Chapter Seventeen


Taemin looked around his office, really wanting to leave early. He had been stressing about a child abuse case and could really use a break from such a heartbreaking situation. He knew that seeing Minho would cheer him up in an instant. A kiss couldn't hurt either. 

Taking note that everyone in the office seemed too preoccupied to pay him any mind, he made his way out of the building and into a cab. Taemin knew that it was Thursday, and therefore the day that he and Minho usually spent wading though Jonghyun's stories but he really needed to spend a couple of minutes just with Minho. 


Normally he wouldn't mind sitting there trying to explain to Jonghyun what did and did not qualify him as a terrible person, but today was just a tough day. He had spent all morning looking over hospital reports of a child and trying to discern what could be considered child abuse and what would be dismissed in court as accidents. 


Pulling out his cell phone, Taemin saw that Minho had text him a smiley face and that already had him feeling a million times better than he had all day since he made it to work. Although it was a rare occurrence now, Taemin had spent the night in his own apartment the night before, knowing that he had to be to the office early and that he was running out of suits at Minho's. Granted he definitely had more than enough clothes there, but he felt like he was neglecting his apartment as of late. It had been eleven nights since he had been back. 


As he reached their regular lunch spot, he spotted Minho sitting on the bench outside of the restaurant. Taemin almost felt like crying, the stress of the case weighing down on him, he knew that he could let it all out with Minho. As if he could read his mind, Minho looked in Taemin's direction and stood up. His hands came up as soon as Taemin made his way to him up, and Minho enveloped him in his arms. 


Taemin hid his face in Minho's neck, taking a deep breath and inhaling Minho's comforting smell. He could feel Minho's arms tightening around him and several kisses being placed on his forehead. 


"Are you okay baby?" Minho asked quietly, running his hands up and down Taemin's back. 


"I just need you to hold me for a little bit." Taemin answered, his voice muffled as his lips were against Minho's neck. Instead of questioning him further, Minho simply held on to his boyfriend tightly. They stayed stationary for what was probably a couple of minutes, but felt like an instant to Taemin. 


"Thank you," he said quietly. 


"Do you wanna talk about it?"


"Maybe later." Taemin said, looking into Minho's concerned eyes. "I just need kisses now." 


Minho laughed softly at the request but gave in swiftly. Taemin knew that Minho wasn't one for PDA, but he seemed to hear the truth in his words. He really did need kisses, so Minho caressed his cheek slowly and searched for answers in his eyes. He must have found something because he placed his lips softly on Taemin's. Several open mouth kisses later, Taemin was feeling much better. 


Every time Minho kissed Taemin, tenderly or otherwise, Taemin was reminded that there was good in the world. That's what Minho was to him, the good in the world. They smiled at each other for a couple of seconds, Taemin still tucked into Minho, before hearing their third companion yell from afar. 


"What are you doing outside? We need to get a table!" Jonghyun yelled and both men smiled. 


"I already wrote my name down, they said it'd be about ten minutes," Minho answered, pulling out a buzzer from his trouser pocket. 


"Hey guys," Jonghyun greeted as he reached the couple, looking like he was in an oddly good mood. Usually Thursdays turned into 'Jonghyun es about the world' days. Taemin looked at him, trying to figure out if he there was something different about him. He seemed almost brighter. 


There was one time that Taemin hadn't noticed a new haircut and Jonghyun hadn't let go of the incident since then, so he really didn't want to miss anything. 


"There's something different about you today. Why are you smiling?" Minho noted aloud. Though Taemin had never wanted to be a part of those sickening couples that basically shared brainwaves, he wasn't at all sure that Minho couldn't read his mind most of the time.


"Am I not allowed to smile? Jesus." Jonghyun said, hiding yet another smile. 


"Well yesterday you spent all morning trying to convince me to murder you because this week was complete hell," Taemin answered, looking at Minho who was nodding in agreement. 


"I'm pretty sure that you said that Hyeongseop was the spawn of satan and that you were going to kill him or yourself by the end of the day," Minho added. 


"He is the spawn of satan and I hate him. But other than that, the day turned out okay," Jonghyun explained with a shrug. Just then, the buzzer sounded loudly and the three men made their way inside the restaurant. The reason they liked this place so much was because it was not only in between all their offices, but also because the staff was friendly but not overly attentive. They allowed you to have conversations without butting in every couple of seconds. Jonghyun usually needed that privacy to complain. 


"Are you on drugs again?" Minho asks Jonghyun as they are seated at their table. 


"What the , Minho? That was one time, and I didn't even know!" Jonghyun replies, obviously offended. Taemin has heard this story countless times, Jonghyun always defends himself saying that someone told him that it was a painkiller and he didn't doubt it until he woke up covered in body glitter and a henna tattoo on his face. 


"Well then what the hell is going on with you? Thursdays are your sulky days during which you tell us everything that is wrong with the world in its current state. You also like to inform us of whatever piece of you got on the weekend, which I'm pretty sure didn't happen because you went completely awol since Saturday afternoon." Minho retorted. Because the two had been best friends for so long, Taemin didn't even bother interrupting their little argument. It was strange for Jonghyun to be in such a good mood, but he definitely didn't want to ruin it. 


"Fine, you want me to complain? I will." Jonghyun began. "Neither of you called or text me to let me know that you had seen Fly High's first teaser. It came out yesterday, by the way."


"I did see it!" Taemin pouted. He hadn't actually seen it until this morning, but he hadn't thought to say anything. He was almost sure that Minho hadn't gotten a chance to even surf the internet in the past couple of days because some very important clients were in town and he had to entertain them every second of the day. 


"The guys are being overworked, but I don't think its really my place to demand that they be given breaks sometimes. It frustrates me to no end that I can't do anything to help them." Jonghyun continued. "Everyone is demanding so much of them that they look like they don't even want to debut and that kills me because I know how much they want it."


By then, Jonghyun's face was starting to turn pink. He had let all of that out in one huff of air. "My mom is also hounding me incessantly about having a blind date with a twin of my choosing because she is dead set on having grandchildren before she turns sixty. Which is ridiculous because that is like more than five years away so I don't really understand why she needs me to meet someone now."


As he finished his rant, Jonghyun looked up to Taemin and Minho, as if they held all the answers to his problems. Taemin tried to give his best sympathetic look, but if he was honest with himself, he knew that Jonghyun's problems weren't that severe to begin with. After working on a case as devastating as the one he was handed today, he had to muster all the sympathy he had left to comfort Jonghyun. He was always happy to give advice, but he struggled to find words that sounded suitable. 


Minho and Taemin sat there trying to soothe Jonghyun's worries anyways. They explained to him that he could give the guys a break when they had time with him. About the other stuff, they didn't exactly know what to say. 


"Can I tell you some truths, without you getting offended?" Taemin questioned, avoiding Minho's questioning gaze. 


"Shoot." Jonghyun answered. 


"I think you need to listen to your mother. Now before you interrupt me and tell me that you don't need to be nagged by me, hear me out. We may have not let you know that we are keeping track about the group's progress, but you have to remember that we have lives of our own. What you need is a significant other who can listen to you and support you when Minho and I aren't around. We love you, but you need more attention than either of us can spare." Taemin said, his hand on top of Jonghyun's. "You could solve the whole feeling unloved thing and get your mom off your back once and for all. I think she doesn't actually expect grandkids any time, she just wants you to stop being a ."


"Um, okay then." Jonghyun said quietly. Taemin had expected an argument out of him, maybe saying that he didn't need anyone in his life or that he didn't want to settle down any time soon because he was still young. Instead, he got a quiet, introspective Jonghyun. 


Taemin finally looked up to face Minho, who was smiling at him. Although he had been scared that Minho would reprimand him for telling Jonghyun that they could not be there for him like he needed them to, he just smirked at him. 


The rest of lunch brought back a rather animated Jonghyun who told Minho and Taemin about how hard the guys were working and how they were nailing their debut performance every time that they practiced. Minho talked about how the clients he was entertaining were a pain in his behind because they consistently made crude remarks about women. Taemin just listened along happily, not really wanting to go back to the office. 


After they paid the bill, the three men stood outside the restaurant finishing up their conversation.


"I forgot to tell you guys something," Jonghyun said, focusing his gaze on something on the the ground. 


"Okay?" Minho encouraged. 


"ImayormaynotbutdefinitelyamcrushingsohardonsomeonerightnowandIdon'tknowwhattodowithmyselfIactuallyfeltjealousforthefirsttimeyesterdaycanyoubelievethatwhatthehelliswrongwithme." He spouted out not even taking a breath. 


"Wait, what?" They replied in sync. 


"Ugh, nevermind. I don't want to talk about it."


"You obviously want to talk about it since you brought it up. Now slow down, what did you say?" Taemin asked, using his no nonsense tone. 


"How do you know when you want to have a boyfriend?" Jonghyun asked almost innocently. "I mean I get the whole, you want to have with them all the time thing, but I don't know much beyond that."


Both Minho and Taemin doubled over in laughter. "See, this is why I didn't want to talk about it!" Jonghyun yelled and began to walk away. Minho reach out and grabbed his arm before he could escape. 


"It just caught us by surprise is all," Minho explained, stifling his laughter. Taemin knew better than to make Jonghyun feel even more uncomfortable than he already was. He kind of wanted to hear what Jonghyun had to say. 


"Well, you see, I am not seeing this guy. But I kind of want to be?" Jonghyun's tone insinuating it was more of a question than a statement. "I don't know what I feel, but I like being around him. And I actually felt jealous for the first time in like ever."


"Oh wow, you're serious about this," Taemin notes, sobering up. Because he has gotten to know Jonghyun pretty well over the past year, he is genuinely surprised at the sincerity and confusion in his voice. 


"Yes, and the worst part about this is that he's taken. Its weird though because I think he has feels for me, yes I said feels. I'm not sure if I even want a relationship, but ugh I cannot stop thinking about him."


"Kim Jonghyun," Minho says in a serious tone. "Who the are you talking about?" As soon as the words come out of Minho's mouth, Taemin goes cold. They had talked about how Jonghyun had been confused about Key and Danny's relationship, but that was two weeks ago. He did not think, or want, Jonghyun to be interested in Key. 


"Um, no one?" Jonghyun joked. "Oh come on, would it really be so bad?'


"Jonghyun, answer the question please," Taemin said very quietly. He could feel anger rising in the pit of his stomach. 


"Look, I know he's your friend Taemin, but I really think I like Key."


"Don't give me that , Jonghyun. Do you or don't you like Key? Because I love you, I do, but this is the worst ing idea you have ever had. . No." Taemin said through his teeth. Both Minho and Jonghyun seemed taken aback by his reaction, but they didn't understand. 


Taemin hadn't been there for Key when his parents died or when he decided to be a parent to Danny, but he had heard about the hardships. Key, Danny, and Taemin had gone out to lunch a couple of days after running into each other at the club. After lunch they headed to the park to let Danny play for a while and give them time to talk. Key told him about the struggles of being a single parent, the one disaster attempt at dating, and how his life had been turned upside down. 


Key had struggled so much to get to a stable place with Danny. After having named his godmother CEO of Kim Enterprises, he had made a life for himself and Danny never taking advantage of his trust fund or insurance money. Key had enough on his plate, being a dad and a small business owner, he didn't need some petulant man-child mess around with his head. 


"What the hell, Taemin?" Jonghyun answered quickly. "I mean I know that Key isn't exactly available, but shouldn't you be happy that I kinda like someone?"


"Are you ing kidding me? You can't even say that you like him, and you expect me to be okay with this? Key is MY friend, and I think this is a terrible idea."


"Jonghyun, I have to agree with Taemin, bro. Key isn't even your type, why don't you let this go?" Minho chimed in, rubbing his hand up and down Taemin's back. Taemin knew that he was trying to calm him down, but he also knew that Minho was just as protective of Key. 


"I didn't expect you guys to be so damn unsupportive. What the hell." 


"Don't start Jonghyun. We know how you are with guys, so don't pretend that we have no basis for disapproving," Minho answered carefully. 


"Look, its not like we're seeing each other. He's just kinda meeting my mom tomorrow." Jonghyun replied, scratching the back of his head. 


Taemin blanched and Minho gasped audibly before inquiring, "What do you mean he is meeting your mom is meeting him tomorrow?" 


"Well, I just wanted her to get off my back, and Key was there while she was on the phone. So I kinda just went with it. He didn't exactly agree, but he's going to pretend to be with me. Just pretend," Jonghyun sighed. 


In all honesty, Taemin just wanted to walk away from the whole situation. He had no idea that Kibum and Jonghyun were even hanging out, much less what he could possibly be thinking by agreeing to meet Jonghyun's mother. Did he like him? He had to know about Jonghyun's reputation. 

"You know what, I can't deal with this, or with you right now," Taemin said finally, walking away. 


"Baby, wait" Taemin heard Minho call out. 


Taemin didn't want to deal with them right now, he needed to talk to Key and figure out what the hell he was thinking. 


A/N: Hey guys! Here is some 2min fluff before some drama! Woot!

I am thinking of writing a oneshot of how 2min got together, but I'm not sure yet. ((Let me know if you think its a good idea!))

I may update sometime this weekend, if I can! Though I feel like my posts are getting longer! Mainly because my sister nags me all the time.


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Love you guys! <3

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My sister keeps complaining that my buildup is too slow, but I promise it is picking up very quickly! :)


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One of my favorite stories. And thank you for the addition of how 2min met. All wonderful!
Chapter 3: Hello SaraiM, it has been almost 7 years since this story came out and I find myself coming back to read this a few times over the years. Thank you for writing this story and I love this jongkey so much, its in my top favourite jongkey fics. I hope you get to read this (if ever) and whatever you are doing/pursuing now, all the best to you!
Chapter 34: I'm not fighting tears nope. I loved this, thank you so much for writing.
Chapter 34: its really cute how Jonghyun became the clingier dad :)) I really really really love this story so sos much
back to read this for the umpteenth time cause I don't get tired of it :)
Chapter 34: God m I weird that epilogue made me cry thinking how danny is all grown up now and most probably one of handsome guys out there how happy and perfect family they are with blue thsi was amazing really oh AND I read ur all ANs
theeKPOPlover #7
Chapter 34: I was looking for this fic everywhere! Its honestly one of the best well written jongkeys out there!