ChanyeolxKrystal (Requested by amusingmurdermachine)

Not So Common OTPs One Shot Shop [HIATUS]



florkyumin: I'm really sorry you had to wait so long! u.u






"Yah! Stop it!" Krystal said, moving away.

Chanyeol was standing in front of her and was patting the top of her head playfully, while laughing at her reactions.

"Shhh, Soojung-shi, we are on live broadcasting!" he whispered with an evil grin.

"Aish" she rolled her eyes but turned to face the camera once more, smiling and pretending nothing was happening.

They were at the encore stage of Music Bank, and they were about to announce the winner. EXO and f(x) were competing with each other, so it was a matter of time till they knew who had won. The MCs got closer to both groups and started to give out the votes.

She breathed in an out a few times, trying to seem calm, while Chanyeol, who was now behind her, was still tapping her head like if she was a table and he was drumming it with his fingers.

"...And today's winner is............. EXO! Congratulations!!" the MCs got closer to the boys, bowing and passing them the mics and the award, while their leader thanked awkwardly to the fans, still too surprised to properly give a speech. All the members hugged each other and then went to congratulate their fellow label mates, f(x).

When he reached Krystal, Chanyeol smirked at her before embracing her in a huge bear-like hug, squeezing her between his arms. It only lasted a second; he had to remind himself he was at a live broadcast, his fans might start to get suspicious.

She looked at him, trying to control her rage while pulling away and pretending to smile, before she left the stage with the rest of the girls, and the EXO members stayed until the show ended, dancing around and celebrating their win.

They got to their changing room after a while, and Chanyeol looked around covertly, but she was no where to be seen.

Instead of heading to their dorms that night, EXO had to go to the SM building; even though they were tired, their manager had told them that they had to go to the practice studio for a while, and then they could all head home. At least neither of them had any schedules the other day.

But they weren't ready for what they found when they arrived.

All SM artists, including actors and CEOs, were on that dance studio waiting for them, with a cake and a lot of food to celebrate their 3rd win.

"Yaaay! Cake!" some said happily, going to the center of the room and greeting everybody.

"Yah" Baekhyun said, standing next to Chanyeol, "Seriously dude, you wont find a better chance than tonight".

With that said, he left without waiting for an answer, going to where the others were and having something to eat as well.

Most of the night, Chanyeol spent it just chatting with the other members, and also with some of SHINee and Super Junior members as well, even though not all of them were able to make it to their party.

"Yah, thinking about something?" a girl's voice said behind his back. He turned and found a short girl with short, blond hair, smiling at him.

"Oh... Amber-shi" he said, greeting her. "What's up?"

"Nothing much... just a little something I heard somewhere..." she winked.


"Something about... stuff you wanna do to my little princess here..."

"Have you been talking to Baekhyun..?" she grinned and turned her eyes away. "THAT LITTLE.--- I'LL KILL HIM. BYUN BAEKHYUN YOU--"

"Yah, yah, calm down" she said, grabbing his arm that was pointing at a shocked Baekhyun that was standing across the room and had no idea of what had just happened.


"I've known for a while. He just confirmed it" she said, gesturing him to sit down. "So...? Why don't you confess?", she asked, sitting next to him.

"She doesn't like me", he stated, fixing his eyes on the floor.

"Oh... you'd be surprised..."

"She's always annoyed around me"

"Everyone tends to be annoyed around you, Park Chanyeol" Amber said while nodding, as if that was actually a good thing.

He opened his eyes wide, outraged, and was about to reply but then interrupted himself. Yeah, now that he thought about it, everyone tended to be a little annoyed around him.

"So?" she asked him again. "Go!" she pushed him out of the chair and gestured him to go talk to her.

He sighed. Taking a big, deep breath, he started to awkwardly walk to where she was, and soon their eyes met. "What do you want now?" she asked, rolling her eyes.

"I'm sorry, can we... can we talk?" he asked, a little shy. She looked at him, surprised that he no longer sounded cocky or confident, so she just nodded and walked with him to the corner of the room, far from everyone else.

"What is it?" Krystal asked, not understanding the sudden change in the way he was treating her.

"You... I... You know how I always tend to... I... like, I'm usually all playfull and playing jokes on everyone..."

"Yes" she replied, with a weary tone of voice.

"Well... ummm... I---" he looked away and around the room, trying to gather the courage to say what was on his mind.

"Geez, just tell me already! Is this one of your jokes, I really need to--" her words were cut off, because suddenly she was being grabbed by both of Chanyeol's hands, one on her lower back and the other one on her neck, while he abruptly kissed her, full on the lips.

She widened her eyes, staring right at his face, unable to react.

After a few seconds, he moved away and stared at her, suddenly panicking. "I-I... I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking and I...--" he wasn't capable of finishing his sentence either, since Krystal had stepped closer and crossed her hands behind his neck, pulling him down while she was standing on her tiptoes, and hurriedly pressed her lips on his, as if her life depended on it.

He looked at her completely stunned, but slowly gave in and kissed her back, parting his lips and exploring every inch of with his tongue.

They broke appart after four full minutes, and just stared at each other blankly, as if neither of them could believe what had just happened.

A voice in their right broke the silence, and suddenly they realized it wasn't just them who were not speaking, but the entire room.

"Want us to give you guys some privacy?" Baekhyun teased, smirking at his friend.

Chanyeol and Krystal just looked around at everyone in the room, getting extremedly blushed and uncomfortable when realizing they were all looking at them.

Amber broke the awkward moment first, laughing and turning up the music again, while looking at the brand new couple and winking, before engaging in a conversation with Henry, who was standing next to her.











florkyumin: I'm sorry it's so shorttt! And that I ended it there, but I really hope you liked it! Let me know what you thought! :D





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Chapter 32: Can I request more ChangNiel ?? ^_^
Chapter 14: You know what author nim .. I came here for ChangNiel !!!! Love them ! ^^
omg.. i miss this place! when are you guys opening again? cx
sunnibreez #4
Who: ono idk anyone
Comment: °u°!? Hehe
sunnibreez #5
Band:Exo :p
Ship:xiuyeol it xiuhun
Why:xiumin so cute wen he with chanyeol since he tall eue and Sehun be possessive of his hyungs lol QwQ those are like my otp
Rated M: *-* yes Pplz I'm such a ert x'D o////o
hush_windy #6
Chapter 4: Band: BTS & EXO
Ship: Jimin x Kris
Why: Idk. The pairing just came up in my mind.
Rated M: Everybody say 'N.O'!
Who: I don't care~
Comments: I'm waiting for the Yongguk x Kris oneshot to be updated~ :D
Chapter 19: this is story is to good~ >///<
Chapter 14: i like it >///<
kimminnie #9
Chapter 2: Band: EXO
Ship: Xiumin x Chanyeol. Xiuyeol~
Why: All those little, subtle actions that Chanyeol takes makes me smile. I feel like he takes care of Xiumin a lot. And I like how he calls him Minseok hyung.
Rated M: Please don't...
Who: chaniel or Babyatheart/BubbleZ but they're both busy so... anyone I guess
Comments: Fluff? A long one pleasee
Chapter 3: Gosh, I want to request by I'm shy >///<