DongjunxLime (Requested by EmpireKids9)

Not So Common OTPs One Shot Shop [HIATUS]



“The annual Nation Wide High School Track competition has arrived, and we here at Sports Radio will be giving you full live coverage throughout all of it. Let’s begin by introducing the top competitors before the competition starts. First off, Kim Dong-“ The radio was turned off by Kim Dongjun.

“Yah! I was listening to that!” His fellow teammate, Kwanghee, whined.

“You should stretch and get ready instead.” Kwanghee sent him a dirty look and turned the radio back on.

“Dongjun shi has won every competition this year. He has become the crowd’s favorite and I bet his team’s expecting a lot from him today.”

“Hyung! Turn that off!” Dongjun threw his towel at Kwanghee.

“Wae? They’re talking about you.”

“I need to concentrate on running.” He started stretching and looking out into the field.

“Arasso. You need to be prepared in order to win, I get it.” Kwanghee turned it off and went over next to him to stretch as well.

Dongjun laughed watching his older friend struggle touching his toes. He looked up and saw a group of girls walking their way. Among them was Hye Lim, better known as Lime.

She’s gone to every one of the school’s track meets, and Dongjun secretly thinks of her as his lucky charm. He thinks Lime’s present helps him perform his best and win first place.

He followed her with his eyes all the way to the benches. She and her friends sat down behind him, like they did at every competition.

“Dongjun oppa is looking at us!” Lime’s friend, Yooyoung, squealed.

They start waving at him. He smiles and waves back, looking at Lime.

Their eyes meet and Dongjun blushes while she keeps her cool and continues to wave.

A water bottle is suddenly thrown at his head.

“Yah! Stop flirting!” It was Kwanghee.

“Get back to your ‘concentration’ whatever.”

“I wasn’t flirting.” Dongjun pouted and went to sit down on the bench.  Lime kept watching him from the bleachers.

His biggest rival, Minho, came and sat down next to him. Minho goes to another school and he always gets first place at their competitions. This will be the first time him and Dongjun go against each other.

“What are you doing here? Go back to your team.”

“I just wanted to let you know that today will be your first time coming in second.”

“Oh, really?” Dongjun asked sarcastically.

“Yup. I’m coming in first today.” Minho lifted his chin and put on an arrogant smile. Dongjun scoffed in response. “We’ll see.”

Minho got up to walk away and noticed Lime.

“Hye Lim ah!” She turned her head towards Minho. “Annyeong~” He waved his hands eagerly in the air, causing her to laugh.

“Hi Minho oppa!” Dongjun looks at her and then at Minho angrily.

“You know her?”

“Yup. Our moms are friends so we’ve seen each other a lot.” Minho sent her a wink and she chuckled. Dongjun automatically made a fist.

Kwanghee walked over and put his arm around Minho’s shoulder. “Seems like more than just that on your part.”

“All relationships start like this before they become serious.”

“Ah, you~” The two start laughing and htting each other playfully. Dongjun got mad and drank an entire water bottle, throwing it into the trash can with much force afterwards.

He sees Lime coming over and his face softens.

“Yo, Minho!”  “Lime~” Minho did aegyo and Dongjun mumbled to himself. “Does he think he looks cute doing that?”

“Thanks for coming to support me!” She fixed her hair and glanced at Dongjun.

“Actually, I came to support our team.” She glanced at Dongjun again and found him with a big smile on his face.

“Really?” He asked with hopeful eyes.

Lime was a little surprised he talked to her. “Really.” She nodded slightly.

They were smiling at each other when Kwanghee came into the conversation.

“So you’re part of team Dongjun?” She looked at Kwanghee and nodded. “Yeah, I guess.” Dongjun’s cheeks blushed.

Minho frowned and stomped his legs. “What about team Minho?!”

Lime chuckled. “I hope you do well, too.” Dongjun’s smile began to fade.

“Hm… if I win first place, will you give me a kiss?” Dongjun officially lost his smile.

"What?" Lime's eyes widened.

"On  the cheeks." Minho puffed his cheeks and poked the right one.

"A kiss for first place?" She thought to herself. "Call." She nodded and smiled.

Minho started jumping up and down, spazzing. Kwanghee noticed Dongjun's tight fists.

"My bet's Dongjun will come in first. What if he wins? Does he get a kiss?"

Dongjun looked at her and she looked back.

"Who ever gets first place gets my kiss." She said firmly.

"Assa!" Kwanghee high fived Dongjun who's face had lit up due to overjoy.

He stretched his hand out to shake Minho's. "Let the best man win."

Minho smirked and pushed his hand away. "I"m expecting to." He walked back to his team. "Little Dongjun thinks he can beat me? Hah!"

"Good luck." Lime flashed Dongjun a bright smile. "Thanks." He looked down.

Lime's friend, Yooara, called her over. "Yah, hurry! It already started!"

"Coming!" She showed him that chill smile of hers that causes him to melt inside, and left for the bleachers.

"I helped you this much. Now all you have to do is beat everyone here!" Kwanghee stretched his hands out to the entire field. Dongjun covered Kwanghee's face with a dirty towel and snickered when he started freaking out about someone else's sweat on his face.

The competition began and Dongjun went through the preliminary rounds easily. So did Minho.

Lime had been cheering for Dongjun the whole time. She's his number one fan. It's always her idea to go watch the track meets. Her friends would rather be at a mall.

The final round came, and as expected, Dongjun and Minho were among the top five.

They positioned themselves and waited nervously for the gun to be shot, signaling them to start.

"On your marks, get set, go!" BOOM

They took off and the two were neck in neck. Dongjun had met his match.

He sped up, and then Minho caught up. He sped up again, and Minho caught up again. There was no clear winner at this point. Who ever reaches that finish line first must have luck on their side.

The finish line was now just a few feet away, and the two boys gave their all. They felt themselves run faster and faster. Once they crossed the finish line, they collapsed.

They layed there on the track waiting for someone to come over and tell them who won.

Kwanghee came over with a huge smile on his face, jumping up and down in excitement. Dongjun smiled weakly while panting, knowing he had won.

Kwanghee helped him up and brought him over to the benches. The team lifted Dongjun up and chanted his name.

After the award ceremony, he went to the parking lot and looked for Lime.

He saw her hugging Minho goodbye and a frown made its way to his face. He turned to walk to his car, but then someone called his name.

"Dongjun sunbae!" Lime ran up to him.

"Are you leaving? Without your kiss..." She looked away.

"Y-you want to k-kiss me?" 

She nodded. "You won..."

His face turned pale, but it quickly gained color as soon as she put her lips on his cheek.

"D-dongjun sunbae... I have a confession to make." He nodded slowly, letting her know to continue.

She looked straight into his eyes. "I like you."

His mouth dropped and his eyes widened.

"I've liked you ever since the first time I saw you run. You were amazing. You always are."

Dongjun didnt know how to respond, so he let his body take over.

He cupped her cheeks and lifted her face to give her a kiss on the lips. It was sweet at first, until she kissed back. The kiss deepened and she ended up leading. Dongjun was so happy to be kissing his crush, he didnt care and let her take lead. It felt good anyway, the way she kissed him so passionately.

They let go when Lime ran out of oxygen, and Dongjun was smiling like an idiot. He had never been more proud of having strong healthy lungs.

He lifted her chin up to look her in the eye. "My lucky charm, will you be my girlfriend?"

She was shocked. Does this mean he likes her back? Lucky charm? Does this mean she's that special to him.

"Of course!" She put her arms around Dongjun and hugged him tightly. He lifted Lime up and spinned her around.

"Wah~ Best first place prize ever." He pecked her lips and the two giggled.



KeyShawol: How is it, EmpireKids9? I had a lot of fun writting this. Thanks for making this request! Hope you enjoyed reading and that I was able to fulfill your expectations.


If anyone wants to request a oneshot, check out chapters 1 & 2.


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Chapter 32: Can I request more ChangNiel ?? ^_^
Chapter 14: You know what author nim .. I came here for ChangNiel !!!! Love them ! ^^
omg.. i miss this place! when are you guys opening again? cx
sunnibreez #4
Who: ono idk anyone
Comment: °u°!? Hehe
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Ship:xiuyeol it xiuhun
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