She's Mine

My Soul Mate (A Little Mermaid Story)-Temporary Hiatus-




I watched as the car drove away and became slightly angered that he would be so mean to me after what I did for him. Oh… He doesn’t know that I am the one that saved him. I bit the inside of my cheek and held back a sigh, as Kris walked back to me and smiled.


“Sorry about that! Let’s go!” I nodded and we continued our walk to my home. Even though we were in school right now, I came home since it was my second eldest sisters birthday in about a week, and she would not be here to celebrate it because of her internship. Our father had insisted that we all make time today to have dinner at home together. Kris and I had bumped into each other unexpectedly at the convenience store just around the corner of the bus stop. I would have come with Junghee and Hyunshik, but they had to stay for their night classes.


Kris gave me a smile and let out a breath as he stretched his arms upwards. I looked at him, and laughed slightly. He should have been the one that was rude to me. Everything about him was intimidating. Except for his kind nature. “What? What’s so funny?”


“Nothing! I was just thinking that it’s weird how you’re so kind to me, even though your straight face seems somewhat hostile.” Being honest was something people usually praised me about, and even hated me for. But I felt that I could be honest with this person for some reason unknown to me. He gave a chuckle and I kicked a rock as we came to a stop just across from my house.


“I’m not as mean as people think I am. People have always been afraid of me because I am tall and my face scares people. You aren’t scared?” He leaned down so that our eyes were level with each other and he was only a few centimeters away. I felt my back begin to heat up and I gulped loudly as I shook my head and looked away. I wasn’t scared of him. Not one bit. I was comfortable around him and I felt protected whenever he was around. “Good. By the way, we are having a small party for our friend Suho. You should come. You can bring your friends.” He gave me another smile, something that didn’t really suit his features, yet made him look so friendly.


“Well, I’ll see if I can. Thanks for walking me here.” I was becoming a bit nervous in his presence and wanted to get across the street. He gave me a nod and gestured me for me to go inside my house. I nodded and quickly made my way to the gate and entered, without a single glance backwards.




I smiled as she hurried into the gate and waited a couple minutes until I heard the faint sound of a door closing before I began walking back to the convenience store, where my car was parked. Sure, I could have given her a ride in the car, but I wanted to spend more than just three minutes with her. There was something about her that interested me more than I should have been. While I walked, I thought about the first time we had encountered each other. Her personality was very interesting. I could tell that she was a very caring person, whom is very trustworthy and reliable. And she was not like all of the other girls that I knew. She would not run from me, nor would she smother me. And I could not deny the fact that I was very much attracted to her.


I jumped as my phone rang in my pocket, brining me out of my thoughts. I reached into my coat pocket and pulled out my cell phone, reading the caller ID and then sliding across the screen to answer the call.


"Yoboseyo," I spoke into the phone and waited for the person to answer. There was silence for a good thirty seconds before he spoke.


"Did she get home safely?" His voice was low an seemed emotionless. I know he cares for her too. I can see it. He looks at her as though she's the only one in the world. And it makes me jealous. It makes me want to take her and hide her in my arms. She will be mine.


"Of course. I was with her. Why wouldn't she get home safely?" I scoffed slightly. Was it right to treat my best friend this way? Especially over a girl? But she's so much more than just a girl... She really is... The sound that alerted me that the call ended met my ear and I let out a scoff. This kid. You're like a brother to me, but I won't let you have her. You dot deserve her. She's mine.




And the drama begins! ^^ (P/s: if you didn't read the chapter I posted earlier this story will get a bit angsty)

I know this is super short, but yeah... I like to tease.... XD But I finally updated! Are you guys loving me? XD I am only temporarily back! I am super busy until November becaus of marching band, but I will try my very best to update again at least in two weeks, even though I am super busy. I hope you enjoyed this! Please be patient for the next chapter! ^^


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Updating MSM in two hours~ ^^


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914chelsea #1
Chapter 26: Pls uptade soon !!! It's a great story :-)
JellobaByNaekoYya #2
Chapter 24: I love thi story author - nim . Update soon ~^^
Hwaiting !!
Nylo-loves-kpop #3
Chapter 19: I love this story i Honestly cant wait for the next update its amazing CANT WAIT :D
Chapter 16: LOL I was not expectng Hyunshik to confess here omg XD I'm in love with the story!! update soon :)
Chapter 16: great update author-nim~ update soon as fast as you can.... ouh, and i miss you~~~
Chapter 15: Update soon~~ I'm in love with this story!!! >.<
Chapter 11: don't go anywhere Chaerin @@
Chapter 10: Kris is so selfish haha
Chapter 11: Update soon~ <3
Chapter 11: Such a great story~ Please update soon! I'll be waiting. ^^ Fighting!