I'm Only Being Used...

The Friendly and The Mean

            The door swung open and in Yoseob ran with his Chibimaru. Doojoon followed close behind and closed the door. He entered Yoseob’s room and looked as the boy put the huge plush on his bed and tucked it in next to a whole collection of plush toys. He looked up and smiled at his hyung. Then, he grabbed the outfit and put it away in his closet. Doojoon smiled back and continued looking around the room. Yoseob came running over and out the door to grab some food. Doojoon walked over to the dining table and put his phone down. He continued to glance around the house in silence and returning his glance back to Yoseob. Although it was silent, there was nothing awkward or tense about it. After Yoseob finished his food, he went to go wash his hands. Doojoon sighed and tried to find something to say. Yoseob came over and looked at him like an innocent child. Finally the silence was broken by the hyung.


            “AHH!” Smack! Breathing frantically, Yoseob killed the spider that he spotted crawling up the wall by Doojoon with a flyswatter. He put the weapon back and sat down again. Doojoon stared in silence for a moment, not knowing when Yoseob got the swatter in the first place. Yoseob looked at him, glanced around, and returned to gaze at the confused hyung. “Go on.”

            “-have to use the restroom.” The older one got up and looked around for the bathroom in the hallway.

            “It’s on the left!” Yoseob giggled at Doojoon’s cluelessness.

            “Ahh, thank you.” And Doojoon was gone.

            Yoseob sat alone in solitary and tried to find something to do. There was nothing interesting at the time being, until he noticed Doojoon’s phone lying on the table. The sleek figure seemed to shine and made Yoseob pick it up in curiosity. It shook, sending a small vibration through his arms, and causing him jump. He looked at the screen. There was a message from Junhyung. Mmm…Should I read it? He looked in every direction to make sure Doojoon wasn’t around. Eh, I guess I will. He opened the message.

            Doojoon did u start the assignment yet?

            Yoseob punched in the reply.

            No we didnt

            He sent it and decided to look through the older messages. Hmm. I wonder if Junhyung said hi back to me. Scrolling through, he couldn’t find a hello. He went back to the first message and began reading, assuming he skimmed too quickly.

            “Hey rly now. Is something wrong?

            Its nothing rly. U dont have to worry

            Oh so somthing is wrong

            R u still with Yoseob?

            Haha no idk where he went. Im looking for him right now

            I see well its just that..


            Yoseob looked at Junhyung’s message again. Why would it matter if I was there or not? The phone vibrated to notify a message.

            Ahh k then

            Not responding, he read on.

            ”Well i just dont like seeing u with him

            ? Is there something wrong with him

            Its not that he didnt do anything wrong its just. Nvm

            Junhyung, y dont u tell me

            Im kinda jelous of him is all

            Jealous you say

            Well not exactly jealous. I just dont want yu changin for him, u do kno ur my only friend

            Yoseob felt sympathy for the guy. He checked if Doojoon was out from the restroom. Sure that the hyung was still in the restroom, he returned to the phone.

            “Its alright i wont. Its only for the assignment

            The boy’s heart fell.

            “Haha k. Sorry for the mood hyung.

            Its fine

            Well thats pretty much the reason. Its nothing big I told u.

            Its alright hey ill talk to u later. Yoseobs back

            Putting down the phone, the boy frowned with disappointment. From inside the hall, Doojoon opened the door of the bathroom and came out. He looked over at Yoseob and noticed the upset face.

            “Is something the matter?”

            “Aniyo. It’s nothing,” the blonde replied directly.

            “Hey, I don’t need that attitude. What’s up?”

            “It's nothing! Really. You should get home! Before it gets dark, hyung.” The younger one tried to pull Doojoon up and lightly pushed him along.

            “No need for the rushing! But I guess I should go. I’ll see you tomorrow, Yoseob!” Doojoon reached for a hug, but Yoseob was already off and running into his room.

            “Don’t forget to lock the door!” he called from his room.

            “Huh.” Doojoon shrugged and closed the door. You're not mad at me or anything, right?


            “Yeoboseyo? Kikwang!”

            “Neh? Hey, Yoseob!”

            “What’re you doing? I’m so bored!”

            “Haha, I’m not doing anything much. Pretty bored, too. Just watching this show on TV. How’s it with Doojoon and Junhyung?”

            “We didn’t start on the assignment, yet. I don’t know what we’re supposed to do for it! Junhyung didn’t show up anyway. Doojoon is fine. I guess?”

            “Ahh…is he still nice to you?”

            “Yeah. For now. I read over some of his texts with Junhyung, and he said it was only for the assignment.” Yoseob frowned. “He’s still only using me. Aigoo, why does he gotta be like this.”

            “Haha, you shouldn’t get close to him while you’re working on this. You don’t want to become a total wreck when he leaves you.” Kikwang grinned, knowing Yoseob couldn’t see his face on the other side of the line. I don’t know if it’ll happen, but I’m making sure you don’t fall for Doojoon.

            “You’re right. I shouldn’t. He helped me pay for my huge Chibimaru plush, and even bought me a new outfit! Do you think this is part of some evil plot?” Yoseob puffed up his cheeks.

            “It’s possible! I’m sure he’s just being extra nice to you so you’d end up owing him. And to clear up the IOUs, he’ll make you do a bunch of his work!” Yoseob gasped at Kikwang’s statement.

            “What a clever jerk! But, even if I don’t do his work for him, he can always force me into doing it…He’s kinda scary when he acts mean.”


            “Ok, very. He’s very scary. So, what I don’t understand is, why would he act nice to me anyway?”

            “You ask him that. I think it’s because he likes you,” Kikwang joked and chuckled a bit.

            “What?! Don’t be silly!” Yoseob blushed.

            “Haha, calm down. I’m only joking. I won’t let him have you. What if he orders you around when you two get together! I don’t want that happening.” I don’t want you falling for him in the first place.

            “Kikwang! Okay, let’s change subjects. This topic is terrible. I’d stay away from him as much as possible.” Yoseob frowned at his phone.

            Kikwang smiled. “Mmm… There’s nothing really to talk about. What time is it?”

            “It’s around…9:47.” Yoseob heard his friend yawn over the phone. “You should get some sleep!”

            “Ahh, yeah. I probably should. I’ll see you! Have a goodnight.”

            “Goodnight!” Yoseob hung up and went to brush his teeth.

            Hearing his friend hang up, Kikwang’s mood died down. He listened to the monotone ring that came from his phone. “Saranghae…” He closed his phone and went to brush his teeth.


            Yoseob collapsed onto his bed in his dark room. And cuddled with Chibimaru and wrapped his legs around the huge plush toy. Kikwang is right. I shouldn’t get so close to you, hyung. But although you are such a bully, I never knew you had such a nice side. I wish you could stay like that. Yoseob thought back on the ice cream situation and his face started blushing. The tingly feeling in his cheeks bothered him. Slapping his face a few times, he gave a deep sigh. Doojoon, do you really like me?


Thank you for reading/suscribing! I am updating this as fast as I can while the ideas are still coming quickly to me. ^^

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Yuki_IS #1
Chapter 28: The storylines was DAEBAK!!!!
Itzme_b2uty #2
This story is so good!! Please update soon!! >_<
sparks_ys #3
Chapter 26: also love the chatter when they played games...hahahaha.. laughed while rolling on the floor.... n the ashley, brian-mop and connie part... what's with??? LOL... enjoyed it especially dongni ppongni's 4D head.... XD
sparks_ys #4
Chapter 20: hohoho.... the 4D one in the fic goes to... sonNamShin!!! whoa~ luved how he knew about the fic comments... lol
PikaKyuLove #5
ROFL! Godwoon owns all! That was so funny! XD
LOL. At first I thought Dongwoon was the girll .. xD <br />
Update please :p
straightcut #7
dongwoon!!! so naughty!
Lol~ nice chapter ^^
MllKAA #9
wooow! hillarious! xD
-yoseob #10
ok lubz yew bbyqurl good luck on ur next chapter stop procrastinating i know where you live.............. w8 nvm u know where i live BUT STILL LOLOLOLASKDFHJGSDJFKH shut up. it aint funny. update soon. i be watchin u polaris.