
My Soul Mate (A Little Mermaid Story)-Temporary Hiatus-
I groaned as I felt a sharp pain in my head and tried to sit up. A hand pushed me back down gently and I groaned once again. "Where am I?" I tried my best to recall what just happened to me but I couldn't. There were multiple voices around me and I began to feel a migraine sneak its way into my head. 
"Don't move. A young girl pushed you out of the way when a car came speeding your way. She ran off afterwards after receiving a phone call. The driver left before anyone could stop him." I forced my eyes to open, despite the pain behind them. An ajummah was wiping my forehead as she spoke. A girl? Ah! Something pushed me when a car was speeding towards me! I sat up slowly with the help of another ajummah and looked around. There was no young girl around us. Why did she flee? Just then a girl ran towards us, a phone in her hand. Is this the girl that saved me? 
"Ajummah! I called for an ambulance! It should be here soon! Why isn't he lying down?" She rushed to me and gently pushed me back down to a laying position. Instead of feeling the pavement, I felt a soft fabric beneath my head. I pushed the girls hands away and sat up once again, grabbing the fabric. It was a girls hoodie with the logo for Seoul University on the front. I frowned at it and looked for any indication as to whom it belonged to. There was nothing that could give me even the slightest idea of whom it could belong to.
"We found you with that under your head when we got here. It must be this young girls." The ajummah pointed to the girl who had run up to us just now. I looked at her but she stayed silent. 
"Is this yours?" I asked her but she didn't respond at first. I asked her again and shoved the jacket towards her. I began to feel frustrated when she still didn't respond. Then, all of a sudden, everything seemed to go black. 
I watched from afar as the ambulance showed up, loaded him into the back, and drove away. I wanted to follow them, but I would get nowhere on foot. Not only that, but he wouldn't want to see my face anyway. Which is why i ran as soon as someone came to see what had happened to him. How did that idiot not see that truck zooming at him?! I kicked the ground and turned away. He'll be fine... I'm sure he'll be fine... I started walking back home and frowned as I thought more and more about him. Why had I instantly thrown myself at him? It's not like we're on talking terms. We aren't even acquaintances! I bit my lip and shivered as a breeze hit me. Crap! I left my jacket with him! I shivered again and picked up my pace as I made my way home. I got home within ten minutes. Where was he coming from that he was in this area? Maybe that's why he's so familiar... Maybe we have passed each other before... That would explain why we feel so familiar. Yeah... 
I exhaled as I caught sight of my house and jogged to it, thankful to be home. I quickly rushed upstairs to the room I shared with Sooyoung and grabbed a set of clothes and a towel before running to the shower. With six girls sharing one bathroom it was very difficult to shower in the mornings. Which is why I always took a shower before I go to sleep instead of in the morning. I showered quickly and my way downstairs to the kitchen. Just like this morning, Jimin and Sooyoung were preparing dinner. They greeted me, Sooyoung eyeing me closely as I began setting the table. 
"Chaerin." I stood from where I was when Jimin called me. I hummed and walked to her. She gave me a strange look and them touched my wrist. "Is this... blood?" My eyes widened when her fingers appeared in front of me stained red. I gasped and I looked to my wrist. There was not a cut anywhere but on the sleeve of my shirt was a dark res stain. I had been too much in a hurry that i didn't change my shirt.This is his blood! 
"Oh... That... There was a dog on my way over. He almost got run over so i pulled him out of the way. When I pet him I must have gotten blood on myself. It's no big deal, oennie!" I laughed a bit and she just hummed. She followed me into the kitchen and we quickly washed our hands and carried out the final dishes. From what I understood, Hyeshin would be coming home late from work and KwangMi was busy with her mentor at a photoshoot that would not end until midnight. The only ones eating tonight would be myself, Appa, Minjoo, Sooyoung, and Jimin. Just as we sat down, Minjoo  announced her arrival home. She ran upstairs to change quickly and came back down with her hair a tangled mess. I chuckled as I watched her eat, less elegantly than I remembered. She must be studying ever day after classes without eating.
"Minjoo oennie..." She looked at me and swallowed the food in before telling me to go on. The others looked at me as they waited for me to speak. Even Appa was waiting. "Have you been eating well? You're not skipping meals are you?" She gave me a small smile and shook her head. 
"I'm fine, Chaerin. Don't worry about me." She gave me another smile before returning to her food. I sighed and turned back to my food. We practically ate in silence the entire time, save for the clinking of chopsticks and spoons. When we finished we went to bed, each to our respected rooms. I, on the other hand, made my way outside when I thought that everyone was already asleep. I couldn't stop thinking of that idiot. Was he okay? He probably was not injured fatally... I'm sure he's fine. He just hit his head a little. It's not like he actually got hit by a car. I sighed and sat down on the ledge of the wall in the front of the house. 
"What's wrong with me?" I frowned at my feet and sighed. I lifted my head and looked at the sky. Despite the fact that there were a lot of lights shinning tonight, I was able to see a clear view of the stars. I frowned as I began counting the stars that were clustered in one area above me. I couldn't help but picture that jerks face for some strange reason. I shook my head and blew out a sigh. "Why am I worried about you?"
"About who?" KwangMi appeared beside me and gave me a questioning look. I jumped and brought my hand to my mouth to hold back a shriek. She chuckled and I pouted. 
"No one." I puffed my cheeks as I replied and looked back up at the stars. She stayed silent for a while and then I heard the click of a camera. I looked at her and she grinned, looking at the screen of her digital camera. "Yah! Did you take a picture of me?! Oennie! Delete it! Please!" She laughed as I tried to reach for it and shook her head. 
"No! It will be a part of my portfolio. Even if you look exhausted. I like the way the moon shines on my adorable dongsaeng." She ruffled my hair and I pouted once again. Kwangmi always liked to tease the crap out of me. We became silent for a while and I enjoyed just having her company. She was the sister I rarely got to see. Since she was four years older than me, it was sometimes hard to relate to her. When I was ten, she was already fourteen, and we had very little in common. Now that all of us were grown up, it was a little easier to get along. I let out a sigh an leaned back on my hands, now set behind me. I felt KwangMi staring at me and I looked at her. 
"Is it about a boy?" My face became hot and I furiously shook my head. "Yah. Lee Chaerin, you're a terrible liar. It is about a boy! Hmmm~" She poked my arm and I scowled at her. "Is he nice?~"
"No. He's a jerk. He yelled at me and Junghee. He's a selfish, self-centered jerk who I don't care for!" I huffed and went back to looking at the sky, my forehead creased. 
"If you're this bothered about him, why are you worrying about him?" Her voice was soft and questioning. I didn't know the answer to her question. Maybe because I pitied him? Yeah. I think that's the right answer. 
"Oennie... Did I ever have any friends besides Hyunshik and Junghee while growing up?" She looked at me and pondered for a bit. After a few seconds she spoke. 
"No... But there was this kid who would walk by a lot and he would stare at you guys for a long time. Appa tried talking to him, but he would never say anything. Eventually he stopped coming by and we never saw him again. Why do you ask?" She seemed very curious as she leaned forward. I shrugged. 
"I'm just curious. I feel like I know this person but I've never seen him before in my life." I bit the inside of my cheek as she chuckled. 
"Maybe you knew each other in a past life. Soul mates last forever, Chaerin." She gave me a smile and stood up, stretching slightly. "Come inside soon. It's kind of chilly tonight. Goodnight."
"Neh, goodnight oennie." I watched as she made her way inside and I let out a sigh. "Soul mates? Maybe he's just a person I was close to before. He can't be a soul mate. He's a jerk." I shook my head and let out another sigh. I stood and brushed of my , before making my way inside and to the room I shared with Sooyoung. She was already snoring in her sleep, cuddling with her stuffed fish. I chuckled. She was supposed to be older than me, yet she acted like the youngest. I climbed into my bed and tried my best to push away all thoughts of that jerk. I still hope he is okay...
Welcome and welcome back! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I hope you noticed how I played a bit on the original. XD I probably won't keep doing that, but somehow it seemed to fit. 
Comments, subscriptions, and upvotes are much appreciated and loved! Do leave me some feedback down there! 
Until next time my lovelies!~~~~~~~
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914chelsea #1
Chapter 26: Pls uptade soon !!! It's a great story :-)
JellobaByNaekoYya #2
Chapter 24: I love thi story author - nim . Update soon ~^^
Hwaiting !!
Nylo-loves-kpop #3
Chapter 19: I love this story i Honestly cant wait for the next update its amazing CANT WAIT :D
Chapter 16: LOL I was not expectng Hyunshik to confess here omg XD I'm in love with the story!! update soon :)
Chapter 16: great update author-nim~ update soon as fast as you can.... ouh, and i miss you~~~
Chapter 15: Update soon~~ I'm in love with this story!!! >.<
Chapter 11: don't go anywhere Chaerin @@
Chapter 10: Kris is so selfish haha
Chapter 11: Update soon~ <3
Chapter 11: Such a great story~ Please update soon! I'll be waiting. ^^ Fighting!