I went somewhere

Goodbye Sad Love


     Junho caressed his younger brother cheek. It was burning. His eyes full of worry as Junsu began to cough. He replaced the damp cloth to a new one. It was the second day he took care of Junsu for two consecutive nights. He knew his brother cannot wait more. Junsu’s breath are loaded. Everything he can do is rub his brother chest, hope that the pain go away. He hated seeing his Junsu weak and in pain. Every day he keeps thinking why God did not give the pain to him? Why not him and why Junsu his little and only sibling he has. He put his chin on the bed while his hand keep playing with Junsu’s hair, try his best to not fall asleep.

    “Hyung, I’m sorry…… I really….. love you. Don’t leave… me.” Junsu sleep talking making Junho wake up at start and hug Junsu. He is so afraid if Junsu leave him. He just afraid.

   “No, I won’t leave you alone.” Junho can felt his tears making a little stream through his face. He quickly wiped it as he sees Junsu slowly open his eyes. He in pain, Junho can see that.

   “Hyung… pain.. it.. hurts..” Junsu groaned in pain, clutching his shirt and eyes began to teary cause by the unbearable pain in his inside make Junho’s heart more hurt. He wiped his brother sweat and soothe him.

    “It’s okay.. it’s okay Suie.. hyung’s here.” Junsu soothe his brother  in concernly while Junsu soft whimper return to crying in pain. He already give him the medicine. The only medicine he can only give right now just soothe him and gently cooed him. Hoping the pain will gone.

    “Hyung…. Please… make it… gone….” Junsu said wearily before he unconscious.

Yoora POV

   I wonder what is Junsu doing now. I miss him. Today I finish my work early as I ask the head nurse permission to do so. My mind still messing and I still cannot accept the fact that Junsu return here. I sip the coffee slowly as the door bell ring. I stand up and walking to the door. It was Min Woo.

   “Hi honey, how’s you doing?”

   “Min Woo. It’s already late. Why you’re here?” Yoora looked confused and letting his lover inside her house. She closed the door and went to kitchen. Taking out a sachet of coffee and mixing it then pour it into a mug, hand it over to Min Woo who already sit at the cozy sofa.

   “Nothing. Just want to look after my girlfriend. Is it wrong?” He told me and giving me a warm smile.

   “Well, I came just want to say to you that I will go to foreign country for almost 3 months. Well, you want to follow me?”

   “Eh? Why I should follow you. Are you getting more project?”

   “Yeah. So, I will go there tomorrow morning. Don’t send me or you will late. My sister will send and take you from the hospital. Is that okay for you?”

   I rub my non-itchy scalp and give him my confused look and pouted. Why so sudden he tell me this. Well, maybe he was too busy these days. Or maybe he was mad at me!

    “Did you….. mad at me?” I spoke incoherently.

    “Hah! Why must I do hate you? I know you love me right? It is not your fault at all.” Did he just lied to me. I can see his eyes tell me.  I was about to speak but suddenly he put his index finger to my lips.

    “Don’t you believe me? Just 3 months okay. I will contact you. Don’t worry.” He gave me his warm smile again. Then he wake up and heading to the door. I followed his footsteps suddenly he turn back and kiss me on my cheek.  I was mesmerized and stoned for a minute. He closed the door and the wind blew in from the window. In this time I did not think of him but Junsu.

Min Woo POV

   I’m sorry I have to lie to you. I did not go to anywhere. I know you still love him. I feel guilty for you. I’m stealing you from him. I made you fall in love with me while you still waiting for him. I am so sorry Yoora. Without me noticing a tears started to develop. I wiped the tears and started the engine.

   I drove my car yet I still did not know where to go. I really fell miserable. Did I hurt her heart? I arrived at the park and out from the car. I walked through the night, let the cold weather embrace me. I did not know how much I walk around the park until I found a river. I see there is some couple who resting while watching stars. I take a seat and left a heavy sigh. I take out my phone and my fingers dancing on the keypad and then place it to my ears.

    “Hey, did our plan going okay? I hope we can start it as soon as possible.” I spoke before the other line cut our conversation.

   “Junsu, I’m sorry. I hope you still not late to return to Yoora.”



yeay! Another update~~~~ cliffhanger? or did you can figure out what gonna happen? kekeke sorry, Voldemin blood runs in me XD If yes then I'm really a bad author *crying in one corner* *bows* please comment ya! Have a nice day my beloved subscriber. I will frequent update since I'm a little free and I already end my exams. Just waiting for the result. T_T

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About the flashback.. I can't promise to finish it early as I have many things to settle down. Mind to wait?


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nice fic i love it!!!!
ayabiruna #2
Chapter 18: Happy ending yeayyy!
O dear.... thanks to safe both of them (Junsu or Minwoo. So͵ there‘s no the miserable scene where someone should sacrified to.

I‘m going to hunt your another DBSK‘s iyagi.
ayabiruna #3
Hi CiqLuna :)
long time no see.... I mizz your FF.
I forget which chapter did I read the last͵ since I took a long hiatus to hunt the DBSK‘s FF.
So͵ I think I have to read from the first chapter ^_^
celebrateme #4
oh!! :DD

like it!! :DD
keep writing!! :D
naznew #5
oh,yes...i want a flashback...
I thought min woo died giving his heart to junsu..
hehe ^^
anyway...love your story..
CinqLuna #7
@naznew Did you want it? I'll consider it. ;)
naznew #8
there are no flashback? i want to know how Junsu and Minwoo survive and how Minwoo meet Ara..
CinqLuna #9
'Still W' It's a DBSK fics. haha.
Yes! He's alive. don't worry.
ayabiruna #10
Huweeeeee.... *crying like the down pour*

What a poor yeoja *caressing Yoora* I‘m her friend right (proud to know my name in the character :D)
The next chapter is the end͵ is it? Please don‘t kill my Junsu.... He must stay alive.

Are you going to post the new FF? With Junsu as main character? Yippieeee... *jumpinginhappy*