I'm Leaving

Goodbye Sad Love

   "You know what? I love you with all my heart. You are my first love after all." Said Junsu to his very loved one, Yoora.

   "Yeah, even you didn't say it, I knew." Yoora said while punching Junsu nose. Then, they walking along the road while singing a song. Yes, they have been together since 2 years ago. Seoul University had united them. Im Yoora, a student from Medical faculty have a heart warming smile that really can make every one happy. She was a good daughter come from the good family background. Kim Junsu, a succesful soccer player during highschool and it will always be forever. He currently study in Law faculty was an obedient son. His dorky and cute laugh was so unique. 

   "Yoora." Junsu mention her. For a while, they stop walking. "Promise me, no matter what happen always remember me, okay?". Junsu said with eyes that full of meaningful.

   "Why Junsu-sshi? Why did you said like that? You won't leave me okay!" Yoora said with a little high pitched, afraid that she will losing her loved one. Junsu just smile and kiss her forehead gentlely. 

   Today was the very tired day for Yoora. Many assignment she must done it and her group very busy for that. For the couple of days she did not meet with Junsu, even message. She take out her brand new phone and call Junsu but unfortunately he did not pick up the phone. "Where is he?". Soon, she heading to the library to borrow some book for her assignment and bumped into someone.

   "Ah, sorry, my mistake. Are you o.." Yoora become panic. She very shocked the person she bumped into was Junsu. Her lover, 

   "Junsu, where are you going these day? You know how much I miss you? Why you did not pick up your phone? Why...". Tears began to fall from her eyes. She missed Junsu like crazy. Every movement, every second she only think about him.

   "Yoora, I'm sorry for did not respon you. I have some problem even i can't avoid it. I'm sorry for making you worried. Tomorrow I had to moved to Japan. I really want to see you and inform you about this, but I always don't have time to do so.".  Gentle he speak to Yoora while caressed her cheek. "Remember this, whatever happen, never forget me. OK?"



*yeah, I know this is not perfect.. new writer then. Besides, English is my second language after all :D



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About the flashback.. I can't promise to finish it early as I have many things to settle down. Mind to wait?


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nice fic i love it!!!!
ayabiruna #2
Chapter 18: Happy ending yeayyy!
O dear.... thanks to safe both of them (Junsu or Minwoo. So͵ there‘s no the miserable scene where someone should sacrified to.

I‘m going to hunt your another DBSK‘s iyagi.
ayabiruna #3
Hi CiqLuna :)
long time no see.... I mizz your FF.
I forget which chapter did I read the last͵ since I took a long hiatus to hunt the DBSK‘s FF.
So͵ I think I have to read from the first chapter ^_^
celebrateme #4
oh!! :DD

like it!! :DD
keep writing!! :D
naznew #5
oh,yes...i want a flashback...
I thought min woo died giving his heart to junsu..
hehe ^^
anyway...love your story..
CinqLuna #7
@naznew Did you want it? I'll consider it. ;)
naznew #8
there are no flashback? i want to know how Junsu and Minwoo survive and how Minwoo meet Ara..
CinqLuna #9
'Still W' It's a DBSK fics. haha.
Yes! He's alive. don't worry.
ayabiruna #10
Huweeeeee.... *crying like the down pour*

What a poor yeoja *caressing Yoora* I‘m her friend right (proud to know my name in the character :D)
The next chapter is the end͵ is it? Please don‘t kill my Junsu.... He must stay alive.

Are you going to post the new FF? With Junsu as main character? Yippieeee... *jumpinginhappy*