered through it. "Its so nice to meet you Kibum! I hope you're hungry, we made a ton of food."


"Its wonderful to meet you too, ma'am. I've heard great things about you," Key answered. 


"Well, it seems that I am at a disadvantage! I haven't heard much about you!" she said smiling, but Jonghyun knew there was a shot at him in there. He recognized her pointed look. 


"Jonghyun is a bit shy about our relationship. I think he said that he wanted to see where things were going before disclosing us to you. He was only thinking of you." Key replied. Jonghyun just about saw his mother swoon. His answer had been diplomatic yet completely satisfied his mom. 


"So its safe to assume that this is serious, then?" she asked. 


"Its more like he didn't want to betray my trust by going on a blind date and we agreed that meeting you was probably the best option to keep suitors at bay." Key smiled. 


Key was totally stealing the show. It was evident to Jonghyun that both of his parents were already approving of the relationship, most likely due to Key's eloquence and politeness. This was supposed to be about them, so Jonghyun decided to pitch in to the situation. He linked his fingers with Key and brought the back of his hand up to his lips to place a small kiss. 


"You're so cute!" Mrs. Kim gushed. "The food is just about ready, I'm just going to set the table and we can eat and get to know each other better!"


The 'couple' was left alone with Mr. Kim, who had been looking at Key intently. "So, Kim Kibum, what do you do for a living?"


"Well, sir, I opened a small restaurant a couple of months back. Its a small bistro, but we're doing pretty well." Key answered politely. 


"Oh, okay." Jonghyun's dad answered abruptly. 


"What is it now, dad?" Jonghyun asked, rolling his eyes. His dad, though he was a caring man, had to have an opinion about everything. Usually, it was done out of a good place, since he felt like he was qualified to give advice to everyone on how to better themselves. 


"Nothing, its just in this economy opening a small business is quite risky. Restaurants open and close all the time." He answered, looking at Key.


"While I completely understand that sir, I did my homework before opening the restaurant. We are located in a newly developing area where younger couples are settling and local business offices are popping up. We have a stable customer base, despite our lack of advertising." Key answered, informing both Jonghyun and his father. 


"Are you planning to advertise?" Mr. Kim asked, interested. 


"While my original plan was to let the customer base grow organically, I've contracted an ad agency to plan advertisements for our target market. We're actually meeting on Monday to put the final details on our plan."


Jonghyun looked to his dad to find him thoroughly impressed. There was something about seeing Key so secure in himself and in his business that placated his father's need to spew out advice, and it also made Jonghyun that much more attracted to him. 


"Well it seems like you have done your homework. Did you study business by any chance?"


"I definitely wouldn't have gone into it blind,' Key laughed. "But no, I went to culinary school. I learned the basics of business from my parents."


Before his father could get another word in, Jonghyun's mother appeared in the doorway and asked them to join her in the dining room. Because their dining room table was set up to accommodate twelve people, the four of them sat at one corner of the table. With his dad situated at the head of the table, Jonghyun and his mother sat on either side of him, and Key flanking Jonghyun. 


All through dinner, Jonghyun's mother and father berated Key with questions about himself. Though he should have made an effort to protect Key from their incessant questioning, Jonghyun found himself listening attentively to his descriptions of his childhood memories and favorite vacations. 


Once dessert was out, Jonghyun's mom turned to face him. "So, what made you decide to settle down?"


Jonghyun swallowed loudly and looked at Key. "I don't think it was a decision. My feelings just kind of snuck up on me." He hoped that the sincerity he heard in his own voice wasn't as evident to Key, in the chance that it would scare him away. 


"Kibum, can I ask you something weird?" Jonghyun heard his mother ask, not ready to take his eyes off Key. "What's your favorite thing about Jonghyun? As his mother, I know that he is hardheaded, stubborn, and messy. I would kind of like to know what you see in him," she laughed. 


"I won't lie and say everything," Key giggled. "If I had to choose, I'd say that its his insecurity in his fervent care for others. He doesn't realize how much he cares so he can't do anything about it unless coached. Its quite endearing."


"He's silly like that," Mrs. Kim agreed. "Always the last one to realize his feelings."


A/N: Hey guys, here is the next chapter! 

I'm debating between uploading the 100 questions, answered by both Key and Jonghyun or working on the 2min oneshot. I think they'd both be pretty entertaining, so I haven't decided yet! I'll probably end up doing both, but I don't know which to do first. :)


I hope you enjoyed the chapter, I like the building JongKey feels. Its my favorite. 

Thank you for reading! Please subscribe! Leave a comment! 


<3 you guys! 

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My sister keeps complaining that my buildup is too slow, but I promise it is picking up very quickly! :)


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One of my favorite stories. And thank you for the addition of how 2min met. All wonderful!
Chapter 3: Hello SaraiM, it has been almost 7 years since this story came out and I find myself coming back to read this a few times over the years. Thank you for writing this story and I love this jongkey so much, its in my top favourite jongkey fics. I hope you get to read this (if ever) and whatever you are doing/pursuing now, all the best to you!
Chapter 34: I'm not fighting tears nope. I loved this, thank you so much for writing.
Chapter 34: its really cute how Jonghyun became the clingier dad :)) I really really really love this story so sos much
back to read this for the umpteenth time cause I don't get tired of it :)
Chapter 34: God m I weird that epilogue made me cry thinking how danny is all grown up now and most probably one of handsome guys out there how happy and perfect family they are with blue thsi was amazing really oh AND I read ur all ANs
theeKPOPlover #7
Chapter 34: I was looking for this fic everywhere! Its honestly one of the best well written jongkeys out there!