
That Man

Happy Eid, everyone.

i sincerely appologize for not updating,

so, here's 3 episodes, back-2-back



"I owe you dinner," he insisted.

"It's okay. I can have dinner at home," I said as I continued walking.

"You owe me dinner then," I'm guessing he ran out of ideas.

I stopped and looked at him. "Me?"

"Remember? Last night? But you wanted to have dinner with somebody else," he sulked and that made me remember the events of yesterday. I sighed. I thought I could go home early today. I don't want to end up in a another fight with Kyuhyun. So, I agreed. His eyes sparkled when I said that I'll go with him.

"Don't worry. It won't be just the two of us," he said as he drove off from the parking lot of the SM Building. Why would I worry? "Some other cute guys will be there too, so I won't be the only cute one there," he said and I looked at him as a matter of fact.

Throughout the ride there, he kept on talking and asking me some stuff once in a while. I like this. I like him like this. Cheerful, talkative and he even laughs a lot. I hate the monotonous lifeless Kyuhyun. This is so much better.

"Yahh.. I didn't know I was that good looking. You can't keep your eyes off me right?" he caught me staring at him as the car stopped at a red trafficlight.

"Psk. I wasn't looking at you. I was.. Looking outside of your window," I stuttered.

"Wae? Why look outside? Just look at me.." he said, making sure he faded out the last part of his sentence. But of course I heard it. We arrived at a Chinese restaurant and he parked the car safely. "Ka ja!" he said enthusiastically.

"Chamkanman juseyo," I pulled his arm. He looked at me. "Why is your hair like that?" I said and immediately started to ruffle his hair into place. I didn't need a comb and just used my fingers. He kept his eyes on me as the stylist in me just  couldn't let his hair be. "Am I that good looking, Kyuhyun-shi?" I asked the question he asked me just now and let out a small laugh.

"Ne," he said looking straight at me. I caught his stare and stopped ruffling his hair. It was like a five second staring contest for the both of us. I felt my cheeks burning and adjusted the rims of my glasses and told him we should go now. He coughed a little and said, "is my hair okay now? Right. Let's go."

We walked into the restaurant and saw someone waving and walked straight to that round table. I couldn't believe my eyes. Kyuhyun was right. These guys are cute. Why it's the Kyu Line! He could've told me earlier that he'd be eating with his Kyu Line. This is awesome!

"Mira-shi! Anyeonghaseyo.." they stood up and bowed. I bowed in reply. Kyuhyun must've told them about me.

"Yah.. Why have you guys started eating without us?" Kyuhyun said as he pulled my hands and told me to sit next to him. Beside me was Minho and beside Kyuhyun was Changmin.

"You're late,"Jonghyun said.

"My personal stylist didn't like my hair, so, you know.." he said started to sip his glass of white wine. I smiled at them as they looked at me.

"Mira-shi, why isit that  someone as pretty as you ended up becoming Kyuhyun's personal stylist? I'm so jealous of him," Jonghyun asked and I told him the story about how I ended up as a personal stylist. Once in a while, I would glance to Kyuhyun and wonder what he and Changmin are whispering about. They must have a lot of stories to share.

"Ahh there he is. What took you so long, man?" Jonghyun suddenly said and I looked up to see, who? None other than Park Jayboem. I turned to look at Kyu as he too was looking at Jay. He then grabbed his wine and gulped down the whole glass. This can't be good.

Jay shook hands with the guys, but when he came to me, he stooped down between Kyuhyun and I and gave me a kiss on the cheeks. Kyuhyun wasn't looking at me. Instead, he was pouring another glass of wine.

"Yah Park Jayboem! Why did you kiss Mira-shi? That's so unfair," Changmin said. Jay laughed and ignored Changmin. From the corner of my eyes, I could see Kyuhyun's jaws twitching. I remembered Kyuhyun saying in the text he sent me, that he didn't want to kiss me, but wants a kiss from me, as payback for the Jayboem kisses.

I, on the other hand, have no idea why on earth must I strike a balance between them. But Kyuhyun asking a kiss from me, bet thousands of fan are willing to exchange places with me.

Jonghyun said he invited Jay to join us as he was coincidentally around the corner. Jay sat himself between Minho and Changmin, in front of me and Kyuhyun.

"Have a drink," Kyuhyun said and poured a glass of wine for Jay. He was actually looking very cool. "Would you like some?" he looked at me as he poured it into my glass.

"Sure, but I don't drink much," I said as I took a sip from the glass. Then, Kyuhyun took my glass and exchanged it with his glass of plain water. I looked at him and gave him a sweet smile.

"Are you afraid she'll get drunk?" Minho asked Kyuhyun.

"No, I'm afraid she'll barf it out in my car later," the boys laughed as Kyuhyun placed a piece of beef onto my plate. "Besides, what's to be afraid if she does get drunk. I might even get a kiss," he added and came really close to me.

I pushed him back and said, " are you drunk now?" and the boys continued eating and laughing at the same time.

The round table was really a small one, because I could feel somebody's leg brushing against mine once in a while. I looked down and saw a pair of red Vans with wings wiggling around. I looked up and saw a big grin on Jay's face. Great.

I mouthed out 'mwoya?' to him, as he was sitting in front of me but across the table, and the boys were kind of loud, I didn't want to have to shout to him. Apparently, Minho got up and went to the gents, and that's when Jay stood up to sit next to me. Maybe he has something to say, I thought.

"Let's go out after this," he said with that dreamy face of his. "It's Friday night," he added and raised a browse. He sat with his body leaning and elbows on his knee, looking at me. Sometimes his eyes shift to look behind me. Was he looking at Kyuhyun?

"I really just want to go back and sleep," Jay-shi, I said and made a tired face.

"Why are you so tired?" he asked and to my surprise, pushed the bangs of my hair off my forehead, just like a caring old boyfriend. . He sure is being bold. What would others say if they saw? I was surprised and didn't know what to say. "I'll call you later, okay?" he said and I nodded blankly.

Dinner was over and we all went our separate ways, except for me and Kyuhyun. He was quiet most of the time, giving one word replies whenever I asked or said something.

"Where are we going?" I asked him, realizing that this isn't the way to my apartment. Yah! Where are you taking me?

"Kyuhyun-shi!" I asked again, louder and tugged the sleeves of his shirt. He took my hands and slowly placed it on my lap.

"Let's watch a movie," he said and his hand patted my hand. "At my place," he added and I immediately pushed his hand off and widen my eyes. 

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Check out my new Kyuhyun ff, y'all. The title is [aegis]. See you there!


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Chapter 33: Ahhhhhhhhhhhh daebakkkkkk!!!!!! Iloveit!!!!!!! Perfect!!!!!!!!83)3';(;7;8:):): mmmuah!!!!
Chapter 32: Love in the airrrrrrr
Chapter 25: Oh my silly mira she should have just tell kyu the truth
Chapter 24: My god iakqndycoaLGdycoekemsmdycuduhdhdhdhdhdhd they kissed!!! Fireworks!!!!!!!
Chapter 22: Eeeepp someone pls confess!!haha
Chapter 21: Shupó kyu to the rescue!!!!
Chapter 20: My feelings when u fall in love is all mixed up. Hurt, insult, melts, whatever haha
Chapter 18: Noooo kyu must be heartbroken!!!!
Chapter 17: Poor mira i hate guessing game relationship