Making Sure

That Man

"What took you so long?" he whined. 

"I was gathering my stuff and reread the plan, which you didn't," I smirked as I placed my bag between us. I like it when my counterattacks are a success. 

The SUV paced its way through the traffic of Gangnam-gu. I took out my tablet PC and start browsing, coming up with ideas for styles that'll suite him. "Kyuhyun-shi, you like this?" I asked him as I showed him a a shirt with red and white stripes. 

"Em," he glanced quickly and nodded. He too had his tab out and was busy reading something from the screen. "I didn't know my personal stylist is famous." he said. Mwo? He seems to be immersed by what was on his screen. I tried to peep but couldn't see it clearly. "This.." he turned to me and showed me the picture of me and Jay on the night of his play. 

"Ahh.. That.." I let out a small pathetic laugh. "I don't know.. Can I sue him for tweeting my picture without consent?" I looked straight into Kyuhyun's eyes as I suddenly got this idea. Yeah, sueing is an option, I guess.. But he is kinda too cute to be sued, don't you think?

"Oh wae.." he had a surprised look on his face. "I'm sure that he was happy to have met you and got excited. Anyway, don't you feel glamourous that the Jay Park took your photo? Sure you did, right.." he added as he looked outside the window of the SUV. 

"Psk. Is that a glamorous look on my face? I hate it that he tweeted that selca," I frowned a little. 

"Aw come on.. What's to be hated? It was Jay Park that took a photo of you. The Jay Park," he continued putting stress on 'the'. 

"Whatever, I'm not into that kind of stuff," I said as I looked at him. I saw his reflection in the window. Why is there a smile on his face? He must be in a really good mood today. "Plus, why would he be excited and all giddy to have met me? Me, of all people.." I continued nagging without him listening.

The photoshoot went on as planned. I didn't really get to style him according to my plans, but Cosmopolitan made sure that I approved of every style and shot taken. I must say they did a rather awesome job. It was a smart casual look photoshoot and Kyu looked amazing in any apparel. So, yeah.. Everything went smoothly.

We grabbed our packed lunch on the way back to SM building. It was from my favorite stall, as I was the one who had suggested it. Oh, I'm so hungry I could eat a horse. We have at least 3 hours before we leave again for another recording of Happy Together 3.  All I wanted to do was get back into my little room and stuff my tiny little face. I'm starving! 

"Are you going up?" I asked him casually as I stepped out of the SUV.

"Nope. and so are you," he indirectly ordered me. What?! Aaaaa.. In my mind I was stomping my feet like a three year old girl who didn't get her lollipop. 

"Wae yo?" I could only ask him that and dare not decline. I could think of a million things to him now as a counterattack, but I am his personal stylist. He might need my assistance. Or something else..

"You have to help me,"he said  He was already at his car and gestured me to get in using his head. "Ppalli."

While in  his car, I looked at my lunch longingly and frowned a little. Will I even get to eat lunch? He must've noticed me and knew what I was thinking about, because he suddenly said that I shouldn't worry about lunch, as this isn't about work. It's about "PRE-work".  I looked at him in the corner of my eyes and wondered how that differed from the actual work. It still is work, is it not?

"Ne.." I agreed pathetically.

Soon, we arrived at a condominium and he parked his car at the underground parking. I guess to avoid from prying eyes. Wait, he must be taking me to the SuJu dorms. Omo! I get to meet the Super Juniors. Doing the happy dance inside my head and wasn't long before that dance stopped when he pushed the penthouse button in the elevator. I didn't ask him, but I know we were not going to the SuJu dorm. Oh darn it..

"You are going to help me," he ordered like a boss, as he fidgeted trying to unlock the door with his keycard. "I have to prepare a meal, and.. so.. you.. bla..bla.." he added as he opened the door and I clearly wasn't paying attention to him as what was in front of me was much more inviting.

This house. Glass windows letting in white sunlight, lighting up the white-furnished living room. Everything looks so pure and calming. Wait, whose house is this?

"OK?" he asked.

"What? What?" I asked. Regretting that I missed his begging for help speech.

"You wern't even listening were you?" he hissed.

"Whose house is this, Kyuhyun-shi?" I directly asked as I couldn't contain the curiousity in me no more.

"Moi.." he said, in French, for whatever reasons, I don't know.

"You?!" I rounded my eyes and looked at him. "Aren't you living in the dorm? With the other members"

"This is my own house I bought with what I have worked for since I debuted. I still live with the guys, at times. But this here is my getaway," he said as he opened the fridge and grabbed a few things. "Plus, I get to focus on my gaming here," he added as if that was the most important reason for buying a house. "So are you ready, Mira-shi?"

I immediately turned around as I heard him say my name. "Ne! ermm.. wait. Ready for..??" Perhaps I will get a scolding from hime for not paying attention to him just now. Perhaps he wants me to reorganize his wardrobe as stated in the list of my work scope. Yup, that has to be it. Otherwise, why would he even take me to his own personal house?

He mumbled something over the counter in the kitchen before letting out a sigh and said, "You are going to help me prepare a dish. For Happy Together. A mid-night snack. OK?" he asked as he held up a block of cheese and a spatula.

"Mwo? Wait, hey.." I said as I walked to him closing the approximity. "I thought idols are supposed to create the dish themselves?" I rummaged through the things he had brought out from his fridge.

He rubbed the back of his neck and said, "Me? Cooking? The only thing I can cook is the Han River Ramyun."

"What is that Han River Ramyun?" I asked him as my eyes looked at him as a matter of fact.

"You add the water two times.." he said and chuckled.

"Eeww.." I cringed at the thought of a watery ramyun.

"So you agree to help me right?" he asked ever so politely while waving the block of cheese at me, again.

"Araso.. Araso.." I nodded several times and started work. I went over to his fridge and found a leftover of mashed potato and took it out. I started dicing some vegetables and heating up the pan, when I suddenly feel somehing wrapping my waist. I looked down and saw his pair of fair hands tying the apron into a bow. " I turned to look at him and nodded a few times as I was speechless. I also can feel that my cheeks must have turned into a bright pink. He coughed a little and ushered me to continue cooking as I saw the tip of his ears beginning to redden.

He sat himself in front of me watching my every move as I showed him the steps.

"And... tadaa.." I opened up the pan and could see the cheese oozing as it melts.

"But is it good?" he said not the least excited. "I can't lose to Henry, OK?" Psk. I just helped him create a dish and that was all he had to say? Yah, Kyuhyun-shi! I took the dish to him shoved a spoonful of the mashed potato with cooked vege and hot cheese into his loud mouth.

"Yah! My mouth is burning!!" he shouted as he got up walked all over the place. When he had finally clamed down, he turned to me and I was scared. That's it. I'm going to get fired today, I thought. "Actually, that was good," he said and I let out a small sigh of relief. Thank you, God for sparing my life.

"Now that that is settled, I want you to help me in return," I said and smiled as I help him cleared the plates of our mini luncheon. He ate the dish I cooked and I ate the lunch pack I bought.

"What do you want?" he said as he wiped his mouth with napkin and gulped down his drink. I took something out from my bag and walked directly to him. I can see him fidgeting in his seat as he looks at me.

"This!" I smacked the measurement paper onto the table.

"Ahhh.." he said and probably was going to create some sort of excuse. Do you hate taking measurements that much, Kyuhyun-shi?

"Please.. please.. please.. I have to do this or I might lose my job.." I exaggerated and dramatically placed my head on the table by his side. I turned to look at him and gave him my sweetest smile. It must have worked because I could see his lips curled into a smile. And my heart was taken away..

"Araso.." he got up and gave me a quick pat on the head. Wait, did he just pat my head? I couldn't really register that in my head. "Ppali.." he said and I instantly started my official work of a personal stylist.


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Check out my new Kyuhyun ff, y'all. The title is [aegis]. See you there!


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Chapter 33: Ahhhhhhhhhhhh daebakkkkkk!!!!!! Iloveit!!!!!!! Perfect!!!!!!!!83)3';(;7;8:):): mmmuah!!!!
Chapter 32: Love in the airrrrrrr
Chapter 25: Oh my silly mira she should have just tell kyu the truth
Chapter 24: My god iakqndycoaLGdycoekemsmdycuduhdhdhdhdhdhd they kissed!!! Fireworks!!!!!!!
Chapter 22: Eeeepp someone pls confess!!haha
Chapter 21: Shupó kyu to the rescue!!!!
Chapter 20: My feelings when u fall in love is all mixed up. Hurt, insult, melts, whatever haha
Chapter 18: Noooo kyu must be heartbroken!!!!
Chapter 17: Poor mira i hate guessing game relationship