Yoseob, Cheer Up!

The Friendly and The Mean

            Daniel chased after the crying boy, calling his name.

            “YOSEOB!” He got closer and closer and began to reach for Yoseob’s arm. Finally, his hand hooked on and he pulled back.

            “Daniel! W-What do you want? Let me be alone!”

            “Come on, cheer up. Let’s get some ice cream.” Yoseob shook his head firmly and frowned.

            “Aniyo, I don’t want any. I just want to be alone. Let go of me.” Daniel started to pout in attempt to change Yoseob’s mind.

            “Please? I want some ice cream myself. It should cheer you up.”

            “No, Daniel. It won’t do anything, it’s just ice cream.” Daniel rolled his eyes and chuckled, nodding as he did so.

            “I guess you’re right. It’s just ice cream. But I still want some. Le-.”

            “Go get some yourself.” Yoseob dully interrupted. Daniel let out a sigh and scratched the back of his head.

            “Are you sure you don’t want any? I can pay for you.”

            “No, I don’t want anything!” The blonde was about to yank free from his friend’s grip.

            “Oh well!” Before Yoseob was able to escape, Daniel had already begun pulling. He dragged Yoseob briskly along, the blonde barely able to keep his footing.

            “Aniyo! Stop it! I don’t want any!” Daniel chuckled and continued on running. The blonde’s eyes had already stopped tearing and he felt slightly cheered up, but he denied to show it. “Let go of me!”

            “Nope!” The two dashed over to the lunch line and were ready to order some ice cream. Back at where they had just left, Doojoon finally reached, panting heavily.

            “Yoseob? Where’d you go…? Argh…” He wiped the sweat off of his forehead and scanned around the area, but Yoseob was nowhere in sight. The hyung resumed his search for the blonde, leaving in the opposite direction as the other two. He met up with Hyunseung and the others, catching his breath. “Have you…guys seen…Yoseob…?” Kikwang, Junhyung, and Hyunseung shook their heads, Dongwoon seemed to be focused on something on the floor. He began speaking.

            “He’s with Daniel.” Doojoon looked over at him.

            “I know that, but do you know where?” Dongwoon looked around thoughtfully for a moment.

            “Lunch line getting some ice cream? Go check there, hopefully they’re still there.” Doojoon bowed slightly and thanked him.

            “Kamsahamnida. Since you are Godwoon, they better be there.” He scampered off in the direction of the lunch lines. Dongwoon waved goodbye to him. Hyunseung and Junhyung seemed to be discussing something with each other. They turned over to Dongwoon and Hyunseung asked the question.

            “Since you’re Godwoon, can you tell us what’ll become of us in the future?” Dongwoon stared at him, surprised.

            “Uhh…” Kikwang turned his attention over to the three, becoming interested in the conversation. “I can tell you what happens in a few days…Is that future enough?” Hyunseung shrugged and nodded. Dongwoon frowned for a split second, thoughts running through his mind. “In a few days, one of you will find a random bunch of money on the floor and take the other out for dinner, without having to pay with your own money.” He shrugged. Hyunseung and Junhyung stared at him for a moment, but then also shrugged, deciding it was better than nothing. The couple went back to sit on the bench. Kikwang turned over to Dongwoon.

            “Is that really gonna happen, or did you just make that up?” Dongwoon puffed up his cheeks.

            “I kinda made that up. I know something’s gonna happen, but it won’t be good.” Kikwang looked at him with a worried expression. Dongwoon turned over to him and smiled. “Come on, it won’t be too bad.”


            Daniel and Yoseob had begun eating their ice cream, sitting at the bench by the large tree in front of the A building. The lunch line wasn’t too far away, but was unable to be seen anymore for the huge tree had blocked the view. Daniel smiled as he glanced over to the blonde, who also seemed to be smiling to himself.

            “Feeling better, neh?” Yoseob quickly turned over, surprised, and changed his smile to an expressionless face.

            “Uh, errr…I didn’t want this ice cream at first!” Daniel rolled his eyes and gave Yoseob a one-armed hug.

            “If you’re enjoying yourself, just admit it.” Yoseob stared at the floor, puffing up his squishy cheeks.

            “Alright, okay. Kamsahamnida, Daniel.” The blonde smiled happily at his friend, who returned the friendly gesture.

            “Yoseob, was Doojoon the one who made you cry?” The blonde looked off to the side and turned his gaze back to Daniel, nodding. “You like him?” Yoseob nodded again. “You know, if he doesn’t make you happy, you should forget about him. I heard Kikwang likes you, you have him instead.” Yoseob chuckled and shook his head.

            “But I think he’s over me. Besides, me and Doojoon a-.” A voice near the tree and lunch line was heard.

            “Yoseob? Yoseob, where’d you go?” The blonde turned over to see Doojoon looking for him. Daniel got up and looked also. Yoseob frowned and began speaking with a bothered tone.

            “Aish, why is he here?” Quickly finishing up his ice cream, the blonde threw the wrapper away and began to leave, quietly and sneakily so the hyung wouldn’t catch him. Daniel got up and followed along. Doojoon continued searching around.

            “Yoseob, you’re somewhere around here, aren’t you? Aigoo, where is he?” Yoseob started to pick up his pace when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Shock ran through his spine, he froze in place, shutting his eyes tight shut.

            “D-Doojoon-hyung?” He spoke with a shivery voice. The hand lifted off his shoulder and his body began to relax a bit.

            “What? Doojoon is looking for you over there, why’re you sneaking off?” Yoseob opened his eyes and turned over to see Seungri looking at him. Daniel was standing beside him.

            “Shh, it’s nothing.” The blonde grabbed both of their arms and immediately ran off, still uncaught by the hyung. Doojoon felt like giving up, walking over to the tree and plopping onto the bench Yoseob and Daniel just sat in. The shade cooled him down from running around in the heat.

            “Dongwoon said you’d be here…I guess I’ll tell him in class then.” Doojoon got up and began to walk back to the other four.


            “To make things clear, me and Doojoon are boyfriend-boyfriend. And what me and Daniel just saw, I’m disappointed in that he’s cheating on me!” Seungri and Daniel listened, their mouths opened, eyes fixed on Yoseob’s face. “I can’t believe he would do such a thing! I thought I could trust him. Aigoo! I don’t want to see his face in class anymore. I am so mad!” Seungri and Daniel continued watching as Yoseob started pacing around, shouting and releasing his anger by himself. Tears began to fill his eyes again. “I can’t believe…he would do such a thing!” He began weeping to himself, the two quickly scrambled over to comfort him. They had no idea what to do, so they just hugged him and rocked him back and forth. Seungri began to sing to cheer him up.

            “I’m so stupid~ I’m so stupid~ I’m so stupid~!” Yoseob stared at him with a tearstained face.

            “What? No, you’re not. Stop that. Sing something else.” He wiped a tear off his face. Daniel stared over at Seungri, giving a shrug. Yoseob began sobbing again and the two resumed rocking him. Daniel tried to comfort him.

            “It’s okay! Come on, cheer up. Do you want more ice cream?” Yoseob shook his head. Seungri dug through his pocket, pulling out a ring.

            “I don’t have much, but if you cheer up, I’ll let you have this ring!” Yoseob looked at the ring in Seungri’s hands, eyes sore and red. He thought it was a nice-looking ring. Wiping his eyes once more, he nodded. Seungri chuckled and gave it to him. Yoseob slipped it onto his finger and gave his two friends a tight hug.

            “Kamsahamnida, I’m such a big baby.” Seungri chuckled.

            “It’s alright, we all have our babyish moments.” The bell rang, signaling it was class time.

            “Aww…I have to see him now…Thanks, guys. I’ll see you!” Yoseob smiled, face stained with dry tears, and ran off to class. The two waved goodbye to him and started off to class.


            Once the blonde reached the classroom, he decided to take a few pictures of his new ring. He did several different things with it for the pictures, he even bit it. He put the ring away when Doojoon came walking into the class. Doojoon’s face seemed to be relieved, he quickly came over to the blonde.

            “Yoseob, where were you? I was looking for you the whole time!” The blonde looked off in a different direction, leaving the hyung answerless. He gave Doojoon back his binder and remained silent. “Yoseob…Is something up?” Doojoon knew exactly what was wrong.


            “Come on, don’t lie to me.”

            “I’m not lying.” Doojoon let out a sigh. Hyunseung and Junhyung came in to take their seats. They glanced over at the couple, full attention when it seemed tense.

            “You…You saw what happened earlier didn’t you…?” Yoseob remained expressionless, looking off somewhere else. Doojoon noticed anger began to fill his face, but the boy remained calm.

            “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

            “Yes, you do, Yoseob. I know you do.”

            “Then, you’re not making it any better.” The boy sounded clearly irritated. Junhyung and Hyunseung were surprised.

            “I’m sorry, mianhe, but please understand that I didn’t kiss him…” Yoseob turned over to face him, glaring at him with anger-filled eyes.

            “I saw you kissing him, what do you mean you didn’t kiss him? And I don’t even know who it was.”

            “It was Hongki…He was the one who kissed me…”

            “And you didn’t do anything about it? I’m sure you liked it. Hyung, I can’t believe you.”

            “I thought that you could trust me…What happe-.”

            “That’s what I thought also, hyung. I always thought I could trust you!” Junhyung ran over to Hyunseung, pulling out a bag of popcorn. The two ate quietly as they listened to the couple fight. “But guess what, they were only thoughts. We didn’t know for sure, and now I know that I can’t trust you. Not anymore.” Yoseob turned back to look at the JunSeung couple, grabbing a handful of popcorn and eating it up. He returned his attention to Doojoon.

            “Yoseob, you’re just misunderstanding! I couldn’t d-.”

            “We’re having seat changes, students! Get up and out of your seats, I shall assign you all new ones!” Mr. Kim announced to the class as soon as he stepped into the class. The DooSeob couple sighed and all four got out of their seats as the other students did. Yoseob ended up sitting on the far left side of the classroom, 2ndto last row from the front. Doojoon was assigned a seat in the same row, but on the right side. Junhyung sat in front of Yoseob, Hyunseung sat on the left side of Doojoon. Hyunseung called over to Junhyung.

            “Don’t miss me too much!” Junhyung laughed.

            “I won’t! I have this popcorn with me!” Yoseob got up and out of his seat, grabbing another handful and devouring it. Doojoon sighed, not knowing what to do. The boy wouldn’t listen to him. The period continued normally, but the four weren’t united anymore. The new seats had split them up far from each other. Once the bell rang, Junhyung and Hyunseung charged out the door. “I call first to shower!” Junhyung shouted as he ran down the hall.

            “You showered first, yesterday!” Hyunseung said back, their voices fading. Yoseob packed up his stuff and left out the door, Doojoon following him.

            “Stop following me, go home.” Doojoon remained persistent and stayed on Yoseob’s tail. The whole way, the two were completely silent. Yoseob unlocked the door to his house and opened it. The hyung took a step in, but was blocked off by the younger one. “You’re not staying here. I said go home.”

            “Wae? Yoseob, I’m trying to tell you, you’re just misun-.”

            “DOOJOON, PLEASE. JUST GO HOME!” Yoseob’s eyes filled up with tears. His hands flew up to his face and covered it up. Doojoon’s message just wouldn’t make it into his mind.

            “Why are you so stubborn? Why don’t you understand?” Yoseob had already begun crying, moving to the kitchen and turning on the stove. He put a pan on it, and put some ingredients beside it. He began making his way over to the couch and plopped onto it. Doojoon let out a deep breath. He took a step into the house and closed the door. He went over to the boy, wrapping his arms around him. The older one remained quiet, letting the boy cry as he hugged Doojoon back. After a short while, Yoseob had fallen asleep. Doojoon couldn’t move, so he decided to lie down, letting the blonde rest. Not too long, he was also asleep.

            Crackle. C-Crackle. Pop! Beep! Beep! Beep!


Can you tell what happened at the end? 8U

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Yuki_IS #1
Chapter 28: The storylines was DAEBAK!!!!
Itzme_b2uty #2
This story is so good!! Please update soon!! >_<
sparks_ys #3
Chapter 26: also love the chatter when they played games...hahahaha.. laughed while rolling on the floor.... n the ashley, brian-mop and connie part... what's with??? LOL... enjoyed it especially dongni ppongni's 4D head.... XD
sparks_ys #4
Chapter 20: hohoho.... the 4D one in the fic goes to... sonNamShin!!! whoa~ luved how he knew about the fic comments... lol
PikaKyuLove #5
ROFL! Godwoon owns all! That was so funny! XD
LOL. At first I thought Dongwoon was the girll .. xD <br />
Update please :p
straightcut #7
dongwoon!!! so naughty!
Lol~ nice chapter ^^
MllKAA #9
wooow! hillarious! xD
-yoseob #10
ok lubz yew bbyqurl good luck on ur next chapter stop procrastinating i know where you live.............. w8 nvm u know where i live BUT STILL LOLOLOLASKDFHJGSDJFKH shut up. it aint funny. update soon. i be watchin u polaris.