The Lake

Goodbye Sad Love


     "Min Woo.... I'm sorry...."

     "Shh.. Yoora what happen? And who is this?" Min Woo soothe her. Junsu watched the scene and put his hand to his chest. 'Not now' he coaxed his self. He walked toward the couple. Min Woo realized Junsu and began to ask whether Junsu are fine and Junsu just nodded. They two again turn their eyes to Yoora who still crying and sobbing.

    "Why you cry? Who are you?" Min Woo ask Junsu as soon as he gain no respon from Yoora.

    "I'm Kim Junsu. Are you her boyfriend?" Junsu hesitate to introduce himself.

    "Min Woo, I'm No Min Woo, her boyfriend. Glad to meet you. Well, this is my ID card. You can call me later. I have to bring her somewhere to keep her relax." Min Woo bring Yoora into his car and drove away.  Leaving Junsu alone.

Junsu POV

   So, she had a boyfriend huh? Great,  so now my effort such a waste? Hey, it was my own fault for leaving her away. Now I must get my own punishment. I starred at the ID card. No Min Woo, an architect and own a company. I sigh and put it in my wallet. I return back to my room and take my bag. Now I must move. I must accept that Yoora have someone that can make her happy and the person obviously not me.

   Why I get this disease? Sometimes I cursed myself for being coward and useless. Making his girlfriend suffer and alone. I walked and walked and walked. Follow where steps bring my body go. I did never care what happening around me. I fell in my own world. The sadness and sorrow embrace me.

Yoora POV

   Pabo Junsu! Pabo Junsu! Why you came now? Why? Why you came when I get my own happiness without you! Why you came when I ready to forget you? Why we met at the hospital? Why we met with your pale face? WHY? WHY? WHY?

   I was crying in the car. Min Woo drive and I knew where he want to take me to. The lake. The only place that always makes me calm. Since I was a little kid, my mom always take me to the lake that being the reason why I was so peaceful when I was here. This lake too makes me remind to my memory with Junsu. It was so hurt.

   Soon, we arrived. My sadness slowly recover and I stop sobbing. Only my eyes and nose still red. I follow my footsteps and after I tired I sit down. Min Woo following me from behind. He stop asking and just follow me now. My heart shattered into pieces but the calm lake makes me a little happy.

   Indeed I am happy when I see him. I miss his tender face, his unique voice and his warm smile. But when I met him in this condition I feel something not right. He even did not tell me the main reason why he was in the hospital. Exhausted looking me? Searching me? That was a little nonsense. I want to return to him but I already love Min Woo. He open the lock in my heart. But why now he return to me? I love Junsu and Min Woo. But…… why….

   “Hey, are you feeling okay now?” Min Woo asked me, full worry in his face.

   “I’m okay. Just a little tired. Thanks.” I respond his without a tone.

   “May I ask? Who is that guy?” Min Woo told me and I my heart was racing. What should I answer it?

   “He was….”



happy new year every one!!!~~~ wuuuu.. sorry for make you waiting again *smack my own head* yeah, the exam ended and now I feel relaxed to keep on writing. Your comments~! I love it ^^ thank you for reading. Is it boring chapter? I'm sorry, I will make it better. well, I guess I will make this chapter into 12 maybe. just look and see ^^ do comments and subcribe ^^ you are the best! *bow*

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About the flashback.. I can't promise to finish it early as I have many things to settle down. Mind to wait?


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nice fic i love it!!!!
ayabiruna #2
Chapter 18: Happy ending yeayyy!
O dear.... thanks to safe both of them (Junsu or Minwoo. So͵ there‘s no the miserable scene where someone should sacrified to.

I‘m going to hunt your another DBSK‘s iyagi.
ayabiruna #3
Hi CiqLuna :)
long time no see.... I mizz your FF.
I forget which chapter did I read the last͵ since I took a long hiatus to hunt the DBSK‘s FF.
So͵ I think I have to read from the first chapter ^_^
celebrateme #4
oh!! :DD

like it!! :DD
keep writing!! :D
naznew #5
oh,yes...i want a flashback...
I thought min woo died giving his heart to junsu..
hehe ^^ your story..
CinqLuna #7
@naznew Did you want it? I'll consider it. ;)
naznew #8
there are no flashback? i want to know how Junsu and Minwoo survive and how Minwoo meet Ara..
CinqLuna #9
'Still W' It's a DBSK fics. haha.
Yes! He's alive. don't worry.
ayabiruna #10
Huweeeeee.... *crying like the down pour*

What a poor yeoja *caressing Yoora* I‘m her friend right (proud to know my name in the character :D)
The next chapter is the end͵ is it? Please don‘t kill my Junsu.... He must stay alive.

Are you going to post the new FF? With Junsu as main character? Yippieeee... *jumpinginhappy*