My Shuppo Hero

That Man

He told me to sleep, but that is somewhat impossible for me to do. My heart was too busy enjoying the moment, beating as hard as it can. How can I sleep when his hands never stopped caressing my hair, softly. the strands ever so effortlessly. Once in a while, he would give soft kisses on my head, making me feel insanely dizzy each time he does. Na haengbokae.. 

At this point, how I wished we were traveling from Busan, and not just Seosan. I wanted the hours to stop ticking. I wanted this moment to last forever. But, I know sooner or later, this would all end. 

I loosen myself from his embrace. 

"Wae?" He asked as he looked at me. My eyes shifted to look at the digital clock in the hus. 4.05am. I was calculating the minutes I have left to be with him. 

"Your arms must be tired," I whispered as I caught a glimpse of his eyes whenever a streetlight passed by. 

"Gurae.. I'm tired," he said and leaned close to me and rested his head on my head. "Your body is heavier than I imagined," he whispered back and laughed. 

"Mwo?!" I pretended to be mad but finding it really hard to stay mad at him when he suddenly wove his arm through mine and grasped my fingers.

I had to be clear about something.

"Are you doing this because he asked you to look after me?" I couldn't contain my curiosity. I just had to ask.

He stopped caressing my hair. For like five seconds and then continued again.

"Of course. What else.." he said and my heart cracked a little. I felt messed up like when you cracked an egg and it landed in the pan with the yolk scattered. It wasn't a pretty sight.

I adjusted myself in the seat and soon followed by him.

"Are you feeling all better?" he asked as he stood up. Where are you going? Just, please stay by my side.

"Oh, ne. Gomawoyo," was all I could say as I looked up to him and saw him getting to his seat. Aaand that's all the affection you'll be getting, Kim Mira. Please don't expect more.

I turned to look outside the window. Dawn had begun to peak from the horizon. There is sunlight, but one can barely see it.

I felt something poking my arms. I quickly turned my head and almost crashed my face into an object.

"Your daily delivery, agassi," he said as he twirled his hand, just like a French waiter bringing wine to the table.

"I missed my delivery yesterday," I said as I took the vitamin drink from his hands. I looked back at him and patted the seat next to me.

"That was done intentionally," he smirked and sat down. He took the bottle from me and opened it, took a gulp and handed it back to me. I had some and placed the lid back on.

Just as I was about to say something to him, my phone rang.

Let’s have a heart to heart to heart talk~

I took a look at the screen and answered it immediately.

"Jaybeom-sh.." I didn't even finish and Kyuhyun snatched the phone from me.

"Oh, it's me," he said and looked at me. "Ne.. Everything's fine. She barfed like 10 times, but she's all good now." I could hear Jay's voice shrieking 'mwo?!' and I laughed a little. I looked at him as he continued and said, "Aniyo. Umm, don't know. She looks okay".

Saying that, he looked at me and brushed the bangs of my forehead. "Ne, I'll make sure she does. Ne, umm ohh," and hung up.

I asked him what he said and he just smiled and gave me my phone back, not bothering to answer my question.

"Mwoya.. Why don't you save his name using a pet name? Like 'jagi' or 'Jay oppa' or .."

"Hello Kitty?" I cut in and that made him surprised. The tip of his ears began to redden.

"Psk," he scoffed and laughed a little. "Yah, why would you want to name him that?!".

I smirked and laughed as I looked outside the window. Things were beginning to lighten up between me and Kyuhyun. But it felt different. Very much different. 

Everybody was thanking everyone once we safely arrived at KBS. It was around 6.00am at that time. Munje oppa had waited for us and we climbed into the van as he brought us back to SM.

Once we got to SM, I went straight to my office and checked my schedule for today. Yes! Nothing for today. That means I get to laze around in my office for some housekeeping. Now, time to head home before I clock in for work again at 9.00am.

My face felt like I had spread mud on it for facial. Shower. I need to shower! I took of my glasses and placed them into my pocket. 

Ding! The doors of the elevator opened up to the level of my apartment and I waddled myself out, struggling with all the bags I carried. I walked straight to my door and didn't realize that I bumped into someone.

"Juiseonghamnida," I nodded and looked up. Park Jaybeom. He wasn't smiling, but had a rather concerned look on his face. He took all my bags off my hands and told me to open the door. I wondered why he had not called first.

Once we got in, he dumped everything down. "Yah, why did you pack so much stuff?! It was just a one day trip," he nagged and sat himself onto the sofa.

I told him that the schedule had changed and how at last it was changed again because we didn't get a place to stay. I took off my cardigan and told him to wait as all I wanted to do now was shower.

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the sofa as I landed straight on his lap. Oh lordy Lord!

He didn't seem to mind and just laughed. "I heard you had quite a barfing frenzy on the bus," he said as he examined my body parts, as if I had broken a limb.

"Gwaenchana.." I smiled as I moved to sit next to him. I don't know why I felt shy whenever he tried to get physical with me. He looked down and let out a sigh.

"Gurae, if you’re fine, I'll just leave then," he smiled a fake smile and got up to the door.

"Jay-shi," I felt bad and tugged his sleeves. He must've felt down by the lack of affection I showed. 

He turned around and grabbed me by the waist. Well, that escalated real quick.

He stared into my eyes and said, "what?".

"I.. Umm.. I.." it was real uncomfortable for me to even speak while avoiding his dreamy gaze and attempted to push him back a bit, when all he did was pulled me in much closer and intensified his gaze.

"Mwo?" he coolly said.

"I.. I think.. We sh..should.." I stammered, getting nervous by his masculinity.

"We should? Yeah.. We should.." he whispered and got closer to my face. M..m..mwoya?! I was even stammering in my thoughts. What did he think I wanted to say?

He pulled my hands up onto his shoulders as he then wraped his arms around my waist again.

I could feel his hard abs against my tummy. His cheeks brushed mine and he turned to give it multiple kisses.

Why can’t I just push him away? All I did was just stood there like a freaking mannequin.

"You have no idea how long I have been waiting for this to happen," he whispered into my ears. I'm pretty sure my face was flushed and might probably be redder than a radish.

"J..jay.." I finally forced my voice to crack out of the situation.

"Yes, babe?"

"I think.. We should.. Have breakfast together, “ I said and that made him stopped whatever physical contact he was doing to me.

He immediately let me go from his embrace and straighten up his collars and said, "yeah, we should.. do that..".

He sat in the sofa again as he rummaged through my collection of DVDs and pouted. I laughed a little in my heart. He must be damn embarrassed by what just happened. He thought I wanted to get intimate. Poor boy..

I showered and got all ready. Work would start in a few more hours, so I have ample time for breakfast with him. Pat on the shoulder for me for making an effort in this trial relationship.

I got out of my room and happily chirped, "kaja!".


I got to work on time, even though I walked there. As always, Jay would insist to send me to work, but I wanted to walk. I like walking. I get to spend a little time on my own, which seems to be a luxury these days.

I thought about Kyuhyun. He didn’t have anything scheduled for today. He probably is still sleeping at home. He hadn’t brought me my ‘daily delivery’. Honestly, it wasn’t the vitamin I wanted to see every day. It was him. I wanted to see him every day.

The smell of his scent, the feeling of his skin seemed to have gotten inside of me, or into the air all around me. He had become a physical necessity.

Why did I have to fall so hard?

I shrugged and shuddered to myself. I really should snap out of this daze and get work done. I looked around and tried to find something to do or that needed to be done. Nothing.

Nothing? That can’t be right. I checked my checklist. Wow. I really had everything done. Good job, girl.

Great. So I had everything settled. Now what should I do?

Noona.. message-ji~!



Mira-ya, ppali come home.

Appa was hit by a car.


I dropped my phone and my hands were shaking. I felt like fainting as cold sweat began to form on my forehead. I gathered my stuff and dashed out of the room.

I pressed the G button in the elevator like five hundred times. Why won’t the elevator go faster?!

I tried to calm the crap out of me.

“Appa will be fine. He’ll be fine. He’ll be fine,” I kept on repeating my mantra, nodding my head like a frantic person.

I bumped into an officemate at the lobby and informed her of what happened and told her I needed to leave for Jeju-do immediately. She said she’ll inform sajang-nim and I shouldn’t worry.

I quickly thanked her and instantly hailed a taxi as soon as I saw one on the street.

I wasn’t sure, but I thought I caught a glimpse of Kyuhyun as I got into the taxi. I just couldn’t think anymore. Appa, please wait for me. Appa..

“Ajuhssi, please get to Incheon airport, ppali,” I said and I felt like crying ever so badly. I tried calling omma’s cell and the house phone, but nobody answered.

I scrammed out of the taxi as soon as I got to the airport. I went to the counter and asked for an immediate flight to Jeju-do.

“The earliest flight to Jeju-do as of this time will leave in half an hour’s time, miss,” the lady at the counter said.

“Oh thank god, please get me a ticket,” I said as I took out my purse from my bag.

“That will be a business class seat for one, are you okay with that miss?” she asked again. I was in awe.

“Umm. Aren’t there any economy class seats left?” I nervously asked and she shook her head and said I needed to wait for the next two coming flights as the ones before that are all fully booked. I felt my eyes tearing.

In my mind, I was mentally calculating the balance I have in my account. I couldn’t possibly afford a business class ticket even if I starved and saved up for a month!

“We’ll take that,” I heard the person next to me say and the next thing I heard the lady at the counter confirmed two business class seats tickets.

There goes my luck. I figured I should just paddle my way to Jeju-do and get eaten by sharks while I’m at it. It was then when I felt my bag being tugged backwards.

“She needs your identification card. Where are you going?”

“Huh?” was all I could reply to that man. The man with that velvety voice. He snapped his fingers in front of my face.

“Ppali.. or we’ll miss the flight,” he said in a serious tone, which made me immediately take out my purse and handed him my identification card.

I just stared at him like a puppy loyally waiting for his owner. What is he doing here? Did he just buy the business class tickets to Jeju-do? What was that, did he buy two tickets? How much was that?

“O..o..olmayeyo?” I tugged his sleeves as he waited for the lady at the counter. It must've costed a fortune, for last minute air tickets, and to make it even more expensive, business class.

He turned to look at me and instead of answering, he slowly held my hand and grasped it until I felt a sense of security. I have no idea how he did that, but I felt like, this, here, that is my knight in shiny armor and I felt ultra safe having him by my side.

Kyuhyun-shi, my hero~

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Check out my new Kyuhyun ff, y'all. The title is [aegis]. See you there!


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Chapter 33: Ahhhhhhhhhhhh daebakkkkkk!!!!!! Iloveit!!!!!!! Perfect!!!!!!!!83)3';(;7;8:):): mmmuah!!!!
Chapter 32: Love in the airrrrrrr
Chapter 25: Oh my silly mira she should have just tell kyu the truth
Chapter 24: My god iakqndycoaLGdycoekemsmdycuduhdhdhdhdhdhd they kissed!!! Fireworks!!!!!!!
Chapter 22: Eeeepp someone pls confess!!haha
Chapter 21: Shupó kyu to the rescue!!!!
Chapter 20: My feelings when u fall in love is all mixed up. Hurt, insult, melts, whatever haha
Chapter 18: Noooo kyu must be heartbroken!!!!
Chapter 17: Poor mira i hate guessing game relationship