New Life

Goodbye Sad Love

Im Yoora P.O.V

   It has been 4 years after he leaving me. Everyday I cried. He never called me. He never message me. He never send letter for me. He never send gift for my birthday. DID HE HATE ME? What did I do to him? WHy did he suddenly leave me? Why did he abandon his study? After that morning I never see him. NEVER until now. My heart so hurt and my soul slowly become fragile. Now my body are empty. After that, I turn to a quiet and sorrow girl. Tears always surround me. Luckily that my study still go on and good. Now I tried to forget him. I HATE HIM! He makes me suffer for almost 4 years. 

   Today was my first day at Seoul Medical Centre as a nurse. Yes! I have to build a new life withour him. I MUST! Why I must thinking of him but he did not? Yoora, you can do it. 

   "Are you Yoora?" Someone calling me. 

   "Yes. It was my first day here. Can I help you." I respond to her then i read her name 'Yoon Hee'. Huh? She was the Head Nurse here. I suddenly bowed to her.

   "It is okay Yoora-sshi. Seem that you have trouble here." She smiling to me.

   "Yes. I'm still new here.".

   "Come, I will show to you your room. The Head Doctor was busy so he ask me to help you."

   "Ah, okay. I'm Im Yoora."

   "Yes I know you. The Head Doctor said to me. He say that you are an excellent student. Hope you can give your best in your career."

   "Yeah.. Thanks."

   As we talking, finally we reach the place. It was nice. Now I have to cure people illness, but who want to cure my illness? Junsu.. Did he hate me?



*Sorry for the late update ;D it is a bit short.. forgive my grammar :)

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About the flashback.. I can't promise to finish it early as I have many things to settle down. Mind to wait?


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nice fic i love it!!!!
ayabiruna #2
Chapter 18: Happy ending yeayyy!
O dear.... thanks to safe both of them (Junsu or Minwoo. So͵ there‘s no the miserable scene where someone should sacrified to.

I‘m going to hunt your another DBSK‘s iyagi.
ayabiruna #3
Hi CiqLuna :)
long time no see.... I mizz your FF.
I forget which chapter did I read the last͵ since I took a long hiatus to hunt the DBSK‘s FF.
So͵ I think I have to read from the first chapter ^_^
celebrateme #4
oh!! :DD

like it!! :DD
keep writing!! :D
naznew #5
oh,yes...i want a flashback...
I thought min woo died giving his heart to junsu..
hehe ^^ your story..
CinqLuna #7
@naznew Did you want it? I'll consider it. ;)
naznew #8
there are no flashback? i want to know how Junsu and Minwoo survive and how Minwoo meet Ara..
CinqLuna #9
'Still W' It's a DBSK fics. haha.
Yes! He's alive. don't worry.
ayabiruna #10
Huweeeeee.... *crying like the down pour*

What a poor yeoja *caressing Yoora* I‘m her friend right (proud to know my name in the character :D)
The next chapter is the end͵ is it? Please don‘t kill my Junsu.... He must stay alive.

Are you going to post the new FF? With Junsu as main character? Yippieeee... *jumpinginhappy*