He Doesn't Deserve A Good Life

The Friendly and The Mean

            Yoseob hesitated and decided to pretend to not hear anything. As he turned away, a hand grabbed his wrist firmly and pulled him back.

            “Ow, ow!” Yoseob groaned in pain and looked to see Junhyung’s infuriated eyes looking back. Avoiding eye contact, Yoseob tried to break free from the angered hyung’s grip. “Mianhe! I’m so sorry, hyung! Please, let me go! Mianhe!” Junhyung didn’t let go. Rather, he tightened his grip on Yoseob’s wrist, making the boy cry in pain.


            “Junhyung! Stop it, before you break his wrist!” Doojoon got up and broke up the two. Yoseob grabbed his wrist, massaging it and looking at the red marks that engulfed it. 

            “Mianhe, hyung! I’m sorry!” He turned over to Junhyung and apologized, bowing as he did so. Standing up, Junhyung advanced to kick the boy, but Doojoon was faster to stop him. Yoseob ducked and cried out in fright, trembling with his eyes closed. Doojoon spoke with a stern voice.

            “Junhyung, that is enough.” The angered bully glared at his hyung and stormed out of the scene. Turning over to Yoseob, who was shaking uncontrollably, the hyung spoke with a serious tone. “Yoseob, don’t snoop around on us like that.” He left the boy standing alone by the desk.


            Junhyung shoved aside any person that was in his path as he stormed down the corridor. Doojoon ran after him, avoiding people as he went.

            “Mianhe! Excuse me, sorry!” Slowly catching up, Doojoon reached out to grab Junhyung. He missed by an inch as Junhyung rounded the corner.

            Kikwang and Dongwoon walked out of their classroom, discussing some of the class work. Dongwoon looked to his left and before he knew it, he was shoved to the wall.

            “MOVE!” Kikwang ran up to him and pulled him back.

            “Do you really think you can pull off something like that and leave with no problem?” Junhyung turned and glared down at him. He laughed at Kikwang’s rage, making the boy feel small. But Kikwang remained to stand strong.

            “Problem? What problem? The one who’ll end up with a problem will be you.” Junhyung rolled his eyes and left off, forgetting about Yoseob for a moment. From behind, Doojoon caught up and grabbed Junhyung’s arm. Thinking it was Kikwang, the younger one threw a fist as he turned around and hit Doojoon across the face. Kikwang’s and Dongwoon’s eyes widened with surprise as they watch the bully strike the hyung’s face. Junhyung pulled back in shock and stared as a drop of blood trickled from Doojoon’s lip. The hyung began to wipe off the blood, but he heard a voice in the distance.

            “WAIT!” the male voice called. The four looked over to see Ashley nonchalantly walking over to the violent scene. Using her Brian-mop, she cleaned up Doojoon’s face and left. The Brian-mop spoke again, “Go on.” As the two exited, the mop sang “Baby, come back~! YOU CAN BLAME IT ALL ON ME~!” The four stared with puzzled faces, Dongwoon being especially curious with the talking mop. He ran off to follow the pair and left Kikwang, Doojoon, and Junhyung alone in an awkward silence. Doojoon looked over at Junhyung, receiving a shrug for a response. Junhyung’s eyes widened again as he remembered he had struck his hyung, he began to bow and apologize.

            “Hyung! I am so sorry! Mianhe! Mianhe! I didn’t know it was you!”

            “Junhyung, calm down. You need to calm. Yourself. Down. Don’t mind me, go apologize to Dongwoon, Kikwang, and Yoseob.”

            “Yoseob spent his time eavesdropping on us. Shouldn’t he be sorry?” Junhyung let out a breath.

            “And he was. Junhyung, Yoseob doesn’t mean any harm. And you know that.”

            “Of course I know that. It’s just that…I didn’t want him finding out so much about me…He’ll know I’m nothing now.”

            “Junhyung, don’t think such a thing. Yoseob will gladly get to know you. You just need to work on your attitude.” Junhyung was staring at the floor, feeling guilty about all the trouble and pain he had caused. “You frighten everyone. I’m sure if you changed, they’d gladly befriend you. Don’t you think so?”

            “Hyung, I don’t think so. They probably hate me now. I’m so sure of it.”

            “You can start with Yoseob.” Junhyung’s jealousy came back, always hearing Doojoon mention Yoseob’s name. Kikwang in the distance watched as the two hyungs talked. Clueless of what to do, he left off to find Yoseob.

            “Doojoon, you always mention Yoseob. Why?”

            “Because…I know he’ll accept you.”

            “Do you ever talk about me…? To him?”

            “Well, I did when he asked me why you’re such a bully.”

            “Oh…” Junhyung’s guilt took over his mind. I’m…sorry…

            “Come on, this is getting nowhere. Let’s go find Yoseob, I’ll introduce you to him.” Doojoon grabbed his dongsaeng’s hand and dragged him along to find the blonde.


            “I can’t believe Doojoon just let him off like!” Kikwang furrowed his eyebrows together, frustrated with how Junhyung got away.

            “Kikwang, give him a chance.” Yoseob was eating another part of his kimbap, saving the rest for lunch. He handed Kikwang some of the food, who took it gladly and gulped it down.

            “A chance? Yoseob, Junhyung doesn’t deserve a chance!” Kikwang shouted with rage. He rested his head down on his hand and looked over at the blonde. He looked at the older one’s arm and noticed his wrist was red. “Yoseob-hyung! Are you okay?! What happened?!”

            “Ah, it’s nothing. I got into some trouble with Junhyung. I was caught eavesdropping on him, hehe.” He chuckled guiltily and rubbed the injured area. Kikwang’s face boiled red.

            “If he continues this, and takes it any farther, I will not forgive him.”

            “Kikwang! Why don’t you just leave this alone?” Yoseob was starting to become irritated, now knowing Junhyung’s background story. Kikwang snapped back at him.

            “Yoseob-hyung! I will not leave this alone anymore. This has gon-“


            “I DON’T CARE ABOUT HIS STORY. I DON’T CARE ABOUT HIM IN ANY WAY. THIS…INSENSITIVE IMBECILE DESERVES SOMETHING THAT WILL RUIN HIS LIFE. HE-“ In the background, the two hyungs approached the arguing dongsaengs, but stayed back as the heard Kikwang threaten Junhyung’s life. Junhyung frowned. Preparing to beat Kikwang for saying such a thing, Doojoon stopped him.

            “No.” Junhyung looked down in frustration. They heard Yoseob’s voice interrupt Kikwang.

            “STOP. Kikwang. That is enough. Don’t you say such a thing again. He’s…been through enough.”

            “HE OBVIOUSLY HASN’-“


            “HYUNG, NOT AS LONG AS JUNHYUNG CONTINUES TO BULLY YOU AND ANYONE ELSE AROUND, I WON’T STOP. I…I LOVE YOU. I-I’ve had enough of this. I’m unable to protect from any of this, and all you say is that it’s perfectly fine, when to me, it’s not! I feel…useless…” Kikwang shut his eyes tight, his face burning hot red. Completely useless… In the background, Doojoon and Junhyung listened with full attention. The oldest one’s heart drooped at Kikwang’s confession. Yoseob also felt his heart droop.


            “Mianhe, hyung. I have to leave. I’ll go find Dongwoon.” Kikwang got up from his seat and turned away to leave, realizing the two hyungs were listening the whole time. “Y-You…” Not knowing what to say anymore, the boy left off, holding back his tears. Yoseob looked up to see the two.

            “Y-You guys heard all of that?” They both nodded. Yoseob let out a sigh. I’m sorry. 


It's almost 3AM, sorry if this chp's poorly written. ^^''. And to clarify the section with "Ashley and the Brian-mop", my friends wanted to be randomly included into the fic for fun so I decided it wouldn't hurt if I put them in for just a bit. Sorry for the randomness. xP. Leave some comments! Thank you for reading/suscribing/commenting! I will try and keep updating as soon as possible!

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Yuki_IS #1
Chapter 28: The storylines was DAEBAK!!!!
Itzme_b2uty #2
This story is so good!! Please update soon!! >_<
sparks_ys #3
Chapter 26: also love the chatter when they played games...hahahaha.. laughed while rolling on the floor.... n the ashley, brian-mop and connie part... what's with??? LOL... enjoyed it especially dongni ppongni's 4D head.... XD
sparks_ys #4
Chapter 20: hohoho.... the 4D one in the fic goes to... sonNamShin!!! whoa~ luved how he knew about the fic comments... lol
PikaKyuLove #5
ROFL! Godwoon owns all! That was so funny! XD
LOL. At first I thought Dongwoon was the girll .. xD <br />
Update please :p
straightcut #7
dongwoon!!! so naughty!
Lol~ nice chapter ^^
MllKAA #9
wooow! hillarious! xD
-yoseob #10
ok lubz yew bbyqurl good luck on ur next chapter stop procrastinating i know where you live.............. w8 nvm u know where i live BUT STILL LOLOLOLASKDFHJGSDJFKH shut up. it aint funny. update soon. i be watchin u polaris.