The truth revealed

Goodbye Sad Love

  Junsu POV

   “Hyung? Why are you here?” Junsu still surprise with his hyung.

   “Why not? I can’t see my dongsaeng now?” His hyung grinned.

   “Nah, just, nothing.”

   “Did you find her?”


   “And you back to her?”

   “Nope.” A sigh release from Junho mouth. Junsu keep looking at the floor.

   “You must really tired huh? She is really bad leaving my poor Junsu alone.”

   “She did not hyung. She just get her new life. No offense okay!” Junsu half yelling.

    “I was joking. Maybe she was confused right now. Which one she has to do. You should give her more time. Em?” Junho caressed his little brother hair only notice that Junsu was having a fever.

   “You having a fever. Did you already take your medicine?” Junho worried and began to search for the medicine.

   “I am?” Junsu put his hand over his forehead and feel it. No wonder he feel nausea and headache earlier. Not to mention how weak he was even when walk. Junsu pointed his finger to the drawer and told Junho there is his medicine. Junho then grabbed the mineral water bottle and handed it to Junsu.

   “Medicine…. No, not again.” Junsu pouted and Junho give him a firm look to swallow that thing. Hesitate, Junsu take the pill and swallow it. He even gives the jerk look to Junho.

   “I hate this! I’m tired and I hate taking those drug into my body.”  Junsu rebel and made the long face.

   “Yah! Then promise me that you return to State and go on the treatment and having the surgery. Then those drug never haunted you again you little kid!” Junho pinched Junsu cheek.

   “HYUNGGG~~!!! Stop it hyung…..” Junsu irritated and pull over Junho body. He feel that his cheek are burning and red and he rub it like a little child.

   “Aish.. Since when my little brother easily lost his temper huh? Oh ya, since he didn’t make it with Yoora right!” Junho grinned and began tickling Junsu’s body. The two began to tickling each other and Junsu feel very happy that his hyung always beside him whenever he feel upset.


At the hospital

   After Min Woo send Yoora, waving some goodbye and kiss her cheek. He was about to go but suddenly he remembered about the guy named Junsu. He out from his luxury car and walking inside the hospital. After make sure her Yoora disappear from his sight. He secretly meet the doctor who in charge Junsu when he was hospitalized.

   “So, you are the person who take him to this hospital?” The doctor asked.

   “Yes, can I know his problem?” Min Woo began to dig out the secret.

   “I’m sorry, it was our patient thing and we cannot leak it to others.”  

   “But I know him. Please can you? I was his relatives.” He lied about that. He just want to know and want to clear the problem now.

   “If you say so, can you watch over him? He has trouble with his heart and I afraid that he can’t live much time.” Min Woo was mesmerized. He think that Junsu want to return to her because of his live is not too long enough.

   “Approximately 3 months. I hope you can take care of him since you know him and make sure that he was not under stress.”

   “Thank you doctor.” Min Woo bowed and the doctor leaves. As he was walking out the hospital he suddenly think one of the best plan.

   ‘I hope I can do this, for her sake’ he began to think and arranged his plan.



Oh... My dear Ayabiruna, I hope this chapter long enough to you. ^^ *bows* 

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About the flashback.. I can't promise to finish it early as I have many things to settle down. Mind to wait?


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nice fic i love it!!!!
ayabiruna #2
Chapter 18: Happy ending yeayyy!
O dear.... thanks to safe both of them (Junsu or Minwoo. So͵ there‘s no the miserable scene where someone should sacrified to.

I‘m going to hunt your another DBSK‘s iyagi.
ayabiruna #3
Hi CiqLuna :)
long time no see.... I mizz your FF.
I forget which chapter did I read the last͵ since I took a long hiatus to hunt the DBSK‘s FF.
So͵ I think I have to read from the first chapter ^_^
celebrateme #4
oh!! :DD

like it!! :DD
keep writing!! :D
naznew #5
oh,yes...i want a flashback...
I thought min woo died giving his heart to junsu..
hehe ^^ your story..
CinqLuna #7
@naznew Did you want it? I'll consider it. ;)
naznew #8
there are no flashback? i want to know how Junsu and Minwoo survive and how Minwoo meet Ara..
CinqLuna #9
'Still W' It's a DBSK fics. haha.
Yes! He's alive. don't worry.
ayabiruna #10
Huweeeeee.... *crying like the down pour*

What a poor yeoja *caressing Yoora* I‘m her friend right (proud to know my name in the character :D)
The next chapter is the end͵ is it? Please don‘t kill my Junsu.... He must stay alive.

Are you going to post the new FF? With Junsu as main character? Yippieeee... *jumpinginhappy*