HongkixShinhye (Requested by exoticmystery)

Not So Common OTPs One Shot Shop [HIATUS]



florkyumin: I'm sorry I took so looooooong!!!! So, so sorry! I actually got inspired for this fic with a song called Back to December by Taylor Swift. If you haven't heard it, check it out cuz it's awesome ♥

I thought about doing it as a songfic, but I wasn't sure if you'd like that, so I did it as a regular one xD

Anyways, read it and let me know what you thought!

And can I just say how weird it was for me to write as "Shinhye?" LOL, I don't know but for some reason every times someone's said her name was Park Shinhye, so without the Park it now sounds weird to me xD But it'll be weird if friends called them with the last name every single time they spoke hahahahaha xD









Hongki woke up abruptly, narrowing his eyes because the light hurt his sight. He searched for the noise that had woken him, and found his phone ringing and vibrating on the night table on his right.

"Hello?" he mumbled, still half asleep.

"Yah, it's almost 3pm, how can you be sleeping?" another man said on the other side of the line, scolding him.

"Yonghwa hyung?" Hongki asked, opening his eyes and sitting up on his bed. "What's up?" He was surprised he was calling him, even though they were close, they hadn't talked in a while.

"Oh, yeah, I was wondering if you'd like me to pick you up for tonight's party, but since you just woke up, I'm assuming you haven't even seen the invitation".

"What? What invitation?" he said confused, getting up and leaving his room. He walked towards the door and found all the mail laying on the floor. Most of them were just fanmail, but one letter caught his eye; it was a black and gold envelope, with outstanding font. He picked up that one and opened it, while the other man just ranted about how lazy he was being, even if he was on vacation. "Ok, ok, hyung, shut up, I'm trying to read this you know".

He left the phone on the table placing it on speaker, and finally opened the envelope.


"Even thought the drama was first aired in 2009, today we want to celebrate a 5-year anniversary for this beautifull and succesfull show that was first thought of back in 2008, and that we then called "You're Beautiful". We couldn't have done it without any of you, so we expect that the sudden invitation doesn't stop you from comming and celebrating with us".


He read the paper several times until he realized what that mean. Slowly, he grabbed the phone, talking almost in a expressionless tone of voice. "Hyung, I'm not going".

"What do you mean you're not going?" Yonghwa said surprised. "Why?"

"I... I can't" Hongki breathed out. No one knew. No one could really know. He wanted no one to know.

"Yah, you're going. I'm picking you up at 9 so you better start getting ready. If you're not home I'll go get you from hell itself" Yonghwa stated with a wont take no for an answer sort of voice, and without even giving his friend time to reply, he hunged up.

Hongki froze. Tensing his entire body, he looked around, not knowing what to do. If he just run away to a friend's house or his family's, Yonghwa would eventually find him anyways. Besides, he would get pretty upset if he tried to escape. He knew Yonghwa wanted him there, and he couldn't blame him. He was positive Geunsuk wouldn't be there, since he was having a lot of schedules overseas lately, and Yonghwa wasn't really comfortable with anyone else. Well, anyone except her.

He shook his head. It had been over a year ago. He needed to learn how to put that behind him. He had actually managed to, lately, but that was mostly because they had barely seen each other since... since that last You're beautiful reunion, back in 2012. He sighed. There was no way he was going to get away with this, unless not without getting one of his closest friends pretty mad at him.

He dragged himself to his bedroom and carelessly layed on his mattress again, thinking. If he was going, he had to start getting mentally prepared to face her. To face the only girl he had ever truly been in love with. And pretty much the only girl who had ever turned him down.

After half an hour of talking himself into it, he stood up and took a shower, a long and relaxing one, trying to get a hold of his feelings. He was over her. He had to be. It had been so long ago. Why was he being so silly now? He got his head under the running water, while the memories of a winter a year ago came back to his mind.



"You'll love it here" Hongki said smiling to a girl sitting by his side in the car. "My parents will like you so much, I can tell".

She smiled and looked through the car's window, enjoying the view.

They were on their way to Hongki's place to spend his monther's birthday; Hongki had invited her also since he knew his entire family was a big fan of her, so it'd be a huge surprise for them. She had agreed, of course,  she was really close to him to say no to an invitation like that, so now they were on their way in his car.

"I should've gotten her a present" she said suddenly, slapping her forehead with her hand.

"Tsk. You're already a present, Shinhye-yah" he replied with a smirk.

Shinhye just laughed and punched his shoulder, just as the same time as he was slowing down to park the car in front of a big house. They got out and walked towards the entrance.

"You stay here" he said, gesturing her to wait a little away from the door, so she wouldn't be seen right away.

A woman in her late 50s opened the door, smiling brightly when she saw her son standing there. "Ahhh, Hongki-yah, you made it!" she said cheerfully, getting her son between her arms and hugging him tightly. Another girl showed up, and looked at the boy too, smiling. "Oppa!" she said, visibly happy to see him. "What? Such an important famous singer, but no present for mom?" the girl asked, looking at his empty hands with a frown.

"Oh... nooo.... I got the best present ever" he said. Releasing himself from his mother's embrace, he took a few steps to the left and grabbed Shinhye by the hand, pulling her towards the door, in front of everyone's sight.

"O---oh... Oh my god!!!!" Hongki's sister screamed, getting her hands on . "It's Park Shin Hye!"

"Yes! She's a friend and she agreed to come with me to the party!" he walked into the house and to were the rest of his family was, all of them surprised when seeing the girl that was walking in with him.

The night went by fast, Hongki was enjoying every second of it and was extremedly pleased to see how well Shinhye and his family were getting along; he had been fearing she would be a little awkward around them, but they were actually really comfortable with each other. That was good, he thought. He had been hoping to ask her out, to ask her to be his girlfriend and not just a friend, for a while now, so he was happy to see she and his mom got along so well in such a short time. Smiling, he walked to were they were and engaged in their conversation.

After the party they decided to get back to Seoul before it got too late, since both of them had schedules, so they got into Hongki's car and left without having too much time to say good bye to everyone.

"I had a great time!" she stated in a happy tone while smiling brightly, "your family's so much fun!"

"I'm glad you liked it" he replied, not really showing just how glad he actually was.

They stopped at her place and she got off after giving her goodbyes, and stopped on her tracks when he called her from inside the car. "Yah, Shinhye-yah, I'll see you tomorrow night, right?"

"Yes! The You're Beautifull party! I almost forgot!" she exclaimed. "I'll see you there then!" with one last wave she turned and walked inside her house, while Hongki watched her, thinking he wouldn't waste any more time, and, at that party, he'd confess.



He shook his head under the water once more, trying to erase those thoughts from his head.

He left the bathroom and started to get changed after getting something to eat, and soon he realized it was already 8pm, so he called a friend to help him with his hair and make up. Even if that wasn't a formal event, he needed to look good.


"Yah, isn't that too much?" Yonghwa asked with a frown, watching his friend get in his car, dressed as if he was going to some red carpet even.

"What?" Hongki asked, as if he was unaware of that fact.

Yonghwa just rolled his eyes and got the engine going, driving to where the party was being held. They walked in and went straight to their assigned table, Hongki looking around cautiously, trying to find that girl. She was nowhere to be seen, though, so he took a deep breath and sat down, while ordering something to drink.

"Hey! Shinhye-yah's here!" his friend said just then cheerfully, pointing towards the door.

And there she was. Walking inside, beautiful as always, dressed up really casually, but that didn't make her see any less gorgeous. He saw Yonghwa walk to where she was, while he stood there, not sure about what to do. He was being so dumb. It had already been so long, why was he acting like some 15 year old? He was ing Lee Hongki. He was confident. He wasn't shy. Why was he like that now then?

He didn't have to give it much thought, anyways, because she walked to where he was, looking at him awkwardly before bowing her head and saying hello in a low voice. He bowed back, avoiding her eyes.

"Hey guys, I'm going to the bathroom, ok?" Yonghwa said then while walking away, leaving the two of them alone, in complete silence.

They sat down at the table while trying to ignore each other's prescense, but it was too difficult. She was the one to break the silence. "So.. umm.. how's your family?" she asked.

"They are ok" he replied coldly.

"I see..." she mumbled, feeling a little taken aback with the way he was treating her. Still, she felt the need to talk to him. "How's... how's everything? The band?"

"It's great. Super busy" was all he said, looking away.

"Yah" she called after that, a little hurt, unable to stand it any longer. He was being so cold towards her, and she knew why. She had been hoping actually to get a chance to talk about it, and she thought that would be the best moment to bring it up. "Can we... can we talk?" she asked, hesitantly.

"What do you wanna talk about?" he replied with another question, pretending not to know.

"About... you know... Can we--" Yonghwa came back just then, so she interrupted herself.

The three of them spent most of the night together, they gave a little speech and even sang some of the drama songs, before slowly everyone began to leave.

After a few hours, Shinhye managed to scape from the crowd and sat on a corner away from everyone, while she thought about the last time she had seen him. That time when everything fell apart, when she screwed things up for the two of them, and made her life miserable ever since.



They were at You're Beautiful's reunion, it was already late, but they were having too much fun to leave now. Slowly, Shinhye and Hongki were the only ones left on the dance floor, and even if they weren't such great dancers, they didn't care; they were just having a blast.

The music slowly fade away until it was only a low whisper in the night, and they looked at each other without really knowing what to do.

"Shall we... shall we go?" he asked, looking around and noticing for the first time that they were almost alone.

"I think so" she replied smiling. She gestured him to follow her outside and they went to his car.

They drove in silence, both too tired to say much. Soon they were arriving at her place, and Hongki hurriedly got out of the car to open her the door, before walking her to her place.

"You don't need to do that" she said, not used to having her friend being so thoughtful around her.

"Actually..." he doubted. He had wanted to tell her so many things lately, but he was too scared to. He sighed, thinking that he'd just go ahead and get it over with. "Shinhye-yah... I need to talk to you".

"Oh" she seemed a little surprised, and also confused about his friend's behaviour, but didn't say anything. "Sure, what is it?"

"You see... I've been thinking lately... I've been thinking a lot... and I kinda..."


He took a deep breath, and realizing he was never going to get himself to say the actual words, he just leaned over so suddenly that Shinhye's eyes opened wide while she froze due to the shock, and kissed her.

She moved away almost instantly and looked at him in astonishment, blinking fast. He straightened up and looked at her, while understanding made it's way through his face; she was not expecting that, and she had not liked it.

"I... I'm sorry" he managed to say, avoiding her eyes.

"What the..." was all she could breathe out, still a little shaken about the abrupt kiss.

"I'm sorry" Hongki repeated. "I... I've been feeling like... I've been questioning if... we could be more... more than just friends".

She looked at him in disbelief, without knowing whether to take his words as serious as they sounded.

"So...?" he asked, when she didn't reply.

"I... I.. I'm sorry... but... I don't..."

They looked at each other in silence, until he let out a heavy sigh, and his eyes wondered towards the floor.

"I get it. That's... that's ok"

"I'm sorry" she said again, her voice filled with genuine sadness. "I'm just not sure we should... we should risk our friendship over this".

"No, I  get it" he hurried to reply, trying to sound ok with it. "Don't worry"

They stood there in silence for some minutes, both too uncomfortable to actually say something.

"I should probably go..." he commented, breaking the tense silence.

"I... Ok..."

He stole one last glance at her before turning around and walking towards his car, not looking back again.

After that night, neither of them dared to try and talk to the other one for a while, and soon things began to get too out of hands both for Shinhye and Hongki; he, being colder with everyone every time, while she was closing herself from the world, hating herself for realizing so late what her actuals feelings were.



"Wanna go?" Yonghwa's voice asked on his left all of a sudden, making her jump on her sit. She looked up at Hongki who was just casually trying to avoid her eyes by looking at the crowd, as if he was interested in the party itself. "Yah", the older boy called, "Hongki-yah, wanna go?"

She took her desition just then, before she even realized it.

"Sure, I---" Hongki began, but was interrupted.

"I was hoping to stay. Hongki-shi, can you stay too? I'll give you a ride if you came without your car" Shinhye said. Hongki looked at her, dazed, not even knowing what to say.

Yonghwa looked at the two and started to realize what was going on, specially since he had found so odd how they had stopped being friends so suddenly almost a year ago. Excusing himself as if he had just remembered an appointment, he left in a hurry, leaving Hongki and Shinhye there, looking at each other awkwardly.

"So" he said after a while, clearing his throat. "Why did you want to stay?"

"I need to talk to you" she replied, grabbing his hand and taking him outside.

They stood there, in the hotel's patio, where no one else was since the cold weather pretty much kept everyone inside, close to the fire.

"Ok, what is it" the boy asked casually, looking around.

"Yah, don't be like this please. This is the first time we actually talk... since..." she left the sence hanging, not wanting to bring those events back.


"I... I'm sorry" she breathed out after a while.

"What for?" Hongki said, again in that i don't give a damn tone of voice.

"Stop it! Stop trying to act as if you don't care!" she screamed, unable to stand his cold behaviour towards her any longer. "Or is it that you really don't care anymore?"

"Why should I"

"Please, stop it. Hongki-shi... I'm... I'm sorry, alright?" he could see tears clouding her eyes, but still didn't break, looking away.

"That's ok. We can be friends again if you want to" he commented casually, shrugging.

"! I don't want to be your friend. Hongki, I've been trying to talk to you for so long. You never took my phone calls, you were never home when I was able to drop by, you always said no to schedules that involved the two of us..."

"Maybe that was just destiny"

"No! It was you! I didn't call you right away because I thought you'd need time... we'd need time. Then you left for a tour and when you came back... you were so different. I could tell when I saw you on your interviews. You had changed".

"I guess, people change"

That was it. Shinhye cursed, hurt at how extremedly distant he was being to her. She knew she had screwed everything, she was fully aware of that. She had hated herself the second she had turned him down that night, too confused and too scared to make the right call at that time. But she had regretted her decition since then. She had spent so many nights unable to sleep, crying until her eyes were puffy red, going back to that december night every single second of her day, wishing to be able to just go back in time and change everything.

"Hongki-shi, look at me" she almost begged, her voice craking due to the tears she was trying to hold back. "I know... I know why you're acting like this. I rejected you. I hurt you, and I'm sorry. I hate myself for that, can you not see it?"

He looked at her but didn't reply, his eyes showing no expression at all.

"I... I haven't even been sleeping, I've had that stupid night replaying on my head every single day. I didn't... I didn't even dare to call you when your birthday passed because I was afraid you'd be mad at me for some reason... But I... I miss you".

Hongki swallowed. He could feel his chest hurt, but he wasn't going to forget everything he had been through for the last year, trying to erase every single thing that reminded him of her.

"I.. I was scared. We were friends. You were my best friend. What if... what if it didn't work out? What if you weren't really into me? What if I wasn't into you? What if we ended up hurting each other to the point that neither of us could bare to face each other ever again? Well" she smiled, but with a hurt, bitter smile, before continuing, "I actually managed to mess up our friendship anyways".

They stared at each other, not even noticing the cold wind blowing hard, making the leaves of every tree fall on the ground.

"I miss everything. I miss your texting, your smile, how you cared about me, how well we were together, how much fun we had... I... I'd go back in time and change everything, change what I said, and make everything better but... I can't. I know... I wish I could've realized what we had before... but even though I realized it late... I... I just wanted you to know... I... I love you"

He tensed, widening his eyes at her words. He could feel his heart rasing at the speed of light, his chest about to explote. Her eyes looked sad and full of tears she was trying to hold back. He had no idea how he was supposed to reply. Words failed him right at that time, so he was left there standing, frozen and looking at her, unable to move.

She swallowed and looked away, taking his silence as a sign that everything was lost already. Taking a deep breath, she turned and started to walk back into the hotel.

And just then, he came back to his senses and grabbed her wrist, pulling her towards himself, making her rest her head on his chest while he had one hand to the back of her head, and his other one still on her wrist.

"I- I..." she mumbled, unble to supress her feelings any longer, and starting to cry, "If you'd... you'd give me just another change... I swear... I swear I'll love you back. I'll love you forever".

He smiled, getting both of his hands on her shoulders and moving her away just enough so that he could look into her eyes before saying, "Yah, Park Shinhye, I love you".

He saw the happiness in her eyes, while she took a huge, deep breath before getting both of her hands to the back of his neck, pulling him closer so that she could press her lips on his, kissing him as if her life depended on it. He kissed her back, a kiss that felt as if it was the only reason he was alive, as if nothing else made sense but that moment. As if everything he had been through was nothing, a small price he had to pay in order to have that.

Because, when you go through all the pain Hongki went through, trying to forget someone that was just burned at the back of his mind, and you're still able to forgive and forget, and leave it all in the past for that same person, that's when you know you're really in love. And that is something you just never want to let go.







florkyumin: bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahaha so cheesy right? sorry xD i hope you liked it though! and i hope you consider it long? xD










**Next one I'll upload is Jonghyun (CNBLUE) x Suzy ♥






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Chapter 32: Can I request more ChangNiel ?? ^_^
Chapter 14: You know what author nim .. I came here for ChangNiel !!!! Love them ! ^^
omg.. i miss this place! when are you guys opening again? cx
sunnibreez #4
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Comment: °u°!? Hehe
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