
The Friendly and The Mean

            Kikwang, Dongwoon, Junhyung, Hyunseung, and Doojoon all strolled down the sidewalk to Kikwang’s house, Yoseob asleep in Doojoon’s arms. Junhyung looked over at the hyung, who seemed to be drooping from weariness.

            “Hyung, you’re so tired! Let me carry him, you need some rest.”

            “Aniyo, it’s fine. We’re almost there anyway.” He breathed heavily as he spoke. Junhyung rolled his eyes and shrugged. Dongwoon glanced over at him, poking his shoulder. “Hmm?” Dongwoon whispered into his ear.

            “Have you confessed yet?” Junhyung turned a soft pink, slightly shaking his head.


            “Why not?”

            “I just didn’t get the chance to, I guess?”

            “Oh.” Dongwoon frowned and puffed up one of his cheeks. “You should do it later.”

            “Maybe.” Junhyung took a glimpse at the hyung next to him and exhaled. Kikwang suddenly shot forward. They reached the house and waited for him to unlock it. Doojoon quickly ran in and dropped Yoseob onto the couch, sighing in relief as he stretched his arms. The other four went over to the couch and gathered around Yoseob, staring at him and waiting for him to wake up. The blonde grumbled and began to rub his eyes. He opened his eyes slightly and look around lazily.

            “Why are you all staring at me? And where am I? Is this another dream?” Doojoon came over and chuckled.

            “What makes you think it was all a dream?”

            “I don’t know. My face just hurts. I thought it was a dream because I thought you and Junhyung were bullying that kid in class. And Hyunseung was nowhere to be seen! It was like the old days when you and Junhyung were mean.” Doojoon came over and put an ice pack on the boy’s face.

            “Keep that there.” The other four stared at him. Dongwoon began to talk.

            “Hyung, you’re okay right?” Yoseob nodded with smile.

            “It’s just painful. It’ll go away soon, though.” Kikwang stood up and let out a huge groan as he stretched.

            “So, what shall we do today?” He ran off to find the Wii. Doojoon chased after him.

            “No. No games, please. I at them.” Yoseob came running over.

            “Mario Kart!” Doojoon frowned at him.

            “Aniyo, why can’t we just watch a movie?”

            “I want to play Mario Kart, though…” Yoseob pouted. Doojoon sighed, but he didn’t want to make Yoseob unhappy.

            “Fine. But this is only for you.” Yoseob jumped up and down with joy. The hyung quickly planted a kiss on his cheek, turning him scarlet. Kikwang watched and looked down to the floor.

            “I’ll get the Wii…” He walked into the room and came out with the console. Dongwoon helped him plug in everything and soon the games were started. The first to play were Hyunseung, Yoseob, Kikwang, and Junhyung. Doojoon watched on the side with Dongwoon.

            “I missed the ramp!”

            “Who is that annoying Toad?”

            “Stop hitting me with that!”


            “I’m still in the lead, you guys!” Yoseob bragged, leaving the other three behind in his dust.

            “Yoseob-hyung, you are such a showoff.” Kikwang chuckled as he slowly caught up. “Just wait until I win.”

            “You are not going to win, because I said so.” The first race was coming to a finish, Kikwang right on Yoseob’s tail. The two stared at the screen as a blue shell came racing up over the blonde’s character. “No! No, no, no!” Kikwang smirked and turned his character away quickly.

            “I told you were going to lose!” He began laughing and didn’t realize he had driven off the edge. “Hahaha-. Wait, what?!” Yoseob laughed back at him in his face. The race ended, Kikwang ending up 8th, Yoseob in 6th. Junhyung and Hyunseung were close to the lead with 2ndand 3rd. On the side, Dongwoon was talking to Doojoon.

            “Hyung, I’m bored.”

            “What do you wanna do?”

            “I want to make Junhyung confess already.” The hyung’s eyes widened.

            “Then…why don’t you?”

            “I don’t know how.”

            “Hyunseung told me you called yourself Godwoon. Shouldn’t you know everything?”

            “Okay, maybe I do know how. But I don’t get the chance to.”

            “I don’t know how to help you with that…” Dongwoon frowned. He turned over to the guys that were busy playing.


            “Huh?” The boy looked away from the screen and fixed his glance on the younger one. Dongwoon began to signal over to Hyunseung. Junhyung stared at him, confused at first, and then shook his head. “Not now, I’m playing.” The younger one let out a frustrated sigh. He turned back to Doojoon.

            “I bet he’ll never confess at this rate.” The older one chuckled.

            “Don’t rush him, he will.” The two returned their eyes to the screen and watched the next few races, waiting for their turn. By the end of the grand prix, Junhyung ended up 7th, Hyunseung 5th, Yoseob 2nd, and Kikwang 1st by barely. Yoseob began bouncing with frustration.

            “Kikwang! You cheated! That’s impossible!”

            “Cheated?! I played fair and square, hyung. Just admit defeat.”

            “I call for a rematch.”

            “And lose again.”

            “I will win this time. Just you watch. JUST WATCH.” Junhyung and Hyunseung stared at the two and handed their remotes to the other two. Hyunseung got up and left to the bathroom. Junhyung remained on his seat, glancing over at Dongwoon who was motioning him over to the hallway. Junhyung let out a sigh and got up with a groan. As he walked, he talked to himself.

            “Alright. So just confess, wait for acceptance, hug, and do whatever they do in those corny love scenes…I’m waiting for him in front of the bathroom, isn’t that kind of creepy? I should go back…” He went back to the kitchen and grabbed a drink.


            He heard the toilet flush, his heartbeat began to quicken. It felt like he was sweating, his body feeling hot. Hyunseung came out and looked over to Junhyung, smiling. He walked over to the younger one.

            He’s coming over to me, what do I do. What do I do. Junhyung smiled back as he panicked in his mind. Offer him a drink! “Would you like something to drink?”

            “Oh, no, it’s fine, thank you.”

            “Oh, okay, then.” Do I just randomly tell him? I don’t know what I’m doing! He’s leaving, he’s leaving. Pull him back. Hyunseung began to turn away when Junhyung grabbed his arm and pulled him back. Hyunseung stared at him confused. Uhhh…food? “Uhhh…do you want some food? I’m kinda hungry myself.” Junhyung chuckled nervously and opened the fridge, quickly grabbing something that met his hand. He opened his mouth, ready to put the thing in his mouth, when Hyunseung stopped him. “Huh? You want some?”

            “Junhyung, you okay?”

            “Yeah, I’m fine. Why?”

            “You were about to eat a stick of butter.” Junhyung glanced down at what was in his hand. A stick of butter, just as the older one said.

            “Oh! Haha! Silly me, I should’ve paid attention to what I was reaching for, haha.” He continued laughing nervously, causing Hyunseung to stare at him as if he was crazy.

            “Are you sure you’re okay? You seem a bit…odd in the head…”

            “I’m fine, I’m fine.” Aniyo, I am not fine. I am in need of some advice right now. Dongwoon would be a big help right now…What would Dongwoon say…Junhyung looked over at Dongwoon, who in return was already staring at him. Dongwoon’s line of sight was straight at him, as if he was staring in Junhyung’s soul. Aish, kinda creepy…Junhyung turned away to face the hyung in front of him. He breathed out calmly. Hyunseung was still staring at him, slowly backing away towards the others. Junhyung grabbed his arm and pulled him back again.

            “What do you want…?” Hyunseung chuckled, trying to be polite but honestly, he thought Junhyung was turning crazy. Junhyung held his breath and stared at him. “Junhung, you are scaring me,” Hyunseung said bluntly.

            “Mianhe, mianhe!” Junhyung rubbed the back of his own head. Alright then…Here goes nothing…He shut his eyes and let out his breath. “I’m sorry for scaring you, but-.”

            “OW! KIKWANG, GET OFF.” Junhyung and Hyunseung turned over to see Kikwang sitting on Yoseob. Doojoon and Dongwoon watched, amused by the two kids.

            “Yoseob-hyung, you cheated! You cheated! I am not getting off! You will be my new cushion for cheating.”

            “I did not cheat!” Yoseob pushed Kikwang off with surprising force. Kikwang landed on the floor and glared up at the older one. He pounced back onto the couch and attacked Yoseob. Retaliating, Yoseob wrapped his arms around Kikwang’s back and jumped off the couch, landing on the floor on top of Kikwang. He sat up, leaving the boy helpless. “You can’t do anything now.”

            “Yoseob, get off! You’re so heavy!” Kikwang began to slap at the blonde’s arms. He finally shoved Yoseob off, and the two engaged into an all-out brawl. Dongwoon stared in fright and backed off to safety. Doojoon sighed.

            “Aish, you two are such kids! It’s just a game!” The two completely ignored the hyung’s statement, attacking each other. It was like they were play-wrestling with each other, laughing every now and then, and suddenly becoming ferocious towards each other. Junhyung rubbed his temples and called out.

            “Can you two keep it down?!” Hyunseung took this chance and began to run over to Dongwoon, but again, Junhyung grabbed his arm and pulled him back with his reflex. “Doojoon-hyung is right, you two are just a bunch of kids!” The two continued on with the fight, completely unaware they had WiiMotes in their hands. Before he knew it, Yoseob’s remote flew out of his hand straight towards Junhyung. Dongwoon and Doojoon watched as it sailed through the air. Yoseob felt emptiness in his hand.

            “Hey! Where’d my remote go?” Kikwang shrugged. The two turned around and saw the remote, soaring across the room straight to Junhyung. Hyunseung looked over, his eyes widening. Dongwoon’s and Doojoon’s eyes were still fixed on the white remote. Yoseob’s and Kikwang’s jaws dropped. Junhyung turned his eyes away from Hyunseung and saw the WiiMote head straight for his face. His first reaction was, of course, to duck. But even so, it was too late. It hit him straight on point in the head. Yoseob’s hands flew up to his open mouth. An “ooh” came from Doojoon’s mouth as he watched how painful it looked to have the slender remote strike Junhyung in the head. Hyunseung was too shocked to react. Kikwang stifled his laughter behind Yoseob.

            “Ow,” was all that came out of Junhyung’s mouth. He walked over to the two kids, grabbed Yoseob’s ice pack, and left to Kikwang’s room silently. The room was quiet as the door closed shut. Yoseob gazed around the room, Hyunseung, Doojoon, and Dongwoon staring at him.

            “Oops…?” He chuckled nervously. Kikwang couldn’t hold in his laughter anymore, he exploded from behind Yoseob.

            “HIS REACTION WAS HILARIOUS, DID YOU SEE THAT LOOK ON HIS FACE?!” Yoseob turned around and frowned, giving the boy a slap on the leg. “Okay, okay! Sorry! But you have to admit it was funny…” Doojoon went over to pick up the remote, throwing it onto the couch. Dongwoon stared at Hyunseung, his face lit up.

            “Oh! Oh! It’s perfect, Hyunseung, go in there and talk to Junhyung!” He smiled brightly and pushed the hyung over to the door.

            “Huh? Why in such a hurry? There’s no need for pushing…Dongwoon? Hey, why don’t you answ-.”


            Dongwoon slammed the door shut in his face, leaving Hyunseung in the room alone with Junhyung. He ran off giggling to the other three, who looked at him like he was a maniac. He stared back at them, suddenly calm.

            “You shouldn’t be looking at me like that, Yoseob was the one who threw that remote.” Yoseob puffed up his cheeks, feeling guilty.


            Hyunseung came over and sat down beside Junhyung, who was laying on Kikwang’s bed. He laughed at how funny Junhyung looked.

            “You should’ve seen your face out there.” Junhyung glared at him, but began chuckling.

            “My face? You should’ve seen your guys’ faces.” He moved the ice pack around to make it more comfortable. “I am never going out there again.”

            “Haha, even with a bruised face, Yoseob sure is active.”

            “Tell me about it. My head hurts.” Hyunseung rubbed the painful spot and massaged it, making Junhyung blush. “T-Thanks.”

            “So, what’d you want to tell me?” Junhyung’s heart began racing again.

            Just…tell him. It’s nothing bad… “What I wanted to tell you was also what I was talking about with Dongwoon and Kikwang.” Hyunseung simply nodded.

            “Go on.”

            Say it. Just say it. “I kinda…” He let out a breath. Just say it! Stop being so nervous. “I want yo-.” The door slammed open. Kikwang came running in with Yoseob.

            “Yoseob! I don’t have it in here! Look somewhere else!”

            “Stop lying to me! I bet you have it hidden in here somewhere!” Dongwoon came running after them and whispered sharply.

            “Hey! Get out of there! You’re not supposed to be in here yet!” Junhyung’s face was expressionless. He didn’t want to hold it in anymore. His face became a crimson red, he became hot with frustration. Hyunseung stared at him in fear, sensing a violent aura around him. Junhyung sat up and his fury exploded.


            “You could’ve had priva-.” Junhyung shot him a glare and he immediately shut his mouth.

            “NO. STOP IT. I WANT SOME PRIVACY RIGHT NOW.” He was breathing heavily with a red face, looking almost insane. Without his attention, Hyunseung had already wrapped his arms around Junhyung’s body, smiling and blushing like mad. Kikwang, Yoseob, and Dongwoon stood at the door, quiet and watched. They slowly inched out of the room, avoiding further trouble. Junhyung let out a breath of relief. The heat from his face escaped. “So…” He returned his attention to the hyung that was hugging him.

            “I love you, too!” Suddenly, there were four whispering voices at the door.

            “Congratulations!” Doojoon, Yoseob, Kikwang, and Dongwoon stood at the door smiling at the two. Hyunseung began to laugh as Junhyung frowned, WiiMotes landing beside his foot. Yoseob chuckled.

            “It’s you two’s turn to play again!” He ran out the door, the other three following along.


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Yuki_IS #1
Chapter 28: The storylines was DAEBAK!!!!
Itzme_b2uty #2
This story is so good!! Please update soon!! >_<
sparks_ys #3
Chapter 26: also love the chatter when they played games...hahahaha.. laughed while rolling on the floor.... n the ashley, brian-mop and connie part... what's with??? LOL... enjoyed it especially dongni ppongni's 4D head.... XD
sparks_ys #4
Chapter 20: hohoho.... the 4D one in the fic goes to... sonNamShin!!! whoa~ luved how he knew about the fic comments... lol
PikaKyuLove #5
ROFL! Godwoon owns all! That was so funny! XD
LOL. At first I thought Dongwoon was the girll .. xD <br />
Update please :p
straightcut #7
dongwoon!!! so naughty!
Lol~ nice chapter ^^
MllKAA #9
wooow! hillarious! xD
-yoseob #10
ok lubz yew bbyqurl good luck on ur next chapter stop procrastinating i know where you live.............. w8 nvm u know where i live BUT STILL LOLOLOLASKDFHJGSDJFKH shut up. it aint funny. update soon. i be watchin u polaris.